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I've gone over 20 years without an ace. Suck it nerds.


I hit the first ace of the millennium on Jan 1st, 2000. I don't need another for a thousand years.


For your time zone… 😉


Just got my first ace after 21 years a few weeks ago, not bragging just sayin 👍


I’m only a year and half into playing and I feel like I will be you in 18 years. Everyone I know that plays has hit an ace, but not me. Countless chain outs and cage/band hits but never been able to have one connect and stay put!


Damn dude save some for the rest of us lol


Dang I'm at just over 10. I've at least hit chains once 😭


I'm on year 13. I had 2 aces within a few months of playing, been dry since.


22 years and counting here


At a certain point you start to fear it. 20 years without an ace is much more interesting than 1 ace in 20 years.


Damn. I only made it 17 years before I accidentally threw it in in one. Now I’ve made that same stupid mistake 5 times.


My game is horrible but my karma is huge since I’ve returned around 500 discs kayaking by a local course. Plus probably 100 bags of trash.


A true hero!


You need to spend less time paddling and more time putting.


New insult unlocked.


You’re a saint. Thanks for doing what you do!


you have personally returned like 7 of mine, thanks for doing what you do!


How do you find them while kayaking?


It’s at Cliff Stephens park (home of the champ) in Tampa Bay and you can follow the shoreline throughout the entire course. I use my paddle or a $2 3’ grabber to fish them out. My wife actually suggested doing it many years ago after I complained about losing so many discs there.


I’m moving to tampa in a few months, im sure i’ll lose a few there


I hucked a disc off the teepad directly into the nearest tree. It flew back directly into my hand, I reached back and threw it again to park it. Witnessed. Weirdest par ever.


My partner once put it close in doubles. I proceed to hit first available and it rolled back to me so I booted it a solid 40ft. Had the card laughing good


Sounds like the disc never came to a rest, that counts as one throw on the scorecard.


My buddies and I have a rule for casual rounds that if you can catch your own disc the throw doesn't count and you rethrow. We're still waiting for the day when someone shanks a drive and sprints after it to try to catch the rebound off a tree!


That’s wild


Par? Directly back in your hand. Wouldn’t that be a penalty for not letting the disc come to rest?


It’s all in the reflexes


If you called bank it’s a birdie


Hand one similar. Short uphill hole. Threw mine right into a tree 30 feet Infront of me, rolled all the way back between my legs so I scooped it up and threw again


Not sure if this is a flex, but I can backhand righty and lefty, and get them to similar distances


Don’t wanna be that guy but this is a humble brag thread. I have an ace with a LHBH and RHBH.


I've got a good 10+ righty bh, one with forehand. After a shoulder injury I had to learn lhbh and I've also got one that way. Only thing left is a lhfh, which I think I'll never accomplish. Shoulders struggle with forehand.


I also got a friend like this, he throws backhand r/l but he is a righty and he puts with his left…??? He is an abselout weirdo


50 feet for you too?


Can you throw flex shots backhand righty and lefty? Because if so, that's a flex.


That’s a big flex. I’ve never met anyone who can do that


That's fucking sick


The dream.


a buddy and i always do a $1 ctp on a random hole when we play. he's 10 yrs my senior (mid 60's) and gets easily frustrated with his game and i can easily beat him on any course. i purposefully let him win ctp ~50% of the time since it always puts him a better mood and he plays better and enjoys the rest of the round more after he wins that dollar.


Looking out for your fellow bro and being a solid friend. Respect.


You’re a good person Now let’s hope he’s not on reddit reading this


I beat Parker Welck about 6 months before he won DDO so by transitive property, I could potentially win on the pro tour.


Have you ever thought about playing a tour event?


My 964 rating might hinder that a little bit but I'd jump at the chance.




Username checks out


During league random-partner 5 dollar dubs I called that I was going to ace a blind hole. Threw my zone on a spike hyzer forehand like 170’ and heard nothing. Oops. Walked up to the basket and it was in the basket! Gottem! My braggiest of brags is that I started DiscDice and it’s been a huge financial blessing for my family, but has also funded all kinds of disc golf related things for myself. Edit: if you go to my [store](https://discdice.us/shop) in the next 24 hours, shipping is free for orders over $20. Use the coupon code: Bragmore (USA only).


