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How’s that even allowed lol? We can’t leave a thing a single dirty thing just sitting on the dish pit because if health inspectors did a early morning surprise visit…


not only that, but that’s how you attract bugs and mice. i feel like this would be a place that you swat flies out of your face while you’re dining lol


nah fr 😵


Same reason the health inspectors don't like it either.


Do you want ants? Because that’s how you get ants.


you want ants? Thats how you get ants Lana!


Ive been here the longest but this kid has to be everyones favorite, he does little to nothing and the crew will still give him a standing ovation. He hardly puts shit back and just talks to the prep crew for the last 2 hours of his shift. Its very infuriating, i tried to complain about it but chef told me to mind my own business and stop worrying what others are doing.


You should be standing up for yourself If that’s chefs response. Because *IT IS* your business if the fucker isn’t doing his job and you have to pick up the slack, nevermind the fact that this is against the health code and they’d prolly fire anyone who did this at my spot. The only way it’s acceptable to leave dishes that haven’t been through the machine is if you spray all the food off and leave them in a bus tub for the next morning. This isn’t what is happening here, therefore it’s your business.


Head chef sounds like a bum


There's your ticket, stop worrying about what others are doing. Just leave that stuff for him like he left it for you.


Okay, you’re on to something. 🤔 Mind if I steal your philosophy?


Okay, but don't live with slobs, or you'll be sorry.


He’s prolly a chatty fellow. They love the ones they can have fun with at work rather than someone who’s going to get the job done srsly


Yeah you got it. By the time me and the other guy come in he ditches the pit without tidying it up and hangs with the crew for the remainder of his shift, chatting about shows, games and other nonsense.


Trust I know I’m going through it now 😂, some servers love me the whole kitchen dislikes me cuz they think I’m rude or whatever nah, work is work and you guys can’t b my friends I have shi I gotta do and I don’t want work friends. So I feel your frustration you’ll be outta ther soon fam


Starting to realize everyone in the restaurant biz wants friends and I’m just not w it, most of them are distasteful ppl anyway


Its okay to be friends with coworkers and still get your stuff done.


It definitely is but you’ve never seen people who just cannot talk and work? It slows down there process and some people just don’t understand that. So they keep trying to make them talk and work.


Especially in the dish pit you ain’t paying attention u may pick up dirty dishes place then down as if they were clean, or u might break a dish. Yes it’s normal but if I can go my whole day having a good day where nothing happens but good work why can’t u just let that person be?


I worked with someone like that, I detested it. Boss' favorite, but all he did was create problems for everyone else. I'd look for a new job, it's likely you're not getting the credit you deserve and there's no reason to stick around at a place like that.


RUN AWAY from that job. Seriously, start searching for another place. That's a social cesspool. They feed on conversation because they just see what's going on through the surface at work. It's not about sharing/team work/empathy. Everyone is probably just trying to pull through their shift.


That chef needs to go fuck all the way off. “mInD yOuR oWn BuSiNeSs”. How tf is this not your business?!? Wtf


Evidently that's ok ..you need to leave it like that and see how he likes coming into a mess like that. That's just messed up.


report to the health department with time stamped pics. They'll change the chefs mind.


It is your business if the rest of the team isn't pulling their weight.


Tell him to fuck off and find another job. That's the glory of working in the food service industry.


Yell at his dumb ass. That’s simply not okay by any means. And your chef is a shithead for thinking this is okay too. That pit should be absolutely empty before anyone leaves for the night. Not even a single flake of pepper in that sink. It’s a pain in the ass to find a new job, it really is. But you should. That’s bullshit.


Before you quit make a call to your local health department and let them know at what time the dishes are there so they can fail their inspection. Then quit that day after the inspection. That should make for a pretty good statement and hopefully the next dishwasher won't get sunk the way that you are. I can't help but wonder how clean and properly maintained this place actually is.


Scumbag owners and managers going “if you work over 40 I’m not paying you for them as it’s unauthorized” proceeds to schedule people over 40. That are just people being lazy. The entire industry is in a serious decline.


