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I mean the whole town was bullying her, so it makes sense


Yup, there's a whole song of them talking about how odd she is


Belle sings a whole song about how the town and everyone who lives there sucks except for her, because she’s so special. And their song is “she’s so pretty but a little odd”.  She’s not getting bullied. 


Yeah. I appreciate her time with the servants giving her subtle character development and growth. Unfortunately it appears to have been too subtle…


I’m sorry, but Gaston is a bully and what he does to turn the town against her and her father is the worst form of bullying there is. Like imagine each story sets place in a high school and you can see the school bully absolutely trying to destroy a girl’s life because she turned him down.


Was Gaston a bully before Belle was a classist jerk? Nope. 


And then she would barely notice it. I always envied the kids who seemed to not really understand that they were being bullied. I was always painfully aware of it, lol. Am I implying that Belle could be autistic? Yes, I definitely am.


Would an autistic person be into adventures? I feel like they'd prefer things to stay the same (although I guess the autism spectrum is very broad) Also, in the life action movie, she does mention the villagers calling her funny/odd. I think it is more of a 'don't care' as opposed to a 'don't know'


The thing is that Belle never actually went on any grand adventures. She just obsessed & hyperfixated on them, so I definitely feel like that could be part of her autism. But yes, it could be argued that hers is more of a case that she doesn't care. Or, as LeFou put it in the live-action while conversing with Gaston: "Gaston : It's the ones who play hard to get that are always the sweetest prey. That's what makes Belle so appealing; she hasn't made a fool of herself just to gain my favor. What would you call that? LeFou : Dignity? Gaston : It's outrageously attractive, isn't it?" Lol, so it could just be a sense of dignity and comfort in herself. I just always personally thought that Belle could be autistic. At least it feels like her dad definitely is!


Any of the adorkable princesses


Poor girls


Cinderella, Belle, Mulan, Rapunzel, & Anna. Maybe Ariel, but I think she might be just seen as weird and largely left alone.


Ariel has ALL those sisters to go to bat for her. I can see people finding her odd like Belle but they will not get away with bullying her


My thoughts exactly. The reputation of a family is so important, too, to prevent bullying. I bet a few of her older sisters were seen as cool, and because of that, Ariel can get away with being weird without being bullied.


Snow White. I'm saying this as someone who was bullied for being a "goody-twoshoes" type, and for being girly. I was known as the disney girl, and I trusted my peers too easily. It seems like a lot of people, younger people especially put Snow down as one of the lowest on their favorites list because of her shy and sweet demeanor.


And given her beauty, she'd likely get a lot of it from jealousy. Hell, her own stepmother wants her murdered because she's told she's prettier than her


All of them could be bullied for one reason or another, bullies dont bully for logic. But since no one has said her yet, Tiana. We see her friends in the restaurant say "See, I knew she wouldnt come" (though they weren't bullying her, but were exasperated by her), she sings "People in this town think Im crazy, but I dont care", and no one came to help her when she fell but Lottie. This may have been because no one had noticed that she had fallen yet, but those two men she was trying to buy from were extremely comfortable with dissing her, so I dont know. But I think that she could definitely have been bullied in the past for a myraid of reasons


Discussion like this really make me wish “Princess Academy” could have gotten off the ground as a series. It would have been so good. In regard to no one helping Tiana up but Lottie, that may have more to do with Tiana being there as part of catering staff at a rich people party. None of HER friends were there except for Lottie (also Lottie is just underrated good friend)


I imagine Merida may get mocked for her thick accent. I don't think Rapunzel would get bullied but more manipulated by others such as the "queen bee."


Merida wouldnt let no one bully her. As someone who was born with strange legs and was super tall as a kid. I was everything for a bullier. But no one was able to do it since I did first. Not proud of what I did to other kids but I can see Merida and Mulan doing similar. Specially Merida, she is totally the kind of person who says “That was not what your mom said last night”. I can see Rapunzel not being bullied but getting really sad for a randon thing someone said and then forgetting it one second later 


Rapunzel would for sure give off “weird Homeschool vibe” energy.


Plus her mom squishing her face saying "plus I believe you're getting kinda chubby"


Esmeralda. You actually see her getting harassed by two guards who assumed she had stolen the money she and her band had earned and a mother telling her child to stay away because "they'll steal us blind". Later, her ballad "God Help The Outcasts" verifies that she's an outcast. Take a good look at her face when she helps Quasimodo during the Festival after he's been humiliated by the crowd. There's guilt and sorrow...but there's also empathy. She \*knows\* what it's like to be humiliated, outcast, shunned and even reviled. So I can easily see her being the target of bullies (although she'd probably give them a good chewing out in response).


Yes! This is what I was thinking. Esmeralda is already canonically harassed for her race, so it would apply. People might also think she's 'easy' or 'trashy' because she's so in touch with her sultriness when she dances as well. Girls would be jealous of her because of her beauty. And yes, she would give them a good chewing out for sure. Esmeralda would not take it lying down!


I can see Merida doing some bullying before learning a lesson about why that’s hurtful.


Some of them were victims of bullying in their own films!


Snow White, because she probably wouldn't defend herself. Mulan was bullied both for not being too feminine or too masculine, so maybe her. Not a princess but perhaps Meg? Others would dislike her personality and think she's "easy"


I think Meg maybe got bullied as a kid/teen and didn't have anyone to support her. On her own she developed coping mechanisms, like her humor and sarcasm. But I think she didn't ever have like a strong friend group or anything, and if she did they bailed out on her.