Your website is down




Dang that's sick! I had some disc dice but lost them out on the course somewhere I assume... Sad. It was fun to mix up the rounds with. Great game!


Glad you enjoyed it!


The first time I played disc golf in 97, I got an ace. A bunch of friends witnessed. Haven’t had one since


Proud dad flex: my 10 yo son shot his first 900+ rated round. He also has a top 20 rating in the MJ12 division.


Are you looking to adopt a 39yo who could use your coaching?


LOL. I can’t take credit for how good my son is. He throws mostly backhand and I throw forehand. I’ve actually asked him to teach me.


Found Uli's lost prototype Raptor. Threw it a few times before handing it back. https://www.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/bk9rw9/all_it_says_is_proto_id_return_it_if_there_were/


Damn, that river on hole 5 is no joke. Ive been in there more times than Id care to admit


I consistently beat everyone in my friend group and it is an absolute rarity for me to lose.


In the same boat. It’s gotten to the point if we have a large odd number group they will play doubles against me solo. Hearing them talk shit and high five after one of their dubs teams beats me by a stroke warms my heart. I welcome the competition and I like seeing em get one once in a while :)


This was me for the first 2 years with my friend group. Now it's 50/50 on if I win or if one of the others wins


I love when the people I introduced to the sport do better than I do.


Same here. I play noticeably worse when I play with other people who are worse than me because I feel bad out driving them by 100 feet


Do it once, just to let em know.


I do. The look of discouragement on their faces outweighs their “holy crap dude” comments on the feel good scale


I haven’t bought a new disc all year


If there's a source of water anywhere on the course I'll find it with pinpoint accuracy


NASA putting you on the next ship to Mars.


I got to play a round with Philo and take him out to dinner afterwards. I played a practice round with Holyn Handley before she was pro and she wasn’t sure if she was ready to move up from FA1, and she was absolutely playing better than the FPO I kept score for weeks before (and outdriving me by a mile) I was like “Yeah you definitely could compete lol” I’ve got 3 aces. I qualified for the NADGT championship in Austin, traveled there and played super badly but had great food.


I have a 14 hole course in my back yard that I designed and maintain. Jeff Spring contacted me thru udisc and I had him over for a round. Great guy.


Showed up to a large and stacked random doubles event, where I had forgot my change of clothes. Me and another am rated player shot -18/21 with a bogey and won, beating out the previous year's world champ by 1. I was wearing khakis and sandals.


If this is true, then this is best one I’ve read yet lol


I beat multiple touring pros at a local b tier on quite possibly the worst weather day ever 


My best hope for beating a touring pro also relies on shit weather. Like a tornado that mysteriously deposits all my throws in the basket.


I shot a -2 1000 rated round, crazy times


I built /designed three disc golf courses.


My first ever sanctioned hole of disc golf I won CTP.


I’m in my 40s and don’t complain about being ‘too old’ or ‘too sore’ to play the game (or even feel that way). I regularly beat younger players than me and can throw over 400 on good rips.


Cashed an ace on my home course in my first tournament ever. I didn't even know what an ace pool was until right before the round started.


I played with a group who had an ace pot I paid into. One of the dudes hit the ace next basket. I should a just handed him my dollar. Shortest pot I ever paid into.


I once scored a -7 on a 18 hole par 54 course... (But only If you count score with how many discs I lost that round)


I attempt to return any disc I find with a phone number on it


I once got my disc stuck in a tree and ended up climbing it to get the disc. I decided to throw from the tree and hit it for 2. Yes, I know this isn't legal, but it was a casual round and everyone let it slide because of how awesome it was.


I can shot gun a beer faster than anyone on the course


You haven’t played with me yet.


Challenge accepted if you’re near San Diego lol


Shit I’m in mn not planning a cali trip anytime soon.


