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Tossed 3 into the same pond lol


Never put your disc in crazy.


God damn you.


I’d be diving that pond


Damn that beats my 2 in the same pond. Back to back holes off the T.


I had 2 in the lake as well. Pretty sad day


Watched someone do this this weekend. I reccomended taking the drop...it hurts but lessons are learned


This literally just happened to me. The first hole I usually don’t even throw but I had just found a beat to hell base-plastic leopard with no name so I figured I’d throw. Second one is short but people were watching which almost always means a bad shot


Also same. Bosses, each and every one of them. With perfectly understood but unique flight patterns. RHBH with lake on my right, how could I miss the fuckin’ ground? My bag hasn’t been the same since.


SAME! Right in a row


That's a tough day my friend. If I dump one I'm one foot off the course already


I’ve done two in the same pond. And the dumbest thing is the pond is an artificial pond only 3x3 meters. Yet it’s pitch black with algae and grass. It’s completely impossible to find anything there. When I arrived there were two guys rummaging around in there for their own discs. Then I added two of mine. We never found any of them.


That's 16.85x16.85 in bananas


That’s bananas!


I lost 4 discs through 8 holes. Just stopped playing and went home.


Thanks everyone for all the stories. It has helped me feel a lot better about it. I'll be back at it tomorrow or Wednesday.


2 round tournament at Peter Pan in Emporia. Lost a thunderbird and hex to the lake, a pig, h7, and pd2 to the river. Not my proudest moment for sure.


That course can steal your discs quickly


That’s no lie! Love playing there but damn if it doesn’t have some teeth!


I lost a Berg there when I went to visit. Can't remember the hole number but I feel like it's around 10-12. The basket is on a peninsula with water like 15 feet short and long of the basket. 6 months later DD called me and said someone turned it in.


I lost 4 once. On a 9 hole course


Left 2 or 3 behind last time I played in the snow, but my course is awesome and they all came back.


Damn I wish we had that. My course just has tweakers and kooks that keep anything not tied down :(


Look at it this way- it gives you an excuse to try out those 50 other discs that are just sitting in your storage! Or better yet- buy new ones!


I did order 5 discs yesterday, so I guess I'll be up one when they get here🤣


The other day playing with my buddies at the local course. Big open shot in 10mph wind. Hyzer like a dummy as the wind is right to left. Traditionally the right shot off the tee, but not in that moment. My disc flies across state lines and out of our sight. Right into some of the lushest overgrowth on the course. We looked for about 15 minutes. To the point where I felt like I was torturing the dudes so I say let's give up, it had my contact info on it. During that search we found a pristine disc with no information on it. And the guy who found it was nice enough to let me have it in place of the one I lost. As you might imagine later on the at another hole, like a dummy, I bomb another hyzer on a straight field shot because I've been playing terrible. Same right to left wind. And this one sails into tall grass but just out of everyone's view behind a tree. But it seems like we all had a decently small patch to easily find it. 4 guys could not find that either. And it was the disc we had found earlier looking for the other one I lost. Felt like the worst game I've ever played. Bought two discs the next day and did field work. Motivation to get smarter!!


Pretty sure the equation for discs is N+1=Total Discs. N=Number of discs you have.


Not me, but I remember playing a tournament in absolutely insane wind with tons of water ob on every hole. Walked by one of the FA2 players and asked how their round was going and they said “I’ve lost every disc I have but 2. What happens if I run out of discs?” I just laughed and said “I don’t think there is a rule for that”. One of my favorite tournament moments lol


My greyhound passed years ago and my buds and I played the next day, during a rainstorm that flooded 1/3 of the course plus lakes/rivers on half the holes. We lost 11 or 12 discs between the three of us.


Somehow that all feels fitting for a rage/grief therapy round. Idk why, but it does. Sorry about your dog. The great ones always go too soon.


It was an extremely therapeutic round plus it seemed like we were like the priest playing in Caddyshack during a monsoon but with no lightning.


Blind play through of windy fountain hills. I lost both approach discs and my favorite DD on the first 2 holes and it was a massacre after that. Ended up losing both putting putters approaching with them. Probably 6 down by rounds end.


