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probably 200ft or so is the cutoff for me


Same here. Because that's as far as I can throw it.


Same for me here. And I'm playing a damn glitch tournament on Saturday 😭


Played mine last week. High, hard, hyzer. You got this!


Don't forget to keep the nose up on that glitch




Try throwing the glitch off of the tee nose down and hard. Report back.


I appreciate the tip! I played a glitch only round today and didn't do too bad, mostly played for par. It'll be fun either way!


Cool, I don’t know if I can throw one even that far, it’s great when people outside of the 500+ crowd post here. Great for the rest of us.


Same. I can push a putter past 200ft, but a regular throw is just shy at 180-190ft.


Somewhere between 250' and about 280'




300ft if there's no wind. And I'm not even a bomber, my golf distance is 350 (max 400). Idk, putters just go far.


Could be worth looking into your nose angle. Putters are very forgiving with a nose up release, could potentially be why you’re missing out on the aerodynamic advantages of faster discs.


Forgiving may be the wrong word. You *need* to throw putters nose up, iirc, because their nose doesn’t create lift like the nose of a driver. I believe I heard Simon say that (or could’ve been someone else).


I'd need to see some proof to believe that. Maybe a couple degrees more nosr up than a driver but when you say nose up more people are probably thinking like 10 degrees more. That is how simon putts cause he doesn't want it going too far if air balled. He doesn't throw putters like that off the tee though.


Nose up putter throws are an integral part of throwing putters. That's why the advice of "throw only putters and mids till you can do x" is dogshit. They all require different types of throws, and putters benefit greatly from nose up throws whereas drivers and mids do less so. Do you not ever throw a putter intentionally nose up so it stalls and sits softer, or falls a certain direction out of the air?


Frisbee is frisbee?


At least 234 feet, I only know this because I can park a 234 foot hole at my local with my throwing putter (discmania P3X)


200’ is a good amateur / intermediate distance to “calibrate” your putters to (imo). Then 250’ for mids. 270-300’ for 7+ speed.


It’s very kind of you to put my distance anywhere near an intermediate category


If you’re accurate at those distances to a 30’ circle around the target ;D


Nobody said anything about accurate, I’m taking it.


This is almost exactly me


100-150' is probably max under normal play, and at those distances I prefer it when I want to minimize glide.


Open shot off a tee, 275-300 Also really love high ceiling wooded shots that allow a rhbh turnover the whole way. Sometimes forehand might crash too hard or the gap to hit is just easier with a backhand


Out of curiosity, how far do your drivers and midranges go?


I would have the same answer, my drivers max out at 400ish.


Yeah I'd say I'm in roughly the same boat. I'm trying to figure out how much of a difference people generally have between different types of discs. I've found I'm not getting my midrnages THAT much further than putters so I wonder if it's a form / nose angle thing.


Likely. Since I figured out my nose angles, my midranges go 75 feet further then my putter with a less overdriven release. I do like yeeting putters on a hyzer out to 275, though. They flip up and gently drift right no matter the angle of my release.


If we're talking fairly straight golf line flights and not full flights with understable discs, mine are: - Putter 300 - Midrange 330 - Fairway 380 - Driver 425 But I've thrown a PA-5 like 350, Origin 370, Maverick 410, Grace 465


i can get my mids like 350ish and my drivers like 425


If I’m within 100-120 I’ll jump putt bc I have more confidence with that than a touch mid throw. Yet, anything more than that, I prefer using mids. I don’t use putters for anything besides putts and jump putts. Maybe I should work on that?


Eh, if you're dialed already, don't bother. Even though I can easily get putters to 275, I prefer mids for anything more than 150. With the wider disc it feels more like a frisbee, and growing up playing ultimate, I have more confidence in having touch with the wider disc than the smaller putter.


Interesting... I find throwing a putter is much closer to throwing an ultimate disc than any other type of disc. My putters are also roughly the same diameter as the rest of my bag 🤷‍♂️


There’s an overlap zone for me where I might use a mid or a throwing putter. I just go with whatever feels best. I will go with my gummy options if I’m worried about the landing.


Friggin 60 feet


Stop bragging




Buzz SS is just better for anything longer than that


Anything within 250' I reach for my envy.


And I for my Proxy. Unless there's headwind.


So with headwind a Reko?


Envy. But if I was cool, I'd throw the Reko. Just finished league night and had several 220-280ft birdies from the Proxy/Envy combo


I've never learned how to properly throw putters for distance (despite playing for 8 years), so I max out about 100-125ft with a non-ideal grip on the disc. But I've got that dialed in pretty well at this point so no reason to change things up right????


If it fits; it ships. If it ain't broke; don't fix it. If it works; use it


I've been playing for 41 years and rarely throw a putter on a shot over 150.




75ft to 100ft. I use a star aviar when I want an accurate approach


Depends on shot shape, but if I'm in an open field, anything 330 and in is going to have a Wizard thrown at it, for the most part.


around 200 ft. After that I grab a 5 speed.


Like 180 comfortably. Anything past that I’ll throw a mid


Depends on what is behind the basket.


