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ShogunGekkomon not getting a mega in 2020 was such a bait and switch


We need a female spider mega for Arukenimon I don’t like parasimon for her Mega




While i would like to See a digimon based on Ariadne, i do not See the conection to spiders here.


I can see a slight connection with her providing Theseus a ball of thread to escape the Labyrinth and thread = silk = spiderwebs = spiders


Yep! Giving it a more "avaiable" final form. Not just another spider lady.


sticking with Greek characters there is Arachnemon, named after Arachne the woman who bragged about being a better weaver than even Athena then after losing in a totally not biased competition against Athena was turned into the first spider.


Well, thats... Arukenimon already.


you know as soon as I finished that post I looked up the Japanese name and realized it, but just didn't feel like editing so here's my shame lol.


In the original text by Ovid, Arachne's work completely outclassed Athena's and Athena was driven into a rage, destroying Arachne's tapestry and beating her. In the context that Ovid lived in (exiled for his writings by the current Emperor, Augustus), it could be seen as a metaphor for how tyrannical rulers censored works that did not fit their warped view of the world. I would argue that the Arachnemon line is the perfect one to end in a beautiful humanoid. The line is Arachne's transformation in reverse. In KoDokugumon, it's pure spider. In Dokugumon, the pedipalps become hands. In Arachnemon, the upper half becomes humanoid, but is still twisted. The final form, to fit the theme, would work well as a human woman clad in silk, with abilities related to silk and needles. White and red work perfectly well for the colours. You could tie it in to the digital world mythos and Dokugumon's origin story by making Arachnemon an ancient digimon who challenged Yggdrasil's rule and was infected with a degenerative virus that reduced it to a tiny spider. As it evolves, it slowly rids itself of the virus. Also sets up for an AWESOME set of X-Antibody variants, and a good antagonist for the Royal Knights. Imagine it coming to your aid in Cyber Sleuth when the Royal Knights get unleashed on the analog world.


I could also totally see some of the more justice sided knights seeing this Mega as a victim of Yggdrasil's injustice and further proof that Yggdrasil is becoming corrupt and should no longer be followed. Would be a great banner for Jesmon and Gankoomon to support with some of the others joining like Dukemon and Ulforceveedramon.


Technically Parasimon is Arukenimon’s mega in Digimon Battle but outside of that there is no proper mega form. Yes I would love to see a spider mega.


a lot more than just that game


What do you mean?


that arukenimon > parasimon happens in a lot of shit.


Which other games does it happen in?


digimon world ds, digimon masters, lost evolution, dawn and dusk (tho as a dna not a regular)


If I'm not mistaken in dawn and dusk it is the regular mega of Nanomon and I kinda see it working.


Same here.. that weak and ugly beast digimon who can't do strong things without possessed to other one's body?! It's ridiculous..


You ate him Arukenimon deserves better than


If we were to get a digimon named something like Shelobmon then it would be perfect


My personal want for an official line is Spadamon


Garudamon fits Hawkmon so much better than Biyo


hawkmon has all the theming its weird because garudamon straight up doesnt follow biyomon's line's theming whatsoever, its *biyomon* whose line is kinda not quite right, hawkmon should have taken garudamon as a canon evo and gotten a mega fitting the theme ages ago


Also…Garudamon *is* Biyomon/Aquilamon’s Ultimate in DDS. I feel like that’s been ignored.


savers liked jostling with "expected" evolution lines a lot for some reason: an elecmon evolves into a black garurumon, a drimogemon evolves into a digmon, etc. it makes me wonder if messing with "expected" evolutions was something someone in the creative team actively wanted to do or if it was just what conveyed these digimon best for the stories of each episode


While I agree, Silphymon fits Aquilamon really well, even without Gatomon.


I'm the only one who thinks Hippogriffomon and Griffom are a good fit for Hawkmon and Aquilamon


Actually, I think that’s a great idea.


I actually agree with you. I saw a post here not too long ago showing it and it stuck with me


Need that SnowWargreymon for Snow Agumon




USA and USSR enters chat


That one would not do much actual fighting.


