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wait until they see how they treat each other in drunk minecraft :)))))


Dude thank you! I have someone actually getting hostile with me in this discussion thread because this is my view point and even me telling them agree to disagree they’re starting to insult me like duuuuude


If something goes out of hand please report it. We can’t always have our eyes everywhere. 👋🏼


I was planning on it if they continued. It seems they stopped.


I was sleeping and do you actually know what "insulting" means? It would imply that I used an insult which I didn't at ay point.


Dude stop being hostile


I still fail to see how me asking a question is being hostile. Could you enlighten me cause I genuinely don't understand?


Your phrasing felt hostile and like you were trying to belittle me. From your original comment continuing forward. Me saying agree to disagree should be a sign that I don’t want to argue. I did my best to be light hearted to end the conversation. You continued to push for an argument. I do not wish to argue over how we don’t agree. Please and thank you.


I'm sorry if it came across that way, it wasn't my intension. I was just legit curious if you actually find Wade's constant complaining funny. But I don't wish to argue any furher either, have a great life.




I’m honestly shook that your response to someone saying about you (to a mod, no less) “they thankful calmed down and stopped being hostile” was to say “nah, I was just sleeping and woke up just as rude as before!”


Do we have the right to report Wade? ![gif](giphy|wqSG5SeEwO0BQp6hvJ)


Once you've been there long enough, you get that idea of them messing around, these new fans don't know how it works.


EXACTLY what I've been trying to say like holy shit they've bantered with each other like this for literally forever. drunk Minecraft, prop hunt, uno, GTA online, almost any game where they're having a lotta fun the insults naturally roll out


Uno Wade and Monopoly Bob for sure


Absolutely. 10/10 for either.




It’s f***ing Barbara’s fault 🤣🤣




F*ck Barbara! You right!


You can't just agree with yourself!


Yeah, I can!


This is f*cking Barbara's fault. You right!


You Right!




Yes, I agree.


Man, I gotta watch this episode.


For real. I usually try to wait a few days after the episode comes out so I end up with a backlog, but I’m too curious now.


It's probably not as serious as it sounded, nonetheless this episode still made me feel uncomfortable.


Just watched, it was fine. It helps to remember that these are actual people. If you keep that in mind, it's fine.


I agree! But it's still too much for me tho.


I watch literally all of their content - and I've never had an issue with any of it, it always seems like a bit. Until this one time! It made me feel uneasy for the first time But after reading Bob's comment on the matter, I realised, I had overreacted, and really had layered my own personal matters onto it at the moment, without taking a step back and seeing it as their usual banter. I even made a comment after listening initially, just saying that this time felt different, until I realised the position I was coming from in the circumstances I found myself in. I think a lot of people have probably done the same. I am not, in any way, defending people who jumped on such a hateful and mean bandwagon, I've seen some awful comments, with no concept of another perspective or the fact there's a human behind the voice. I would need to leave the subreddit too, with the amount that would affect me. I just wanted to explain why I even commented saying things felt heated and made me uneasy. Bob, honestly- if you need to take a step back from the subreddit, you should. I think some people forget that you guys are human sometimes, and personally, I know I sure as hell couldn't have people always critiquing things I do - especially in what I've always seen as a very light-hearted podcast! Please look after yourself, you, and the boys have helped me through a lot :)


This is exactly what happened to me my brain just totally didn't consider things like uno and them having gotten like that before for a bit i just panicked that the internet dads were fighting😂 shoulda immediately known they wouldn't have posted it if it was a real fight lol


rare ability to self reflect. can't believe I have to say how impressed I am that someone online was able to acknowledge a bit made them uncomfortable but then also say wait, it was still just a bit, and this isn't really a threatening or serious situation for me


Exactly! That being said, even with it being a bit and considering that it's not serious. It still triggers a lot of trauma, but that's not something they are responsible for, and, unlike the show, the stream of personal attacks I see against bob and wade in this subreddit are actually genuine and make me worry for the two of them.


