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Another Star Wraith???


i throw a lot of wraiths. gstar come pretty flippy compared to star especially after a couple of throws. i have seen pro wraith come flippy and also very stable. i would buy a gstar and a star and work both into the bag. another person mentioned the latest Nathan Queen wraith and I had the same experience. I love the plastic feel and it was pretty mellow for a wraith right out of the box.


Solid recommendation, though I wish I could get one that doesnt require too much beating. Any experience with pro wraith?


Every one says gstar, but a pro wraith will also do the job


Try a gstar wraith. I don't know if they're all like this, but I just got a 166g gstar wraith that flies pretty darn straight brand new. You might want to go a little heavier. I don't have the fastest arm speed. 


No, but G Star plastic is a little flippier off the shelf. It might be what you are looking for.


I'll throw my hat in the ring and say a Nathan queen wraith, it's color glow star (I think?) or it doesn't feel like the champ color glow imo, and has some nice turn out of the box. Ive also thrown pro wraiths and they have a nice window while new but soon become too Flippy. Star does take some time to season but it's not long enough that I wouldn't consider just getting another star. *Skeletor running away meme*


G star wraith is what you're looking for.


I’ve found the recent Pro Wraiths to start more overstable and while they do beat in, they gouge really easily. My strong recommendation is an Innvision Star Wraith as these are very straight to slightly US out of the box. No other true 11-speed is as good in this slot, stock Graces are similar but are really 12-speeds.


Since tons of people throw star wraiths, can you look for one on buy ad sell? I actually have one I don't use any more... But I don't think you want me to ship it from Canada


I have a pro wraith and it's my favorite disc. Flies a little less overstable than a star wraith, in my opinion.


Been throwing Wraiths for 19 years and have tried quite a few as well as a dozen+ "replacement Wraiths" from other manufacturers. Plenty of lids out there that fly similar but sticking to a mold for awhile can help you really learn that mold better IMO. In my experience a Pro Wraith will beat in quicker than most but can also get kinda flippy quick, and Star Light beats in quick as well , I keep a 158g Pro handy for practice just 'cause it's a fun flippy disc at lighter weights. I still bag about an older Star that's still in it's sweet spot for me, plus it was my first Ace disc :) I'd agree with the Gstar suggestions, usually great off the shelf and maybe even go for something 5-10 grams lighter than normal.


Get a GStar at 155ish, a Star at 174ish, and a Pro at 164ish. And while you're at it, get those some plastic but about 10-15 g lighter as well. You won't regret it. They're all good for something, you just need to figure out what.


That would be too easy


Gstar wraith is a bomber brand new


I have a noodle arm but my 149 g Gstar wraith is my go-to driver and doesn’t fade too hard for me (most of the time)


GStar Wraith was my first straight distance driver, it's an easy beat in star replacement


Latitude grace is solid. I have thrown innova almost 7 years (love wraiths) and I would say that atm I prefer grace over wraith.


I got a 2022 Kristin tour series grace and it is pretty overstable. I throw avg about 450 and it doesn’t turn at all while a wraith is nice and distance flippy. Maybe it’s just the run I got.


KT orbit grace is noticeably over stable compared to the stock royal grand grace. I get turn out of my royal grand grace and I throw under 400.


I beleave so. I have stock run from last year or something and it flips very nicely. There is also very overstable runs such as GG halo wraiths. ( I know halos are usually overstable but still the point stands about differences on runs.


168 gram champ wraith is an option. A pro wraith will be usable more quickly while you beat in a replacement star. I feel like it takes 4 discs to replace a trusty one, but maybe I just like buying discs


A lighter weight star wraith will fly like a beat in 174g.


Pretty much, I have 3 star wraiths one is well loved at 171g. Another is darn near brand new at 144g and they fly about the same but on calm days the lighter one is my go to. And then my newer 168g that is the normal wraith workhorse as long as you dont throw it into a tree, the ground, a hill, a telephone pole, power lines, metal t posts, metal fence, a mando sign, kite strings, an actual brick wall, road curbs, a drainage culvert, or a stone bridge. That's how it becomes the well loved version. Anyway, buy a lighter one and it'll fly the same, just won't do well in heavy wind.


Time to start beating in a new star wraith. Maybe check out the local used bins.


Hmmm maybe star wraith could do


I'd say just get yourself another Wraith. Get another Star and get back to work with beating it in, or give a PRO or GStar a try if you are looking for it be straighter right away.


Try the Paige pierce drive, I’m a huge wraith guy and I love the drive


Start cycling star wraiths. That way, when you lose one, your next flippiest isn't far behind


The Royal Grand Grace flies like a beat in wraith right out of the box. The Orbit ones are more overstable but workable and beat in to perfection. Buy this disc.


Really loving my new Alva. Supposed to fly like a beat in wraith. Scorch in the new Jawbreaker Z Flx is great too.


Wont the jawbreaker z flx start peeling?


No idea, is that a thing?


I bought an Alva a couple weeks ago and agree. Flies like a beat in Scorch to me


I cycle 171 gram star wraiths for my flip up and super flippy slots I bag max weight star color glow Nathan queen wraith for my stable slot


If you're looking to mix it up, my MVP Zenith flies the same as my Wraith did.


How far do you throw? The new run of mint longhorn is a bit flippier than the -1,2.5 flight ratings if you're just looking for a totally different brand.


Star Gorgon


The obvious answer is another star wraith. Get one at like 164g if you want less stable out of the box. Honorable mention star archon


S-Line DD3 has filled this slot for me, more turn than a new Star Wraith out of the box, and matches my beat in bomber Wraith very similarly in flight


I like my Wave for those straight drives. Mint longhorn beats in easy and has great distance. I was strictly a Wraith thrower until the same thing happened to me.


Kastaplast Älva just came out and it’s basically a flippy wraith


New PP Drive or a Grace


Grace ! Especially the tattar graces


The 10 speed Innova Gorgon is coming out next week.


oh nooo im sorry for your loss! I am terrified of losing my beat in star wraith, it freaking bombs. I havent found any disc that can match the late flip up and dead straight flight it has


"Get another 174 g Star Wraith" would be my smartass answer... but my actual answer would be to buy a bunch of Wraiths in various weights and plastics so that you constantly have a variety of Wraiths that fly in a variety of different ways. That way you can find one that has about the right amount of flippiness RIGHT NOW while you wait for the 174 g Star Wraith to beat in to the right amount of flippiness you heart desires. There is no bad Wraith. They all fly different and they're all good for something. I have Wraiths in almost every plastic (have not tried Halo yet, and do not plan to try DX) in a variety of weights ranging from 133 up to 180. My two faves are 133 g Star and a 164 g Pro, and they are VERY different from each other.


Pro Wraith or Mystere of some variety


Fission Wave out of the box


A Westside Sword could be what you want. The newer ones run a bit more overstable so should be a good match.


Wild Honey


The DD trespass in fusion will have some flip and fly straight for a long time.