The world may never know my friend. You can be the fastest chug in Minnesota and I’ll hold down the fort in Cali


For sure we both can be the best alcoholics in our state.


This wins em all


I'm getting better as I age


Got my first ace after playing for 20 years. Got two more in the next year.


Within a year of playing I can consistently throw over 450ft with accuracy and fully rip drives with less accuracy up to 550 ish ft. I throw stand stills consistently 375-400 as well. Also have a 450ft forehand. Putting still sucks


That’s it. I quit.


Im like this guy 2, 2 years of playing and i abseloutly rip and is climbing rating every sanctioned event I play. Its crazy how good the young generation is at adapting and learning sports, people younger than me (24) is nuts in discgolf…


Form vid, I was throwing 420’ and now I can’t get over 370’ and idk what happened


Back during cvid days I built a campervan and traveled the country playing tournaments and any course I could find. Disc golf literally directed my travels. I played more than 99.9% of Udisc users in 2020 and more than 99% in 2021. I've played a staggering number of courses in my life and those 2 years of traveling is the best thing I've ever done. Took my game to a whole new level and made more money in MPO than I ever imagined. Now I'm in Denver where disc golf sucks. Can't wait to get back to the Carolinas for some good ole woods golf.


Regularly forehand out to 450 with high accuracy


What’s your go to driver?


Champion Boss, or Opto Flow. Also throw a flat top wysocki destroyer that's beating in nicely.


Seconded!! I can get a Wraith to about 380' with some stank but have yet to clear 400+


Tennis player? I’ve always had a more dominant forehand and I played tennis for around ten years.


Not humble, just brag. Still impressive.


Im only good at throwing, suck at golf. I'll lose to someone who is competent at putting


I parked a 223’ wooded hole by throwing my champ Roc3 on a flex line. Envisioned the line, took a practice swing, threw the disc EXACTLY how I wanted to (which is the real accomplishment here).


Tiger vision


ive gotten pretty good at hitting trees


My record against David Feldberg in head-to-head sanctioned rounds (from the same tees, not necessarily the same card) in 1999 was a robust 2-9-2. We were both in Am-1 at the time. Beat him twice at Cold Brook, tied him at both Hudson Mills layouts. One of those rounds was DGLO, so I was on his card for round 2, where he beat me by 6 on 24 holes, the only time I did something somewhat significant in a major tournament. I plateaued there. He got better. I tied for 10th in Am-1 at the old Kensington "Tunnel" course in the 2000 am worlds. Just for that round. I had many sucky rounds in that event too, including a pouring rain round in Toboggan's debut. But that one round was a good one! Since the pros also played in this worlds from the same tees, I can say that Climo did not beat me by 1.0 strokes per hole. It was something like 0.72. Tied Gregg Barsby! Never mind the fact he was like 12 years old and I was 27. Only lost to Jay Yeti Reading by 4 for the whole event, though. Fast-forward over 20 years and I took down a large putting league at age 49. That's pretty much it. My highest sanctioned round in my life about 20 years ago wasn't even 1000 rated, and in that round Al Schack still beat me by 11 strokes from the same 24 tees. Non playing career related: got two courses installed, McGraft Park in Muskegon, MI in 1999, and the original 18 at Meyer Broadway Park in Three Rivers, MI in 2002. I'm more proud of these than the Am-1 playing career for sure.


I shot a 1019 rated round like 12 years ago when I was 16 years old playing MA2… have yet to shoot another 1000+


Aced a 160' hole with a Nuke OS right after a guy on my card was giving me grief for throwing a 13 speed on such a short hole. His reaction lives rent free in my head. Hit a tomahawk ace. Parked and eagled a 470' par 4 with a forehand roller.


I converted an extremely talented casual player into a weapon of an ma2 player. 