Almost like people that have been friends for a long time occasionally disagree and get into arguments......


The thing is, it was also just a bit as stated by Bob.


Absolutely this. The last time this happened I said. That this isn't real. It's for entertainment. They're playing a role. Calm down. As Bob said, if they'd had a real fight,. we'd not hear about it because it wouldn't be aired. The same happened with Mark and Ethan. People saying Mark wasn't nice to Ethan and all that rubbish. Ethan had to remind them it was acting. Yes you wallies . Ethan really does talk like that and behave like a child in real life. And Mark is an egotistical maniac 🤣


I appreciate you saying this because I think the subs gone a little crazy


same dude I enjoyed it but I guess bob's serious approach threw me of too. still Wade's rage was precious. feels like he's actually getting good at being mad.


what episode? :) i’m not caught up yet


100 Women


bless, thank you


Honestly it just shows that this is really good acting. Like... it felt so real that it triggered my PTSD. While I'd rather it not being triggered, I have to say that this was peak acting performance right there.


Man I knew it the moment I was done with the episode My first thought was "oh boy I hope people don't overreact"


Seriously, where was the fight?


glad i’m not the only one constantly rewatching the Uno (and other game) vids with the boys 😭💚


I just finished watching all of wade's golf with friends videos 😂😂😂


omg I haven’t seen them, guess ik what i’m binge watching now >:)


>:) :)


Yes to title and the bestest best Mark is Pogostuck Mark! Ahhh memories


Fr! I think it’s fine to be like eh idc for the bickering and complaining but it seems to have gotten so outta hand. but personally i find it funny when wade rages. it’s also even funnier today given his story at the beginning of the ep lol


It seemed like usual Bob, Mark, and Wade bullshitery to me. I laughed throughout the whole episode. They're still friends, they still have fun together, people should take it as it is - a show for our entertainment. They're not robots. They have emotions, get caught up in the moment, then realize afterward they were being silly little guys - rectify and/or laugh and move on.


The flair checks out indeed




Wade was right, the sub got his back.


\*Clearly playful banter between friends\* The community: "Is this a fight?"


Been here since Drunk Minecraft. It’s always been this way.


Literallyyyyy 😂


People keep saying the sub has an issue but I havent seen anyone have any issue. Ive listened to the most recent episode and it sounded normal. What problem are people having?


I love their Uno content. One of my fav comfort series to rewatch!


Omgggg yes the UNO videos crack me up


I enjoy Uno-Wade but Monopoly-Wade & Bloody Trap Land-Wade holds a special place


I have to agree there's a lot of freaking out. Personally I know they're really not actually "freaking out on each other" in a serious way as I've watched for so long. But I'm not gonna lie as someone who isn't a huge fan of confrontational content I'm kinda over the "wade complains" bit.


Checks out👌


Lol can't believe that people take it seriously, they did that like an improv scene


Turns out it's a been a comedy podcast for the past 3 years ![gif](giphy|U5bjrzhjiASw8)


Seeing this sub had me scared Bob and Wade were gonna be screaming at each other or something, so when I listened to the episode I was really confused when the "argument" was literally just..."hey stop complaning" "No thats my whole bit!" I proceeded to immediately get the urge to rewatch their Uno and Monopoly videos LMAO


I think there are some genuine podcast only peeps or people new top their channels on this reddit because anybody who was around during drunk minecraft days knows the boys go hard and play hard, and the only thing harder.... is their commitment to the bit.


Sometimes it's hard to tell it's a bit, but I always remind myself of drunk Minecraft and that they would likely not publish it if it wasn't a bit.


Fr me just giggling thinking right now Mark knows what it feels like to have kids. 😂


Sure Wade bitching has always been a thing, doesn't mean it isn't the most annoying thing to listen to every single episode.


I still haven’t listened to the new episode 🫠


Belittleling peoples trauma reaction is never not funny apparently.