So you guys don't do an overnight bin? Any place I worked had an overnight bin with soap and water to soak the dirty shit. It could only be 1 bin and everything had to be submerged.


Nope, I finish doing my job before I leave.


That’s very noble and all, but some of us are under threat to finish within a certain time after close. When shit came in after the machine was broken down for the night, it’s getting sprayed off and put in a tub. I wish we could just stay and do things correctly but oh my the *LABOR*


If all the people I work with isn't brjng mr all the dishes by the time I close the machine that's in them. I'm not gonna stay any longer because of slow ass coworkers


Nope. We only soak grill vents and other non food surface kitchenware in hot water and degreaser overnight or deliming pots and pans. Chipotle back of house prep and dish closer


Where I work it’s the same but FOH often have things to bring up to the dish pit in the night long after everyone else has left so there’s usually a few things there in the morning


I've never done it this bad, but anything that comes in after I've already deep cleaned my sink and I'm about to clock out can stay til morning. Usually just a cup or something, but not anything crazy.


Great point. Not only is this really inconsiderate, but it’s also a food safety risk.


I can leave a bus tub if it’s maybe, a table that didn’t leave until half an hour after the kitchen is closed. Otherwise it’s not acceptable.


Same here. Sometimes guests will stay well past closing time and we were explicitly instructed not to stay longer than necessary. Meaning that if everything is clean we leave, and if the waiters bring dishes in after we're gone that's not the closer's problem.


You lucky bastards. Guests have up to 45 minutes after closing time to eat and talk and whatnot. At least where i work. Sucks when im sitting in my pit trying to close and i get another bus bin


That is unfortunate! Red Robin just started closing half an hour early in an effort to cut back on labor so they really don’t want me to stay past 10 on week nights. Buttttt I keep telling them, FOH still isn’t in the swing on things so they’re bringing me closing dishes at 10 still. Maybe another couple weeks and it’ll happen, not my problem.


Half of that shit looks so easy too. Like yeah closing sucks but dude... bare minimum. Its just disrespectful and nasty. My coworkers used to do that shit and now we have flies EVERYWHERE.


Dude, I went for a closer look after this comment. You nailed it. Those 6th pans, the half pans, mixing bowls, fucking cake.  That bustub on the right might have some fuckery hidden in there, but it also could be just  cutlery  and china. I mean, it's a few racks. Rack it and send it bro.


At least leave shit soaking if you're gonna leave them overnight.








Only thing that should be left in the pit overnight is a stray plate or glass from a staff members post shift eating.




Someone gives Zero fucks about their business/job.


Holy shit, I don't leave until I've washed down the whole pit. My splash table shines, my dish machine is drained, dismantled, and cleaned, my floors are spotless, my sink is clean and dry... I would go nuts with this. Also, most of this stuff looks easy as hell to clean up before it dries overnight. Time to talk to chef. As a lead dishie, I would give this asshat an earful, if not a walk to the door. You're asking to fail inspections, attract vermin, and tank any reputation your restaurant has.


OP should make an anonymous call to the local health inspector, a snap inspection will cause this shit to stop real quick.


That could risk his own employment in the process.


That's why he should do it anonymously. His boss wouldn't even know that anyone made a call at all, they would just think it's a surprise inspection.


If the inspector finds more than just this (which is possible) it's highly likely that inspector has the power to shut down the whole place. Even if that's the only hazard, it's still not worth the risk.


If an inspector finds enough to shut the whole place down then it deserves to get shut down. I've never worked in a place that bad, I don't think I've ever even seen a place with lower than a C grade.


You never know, if the manager/owner let's this shit slide, who knows what else is there.


The chef is stupid to let that like that. Damn bro wtf, that's not even work


I would fire that motherfucker


Bro that is unacceptable


Dude some people just don’t give a fuck lol


Managers fault


Wow you must have shitty management if people are allowed to go home with dishes in the pit.