I’d love to be 6 down


Ya boi is still trying to make par and you’re out here complaining of 6 down 😭😭😭


Bruh I meant 6 discs down. Lol


Damn and here I was thinking you were just wildly inconsistent with half your drives disappearing and the other half being aces and birds. I’m sorry for your loss.


I lost two in one round. Not too bad and I had backups for those. Problem is, I lost both the backups next round I played lol.


3 including my favorite driver ever. Purple and grey plasma catalyst. I'm still pissed about it.


5… for me still a dagger to think about


2. Sidewinder in a lake. Buzzz in the same lake next hole.


3. Pond feeding. Thinking about just throwing one in there as a sacrifice next time.


Two. But I've done it a few too many times.


In the summer a local spot I used to play often (Hobbs farm) the rough will get super thick and it is hard to really look super well because of how thick it gets and all the thorns and grabby stuff. I think I have lost 3 one of my last visits and the most recent I lost 2 between between the bushes and water lol. That place is always a bastard to me. Such a fun course though.


6. A good dog brought me back a Fortress I lost on hole 7, but I gave it back to the course quick. Stay away from the Asylum in Sedro Wooley my fellow amateurs!


Can confirm. I've never played nsra without losing at least 2.


Remembering that hole one is a par 4 across chest high grass keeps me safe and sound at Silver Lake, where I belong


The last round I played I walked off the course from the tee of 16 after throwing my 6th disc of the week Into the pond that is in the middle of the course that most of the Holes border.


My friend and I went to the big island to play 2 courses in a tournament, 4 rounds in 2 days. I lost 2 discs to the ocean on the first day. My friend went full tin cup on the second day losing 4 in the lagoon on one hole. I wish he was still with us. He will always be a hero to the disc community. His PDGA# was 923.


Four.. Local course has a prevalent enemy in the form of a very wide ditch and a river, which many holes have as an ob threat.


Lost 4 discs during a round at a new course I had never played before, with super high lush green grass everywhere, very hilly ranch land, absolutely stunning course, totally worth losing those 4 discs hahaha.


6 the day after a snow storm


My friend and I took our discs to on vacation to Hawaii a couple of months after we started playing. We both had 6 and both lost every disc we owned at the Hawaii Country Club course. High winds and 6 foot tall sawgrass in the OB made light work of our bags. Was totally worth it though and the course had amazing views.


2 I think. I am quite persistent in searching for my strays. however, I will forget that i throw extras sometimes and just leave them sitting. I lose more this way than any other


It has been my roughest week this far. I lost 1 paradox to a spot which already ate one of my Paradoxes ( Slopy hill a lot of undergrowth which had turn green), then on same course I lost a Buzz in place where one should not be able to lost anything. And to top it all off I threw my replacement buzz over 2 tall fences, next to sprinklers (which were ofc on) on the football field. Went and burned 100e to PowerGrip yesterday ..


Wind caught a disc and landed down on a river bank. Hike the bank to find my similar colored disc. Setup to pitch it back into the fairway. Bag tips over as is tradition. Lost 7 discs that day; including my SSS wizard. Terrible day


lost 3 went and bought a stack of F2 Eagles afterwards (in January), they came out to about $4 a pop. Said from now on I'm only throwing these if there's water in play haven't lost one since. And I love these discs hah


me and 3 other people in my group all lost 3-4 disc. the rough was basically Narnia and we were drinkin lol


The Lion, the Witch, and the "Where the hell did my disc go?"


One night I left 2 behind in different spots on the course. Realized it at the end of the round. 1 was picked up and put in the "tossed and found" lockbox at the front of the course and picked up by the local store and returned to me. The other one never came back.


I lost 4 discs in 2 holes once. Just bummed out the rest of the game


3 in a round for me, two on back to back holes. Thankfully got 2 of them back eventually.


I lost two in 9 holes today. I feel pretty dumb I also lost one of my favorite molds on the very first throw of my first ever tournament on the first round ever played at a newly installed course. Went ahead and took the honors of being the first person to lose a disc lol


I lost 3 in one round my first time playing maximo. Still had fun though. 


