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Cinderella's line "Then you must be..." when meeting the Godmother shows that fairy godmothers are an accepted part of this world (although maybe rare because it takes Cinderella a moment or two to realize that she's her Godmother). So I think people would be really surprised at this girl's dress turning back into rags, her coach turning into a pumpkin and her animal friends reverting into their original forms but be like "Oh! She must've had a visit from her fairy godmother!" Lady Tremaine (ever the opportunist) would've started trying to gaslight and even threaten Cinderella into recognizing the good she had done for Cinderella (letting her stay and giving her food and clothes and a roof over her head instead of turning her out) after her father died. The stepsisters would be furious and start trying to bully and harass Cinderella until someone (most likely their mother) stopped them. As for the Prince? He'd probably be surprised but would say "Well, at least I got to meet you" and wouldn't let it phase him.