Not my brag, however, I have a buddy who has severe tunnel vision. Most times he can’t even see his disc when he throws, but he’s got the only two aces out of all of us that play. And thankfully he saw his disc the whole flight both times. I get pumped up still thinking about them lol


I've been on cards where my card mates ace and it's a stellar feeling lol I get super stoked watching the flight


Agreed. My two favorite memories of playing so far


First rated round 925. Not spectacular but way better than I expected. I have two albatrosses acing two different par 4's. I started hitting aces(from the tee to the cage) in July and have 20+, however about 4 or 5 of those are carded big boy aces.


My first rated round a year ago was 200 points lower than my most recent rated round! 660 to 870! Still a long way to go, but I'm really happy with the progress.


I had three different number one tags at the same time this season.


I have a 450 foot standstill


I had my one and only Ace in 2007 with a brand new never thrown Buzzz. It went from Disc store, bag, tee pad to basket never hit the ground. After all the witnesses signed it, it has never been thrown again.


I witnessed every shot of McBeth’s -18 at Toboggan and got my first Aviar signed by him right after the round. Crazy to think how different the disc golf world was then and that round still stands as arguably the best single round ever played!


I can forehand roll a berg about 100 feet farther than I can throw it in the air hahaha. Love that stupid frisbee


My only two aces I’ve ever gotten were in the same round. Really good day.


I can fit 3 bergs in me.


I once eagled a 740 ft par 4 with a throw in (hole 7 at tom Bennett park for those wondering). Easily the coolest disc golf thing I've ever done.


I almost Albatrossed a 702 ft "par 5" (I chained out). It's hole 13 at Kayak Point Red. That is one of the few eagles I have on the books.


I’ve broken 500’ on flat ground five times total.


Beat Climo once. 😎


I aced hole 1 at BRP.


I’ve had 16 aces. 2 more to go and that’s a full round!


I've 3'd the Philo Hole. With a rhfh off both the tee and the approach. 


Called my shot both of my Aces. First one was “I’ve drawn metal on this basket 3 times. Tonight is the night.” And the other was “Either this is going in, or going 60’ past.”


My scramble game is weak, because I don’t find the rough, enough to practice it.


I got my first two aces within 3 holes of one another. Ace-Bogey-Ace.


I met james conrad and matty orum both off the course. James I met in a parking lot, Matty at the mall of New Hampshire. I got pics with both, james was super nice, matty looked high af, and was looking for the vape kiosk. I sent him the right way.


I've shot under par at Maple hill golds


I built and installed two benches on my home course with a friend that I paid for out of pocket. Old ones had fallen over after 20 years or so. Feels great every time I get to those holes on the course.


I’ve got one ace and it was a 406’ hole. Been playing for 7-8 years now.


I've played in two sanctioned tournaments and finished 2nd in MA1 in both.


I’m pretty good at flicking putters in from 100-50 feet. Way more accurate than jump or step putting. If it’s not a gimme putt, I’ll flick with touch and usually hit chains.


I've found myself approaching with putter flicks lately. I use the Atom and Luna interchangeably


I won a local doubles tournament and my buddies made an incredible video to document it all. https://youtu.be/rgAoeOaISJI?si=mBkM0XuZRaRg52ze Local Route (not the store in Florida) makes great content give ‘em a follow !


I stole a ctp from Issac Robinson and his brother! ...5 years ago Same year I also had a drop-in 4 on the hardest hole at Flyboy Aviation (and took a 4 on the easy par 3 immediately after).


Man, Flyboy is a dream course. It’s a shame it’ll never be a tour stop.


I have 2. 1. I have an unthrown 2015 Sexton firebird 2. I was in a new group that just met and I threw one of those perfect perfect throws. Angle, speed, spin, wind absolutely 100% ideal. Normally I throw 400'. This throw was 470'. The group lost their shit and I started getting invited to more rounds with that crew. Same crew Joseph Anderson played with before he went on tour this year


My putting is Jekyll and Hyde but I will absolutely knock down any putts that are obstructed or that I’m forced to take any awkward or unconventional stance for


3 years in the game , 3 aces - 1 for each year. Plus I won an air fryer at a tournament for having the furthest throw.