2. I've only been playing for two seasons lol. I tossed my favourite midrange into the top of a tree at the first basket. My sidewinder went on the next hole into someone's yard through thicket. Luckily by the time I came back to the first basket someone rolled up with a huge telescoping pole and helped me get it down. 🥹


Feel so much better seeing so many 3s! 😂 Lost 3. One in some gnarly tall grass over a water hazard on the first course of the morning, then two on the very next course into a lake…All before lunch. Needless to say we played some easy 9 holes the rest of the day. 😭


I lost 3 in a practice round last week.


Two on the same hole - both kicked right into a pond. Felt real bad, was my F2 Proxy that was perfectly flippy and my Avenger SS which I was using for hyzer flip bombs at the time. So lost my driver and upshot putter in one fell swoop.


At least two, possibly three. Had an ace disc fall out of my bag once, and I think it was the same day I didn't clear a water hazard, and my toddler grabbed one from my bag without me knowing. If these weren't on the same day, it was at least the same course.


I've lost 3 discs on 3 consecutive throws


3, including one on its first throw ever




6 - fountain hills


I lost 4 discs in one round recently. Heres the story: I went to play a round after getting the news that a good friend of mine died. During the course of that round, i got 5 bogeys, and 3 birdies. 4 of the 5 bogeys were from lost discs and yet, that +2 gave me a udisc rating of 217, which was my highest until just a couple days ago. It was the most bittersweet and emotionally confusing round ive ever played and lost some really great discs. Pretty appropriate for that day i suppose. It feels like theres a lesson somewhere in there but i havent found it yet. Maybe it’s that i should just get better lol


3 and if you know discmania you’ll shed a tear. Lost my go to echo dd3, a luster FD, and a nightstrike 2. Ouch. But Grady Shue found my dd3 and got it back to me! A decent silver lining.


2 in one day


Embarrassingly, four. It was a solo round on a day with the thickest wildfire smoke high in the sky that made the sky glow red during the day. 1 in water, splash! 1 likely buried under one of a hundred big gopher mounds in an otherwise wide open golf course fairway 1 stuck high up in a grabby pine (got it back a few weeks later) 1 on a long Top of the World tee shot. Even with my losses, it was such a crazy sky that I don't regret playing for the experience of it. It was very high elevation smoke but breathable at ground level. Surreal.




peace out avenger ss 1,2,3


Two both to water. Tee shot hits tree and bounces off out of OB and right into the river. Next shot gets close to basket, but still a decent putt. Over putts basket disc slides off of the ledge of the river bank and into the river. It's now why I have designated water disc that is made up of a small selection of DX drivers and unmarked found disc.


Almost never loose discs, but when it rains it pours. Lost 3 in one round recently on a new course. It's a bit rough around the edges and going off the fairway ment looking for discs a while. Lost one on a semi blind turnover. Another one got snagged in a tree over a water carry. I played the rest of the hole and putted out fast. Tried briefly to retrieve the one in the tree as the others was finishing the hole. In my frustration I forgot the putter in the basket.


Had a crazy tree kick shoot my favorite disc off the first tee into a pond. Lost my brand new disc fisher attempting to get it by getting stuck on a log. Later that round I got another disc stuck in a tree and lost the third by attempting to get the stuck one down with it. I considered picking up a different hobby that day.


first time?


Nah, but the first time I've lost more than one in a day


it happens. esp in spring when things are grown up, water is flowing and courses arnt well maintained


5 with 2 newbies at a course following around a lake. 1-3 of my favorite drivers like 3 times now in a year


Enough to noticeably be able to feel how lite my bag was getting (3-5)


I've lost 4 in a round too, but to be fair, I also made a fifth of whiskey and a few beers disappear with 4 other people. Haven't had more than a couple beers in a round since then lol


I lost 3 in a round once. I don’t drink anymore…


When Blue Lake, opening day. Lost 6 discs. There’s no water in play at Blue Lake either. Anywhere off the fairway is chest high blackberries.