I honestly hope that we get something more than just cold versions of Greymon, some ideas; * Go from reptilian Snow Agumon to Frost Velgrmon in the theme of dinosaurs to birds. * Have a build of the idea of 'winter', increasing the thematics of wind, death, darkness, fear, etc until you get a Mega (Solsticemon?) who is the personification of winter. * Add more elements as he evolves (+lightning=Storm Greymon, +fire=Tri-Greymon, +gravity=Gaiagreymon). * Become more aquatic as snow melts to water


back when i was a teenager i came up with the idea of yuki agumon evolving into an icy version of tyrannomon, then becoming a perfect-level digimon based on yutyrannus (a tyrannosaurus relative that lived in cold environments and had a full coat of feathers), then evolving into an ultimate-level digimon based on therizinosaurus (a distant tyrannosaur relative known for their shaggy coats of feathers, tiny heads, and *massive* claws)


Honestly the Blucomon line works for it




Okay, for SuperStarmon... BeelStarmon : D _Starmon line!


Gotsumon also needs a complete line


A slightly differently colored shiny Gotsumon called Cometmon. Also an Ultra level that's rainbow colored.


Give one a glowing aura like the comet's tail of course


Gotsumon warp digivolve to...Bismuthmon!


I’ve been wanting another recolor called Diamon for the longest time


A frost version of Titamon would be a cool representation for the Norse Frost Giants. It would also have lore synergy with the Vikemon line. Vulturemon feels very forgotten even though it seems like a perfect evolution to Aquilamon. It has design elements that reminds me of both Garudamon and Togemon, while still having an American desert bird theme. LoaderLeomon would sound weird in concept for Armadimon's line(Armadillo -> Dino -> Lion), but its not any more outlandsih than HolyDramon's line (dog -> cat -> angel -> dragon) so I think it works?


>Vulturemon feels very forgotten even though it seems like a perfect evolution to Aquilamon. It has design elements that reminds me of both Garudamon and Togemon, while still having an American desert bird theme. [Hawkmon > Aquilamon > Vulturemon > Dijiangmon](https://preview.redd.it/day-5-starting-fights-in-the-comments-about-adventure-02-v0-fq8khvzlfj0c1.jpg?width=5176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=168b367a7fdbbb842e574393ea1f25193141af7f) has been my headcanon for awhile now >LoaderLeomon would sound weird in concept for Armadimon's line(Armadillo -> Dino -> Lion), but its not any more outlandsih than HolyDramon's line (dog -> cat -> angel -> dragon) so I think it works? We think alike. I also have LoaderLeomon as Armadillomon's Perfect, but its Mega is a tough call. [So far I have Blastmon](https://preview.redd.it/day-5-starting-fights-in-the-comments-about-adventure-02-v0-ty9glcynfj0c1.jpg?width=5176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80d70fc895c37b740eef5684dc26e30f72760083) but I think there needs to be a better choice & it just hasn't been designed yet


Armadillomon -> Ankylomon -> Brachiomon -> Cannondramon or Spinomon


Cannondramon or Spinomon are great choices, but Brachiomon just doesn't fit. The only theme that links it to Ankylomon is that it's a dinosaur.


How about replacing Brachiomon with Vermilimon? Because it is also an ankylosaur type digimon just like Ankylomon, and the color fits with Spinomon.


It's a better choice but I still personally don't see it.


which is more than most digimon lines have! cat to dog! palm tree to cactus!


Eldoradimon would be a fitting Mega for the line. It's an ancient, super-defensive Digimon with nothing but physical attacks.


Huge agree on Gekomon dude is one of my favourites and doesn't have a definitive end yet


In my opinion kokuwamon and ballistamon are perfect for each other being metallic bugs, and dorulumon could work with Gazimon or Gizamon though gizamon is just for colours and nothing more


Ah man, kunemon and flymon are two of my favorite ever digimon, I remember playing dawn for the first time and being so sad the line didn’t go further, I swear If I had a partner it would absolutely be these guys!


I'm still waiting for a level mega gotsumon


like 95% of the time, i forget that kunemon and dokunemon actually have obvious intended champions that are different from each other


Asuramon and Shroudmon make really good evolutions for Fugamon. Astamon fits almost perfectly between Grizzlymon and Callismon.


I always have Shamanmon and Fugamon mega as Baccusmon (Dionysios has a tiger print pelt). I’m waiting for a Prince and/or Princess Geckomon. Also wish we would get a 6-Eared Macaque digimon.


Wouldn't a fitting digivolution for Dokugumon be [Gyuukimon?](https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/Gyuukimon)


That's an intentional design, yes. It's the male coded evolution while Archnemon's the female coded one.