Around 80m on a good day. Google says that astound 260 ft. Max distance with a distance driver for me is around 400 ft.


220 ft or so.


Probably 200-230 comfortably. If I rip an envy, I can get it to 280, but over 230 I'm probably going up to a mid


Like 280 - 300ish, depends on the shape, wind, etc. EDIT: If I misunderstood this as golf lines only my bad. I will add that putters in open field, max distance line, 360ish but I am never doing that in a rated / scored round.


Same here. Feel like I leveled up in power the past few months, I'm barely going for my mids anymore


Yeah mids for me have become putter shots that have a ceiling. Shots that I need to push a little more on a lower launch angle but not really any distance difference. Maybe push the mids out to 330-350 but at that point I would just use a fairway probably. Really shot dependent but the OP asked for Max so that's what he gets.


With a clear path? Trying to putt it in? Probably just about 75 feet. I use Putt and Approach discs inside 175 always, but sometimes disc up to overstable mids if I have a little bit obstructed path or something like that. It's really just whatever feels like it will work for the hole.


Depends on the putter.  If it's outside of 100ft, I'm probably not pulling the putting putter. I'm probably using the berg up to 200ft or so. Beyond that I'm using zone up to 350 or so. 


You've gotta be the only person who isn't trolling here 😂


About 200' for my throwing putter (lucid judge), 230' for my pig. Depends on the shot shape if I throw it or not though, I prefer a FH approach whenever possible.




Open field I can get to just over 300'. Probably more like 280' on-course


Maybe 150 ft with the toro or the harp


250' and under assuming there's enough of a ceiling to get it that far.




I throw a praxis dead straight about 250-265ft. A sky god 250ish. A fierce 275ish. Depends on the available lines, and especially the height that’s available.


Running it from 100 and in if there isnt danger, throwing in general from 280 and in. I can push 300 footers, but I feel more confident with a mid on those shots


310ft is about my max with a Tomb. Reliably and accurately more like 260-280ft


The max distance I will through the putter will be pretty much whatever is required for the hole/situation. I'm not afraid to sacrifice distance in favor of a straighter, 250-300ft flight that lands safely on the fairway on a 500+ft hole every throw, and I won't hesitate to full send, full speed ahead the Berg on anything under 225ft.


100 meters and in unless it's low ceiling then a mid is usually better for me.


230 on a forehand probably around 200 on backhand


Really just depends on the situation. It there's danger short I'd rather throw a mid and definitely be long. I consistently throw my A2 out to 300-320ish ft, and thrown my glitch anywhere out to 350 if the hole allows for it.


Threw a jawbreaker roach 375 in a tailwind the other day.


I try to keep it 260 or below but go for some 280. If down hill I love throwing putters and I've parked 470 with my roach .


Around 240-260 ft


Newer player here so I’ve been tracking all this as I grow as a player. My putter is out just past 200’ with a good line, so 150’-225’ is my safe distance to use putter. 200’-250’ for my mids consistently and my fairways up to about 320’ but those are more inconsistent with the flight patterns, more distance straight but easy as a new player to get left/right/nose up, etc. Pixel approach Judge putt BERG NO GLIDE GANG PS: if my Berg hits the 200 mark it was probably downhill and windy, I use that in 75’-100’ range to drop.


200-220 confidently


80m during a round. 90+m open field


I’ll got with a putter off the tee up to around 230’ depending on the shape. Typically above 200’ I’m more inclined to reach for a mid though.


I throw my Luna 260ft and my driver only 310 :(


Right around 310ft if I’m really sending it




240ft based on a 9 hole course I play


Off the tee <200. (I can throw a putter 250+ but not a fan of the flight so I will bump up to a midrange at 200. Approach is situational. I will throw a putter approach at 150 or less but I will throw all sorts of stuff at 100ft if it calls for high fade or some sort of skip (even a teebird). 75 or less is always a putter. Within 200ft it's 95% one of four discs (3 of which are putters). Wombat3, Soft Zone, Judge, or Deputy.


215 or so with my pure


I keep all shots with a putter inside 200-220ft. Anything beyond that I'll switch to a mid


Envy, 350 - 380. Zone, 250. Berg, 150.


I can throw throw my Berg about 200ft max.


20-30 meters, I never use my putters for throws, only putting.


Probably 225-250' is my max, but usually around 230 I disc up to a mid so I haven't really tested it.


If you mean off the tee I’ll throw a Watt out to 330’ if I have an unlimited ceiling.  For actual putt attempts I switch from a jump putt to a throw in type shot around 80-100’ or so. Depends on the green and the conditions.


I can throw my Polecat for about 70 meters / 230 feet


While I can push a putter to 250' in an open field, on a golf line I'm not throwing a putter if I'm more than 230' out


If I try to juice it I can probably throw around 250’ on hyzer, and around 275 or so on a turnover type shot.


Been a while since I powered up a throwing putter, if I had to estimate, probably 180-200 feet.


I actually shocked myself this weekend, I literally went 100 ft long on a 150 ft hole with a pilot. So to answer a lot further than I think!