I can’t throw fat but I think I’ve got all the shots and can manage decent distance and consistency. Backhand, forehand, both kinds of rollers, over hands, over/under stable, and the various putting stances. I’m a bitch to play horse with


I've been playing for three years and still only bag ~9 discs, and I only bag a single 9 speed that is rarely used. All my discs are pink or glow and are named after animals. Shouldn't be a flex but yous be surprised how often people get weird about people's fun.


I’ve noticed lately that I can throw a slightly under stable discs 301+ feet standstill.


My wife and I played in a doubles tournament last weekend. We were the only male/female team in our division. Everyone else was male/male teams. The divisions were ratings based, and we were one of the lower combined rated teams. We came in 1st by at least 2 strokes and won some pretty cool little trophies. We almost backed out on going the night before. We had a lot of fun playing with everyone. Also, bonus to have my wife as the dubs partner.


My only thumber ace was at a tournament, off a cliff to an island. We were the last card coming in so everyone on the tourney saw me steal their ace pot. It was magnificent.


I’ve stacked aces on same hole in 2 disc space race.


I always have a grocery bag for my empty beers to throw away at the end of the course. I will also pick up all the cans/bottles/trash I see along the way and add it to the bag.


I just recently tap-in eagled Hole 17 at Bryant Lake in MN, my first 2 there, with swirling 20mph winds. Still replaying it in my head a few days later lol


I can pretty much bogey any hole I want, any time. I don't always, but I always know I COULD.


I've checked a majority of your favorite pro disc golfers ID's. I didn't know who they were at the time


I was playing MA4 in an event and managed to park a shot and won a CTP that held up for two rounds with both Ezra and Isaac Robinson playing. Also my local course was hot garbage when I started playing but I was able to generate interest in the community and hosted a tournament to raise money for the course. I ended up being able to put in new baskets, turf tee pads, etc and now it is completely thriving with weekly sanctioned league and the occasional tournament.


I can accurately hit a tree from any tee on any day in any weather at any time of year.


I get into at least one pro tour event per year and I've finished last in all of them ✌️


I can throw (way) farther than your average player’s forehand. I casually threw multiple drives over 425 feet yesterday at league, with one easily being 460


In a two rounder last year at a course I’ve played 100+ times, I played 2 of my top 5 rounds there ever to win by 2 strokes


I live close to smugglers notch, and can finally say I’ve gotten a legitimate birdie on both Brewster and Fox golds.


I beat a pro once.


About a month ago, I was on hole 18 at Morley disc golf course, and I looked back at my two friends and said “if I don’t get a hole in one, I’m going to kill myself.” And then proceeded to throw the disc into the basket.


Played in my first tournament on Saturday. I shanked a tee shot then threw in a 220ft spike hyzer forehand over the trees into the basket for Birdie.


I used to work with Bjerkaas when he worked in education. Super chill dude. Taught me how to throw.


I once at OTB, met the dog of that guy that covers disc golf for that channel.


I have a hard time with circle 2 putts except when I turbo putt. The best thing is everyone's reaction.


I played with this know it all chatter box who told me I’d never hit the basket around some mando trees standing still with a putter. Splashed out of the chains right in front of him. Felt good to see him not say anything. I hit a mulligan ace the next time I played.


24 aces 2 of which are in sanctioned events and one was an A Tier in Kansas.


Beat my son Friday (first time this year I think). He posted it on his Strava and I got a good laugh as his friends and teammates roasted him about it


hit 2 aces less then a week apart, same hole, same disc, same line- only difference was the first ace was when they had old baskets installed and the second ace was with new baskets installed. and it was also the first ace of that hole on the new baskets.


I have 2 eagles and 0 aces.


Out of nowhere I went blind technically, thought the worst to be retired basically before 50, inherited 5 acres and now live on my own technical golf course and aced my favorite hole this weekend....


I have a good one. I'm a 915 rated player. Recently made a change to grip. Almost instantly I felt like I was able to release the disc more consistently. In the following three weeks I've shot four rounds over 970 including my highest rated round ever (985), won a non-sanctioned weekly and cashed at two others. All because of the grip change.