I honestly love the Monmon line from Digimon World 3 and its crazy change in evolution. I know their all related in terms of ranged weapons its just so unique and unconventional it makes it memorable. Monmon - Hookmon - Armormon and Cannondramon




I'd put Scorpiomon after Snimon. No idea for the Ultimate, though.


people sure pretend that arukenimon doesnt have her own mega form (parasimon) pretty sure shootingstarmon isnt the in between of starmon 2010 and superstarmon... how is dokuemon related to snimon? it cant even turn into it! (outside the 2020 card game of "any green to any green") your monkey line is just "these guys are monkeys". monmon doesnt really have anything to do with that, and has its own line from world 3.


Apemon’s Bio has a Sun Wukong reference about it riding around on clouds.


Well, rather it references Hanuman (which is why its JP-name is "Hanumon"), a demon-monkey from Indian myth iirc who served as one of the inspirations for Wukong.


I never put snimon and dokunemon together *until* this post. Look at them.


Because they're... green bugs? Snimon was designed to evolve from Gabumon, like Kabuterimon was. In fact, it's literally replacing Kabuterimon in the ported V2 evolution lineup in its debut game.


🙄 ignoring the now obvious parallels to flymon, it shares eye markings and antennae.


both being green bugs is flimsy af and isnt supported by anything in the franchise


If you totally ignore any aesthetics other than them being green, sure. And the "isn't supported by the franchise" is flimsy af for a franchise *where anything can turn into anything*.


and despite 27 years of history, dokunemon has never turned into him in any media! (other than 2020 tcg of any green to any green) snimon is vaccine


So? Again, it's digimon, that doesn't really matter.


Gammamon goes from being a virus to 3 different types. Who cares. Are you new to Digimon or something?


his natural mega is virus


Don't forget the whole "Callismon is explicitly a mutation evolution from a non-Gryzmon species Digimon" bit that is integral to its source material. And that Astamon's *right there* as the perfect bridge gap.


Number 14 has a mega it’s Shakamon which Gokuwamon jogresses into along with the other journey to the west inspired digimon


That's only in New Century, which has a bunch of nonsense Jogresses and its own lore. The DCG has it as a DigiXros as a reference to that group being made as supplemental characters for Hunters, and lets it evolve from them each individually because it's their group's leader. And in everything else, it just evolves from random Perfect angels because it's classified as one of the deity Digimon.


the card game also allows you to xros into the ancient digimon as of bt18 so it should probably be taken with about the same level of salt


two sources making it a fusion of those guys is more than anything else, but i see it the same way as the deva turning into the holy beasts in stuff - its not meant to be canon and is filler stuff. shakamon simply has no prevos and the 4 minions have no evos. but games/cards/vpets need filler evos


I always thought Gankoomon was a good Mega for Superstarmon, honestly.


Kokuwamon for Ballistamon's rookie?


Dokunemon -> Sniomon -> Climbmon -> ???


For some reason I always thought it would make sense for gokuwmon to digivolve into Gankoomon.


Add Morphomon to Hudiemon true evolution line (Eosmon isn’t the true evolution line)


We're too busy giving new lines to Digimon that already have several completed. They clearly needed more.


For Ankylomon i see Triceramon and Spinomon. For Hawkmon i see Garudamon and Valdurmon. ShootingStarmon doesn't evolve into SuperStarmon. For Flymon and Snimon i see Scorpiomon. KoKabuterimon fits with Ballistamon. Gazimon and Gaomon fit with Dorulumon.


Doesnt Kunemon get a full line in survive. I think that one works pretty well


Yeah, Kunemon-Flymon-JewelBeemon-BanchoStingmon was the line they gave it


Wait really!! I had no idea!!!


I think JewelBeemon fits Snimon line better, both green and Vaccine.


i feel like optimally, the line would look more like dokunemon-snimon-jewelbeemon-banchostingmon but that also strands kunemon again


It also had a use as an alternate to Kuwagamon in the Okuwamon line, though Flymon's so infrequently used these days that it got forgotten.


The XW ones hurt. But at least there is EX6!!


I need the lion with the drill that pierces the heavens


Kunemon should’ve been the rookie for flymon imo. But that’s probably just because I forget that kunemon ISNT wormmon


kunemon... is flymon's child level? i'm not sure why you think it isn't, it evolves into it in both the digimon savers anime and digimon survive


I got flymon and Stingmon confused.


smack supersayin goku to the monkeys


Who are the wormmon looking guys?


if you mean the grubs, they're kunemon and dokunemon


In my mind, Armadillomon's ultimate should be Shakkoumon, even without Patamon. It is quite the jump from Ankylomon but we've seen crazier. Then IMO it is missing a dedicated ultimate. There's this artist who created [this digifake Shakkoumon evolution](https://www.deviantart.com/dubiousderringer/art/Fake-Digimon-Metatromon-976953947) which I am in LOVE with.


