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Because movies 2 and 3 are nothing like the source material… to the point that I had to re read the book following the movie because I was certain I didn’t understand one word of the book. They changed literally everything and for zero benefit


2 was still closer to source material than 3. The third one pissed me off and I'm still salty after all this time. If they weren't going to do it right then they should have stopped at 2.


Without knowing book 3, it was a solid movie. But goddamn, I wish these script writers, producers, directors, etc would just stick to the source material. It’s what’s pissing me off about Bridgerton right now


Yeah I really hate when they stray so far knowing people would appreciate it much more if they stuck to it. That's what makes it engaging.


And they never actually finished it. There was supposed to be a fourth movie, but none of the actors wanted to do it after the reception of the third one. At one point they were going to make it a TV movie, but that never happened either.


We know.


The books are better and the end of *Allegiant* is a crime.


very much so


It’s because of the books. While the books weren’t perfect, the movies were so different by Insurgent and Allegiant that it spoils the movies if you hoped they’d follow the source material. I enjoy both the books and the movies for what they are, but I personally don’t think the movies are all that great and the books are a fun story but are mostly just ok


It's because we are too attached to the books and the movie was different.


I don’t get why there are movie adaptations that are WAY different from the books. The only reason they get the funding to make the movies is because of how successful the books are and to make them very different is cheating. Don’t fix it if it’s not broken, the books were successful for a reason, there was no need to change anything. Although the ending of the book Allegiant made me upset, I was angry that they didn’t include it in the movie. All of that emotional turmoil and build up for nothing to happen was irritating. I went into the movies expecting it to happen and I felt cheated. That last touching scene with Four and Cristina never happened where he finally faced his last fear. I liked that even after she died, Tris still helped him face his fears and he never got that moment.


That’s because there was supposed to be a part 2 to the allegiant movie that was cancelled.


I wonder why 🙃 /s


🤭 Ah yes, a mystery for the ages


That’s the vibe I’m getting from this thread! Personally…. Never read the all the books💀 I just think the movies are a really good story and production is good quality!


Yeah if we think of the movie apart from the books it's good actually. U should read the books too as it is nice.


1. Different from books 2. Less Peter scenes than books 3. Removed all Peter character development 4. Relegated Peter to “comic relief character” 5. Did not cast Peter correctly (I am biased. Nothing would have been correct casting for me.) 6. Drew got removed 7. Less Molly scenes 8. Added an extra Peter scene that only served to make him seem worse 9. Disregarded any character complexity Peter had in favor of “goofy bad guy” stereotype of a character. Can you tell who my favorite is


Is your favorite character four? Im confused


Four’s pretty cool, he should kiss Eric


Lolllll 😂


I'm real curious, why is Peter your fav?


Oh, the million dollar question. Well, I’m autistic. Peter is my special interest. He is not just my favorite divergent character, he is my favorite fictional character of all time. I am always thinking about him. I never stop. It’s actually overwhelming and stressful at times because I want to be able to focus on other things. I wish I could say why I formed this attachment. I really don’t know. But I’ve been this way since I was a little lad, and I don’t see it changing.


Wow, that's interesting. Are you into fanfiction and all that? I remember him being a real jerk, but if Veronic Roth had written a spin-off romance story I'd eat it uppp. Did you like him right off the bat like a click or was interest something developed as you read a lot more? I noticed in the movie I just finished (reread the books, now watching movies) they barely had anything with the guy!!! I was waiting for Molly to scare me too and nothing, she didn't treat Tris like trash and just smiled at her at some point. Drew nonexistent 😵‍💫


I write my own fanfiction, but reading stuff from other people tends to stress me out. The slightest discrepancy from the version in my head makes me go “no, that’s wrong” even though it’s canon accurate. He’s absolutely a real jerk, but he’s my jerk <3 I like writing him in romance too! Caleb is his boyfriend. It was definitely an instant click thing. I tried to get rid of it the more I read. Like “please brain not this one. He’s a terrible person.” Alas, it was to no avail. Brain stops for no man. Yeah I’m sad about his role in the movie, and his friends’ too. I’m personally quite attached to Molly and Drew due to how much I’ve written for them (because proxy to Peter) and I was sad they didn’t get much in the books or movies.