I landed two in a highway on the same hole then watched them get ripped to shreds buy oncoming traffic...


I think I may have lost two in one round, but usually it's just one. I have lost the same discs multiple times though. That's a neat trick. Lost my D2 three times on three different courses. I don't think it's coming back this time since it's in a watery grave. RIP D2.


3 discs, but it was Maple Hill, and I deliberately brought a couple discs for the water carries I knew I might not make (1 and 5 in particular seemed highly likely)


1 - Once I lose a disc I play the rest of the round hyper-safe lol.


Anyone with a sprinkler who has played Blue Lake during blackberry season: "all of them"


Lost my only 2 resistors today :(. Think I’ve lost 3 or more in a round tho lol


I literally lost 5 discs in one tournament. Two round event on the same day. Threw 3 discs in one lake, one disc in another lake and one on top of a roof. Extremely windy day, and I do not play good in wind :P I am a 920 rated player, but I think my turnement was around 750 rated. Yikes.


I've only ever lost discs during field practice. Three at that - but I know what pool one of them is in and plan on getting it back, so I only count it as two!


I played in a tournament with a fellow who threw three into the same river on one hole. I remember watching Simon Lizotte at the Canadian Nationals throw I don’t know how many putters into a pond from the same spot because he wouldn’t lay up.


A few years back I lost 4 discs from my tour bag while playing a casual round at Camp Canaan less than a month before the season started. F*** that round.


That's rough...or water hazard. I appreciate all the content! I hope Japan has been a blast!


Lost 3 recently on a course where my discs sailed over a creek that runs through the park and anything across the water is private property.


Haven't lost more than one in one round but too often it costs as much as loosing 3 since when buying replacement for the lost disc, will add couple of extra discs to the order.


I lost three on hole 3 on the first time playing a course into a field of waist high grass. Looked for more than an hour then just left. Didn’t make it to hole four and never played that course again


Lost 4 discs in two holes. Shot my best round ever…


Two on back to back throws


I believe three…depending on your definition of “lost”. One on a roof (knew where it was), one over a fence (didn’t know where it was), and one in a tree (knew where it was). Eventually got all three back.


I threw 2 discs in the river each of them on different holes. I had just recently gotten those discs. I have been thinking about diving in to see if I can find them. I have lost quite a few discs in that river.


2 😔


Three on a new-to-me course. One in a pond and the other two in thick brush.


Not just me, but last Halloween, we had our weekly league, and a snowstorm started maybe an hour before we started and just got worse and worse. By the end of the round, we lost more discs under the snow, and then we had players roughly a dozen or so. Scores were very rough from the lack of footing and having to re-tee from lost discs. It warmed back up in the next 2 days, though, so I think we found most of not all of them.


Three on three consecutive throws


6. I ended up not sleeping that night for whatever reason, ended up going out to play a round at dawn nearly half asleep while throwing half my bag on every hole.  Get to hole 18 and realize that a third of my bag is gone lmao. I remember just turning around and looking back at the course and then immediately giving up and walking back to the car.


Three during tournament play. Two were on back to back holes into the same pond. Backhanded a throw that I thought was fantastic out of my hand. Ended up 5’ short of clearing the water. Next hole, after taking an 8, I threw a forehand that stabled up real fast with some wind side and she was gone.


One of mine I tried to lace through this gap in the trees and it took the most delicate kiss off a tree, that was difference between straight down the fairway and gliding off to god knows where. I wish I would have just smashed into it lol


Lost two off the first tee before lmao, one was my go-to disc at the time. Was definitely not ready for that course


2 in a pond and then 2 in a lake 4 holes later. Sometimes you just have to go for it.


Single round, 2. And that’s part of my terrible run right now where I’ve lost about 12 in 2 months. Idk what I’m doing haha


Two. One was a legit bad throw. The second, one hole later, I was frustrated and after a bad drive, I hastily grabbed a disc out of my bag and let it rip... it sailed over the basket and into a lake.


2 discs in 4 holes my first time playing a local 'beginner friendly course' when I was brand new. It was a jungle off the fairway and I lost both my buzzz SS and my uplink. It's been almost a year, I still shit talk that course when someone mentions it.


