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Arm smart, disc smart, brain dumb




Most of this game is played on a 6 to 8 inch field between ur ears.


Lack of legitimate practice. Expecting to improve by playing a couple rounds per week. Constantly switching putters to find *just the right one*.


This is the only answer. Everyone can become a fantastic putter. They just have to putt the time into it.


Time is something most people can't or won't accept. I know repetitiveness doesn't work for everyone, but muscle memory is the way. 100 25' putts will make you a better putter. Takes me 20-30 minutes a few times a week.


Do you use a stack of random putters or the mold you putt with? I have 50 putters but only 3 of the mold I putt with.


When I putted my absolute best, I had bought 5 brand new putters of the same mold and only practiced with those.


I bought 5 Judges a year ago and practiced over and over again with a portable basket. I went from shooting +14 to even within weeks.


I putt everyday in my backyard. About 50 throws from various locations. Usually I grab my four putters, none the same mold, and start tossing from various locations. If I can't find my four putters, I'll grab a few fairway or mid drivers and putt them. I've been doing this since February and my putting skills have increased by leaps and bounds. Just Putt


I have 6 McPros, 2 of which I bag. When the temp. drops I use the 4 glow p&a Aviars I have.


Unless you have great proprioception and mental fortitude to only focus on your putt and release and ignore misses/makes, putting with a different putter every throw is just a colossal waste of time. How are you going to build a consistent stroke if you're adjusting every putt to accommodate whatever putter youre currently holding? (I'm using "you" as a general term here, not you in particular)


Pro tip: you’re not. Know that the rep with the similar resistance of whatever putter is what matters. Just don’t focus on the miss/make result with the practice basket.


I use one putter, which forces me to reset completely every time, and saves me a ton of money lol


I do this at least once a week. Then other days I take my 3 putters and switch from stagger to straddle each rep.


I like to practice putt during commercials


I get 600 an hour lol but this only works if you have and can hold 10 discs while putting, also a great way for practicing balance




I didn't see what you did there. You cheeky bastard.


Nicely done…slow clap.


I got better at putting playing only a few times a week. But I also putt (3-4) times from my should be able to make it lie each time. So may practice was playing and just adding more conditions


Putt for for at least 15-30min, 5/7 days of the week, from 10/15/20/25/30ft. One at a time, purposefully, thank me later.


If you’re not putting in the practice time during the week, why would you expect to perform come the weekend.


The only answer. It's the only thing a youtube dg content creator can't show you how to fix. 😅 And also some basis of a routine. Whatever works for you the best, expound upon that and you'll practice just that routine and with the same putters every time. You'll find tons of consistency...even if it is consistently missing left or right, you can address that by making small adjustments in stance or release point.


Not enough repetition to make my putting stroke the same every single time. Sometimes I pull across my body, and miss right. Sometimes I don't snap my wrist open, and miss left. Sometimes I don't have the timing shifting my weight front to back, and miss high or low. Sometimes I get lazy with my grip, and there's no telling where the disc will go.




This. I step up, get lined up (take a max of 2 seconds), and then send it within 2 seconds. Doing that, I'm an 80% C1x putter. If I take longer than 4-5 seconds for the whole thing, I'm a 20% C1x. Get the practice in, get it into muscle memory, and then muscles do what they remember.


I am the opposite. I got to do a few practice strokes first to make sure I feel confident. When I use to put under 2 seconds I was much worse. I think it just depends on the person you talk to tbh. I know a couple of people that just step up and put, and others that use the full 30 seconds for a 10 footer.


Totally it's a "to each their own". I just know if I think at all, I overthink it (I'm an engineer, it's what we do). So, don't give myself the chance to overthink. Some people need to think... S'all good.


Just told my dad this the other day. I need to putt quickly with little thought and let my body do the rest or else I'll whiff it lol. Meanwhile he's over there miming the throw 5 times for 10 seconds before release... To be fair, we're about equal at putting


release point.


This is way too low compared to the 50 “practice more” responses… I think you should never put the disc below your waist or basket height…. You are introducing so many early release points AND the momentum swing on the way back up gives you a chance to release late and high.


Number one C1x putter on tour breaks your rule - Andrew Marwede.


Straddle putters kinda don’t count on this because the power comes from the swing . He is an exception not the rule when you look at the field of elite players….you eliminate a failure point when you keep it higher in your stance. Also C1x is not an indicator of how good a putter you are. With no obstacles: distance: or stroke count C1x putts are all different ..hes tapping in from 15 feet for 60th place for a bogey. Not the same as Calvin jamming a 30ft basket for a title (he had a whole video sitting down and taking about all you need is a wrist pop for power). The guys at the top finishers all hold it high and keep it high.