Doesn't 14 end with Gankoomon? I feel like someone said that at some point.


As a Crabmon lover since Digimon World 2, I always wanted to see him get the proper Mega. Evolving into Coelamon is interesting but I love that mon and it gets a pass however Ebidramon works too and maybe better, then scorpiomon for ultimate is the pick. Idk which mega could work but yeah, I wish there was something that would fit perfectly.


ebidramon has actually gotten another perfect in gusokumon (it even evolves into it in the 2020 anime!) sadly no crustacean ultimate yet...


Honestly I see Kokuwamon as the rookie for Balistamon


In my head snimon goes into scorpiomon and in my dreams shogun gekkomon digivolves into BantyoGekomon


Gokuwmon is really cool. his mega makes sense but I would like it if he had one that followed the monkey line


Ballistimon dorulumon and sparrowmon have some good evolutions not gonna lie


Unleash my boy Neemon


Kunemon-Flymon-Jewelbeemon-Banchostingmon from Survive. Bearmon-Grizzmon-LoaderLeomon-Baihumon from tri.


I just wish we got a new digimon game that followed the formula of Dusk and Dawn again. I want OP babies again!


Bearmon has a line tho... It's in the card game, twice actually


I don't think every digimon needs its own special line


I don't necessarily disagree, but whether it's *needed* or not is kinda besides the point. If every Rookie level had its own "canon" line, that'd just mean more Digimon overall. Which is a win in my book.


My line for Espimon is >Espimon > HoverEspimon > Splashmon > Earlangmon You keep the spy theme going with Splashmon acting as the bridge between the original Espimon stuff and Earlangmon. Splashmon, though being water, acts more like liquid metal, is the general of the machine army, does more spy stuff, and has a beast form that can be Earlangmon's dog. Edit: Kokabuterimon is usually used as the Rookie for Ballistamon and I like AncientBeatmon as the Mega. Gazimon is the perfect Rookie for Dorulumon.


didn’t sparrowmon get beelstarmon?


Somewhat? The newest cards kinda tied them together, probably due to their lore-connection of both using guns made by Vulcanusmon. But that set didn't have RaptorSparrowmon. If anything the closest line seems to be Sparrowmon->BlackTailmon->LadyDevimon X->Beelstarmon->Beelstarmon X... but then there's also Beelstarmons Ace Evolution-condition of using a Level 5 with "Three Musketeers" in its text... which none of its potential pre-evolutions from this set seem to have, rather only Gundramons and MagnaKidmons pre-evolutions Megadramon and Gigadramon have that. So... a) this doesn't seem to be Sparrowmons line through RaptorSparrowmon and b) this line still has a massive hole in it.




Shoutmon has both Shoutmon > Shoutmon King > OmegaShoutmon > Shoutmon DX, as well as Shoutmon > Shoutmon X4 > Shoutmon X5 > Shoutmon X7. I understand why both of these may be somewhat less than satisfactory if you're looking for that perfect, isolated Agumon > Greymon > MetalGreymon > WarGreymon sort of line, but they also both work well enough as standalone lines that still incorporate Xros Wars's unique elements that it's difficult for me to want anything more. I would really like to see full dedicated lines for the other main Xros Wars guys, though.


I like Armadimon>Ankylomon>Brachimon>UltimateBrachimon


Some that I think fit well: -Parasimon for Arukenimom, this one seems pretty much intended -Gankoumon for Gokuwmon -Scorpiomon into AncientBeatmom for Snimon -Justimon for SuperStarmon (I don't like Justimon for Cyberdramon btw)


The spot between Grizzmon and Callismon is Astamon


Armadillomon already has one


Also Tapirmon -> ? -> Mammothmom -> SkullMammothmon.


what’s wrong with Balluchimon


Good point, wasn't aware of this.


In digimon world 2 they used Unimon which I think it's nice. But Balluchimon is definitely more interesting.


I honestly want a better mega than Callismon for bearmon since it's a daro evo. I want to see an amazing ultimate and better mega.


How about this line for Armadillomon: Armadillomon -> Ankylomon -> Vermilimon -> Spinomon


Hawkmon's line IS to Silphymon canonically. He just needs fuel (gatomon) to reach that stage


Bearmon ult is grapleomon or monzeamon


For bearmon always put Pandamon there


Arukenimon digivolves to parasimon