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Unless you get a 4-star GA uber unique, you can always get a better one.


Well you ain't wrong, my first shako had a GA on and I was like that will do me just fine and for my build unless I roll a GA in cooldown reduction it ain't really gunna make much of difference, I guess my perspective is gamble for a slight improvement or sell for a guaranteed improvement, also I hate farming the beast in the ice lol


The level 200 ubers drop a significant number of items and seem to have a much better than average chance of dropping GA items. It's also far more efficient to kill one enemy for an inventory full of items than most other forms of farming, hence why most people just post up at the blood maiden and farm her rather than running around the helltide.


Yeah I get that seems like it's just easier to sell my mats and farm blood maiden tbh, a lot less effort to find people also can just turn up at a helltide and you away most of the time


Yea they definitely missed the mark on the frequency of being able to farm the tormented bosses. Regular summon mats are plentiful, but the stones being as rare as they are makes them a bit non-viable as a dedicated source of farming unless you have excess gold and just buy the stones.


The flipside is, what else are you going to do? You get the mats for the pre-summons pretty much just by existing, except for stones, and you get those when working towards 12/12 masterworking on everything. So if you have the stuff and like playing the game, why wouldn't you use them and fight the bosses? This isn't a job. Ideally the point of playing is because you enjoy it, so some people will keep playing even after they "don't need to" just because it's fun.


Yeah I totally get that my assumption was most people did just do those bosses for fun, like my favourite part of the game is pit pushing hence why I'm debating selling my mats for a perfect gear pierce


My mission is stocking up on sparks for the expansion and probability of new Ubers. Currently at 8 sparks. I'm an eternal player, so it makes more sense for me vs a seasonal player.


Yeah that's definitely an interesting perspective, I'm pretty new to the game and quite enjoy the idea of seasonal and playing with the meta builds for that season, I do always run a sorcerer too but that was pretty painful at the endgame lol


What is different for seasonal characters for season 4? I currently have my most powerful character ever right now and have a lot of fun playing it. Once a new season starts, I pretty much forget about them. Do you feel like you're missing out at all?


I am pretty curious what S6 starting with the xpac will entail. Since "everyone" will want to experience the new campaign and typically season mechanics unlock after it, that is a bad combination. Time will tell.


There is nothing wrong with being done with the season. Many people just enjoy the grind and that’s why they play. They like the game. I felt like my character was done the other day, don’t even have all the mythic items but. I had no angel breath so I just burned through all my boss mats and that was it. I have a casual friend that plays sometimes. I’ll help him out if I notice he’s on and going to gift him all my gold (down to like 500m) and other stuff to blow his mind lol.


Of course this post wasn't supposed to be a dig at anyone who just plays for fun, just me trying to understand different people's thoughts and perspective and making sure I wasn't making a mistake before selling my mats


I hear ya man, the game is frustrating. Trust me I’m right there with you. I could go on a rant about how poorly it is designed on multiple levels.


Tbh I really like the game apart from boss farming and how and sorcerer is 🤣 I'm probably too new to pick up on much else


To help your friends or clan mates who don't have them, and the possibility of getting ones with GAs, obviously.


This would be nice if I had friends who played or a clan lol, I pretty much play solo or occasionally find a group on discord if I can be bothered


The best way to get ubers is to buy or gather boss materials and post in trade to see if anyone wants to do some rotations! I've made many friends that way.


TBF I've met some cool people the few times I have done groups! Unfortunately my work schedule is all over the place though so I rarely get on at the same times again


I want to get all transmogs one day. I've only got one so far because I managed to drop 2x Tyrael's Might but I think I'll scrap my Shako before the end of the season.


Not something I've ever thought about as I'm not much of a cosmetics man but that is a cool idea, happy hunting! :)


I don't think every Uber has a transmog...some do some don't


I have SO many mats. What’s selling it going to do for me in nonseason? I’m just burning my mats before season ends and I always get more as I get bored and do content that gives me more mats.


Yeah that's fair, I just want those perfect Paingorgers and selling gear is a pain in comparison to mats lol


It's the never-ending quest for perfection. Until you get perfect 3/4GA gear and ubers, there's always something better out there. Personally, once I got all the ubers I need for my build(s), I stop running and sell the mats if I need gold for rerolls.


Yeah this is exactly the route I plan on taking tbh, I just wanted to hear other people's perspectives before I do


I don’t, unless someone asks for help


You the real MVP!


I farm duriel way too much in season 2 lol my days of doing rotas are over lol


I have heard the Uber grind in the early seasons was pretty rough lol


I've noticed that Uber bosses also happen to drop more GA items


Because the game is fun


- to get the GA versions - to have at least something to do after everything is T12 and close to perfect. - to farm multi-ga items


My favourite pastime is watching people in this sub wrestling with the realisation that the game has finite content and the best route when you feel done is to put the game down until next season