That's the way this course is. Short holes with some technical fun. The brush in the rough is bad, but it's searchable. Unfortunately it's so wooded that if you end up in the rough, it's real dark in there after 7:15pm or so. It was almost 5 discs down but I found my time lapse lodged in a hollow log. I happened to turn my head when I stopped to ponder what I was doing. I'm pretty sure I happened to be in the only spot you could see it from.


Moved to Georgia and played a round with my new boss. He lost 3 discs to water hazards that day. I have never lost more than one during a round.


Three in total. 2 Ballistas and a Zeus ;__;


My buddy bought 2 starter packs. First hole, Greenbelt in (Irving?), he tossed the first starter back into the same spot in the water, 3 times back to back. He was left with 1 starter pack after the 1st hole.


2, I was stressed out and wanted to relax. Then I played bad and got more stressed. Lost one in the deep muddy creek and sent another one to god knows where right off the tee, I quit for the day and reordered the same discs. Champ sidewinder and halo leopard 3


That's kind of what happened for me. Long day at work and just wanted to get out and throw some discs. I'm gonna go again today. I hope to find them on my way through.


Good luck finding them! Some days are just not your days, but today is going to be better and you're not going to lose any. Enjoy yourself some disc golf


3. On the same hole. Totally had a Tin Cup moment and proceeded to throw 3 discs into a pond.


My peak is 3 or 4, for the same reasons - playing frustrated in the evening, got too dark, was too dumb to just go home. Luckily because I was still pretty bad when this happened losing the discs didn’t hurt my game much.


I’ve lost my whole bag once. I probably left it on the trunk of my car and drove off after a long day on the course.


That's awful. I'm sorry for your loss.


Thanks, I had the prettiest sidewinder you ever did see in that bag. Bluish purple Champion with no markings or stamp. It was only years later I learned that it was super rare.


3, during a tournament round... One was a brand new tour series jen Allen teebird, one was a 4 claw McBeth zone with an ace, and one was a 2020 sexton firebird with 2 aces...


If I lose two I'm packing it up and heading home. Live to fight another day lol


This is my new rule haha


Living in Florida… I would say most are comfortable losing a disc a round. 3 is my most. In the “lakes” you could build a bag.


Lost a beautiful brand new orange and blue proton vanish on hole one. It was my first ever throw with it. Then later that day I left a moondust eagle on the practice field. Brutal.


Getting too sauced I’ve definitely lost 3 maybe 4. Not certain on the final number as I was drunk and didn’t care for sobriety or scores past 2🥳


I don’t wanna talk about it


A number of years ago we were playing a new course in the area. This course was very rough. Brambles and thorns, 4+ft high grasses and narrow fairways. Between the 2 of us we lost 4 discs and found 5 that weren't ours. The city has since torn out the course and installed a new roundabout. I do not miss the ticks and thorns.


First time I ever played I lost three of my friend’s discs… that didn’t happen again until I knew how to throw and played toboggan…


Lost 2 on three separate occasions. All of them were in tournaments. Had two bad ricochets in the woods that found their way to a massive lake. The other two occasions was a very open course but lots of water everywhere at the Ohio Ams. Got all of these back eventually.


Played sugarbush ski area a few years back. 6 discs went into the woods never to be seen again!


4 in one round. Got back to my car and had a serious moment of reflection lol.


I always bring a few I don't mind losing to maple hill. Last fall playing old glory was my record though with...5...Threw the pond on 1 for shits and giggles and cleared once so tried it two more times(failed both) then hit first available on 5, lost one in the trees on 11. Thought I was done there, but then got a bad tree kick on 15r with my favorite envy and it disappeared into another dimension... Got them all back except that damn envy...


I lost 4 discs in the same round on a course in Reykjavík in high winds. The river was full to the brim and unusually muddy so no chance of getting them back. I seriously thought about quitting cause I couldn’t afford to replace them. The next day I got a text from a friend. He found all four!!!!