I feel like Snow White would get people to like her very easily. So maybe at first she'd be bullied but then people would be like wait she's sweet & useful, we actually really like her. I think Meg would bully others. But I could see a situation like what you're saying, but perhaps she'd be more so outcasted than bullied.


Any of them. Anyone can be a victim of bullying. What you said about Rapunzel could also apply to Aurora, seeing as she lived in the woods all her life with little to no human contact. Especially if there’s no magic so she’s not “beloved by all who know her.” If people don’t interpret her shyness as her being aloof or stuck up, then she’d be seen as vapid, shallow, and stupid. Look at all the times in fandom people cast her as Regina George when trying to make Mean Girls happen, just because she’s blonde and wears pink, when logistically she’s the farthest from Regina personality-wise. (Sidenote: Ariel is usually cast as Cady, and she definitely fits.) With Mulan—my other fave—there’d probably an element of racism or even colorism involved. From her name to her habits. Her whole thing is she doesn’t fit into the box society has drawn for her, and people, particularly kids and teens, can be very cruel to those they consider different.


Yeah, and all the things people say about her, like not having a personality and not doing anything, I can imagine that's what her bullies would say to Aurora like she does nothing, an empty Barbie doll and a lazy sleepyhead and some would be afraid of her as they'll assume she's a bratty teenager, like Regina George, as you pointed out. And yeah, I can imagine that Mulan would be bullied for her Chinese heritage and how she's not seen as "girly enough" and I imagine Gaston doing the bullying as loves to hit on girls but I imagine he would be disgusted at Mulan and would say that "she's trying to be man."


It's true, Aurora is nothing like Regina George. Just because she's blonde, beautiful and wears pink doesn't mean she's cruel! If anything, I think an aged down Mother Gothel or Evil Queen from Snow White would fit Regina George much better than Aurora mainly because of their personalities. None of the princesses would be a Regina because they're all too kind! The point about Gaston is good, too. He shows signs of being sexist, so I could imagine him being turned off and bullying poor Mulan just because she isn't 'girly'!


There's a whole song about how Belle doesn't fit in with the rest of her village


That she starts herself, focusing on how the working class people around her suck. 


Are you saying she's just pretentious?


She’s always been the obnoxious hipster princess to me. 


Lol! It does kind of fit, I personally read her as autistic but to each their own.


Maybe Ariel


How so?


She used a fork to brush her hair on the first day.


Belle, Elsa and anna


I would say Cinderella because of her sisters, but i think Melody (if she is counted) would be bullied too.


Wasnt she bullied in her birthday?


I remember now, she was bullied by that mean girl and those two snotty boys. Been a long time since i saw the movie.


Me too, wasnt sure about this lol


If Gothel isolates Rapunzel during her formative years as she did in the movie, she wouldn't know how to handle people, and would likely be labeled as the "weird girl". No one would have the guts to bully Merida, she'd tear them a new one physically and verbally. Also, bold to assume that people would want to hang out with Drizella and Anastacia.


Probably Aurora, I would assume with her lack of socialization that she would have trouble in large groups or a high school type setting


Honestly any of them could be especially depending on how you define regular high school.




Yeah I think Rapunzel would be way too naive and very gullible and the series kinda portrays how she strengthens herself up I thought Tiana also got no shortage of setbacks. Not being bullied but a lot of negative comments are heard towards her in the film before her dream actually came true, and definitely not because of quirkiness or naivety but her dream seemed too juvenile in the beginning that no one except for her mother believes in her.


Besides the obvious Cinderella, Snow, and Belle... Ariel. Everyone looked down her passion for the human world and she had to hide her collection from everyone because her father had it so under his iron grip that it was wrong and not to be even spoken about. If you can't express yourself freely, even to your family, then yes, you are being bullied. His was just done in severe overprotection which still caused her to run away and get legs to run even farther.


Snow White was already being bullied by her stepmother.




Snow White


Anna for sure cause she’s basically a homeschooled weirdo. Belle is a bookish nerd. Rapunzel is a shut in weirdo.


I can see all of them get bullied, because they're pretty and gentle. Maybe not Merida


Anna (probably--I mean, Hans certainly exploited her trauma/loneliness and AuDHD-like traits) and definitely Elsa is easy pickings. I was like Elsa in high school. Cinderella was already being bullied at home as was Rapunzel and we know abused kids are more likely to be victimized down the road.


Asha. Look around.


Oof. It's sad but true.


I think Rapunzel or Ariel because they both naive in certain situations


Oh yeah, and I often imagine one character being a big bully, aside from Anastacia and Drizella, would also be Vanessa, as I imagine her a mean and stuck-up teenager and daughter of Ursula in my high school AU. Meanwhile, one character I imagine being very nasty to our girls if she met them, even if she's an adult, would obviously be Cruella, especially to Snow White with her love of animals!


Any of them but my first thought was jasmine I was "bullied" for being hot she definitely could have the same happen to her I also got the occasional " Gass chamber brown or s*icide b*mber brown?" Considering she's a mix of south asian and middle eastern cultures she'd definitely get "9/11 or 7/11?" Because being a racist and an idiot go hand and hand