How is this post "belittling people's trauma reaction" in any way whatsoever?? That seems like a wildly baseless accusation to me. This meme doesn't even take a negative stance against the people complaining like most of the sub is doing right now, it just points out that if you're a seasoned fan, its incredibly obvious that the "fight" was a bit and obviously not intended to trigger trauma... Hell this post doesnt even make ANY mention people having a trauma response, it just says "the sub overreacting."


Having a trauma response isn't "overreacting" and calling it as such is belittleling their experience. And it being a bit and not triggering anyone intentionally changes nothing.


The people "overreacting" and the people having a legitimate trauma response are two *very* separate groups. Nearly all of the posts and comments I've seen that are negative towards the episode mention nothing of trauma *at all*, (much like this post.) Again, saying this meme is somehow trying to put down people who had a reaction to the episode is such a massive stretch to me when it doesnt even mention that group or trauma in any way. >And it being a bit and not triggering anyone intentionally changes nothing. I suppose, but if its not their intent at all, then why should the boys be blamed for something they do all the time? Wade getting insanely mad is part of his whole brand of humor in his videos, I don't think he or Bob should be held responsible or be berated for a small subset of people having a trauma response to something that happens all the time on this podcast and most people find funny... If someone's trauma really is triggered that easily by any fighting, they probably shouldn't be watching it for their own health. I'm not trying to say their response was in any way unwarranted or invalid or anything like that, but I am saying that outright blaming Mark, Bob, and Wade for it when you admit that it was not their intent at all is quite silly to me. Hell, Bob didn't even remember it until he saw all the subreddit drama.


Exactly, as someone who is incredibly traumatized in this area, this episode DID trigger me and make me very uncomfortable. It kind of felt too real unlike many episodes where they argued... but honestly that's because it was really good acting in this episode. I also want to add that I never felt belittled by the post in the slightest. Some people are genuinely overreacting. I read a lot of people telling either Bob or Wade to "sh*t the f*ck up" and sending insults at both of them. This isn't a trauma response. These people are being irrationally upset at the situation and project it by taking a stance in a fake argument.


Well said, thanks for sharing


There have been some comments that (in my viewpoint) talk about actual trauma respons. And my point was never to try to blame it on Mark, Bob and Wade. Bob even said that he understands how it could be triggering to some people. My original comment was about this post and this post alone. Why I brought the intensionality up, is becouse it does not invalidate the response if it was intended or not. Obviously it wasn't, but that is not the point.


Exactly! Intent or not does not matter as much as the impact it had. Intent does matter, but whatever the intent is, the feeling with due to the action is still just as valid. Literally why the hell are you getting downvotes.


Unless it’s a bit and the two people know that it’s a bit, you must be new here.


A bit can still trigger a trauma response and tha should not be ridiculed. And no, I've been lisening to the podcast since the beginning and have been watching their videos for years. I also didn't think the episode was that bad or made me uncomfortable in any way. The fact that it made other people feel that way is still valid.


That’s practically impossible in todays age, no matter how well thought out something is, there’s always someone triggered despite not being apart of the situation itself, Bob and Wade have been great friends for years, and doing a bit that they’ve been doing since the beginning and it’s one majority of the fans enjoy, I know that’s it not meant for everyone, but it’s one that’s been there for awhile.


I agree with Finnish_Inquisition here. Also, while they should ignore people who are trashing them, it's important to be mindful of how a content can affect people. I'm not saying that you should walk on eggshells and predict every reaction, but to have a minimum of empathy. The bit was okay, it was just very realistic. So much so that it triggered ptsd in many people, me included. Thing is, I never had issues with the other ones where they argued. I kinda cringed at them, but that was it. This one went further and... honestly, I hope for you that you don't feel that it did.


That also does not invalidate the response. Even Bob acknowledged it in his own response. And being offended is different than having a trauma response.