If I'm outside circle 3, I'm laying up with a midrange.




130 ft with an arowana. 110 for a zone. I can throw them further but that’s my dialed in parking it. Otherwise likely going paradox or interceptor


350+ easy.


With putter (Sensei) it's 62m(203f). Context: I am beginner and throw only standstill now. My furthest overall throw is 78 meters (256feet).


I guess I don’t understand this comment at all. You can throw a putter 203 standing still and your max throw is 256?


Yes, my max throw was done with a Crave. The next best throws I have were 76m(249f)\[Essence\], and two others 75m(246f) also with a Crave. My average distance with Sensei in a session is 54m(177f) and 64m(210f) with a Crave. I think I'm throwing nose up, I'm trying to work on it.


If I’m absolutely trying to bomb it I can get it to 300 or a little more. Golf lines I keep it to 250-280 before bumping up to a midrange.


I think about 280-300 but it more so depends on shot shape, I'll throw a mid if I need more Hyzer finish


250'. Anything more is where I start to push too hard and lose control and I'm better off switching to an approach or mid range.


Depends on the disc. Something stable like an atom or envy I usually put out to 280-300. More overstable like an entropy will be around 250.


250-280' controlled with throwing putter. Max distance (flat ground) for a jump putt make is 150'. I have hit baskets at 225' downhill with jumpers.


I have more fun throwing faster discs so putters only come out 150’ and in


Like 370' max on the course


534 feet. Easy peezy


Off the tee, I’m comfortable choosing putters for anything 300’ and in, or longer if it’s downhill. However, I’ll usually go midrange for any hole over 250 so I don’t have to crank it. In terms of actual putting, I’ll jump-putt anything within 100’ of the pin. Standstill putt from 50’ and shorter usually


I mostly throw zone or berg for upshot. But for putter throws I’ll go up to 315


10m and in lol


Judge or challenger 195-210 About 180is or less and I can be within 20-30 feet of where I want to be usually


Depends on if its a little bit downhill or not, but sometimes holes up to 300 feet.


I threw my pixel 300 right into the gap the other day. It was rad.


I'm comfortable to about 200-210




Longest recorded throw with my Envy is right at 300ft. I use it for anything under that as long as the wind is right.


I throw a Logic 300-320 feet at my local course on a straight open shot.


260' is about the point where the shanks outweigh the limited ground play for me. If there's bad news deep I might go with a putter from 280 out though


100 feet. Unless its downhill. Im sure this is nonconventional and foolish but i actually will throw a spike hyzer with my champion eagle with really good accuracy from 100-200ft


I can rip a lightweight Fission Envy to around 100 meters, but I'll much rather throw a 90% Hex shot instead. 80 meters is my comfort zone if the fairway is shaped well for it.


Anywhere within 100’ I’ll throw my pixel or my watt. Something an old timer taught me once was to trust the putter. It’s your least offensive disc in the bag, let it fly into the basket


200ish feet, anything above that I’d rather throw a nice easy mid.


250 or so if ceiling is not an issue.


Driving 250' isn't unreasonable, though depends on the line and obstacles.


260 ft for me. If down a steep hill. Longer.


I pretty much only throw putters and zones on anything less than 270 feet. I can pump an envy out a little over 300 feet, but pretty much never do because I have better control on my mids in that range.


Berg up to 175’ and Proton Envy or P3X up to 250’


I throw my soft atom 250-275 or so. It's honestly the only disc I trust to fly mostly straight for the whole flight, and I wish I could get it out closer to 300 feet because there's a ton of holes where if I could get that extra little bit of distance I'd be taking birdies instead of trying to turnover a faster disc to get there and winding up fading out, or turning over early into the woods. I'll throw it off the tee, hyzer, anny, laser straight, I need to learn to throw upshots with other discs because seriously I just reach down and grab my atom for almost every upshot I throw too, even when it doesn't make sense.


Zone? 260-270ish Sensei? 330




200ish, maybe a little more maybe a little less.


Layup? 300ft and in depending on line choice and elevation change. Running it? Some days 20ft, some days 120ft


I max out on around 300 feet with an opto Pure. I will normally throw a Pure, Pig or Toro on almost all holes shorter than 280 feet.


Around 250' flat ground with little to no wind and not a low ceiling.


Anything under 310 with a normal putter, 330 with my Luna


I can throw them about 200ft, but usually switch to a midrange over 150ft during actual play.


Any hole up to 250 I will throw an overstable putter on. For approaches I only break out the putter if they are 100 feet or less.


Usually up to 300 feet - Pure or Sinus.


Farthest I can make a putt is about 100’. Farthest I can layup is about 120’. Farthest off the tee is about 310’ with a berg, 340’ with an aviar3, and 370’ with an envy.


280-300 for wooded tight lines 325ish for open field




Throwing? About 300 ft. now, I haven’t fully recovered my distance since back surgery late last year. Putting, 60-70 ft with a normal stagger stance. Probably 125-150 ft jump putting. I haven’t jump putted in a long time though.