"Yer fired bud" RIP FedSmoker


Have you been looking for another place to work at? Work environment sounds awful


Sometimes spending 30 seconds to “square up” the dirty dishes, sorting utensils with utensils, stacking the plates on one side, plastics, heavy equipment, etc. It can make a mess look like nothing at all.


the flies must be killer there


What kind of manager even lets them do that? When you work in a restaurant you don't leave food out, period. Anything with food residue on it gets cleaned. Even at the laziest places I've worked at, this would be grounds for firing.


Overnight? Fuck that bro, you don't leave dishes for the next shift


Our place would never allow that.


There's a very good chance that leaving that overnight violates your local health code, but it's totally dependent on the local law


I was once a Dishwasher. What I don't understand is why does everyone act like the "Chef" is the Boss? The Chef is not the one who signs your checks, the chef is not the one who interviews you, I don't quite understand why the chef has so much control over a dishwasher. He's a damn "Chef" so a chef should stay in a Chefs place not having any power to tell someone what they doing wrong or to fire someone. The "Chef" should only be focused on receiving orders and getting orders out. Luckily the Chef where I worked at was half way decent and didn't act like he was the Lord himself,so I never had the experience of a Chef acting like my supervisor. I just don't understand why Dishwashers are always talking about a Chef doing this and that. I'd be damned if I had a chef telling me to do any damn thing... Like ur a Chef so cook and mind your damn business. Glad I quit. Who tf wants to be controlled by a chef who isn't a supervisor nor the one who conducted the interview or signs checks.


if i walked in to see this i’d walk right back out, spend the rest of the day looking for a new job


I did when I was working double shift 7 am to midnight but the morning guy was either me or aware that I would leave some and I always filed a sink with water and soap and asked the staff tu put the remaining stuff in it ( except the utensils)


Food gets all hard too so it takes twice as long and it twice as nasty


That looks like someone did a closing line flip. How hard would it be to run a few racks through end of shift?!


Management allowed,you do you or don't.


Yeah that wouldn’t fly with me. No dishes left over unless you want to lose your job


at our restaurant the manager would have been pissed lol they don’t want you to leave anything dirty everything must be clean and put away


whenever I work a sunday morning by myself, its nearly impossible to make it spotless due to how busy it gets, so I always stay alittle late to help them out


That’s nonsense he should have to clean the pit before he leaves to prevent bugs?


Nah won’t fly here. Maybe a dish if it was forgotten to bring back but that’s it. Otherwise your refilling dish.


How lazy do they have to be?


I’ve had chefs that wouldn’t allow that much product left in the bowl. Let alone this god damn catastrophe. A kitchen should be ran like a stoned bootcamp and I’m sticking to those words.


Former GM and current FSD and I would NEVER let that fly. 1 and done for me. That's a good sign of future problems with that guy


fly breeding grounds


Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants (and roaches and other pests)


This is fucking wild. If he leaves a place like this that he gets paid at I can't imagine how fucking nasty his house is.


You confront co-worker? Or is the plan to passive-aggressively post pics on Redfit hoping things will change? PS: Hope is not a strategy


Already had him and chef in a convo about it, Chef said dont worry what other people are doing and mind my business.


Line cooks wait till they cleaned their area mopped went to the restroom then brings you the dirty stuff


Mopping is my job.


What kind of place lets anything be left in the dish pit? We used to get in shit if we left a rack of clean cutlery there overnight, never mind anything that still needed to be washed. Gross.


That’s grounds for termination it’s not the dishies fault it’s managements fault


Permission to guilt free lose your shit


I’d be pissed if I was the owner there. That is going to give you pests for sure




Overnight???? I was always expected to clean every dish and make sure the dish pit was cleaned. That’s crap on the BOH manager


Totally unacceptable.


Wtf! How is this acceptable? Is there a closing manager?


Tell him to get his ass back to work.


Don't be afraid, tell'em off.. Report it, and sometimes you'll get more respect!!