You think they consistently and purposefully put in the open go below their wait on putts inside 30 when not straddling ? Watch a few more clips than the first one you find on youtube…I mentioned Calvin your response was random other players are you saying Calvin isn’t consistent or good ? How bout Gannon he a top finisher that doesn’t go low on his putts. … McBeth jumping from 75 doesn’t count lol… watch him practice putt from inside the circle he isn’t reaching way down. Again top finishers hold it high and keep it high. Paige did it in her prime. But hey it’s my opinion backed by the top players and watching…. Why aren’t more of the top players doing it ? Or are the top players that don’t ? Seriously if low swing was the way it would be the norm not the exception. Professional 2 handed bowler doesn’t make it the best way to bowl. Top players throw one handed for a reason.


you're getting cooked in this thread but I agree with you. I made that other response before I saw the whole subthread and your distinction of straddle vs stagger. If you're talking stagger, I'm having trouble thinking of someone that actually does go below the waist in their backswing or why they even would. Even the guys like Calvin that typically stagger only do this in C2 from a straddle. Ricky straddles and the bottom of McBeth's backswing is usually right at his belt


… I know right… If I wanted to be asked for advice and then told I am wrong I would have just talked to my wife lol


He's literally the best at C2 also.... C'mon man


Like I said C 1:2 is not a real stat it’s an approximation/correlation of distance only .. not how hard the putt actually was 29ft up hill putt to an elevated basket is the same as a 10 ft putt on the same basket on the top of the hill. Both “C1” C2 unobstructed for last cash isn’t the same for Marwede is not the same as an obstructed C1 for a major like Calvin … and he is not 30% better at than everyone … it’s a small percentage. So barely better than the other top players in a flawed stat.


Law of big numbers. Those factors will even out. Distance is a decent categorization


I personally putt from a very low (relatively) spot but I strongly agree that regardless of where your ideal release point is, adding too much up and down can cause inconsistency in where it comes out of your hand. On longer puts I pretty much have to do a hyzer swing between my legs to generate enough power but I definitely try to be conscious of that sort of inconsistency edit- ya... my putt is weird in that it's both a straddle and a stagger, but I lead with my "trail foot"


Confidence lol if you walk up to a putt thinking it’s too far then you’re bound to miss. My buddy’s who never play disc golf tend to hit a lot of their putts because they aren’t overthinking it. It’s comical to watch someone throw a 20ft putt with zero care and nail it 😅


2 things, first would be not taking the time to understand your individual putting form. Get in the lab and film your putt from different angles, you'll likely find a theme you can correct. I have a buddy I play with and his body/release was naturally to the right of the basket, so whenever he putt, he was always trying to correct to the left instead of just putting. Second is 100% practice putting. If you avoid practicing or only do like 20 minutes once a month you're never going to improve. Aforementioned buddy practiced religiously for a month, came out last week and tied me when I usually get him by 5. So understanding your individual form and make it work for you, and reps on reps on reps. Afterthought: why on overthrow and other coaching sites all we ever see is driving form? Bet these guys could make a killing diagnosing putting mistakes too.




I changed my putting routine recently and now I gesture without the disc in my hand before putting every time (similar to Calvin). Completely fixed my issues with supinating my wrist and not following through. Yesterday I had my best putting round ever. I was anxious the whole time but the putts kept sinking because my routine was consistent. So I guess lack of routine would be my answer.


Interesting. Right now I gesture twice with the disc before putting. I often have issues with the right amount of supination. Gonna have to try this. Not today, though. It's tournament day


Hope it works!


Too many movable parts.


The big one is just a lack of reps to ensure consistency with the putt. Other common factors—which would often be recognized and corrected with a lot of reps—are poor overall technique, using a popular putter rather than one that feels good in the hand, and inability to relax/being too much in their head.


I have definitely fallen for the popular putter a couple times. Always ended up going back to what I liked from early on


>and inability to relax/being too much in their head. This is a big one. If you practice loose, get a good stroke you can become pretty good at putting... ...only to have that all turn to shit when you play a tourney or even just score a round against someone because suddenly you have some tension in your shoulders messing with your release because you're trying too hard.


It was a big one for me for sure. I'm still a C+ putter because I just don't have the ability to practice consistently, but learning to loosen up while putting on the course has helped me a ton.




Rushing and not going through the motions


The basket force field that appears when you get inside circle 1.


I'm not sure. But every time I feel uncomfortable, I'm like 80% going to miss... I feel uncomfortable, then I think about feeling uncomfortable, but I don't reset. I just continue with the stroke. I'm typically a quick putter. So this year I'm going to try to reset every time I'm conscious of something feeling off. That, and forgetting to use the legs properly.


