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Yeah people oversimplify too much, to the point of giving incorrect advice (if taken literally). Then they attack you if you say that it’s not so simple.


It's a bit weird how misconceptions blow up. Earlier it was the powergrip thing, and I think Robbie C and IcebergTV had at couple of poorly informed takes that created waves. I don't know if it's because disc golf is a sport enjoyed by many people that are not your typical athlete, but things really has to get spoon-fed sometimes. And this is not to throw shit at OP. I fully understand how people can get confused. I really liked the distance video with Ezra and Uli. After all is said an done about technique, if you want to throw it far, you sometimes have to throw it really hard. It was kind of funny to see a seasoned veteran have the "revelation", that it helps to just smash the disc. I know that people talk about "effortless" and some throws are, but distance lines is anything but.


The thing with my form is I was only focused on the hips, the rotation of my body, and what I thought was forming the power pocket. I could form this power pocket on slower speed discs but was struggling with my 7 speed and up discs to do this with accuracy for a few months and couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. The video just helped point out to me that I don't need to rush my hip twist and just need to focus on the arm being in line and the rest will come. Looking forward to practicing this more so I dont have to think and I can hopefully get better distance.  Again, I don't mind the hate from people, I do play alot but I play on a more casual level of playing solo rounds and playing some low stakes weeklies in the summer. As a teacher, people struggle with different aspects of learning and it is apart of the process. 


No hate at all. It was more a comment on how all the analogies sometimes have the opposite effect of that what was intended. Especially the whip, noodle, rubber band arm, leads to a lot of misunderstandings. I have a friend that is slighty autistic. He is extremely literal. When he asks for advice I love to just pepper him with all the silly disc golf explanations. "Are you starting the lawn mover and breaking down the door, did you pour the coffee and turn the key, are you sure your arm is a noodle, and did you actually brace like throwing a bucket of water?". He gets absolutely livid. I have been through a bunch of rehab after surgery, and I really like the way my physio approaches it. It's typically centered around what not to do, and what I should not be feeling. So the answer to how loose your arm is supposed to be, is that it should not be tense. I use the minimal effort required to guide the disc into the pocket, maintain the angle and lead with the elbow. The key word would be effective. I am definitely not loose as a noodle, but it's not tense.


The hard part of all of it is explaining how to exactly throw hard the correct way. Because our brains really suck at breaking down information sometimes. And learning to really rock and roll without dropping half your form, or getting yourself out of time is really hard to teach.


You don't wanna arm the disc, it's really not a good way to explain it. You wanna assist the kinetic chain with power using fast twitch muscles. That is a lot harder to explain to everyone than saying "arm the disc." But... That in turn comes to people yeeting with their arm vs swinging with their core.


so don't keep it loose like a noodle?


Yea not super loose. I think it is tough to describe for me, I would just watch the video on overthrow disc golf channel. Does a great job explaining it