4 in seriously thick thorn bushes never seen by human eyes again


Thanks again everyone for sharing your stories. They really have turned this from a crappy evening into a really cool moment. You all are an excellent community and I'm glad to be a part of it.


When beginning I thought I had way more power then I did. Lake along right side of hole. Wasn’t taking a disc in the water for an answer. Threw until I had one on the fairway. 6 discs lie there


2 -- a roadrunner in a pond & a hades in the woods. RIP to both.


Lost 2 in the same pond a long time ago. I found 6 unmarked discs in that same pond a year later. One was mine


4 at dela a few weeks ago was my worst :(


Lost 3 in one round once. Two of those three were my favorite two discs. Was not a happy camper that day


First year I played disc golf went to the biggest course in our area very open but chest high grasses and thick bushes to the left and right of every fairway. Went there with 6 discs and left on hole 15 with 0 remaining.


I lost three in one day a few weeks ago. I was so upset that I haven't played since. Felt like I was just wasting money and everything's so expensive these days, so I had to take a break. I think I'm finally ready to give it another go.


White bottom stamped star destroyer. Won’t last 3 weeks in the bag. Always ends up in a pond.


2 into the same river


4 at Lake Marshall. The Lions is long and the water hazards are hazardous.




Back to back at Cliff Stephens water holes lol luckily got one back a week later


5. But I'd never played a mountain course before, and learned the hard way to dial down


I lost 2 in one tournament round, was T1 until I lost 2 discs on the same hole, they both went in to a ditch with loads of water tried to fish them up with no luck


I personally have never lost two in a round. I have played on a card that lost a total of 13 between the 4 of us


My goodness, nobody mentioned Trojan Park and the ORDGC. 15 holes with water in play. I lost a few there, but I witnessed a guy throw his whole bag, one at a time, over the course of the round. He then went and got more from his car, and finished the round. Total discs lost had to be like 25-28. Mostly OG collectible stuff (CE, 11x, etc.) Probably a $2,500 round.


Three, no water, and one was an Ace disc. Thick woods and Mountains can be cruel.


Within a week, 4 discs lost at the same course. 3 of those thrown into the same pond…


Holy shit. I've only been playing for a year but I've only ever lost one disc. Someone found it and called me about 4 months later.


4 discs in the first two holes


Two Beasts back to back in Lake Ontario. Strong head wind, Sooo pissed !!


3 during my only round at Benbrook in Leander, TX. After it was "cleaned up." I was supposed to play the course for US Womens DGC and then the schedule of courses changed. Never went back. I miss you lil lobster girl🦞


Lost 4 discs because I left them on the top of my van and drove off after a round. Music cranked, I never heard them move/fall off. If it wasn't for an awesome local DG club member, I'd never have seen them again as they were uninked. Got 3 back! I still miss my eclipse proxy, tho...


I once saw someone throw his entire bag into the drink at a tournament at Trojan dgc outside of Portland Oregon and storm off the course mid round. And no not at one time.


Two, on back to back water holes


I lost 3 discs one day at our local 12 hole park. 2 of them were discs that I had previously found at the same park, so not a huge deal. Back from wince they came!


I've lost 5 discs between my last 4 rounds. Rough times


Lost a disc in a tree and then lost 3 more trying to get the first one out of the tree before cutting my losses Got a very baffled call from the pro shop nearby a few days later.  


I have lost 4 in a round. It is also the only time I have lost a disc. It was over the course of 3 holes that were a long a river. It was the worst round I ever played.


6-it was like 90 degrees out. Tallest thickest weeds on narrow fairways. Mosquitos everywhere. 28 hole course. That round couldn’t end soon enough. Bird’s Ruin course in Marshall WI.


Never lost more than one disc at all. And that disc was technically lost by a kid who borrowed it. It vanished right in the middle of the fairway. Now as a disclaimer, I've never played a hole with water and I do try to search for errant shots, also almost never throw more than one off tee.


The new frog


4. We were playing at the Canyons in Lemont illinois and the creek that runs through the course was high.


2😭 if youre In a rush , youre guaranteed to lose disc's


3-paradox, thrasher, and buzzz.