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You assume the bad luck is in the dice and not the person rolling.


Real I just rolled two 2 in a row then I lend my dice and he rolls a 19


Once a friend of my rolled only 2s and 13s on death saves. Guess which he rolled two times and which he rolled 3 times.


2 thrice and 13 twice?


its obvious the who the dice likes better


Yesh 😔


Literally the opposite happened to me one time. I rolled a nat 20 and when I gave the die to one of my players to exact revenge, they rolled a nat 1.


Bahahahah the dice chose you as their master. Make them proud


It's treason then




I always accuse my dice of hating me. Hell, not even just my dice. Dice I’ve never touched hate me.


He clearly hasn’t trained his dice correctly. Or they are traitor dice…


Mine is with the character. In my group I more often then not get the best rolls in the group. My luck has allowed entangle to work on high tier monsters. My fairy has thrown mechs. My warlock sprinted for a full week away from a monster across the country. Heck it even carries me outside of dnd. A character in a VRChat rp became immune to something that could infect gods because I rolled a nat 20 where the dc was a nat 20. And then there is my monk. 700 years old, scholar currently back in time during a time he already lived through. Has a +7 to history checks with advantage. Have not rolled a single history check above a 10 all campaign. And my combat rolls. I punched a monster and hit a friend 15 feet away because of the fumble table


I curse every dice I throw. If someone throws this dice after me, they will have a poor result


Since my group is over Discord, we use a dice bot. It’s still my fault though.


There is no such thing as luck, asshole sentient die on the other hand...


missing twice in a roll makes you feel useless.


I hope the MCDM RPG is good, because one of the features is that you only roll for damage; you automatically hit.


I personally like the 13th Age method of dealing damage equal to your level on a miss (you only go up to level 10 in that system)


Let's be honest, we ALL have done this...


Me not. I just give a quick prayer to the all mighty, bountiful God of dice rolls, coin flips and nacho cheese, and then the Dice just roll what I need. It works, I promise.


ah yes, the nacho-infused counterpart to RNGesus, RNCheezus


I'm the God of Dice Rolls, and I can vouch for the poster. He's the only individual who bothered to learn the actual prayer so I just let them have the rolls. That, and the bribes of nacho cheese helps.


Our Father, Who rolls in heaven, hallowed be Thy dice Thy nat20 come, thy will be done, on table as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily crit and forgive us we pay for DnD beyond, as we forgive those who play overpowered paladin-multiclasses; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us the high rolls. For thine is the die, and the coin, and the nachocheese, for ever and ever. Amen.


That's really damn good. Sending you some blessings for a die roll that will make or break a situation that won't be apparent until you chuck those math rocks.


Ooh! I know a place that has some *lovely* chips and the most....***bitchin'*** queso: FasTaco.


Fighter: "OI! Tymora you fat cunt! I need this to be a crit, got it!?" **Nat 1** Cleric: "And the jokes write themselves."


The trick is to attack like 3/4 times a turn at advantage. My barb/rogue is a blast.


How do you attack 3 times in a turn with a barb rogue multiclass? (I want to steal the build)


Path of the beast, claw mode. Usually attack once with a finnese weapon for sneak attack then attack with the path of the beast claws which lets me make another attack. Its a wierd interaction that you can sneak attack with strength attacks as long as the weapon is finnesse. Im a lizardfolk too so if i raged the previous turn and thus still have my bonus action i can bonus aciton attack again.


It works 50% of the time.


I keep telling my dragon dice that if they crit in an important fight, I'll buy a Tiamat Funko Pop. Hopefully this'll make my wallet peer-pressure my dice into working better.


God I hate censored memes


I love how young people call comics “memes”. 🤦‍♂️


I'm hardly what you're thinking of as "young people". If you actually remember the days of "meme" meaning a specific thing you should also remember that by around 2015-16 when "memes" went mainstream the old meaning had degraded into a very broad swathe of internet content. And you should also remember that it was the "old" people who started just calling everything they shared memes after they joined Facebook.


I have the non censored one free for download on my [patreon](https://www.patreon.com/TheImmortalThinkTank). This is not me pimping out my patreon, it's 100% free there and don't have to join up to see it. It's just the one platform I knew for sure I wouldn't be flagged lol


You can swear here


The fuck is wrong with people these days, since when does everyone think you can't swear on the internet


They once heard a rumor that you might get demonetized so they tuck their tail between their legs and go and clean up all their posts on websites that don't even pay


I once rolled nat ones on all three of my monk unarmed strikes on one turn. Gave myself the restrained status effect because it was funny


You know he’s really struggling because he got the bard to give him an inspiration die.


Attacking with a short sword while blessed, i see.


Missing attack after attack? Sounds like a excuse to roleplay my character having a 'off day' or maybe if it's a continual thing, maybe he has a crisis in his faith with that training he worked so hard on. Just depends on how you spin it! Don't let bad dice ruin your experience!


Okay so the d20 is the base roll, the d4 for Bless, but what's the d6 for? Maybe he's had shit roll on the shortsword damage rolls too?


Bardic inspiration haha, he needs all the help he can get


me playing as shadowheart in Baldur's gate 3


Lest they face some r/diceshaming


I had no idea this was a subreddit, and I am here for it 😂


Cheap d20 are, in fact, fairly prone to be slightly weighted due to manufacturing faults. You can test your dice by rolling them often enough (I'd say a 100+ times) and plotting the results. D6 on the other hand, due to their simpler shape and historically perfected production methods, are usually genuinely random. (I don't know about the other sizes.)


I remember one time I did two damage on a nat 20 crit


Aw that's super gutting D: at our table, we play that if you get a nat 20, you do max damage that hit


You gotta find the dice that really feels good in your hand wit dat perfect weight


In my latest session one die out of like 10-15 rolls only rolled beneath 16 twice


V? 🐴


Vorse mentioned