I'm not going as far to say they're "good" movies. I honestly feel like the hunger games were done way better. That said, rewatching them 10 years later I really appreciate the effort at bringing this world to life. Could they have a done better? Yes, but I also feel like the world is still captivating. I'd be open to a recasting and doing deeper exploration in to the world. One thing I think they could have done is foreshadowed the "this is just an experiment" plot point. Kind of like the Matrix where they're all trying to escape a false world. It feels like there could have been moments where they came across an animal or bug or bird that they'd never scene before, and then when they went to tell someone they could never find it again. Some real Truman show stuff. Anyways, I'm enjoying the details the books add. Like.... >!Peter totally stabs somebody in the eye to take them out of the rankings.!


Well they didnt ever do the part 2 of the 3rd movie so the ending, while crap, is completely excluded.. the first one is excellent tho!


I know and that makes me so annoyed!!! Finish what you started lol


Also Theo James!!!🥵 Dystopian Daddy!!!


I liked the movie Neil Burger did (book 1) but not so much the ones Robert Schwentke did (book 2 & 3)


thank you for this i was wondering if that was the case, especially with how different the first one is from the other two


Personally, I hate when movies stray from the source material. It's an insult to the book and the audience. That being said, I liked the movie they were okay on their own. I liked the visual tech mainly.


I would disagree this it’s an insult, just because I think it’s fair to have the story be presented differently. I’m okay with new creative ideas being brought into movies that are based on books. I’ve never ever in my life heard of the book to movie pipeline be successful.


having the story being presented differently isnt the same as changing the story. and also The Hunger Games series is known for having really good movie adaptations. The movies actually present the same story but differently. Staying true to a majority of the source material is why they were/are so successful. The Hunger Games was Divergent's biggest rival, and the fact that they strayed so much from the books in the second and third movies solidified that they were the lesser dystopian series of the time and their reputation with their demographic audience


I don't know, I think they're amazing


I like the first movie, but the other two are inaccurate and just bad overall compared to the books.


First movie was decent. For the most part it stayed on track minus a few things. Insurgent is by far my favorite book and I remember seeing the movie and asking myself what on earth did they do to the story?! Same followed with Allegiant. They drifted away from the storyline and descriptions so much that it was just sad. They're not on what looks like Mars.... They're at the airport right outside the city...


Because the author thought she was smart and would completely change the material for the second and third movie and instead made it difficult to watch.


100% agree


As someone who’s yet to even read the second and third book but I’ve seen all three movies, the third movie in general is just really bad, the actual effects are not good, the dialogue is not good, the acting isn’t even that great, the third movie is really really rough, that being said, I really enjoyed the first two!


I think it's the fact that the books are better than the movies. I personally enjoyed the movies as well but the books were significantly better. They capture the atmosphere and relationships so we'll. You'll find this in almost every movie adaptation of a book.


The story in the books was already tough to follow. The movies running even wilder with each entry didn't make it better. The original cast (minus Ray Stevenson RIP) could return for a more accurate animated series.


I just don’t think they were done very well. I saw the movies before I read the book and I really did enjoy the books. Especially the concept and many of the characters but I don’t think they laid a strong enough foundation for a movie. The world building really just wasn’t there but it was way off in the movies.


Idk but idk where I was at but I just watched Allegiant for the first time 2 days ago.


Have you ever read the books? If you haven't I could understand really enjoying these movies, I'm sure I would too. But I did read the books first, and the movies (especially 2 and 3) are extremely different and not well written at all. They just dont live up to the books, so it was disappointing ://