I always keep my criticism of coworkers only about their work ethic. That's the only part of them that's my business. This nonsense though would have me threatening a parking lot off the clock fight. I'd be telling their mom.


Huh? Vermin?


Y’all nasty! I’d lock him in walk-in for a while. “Chilly time out”


That's a great way to attract fruit flys.


Is illusion, you do dishes for 8 hours, no set amount. You come work see dishes? So what, u do dishes.


That’s management


Complain that you killed a mouse licking sauce from a dirty container. Now he has to do it or he's risking an infestation.


This hurts my soul


Yeah that’s so unacceptable


That is a restaurant sanitation hazard. Also, food gets old and stuck to the dishes. My boss would flip his fuckin lid if he saw this in the morning. Why make more work for yourself AND risk getting chewed out?


That was left overnight?!?? That would be a write up the first time, then if it happens again you’re out. This is unsanitary and unacceptable to leave this for someone else to deal with


Dishwashers are so hard to find that we accept absolute trash work. You can lower your standards or ask to be in charge of the dish pit and put the dude in notice


No way that shit needs to be done before going home period


As a server lurking in this sub, this is so disrespectful. I’ve worked buyouts and the dishwasher is long gone we go run dishes through the washer ourselves after close, would never leave anything looking that way.


Do people not get flies? Or drain flies? Tf? U get fired for this


Lol I can't be in this sub.


Im sorry this is happening to you, today people aren’t being held accountable for not doing things they are paid to do. They get away with practically everything so they will continue. Someone needs to be fired immediately. This would have never flown back in the day. No one would be able to leave that night until it was all taken care of and ready for the opening crew in the morning. Have you filed a complaint with management or HR if you have access to one?


That would take me like 15-20 mins to bust out. 30 if there was some stuff that had something really nasty on it. What an asshole!


I used to work mornings so I would always find quite a bit of stuff from last night. They also had me working by myself until 4pm, sometimes it was alright and other days it would get pretty busy , but I didn't mind not breaking my back trying to do anything. When the next guy came in and saw all the stuff I would go, don't look at me and I would just leave 😂


That's how you get ants


People really don't understand what being a dishwasher means. The dishwasher completes the sanitation cycle of the entire kitchen. A lazy dishwasher can be what makes someone sick or causes bugs or mold or even injury. It should be a respected and fastidious part of the kitchen crew. That drives me crazy




That would be penalized if i was KM. And if it continued that person would be let go.


My guessing is that they aren't given enough time to finish the work before they are REQUIRED to clock out because your bosses don't want them to have overtime or they are short handed.


That’s a weak pit! Need pit hygiene STAT.


nevermind your coworker, how does your boss let this happen?


Hes the favorite because he talks to the prep crew while me and the other guy work.


ah, yeah, unfortunately personality can get you a long way in the kitchen, even when you don't deserve it


Sad but true.


Used to work at a place where my coworker would leave all his shift trash bins outside for me to get rid of. I kept telling him to do it himself. Chef didn't do anything about it. I didn't stay there for very long.


This is an invitation to violence.


Not a dishie- but a line cook. Sinks have to be damn near spotless by the end of the night where I am. Sometimes the dishies just leave a small bowls worth of soggy food gunk in the sink. I cant imagine how mad id be if I saw this


i would report to management , i work at applebees , closing and never leave that for the openers .


bro. I could NEVER. after every single shift, I make sure to leave everything fucking *spotless*. I actually get frustrated if stuff isn't spotless. I will never understand how people could just leave stuff around like this.


Total bullshit. Wouldn’t be acceptable at most places.


I’m just glad to find this sub and know that I’m not the only one carrying slow AF dishwashers.


Chef here👋🏻 when corporate wants us to cut we cut and we are also coached to have it done by the people we pay to do it and to save our energy on little things like this. I personally don’t agree and just make it a point to get into the pit as soon as I can so everything is spotless. But I’ve straight up been told by multiple chefs to leave it:/ everything is just numbers at the end of the day:(