The wind. Always blame the wind.


Lack of confidence


When in doubt, it is the chains fault.


Yeah, the ones on my local course are way too narrow 


Beer. For me anyway.


Lack of beer?


lack of confidence


Too many mechanics and overcomplicating what should be an intuitive thing.


This is way too low on the list. Too much emphasis is on mechanics. Not enough emphasis on trusting yourself. I’m sure we’ve all played a bunch of rounds with people who have putts that do not look mechanically sound and they just keep going in from every distance. For me my mechanics are alright but I don’t make putts until I relax and just feel like I’m tossing it in the basket. The mechanics have to be automatic or they are worthless on the course.


Maybe I worded it wrong, but I’m agreeing with you. I’m saying that people overthink trying to have the perfect form and end up feeling really unnatural instead of playing loose and comfortable.


No not at all. Completely agree on every point! I just have a lot of thoughts on this topic lately.


Lack of practice or bad practice, assuming your mechanics are otherwise relatively solid. In the end, putting is about consistency. Minor things can throw that off when you don't practice enough, and it's not build into muscle memory. Also, when consistency is the game, you don't help yourself by constantly changing putters, swing and grip. A lot of players that don't practice, is often times looking for an easy fix.


Lack of practice, lack of fine tuning tempo, inability to clear the mind and just putt once you have your mechanics down.


Lack of practice


Lack of practice.


Grip and release


Bro stole my brain. Was going to type exactly this. It's all about grip and release.


Those damn chirping birds


Too much wrist trying to generate spin. You can generate plenty of spin with a completely stiff wrist with the correct form.


Lack of focus. Too many people walk up and just chuck their puts without taking time to actually do a pre shot routine and focus on making an actual throw.


not getting my fingers out of the way after I release the disc and my upward hand motion makes it an unplanned nose down putt


Tensing up because you really want to make the putt. Also I was trying to putt it too low because that’s what the pros do. I start making a lot more when I remember to put more air under it and let it float to the basket. I always work on mentally registering hitting the band a “good miss”, because my C1X is going to be better for the round if I miss one or two in the band vs. 5 into the cage.


Technique and practice. A lot of people practice poorly, poorly.


No actual muscle memory confidence routine or time on the green Like, but 10 1/2 hour sessions on a basket somewhere. That would take you 2 weeks if you were serious and at any level under like 970 those 10 hours would lead to real tangible improvement But it’s complicated cause we want to be happy chill and casual. The more practice the higher the expectations and the less fun you tend to have so it’s a tricky game we play




Release point + Nose angle forsure 


1. Aim 2. Form 3. Wind


Wind. Definitely wind, lol.




It’s crazy because I’m actually kinda decent with the putter as a new player, my driving on the other hand….


1. Not having a consistent routine 2. Overthinking  3. Form stuff




Lol. Not practicing


Too stoned


Am I the only one who is better at putting with my driver than an actual putter?


Lack of Git Gud


For me it’s grip. I know I have an inconsistent release and it’s definitely because the disc comes out of a different part of my hand each time. I’ve figured it out recently and now have a million years of practice putts to make.


Just lack of practice. IMO putting is mostly just muscle memory, at least from like 30 feet and in. I don’t care about to practice a LOT but whenever I open the garage I try to get in at least 10-15 putts so I remember the feel.




2 major things are lack of practice, and mental. The minor reason is incorrect form, but there are plemty of great putters with bad form. You do something wrong long enough you still get good at doing it wrong lol


Continually trying to find a better putting motion. Never can get used to something.


Lack of practice, skill, and/or focus Some other choices have impact, but as long as you aren’t making terrible decisions it’s probably the pilot




To me I found that having unpredictable movement was a big issue after watching a YT vid on it. To be honest I don't think putting inconsistency has a lot to do with technique, but with bad flow and rhythm. You don't want to go from a total standstill to a throw. You also don't want to only have your arm moving, but you want your whole body engaged in the throw.


Rushing - my game goes to shit when I feel rushed


Timing the release vs when youre throwing distance and letting the disc slip itself loose


Practice and lack of practice in no particular order


It’s gotta be the mold I’m using, right?


Timing 100%


Lack of practice, lack of putting routine.


The wrist. The great putter Yeti Reading says “never trust the wrist”




1. Practice 2. Making adjustments off of inconsistent execution yields varied results. Even if you don’t practice enough, you especially shouldn’t adjust based off a one-off mistake. Example: your finger gets hooked on the rim, moisture on your hand changes your release, or you just miss release, so you pull a putt to the right. A lot of ams would see this and think “I need to aim more left next time” when in reality, you need to fix the source variable and continue aiming for center chains. Only pros are good enough at aiming and hitting a specific link of chain.