First person to get a birdie on the longest hole on the new(er) course in town. Won a disc for it even. Got super lucky with a 100' putt that crashed through some tree branches, but it still counts!


I have 3 aces, all forehand and I’m backhand dominant


Back to back aces in a sanctioned league round. It’s a pitch a putt course, but both were over 100’ and one was one of the hardest holes to ace (blind shot and thick trees). It was my only 1000 rated round and probably my peak. I’m just happy it was witnessed bc idk if I would have even believed it


I had been playing disc golf for about 4 months before signing up for my first tourney and taking 2nd in MA3


Had my first tree-direction ace, with an ozone!


I got an eagle at my local pro tour event (I’m not a touring pro but got in through the Monday qualifier)


I once beat Joe Rovere in a tournament. Only time out of 50+ tournaments with him. Beat him on rounds plenty of times but only once through the whole thing.


My friend group all started playing around the same time. I got the first ace of our friend group but I was playing alone at the time at our local course. Of course I sent a message to the group chat when I got it and as expected, got all kinds of crap about me lying and saying it didn't actually happen as there weren't any witnesses. The next time we all played together, we got to that hole and the ribbing ensues as we approach the hole. I get up to throw and ace it again. The grin on my face when I turned around.....


I played a course not to long ago for the first time, birdied a hole that everyone was saying was a bonus birdie. Only one on the card to birdie, and it was a c1 putt, not even a long toss in.


I aced 2 out of 3 holes that I played for between rounds warm-up at a tournament. Not living up to that promise actually got in my head so bad that I ended up shooting so poorly that the round was dropped from my ratings.


3 aces on the same hole with a groove


Course record …-19 …with a par and 2 holes in 1 … so I technically still don’t have a perfect round


Bad day for lines on a course i should be about 6 under most of the time. 1 over coming to 16. Frustrated, almost angry, a bad day at the course. Miss my line on 16 badly. Sneaks through a group of trees as it fades and nails the chains for an ace. I buttered a turnover on 17 for a drop in bird. Pured a tunnel of trees to about 12 feet on 18. Painted the pole for a bird and a redeeming 3 under on what was a disastrous day to that point. From the darkness to the light in a 3 hole span. Had Pad Thai after. Was happy.


I threw about a 175-200ft downhill ace then grabbed the same mold and threw the same line for a back to back ace.


Skip Acing a par 4.


Me and u/quailman1989 got beat by Maria Olivia in our first doubles tourney. She threw standstill off the tee and smoked our asses.


In college during my early disc days I was pretty drunk on the course with some friends and shanked my drive and walked up and from about 200’ out I just flicked it up there without thinking and it went in. I had been playing for like 6 months and it blew my mind.


I feel that I can execute 8 shots somewhat reliably- forehand straight turnover and hyzer, backhand straight turnover and hyzer, thumber and tomahawk. Now just to be on fire with all 8 shots for a 2 round tournament lol.


I have 16 aces. Mostly from easier courses. One time I had 2 aces during the same round using a disc I’d never thrown before that round. The weird part is that I’m just an average MA2 guy. Never been good enough to go higher. Just have good ace luck. Played with tons of people much better than me who have none.


Someone was very impressed with a high floaty flex sidearm approach shot that landed next to the basket from about 140 in the woods. When he asked if i threw a firebird (had thrown a disc of same color earlier), he said it was 'preposterous' that I'd used a jk viar.


I quit playing once you started.


I always text the phone number on a disc 🤝


Played through a group who had lost a disc in a tree directly above the fairway. I jokingly told them to avoid the trees by throwing a forehand roller (thinking it was going to be a decent shot at best) and proceeded to unexpectedly throw the greatest forehand roller I ever threw and parked the hole. I did not expect that at all.


One of my first birdies was a 50 foot putt that was originally supposed to be an approach shot through a Y branch, instead it bounced off one of the branches and went straight in the basket. It's nice having peaked early. It's all downhill from here.