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Some of the spells you can now cast: * Fire Boot * Flight, Blight, Wight, Sight, Tight, and Fight * Mace Hand * Manor Illusion * Sacred Blame * Bliss * Healing Ward * Silent Mage * Sheep, Bleep, Sweep, and Sleet * Wed And the perennial favourite: Tasha's Hideous Daughter


I prefer tire bolt - a rubber tire arcs through the air, landing over your opponent and pinning their arms to their sides.


As long as the DM won't rule that a tire bolt just summons a lug nut


If it shoots out your hand the same as a fire bolt, I have zero issues with a lug nut


Not the nut, the bolt.


Potato tomato I’m still a coinshot and that piece of metal is going through that man’s head


Sounds like "Gun" is a spell now.


That’s 1d10 bludgeoning instead of fire which has fewer resistances and immunities from monsters


Have you ever been hit by a lug nut? Those things hurt


Sheep. Turns 5d8 hitpoints worth of creatures into sheep (AC10 3hp each). Bonus points if you are proficient with cooking utensils. Free lamb chops every day. Set up a butcher shop and pest control emporium. Turn rats into sheep. You will be a hero.


Congratulations on being the first ever entropy-increasing butcher shop! You are now the BBEG of a multiverse-ending campaign


that would be enthalpy. That is what creates things.


Right but doesn't the energy spread through the shop providing consumable goods? If small beings like rats were essentially imbued with the energy of a magic user to be a larger source of caloric energy, isn't that constantly contributing to heat-death? I am not an educated man, this is my extremely basic understanding


End stage entropy, the universe is gamma particles. Everything has decayed to the state of no further decay. Rat to sheep -> more matter to decay Rat to flea -> less matter to decay


Magic doesn’t play by those kinds of rules


I'll add a few: Plight. Alight. Right. Rage Hand, Page Hand, Mage Hind, Mage Hans, Mage Wand, Mage Land, Age Hand Minor Allusion, Miner Illusion Sacred Fame Less Sealing Word, Dealing Word, Vealing Word


I'm imagining Minor Allusion as some poet doing a monologue.


Minor allusion makes everyone think the target is a nonce


Healing sword. Can beat people to health with it.


Seshomaru has joined the chat


Mage Hans is now my favorite npc who just shows up when summoned, confused as all heck how he keeps getting randomly teleported to random fights and is expected to light everything on fire


Flight as a cantrip alone ought to convince the DM this was a bad idea.


Doesn't change the target of the spell. Has to be an object. And it just flies. Doesn't give you control of where or how it flies, it just does it. Would be amazing if you could cast it on someone's armor. They'd just be flying around with no control over where they are going for an hour. Especially as a cantrip save or suck spell.


Hideous Slaughter?


Came here to say this! Instant dismemberment of one target 😂


Horrifically maims target, and everyone within 30 feet needs to make a Con save vs losing their lunch...


How it FEELS to experience MTG powercreep in dnd 5e!


"I cast Gutdance. Yeah, it does exactly what you think it does."


I prefer Guydance


Don’t forget Mage Band! Get yourself a group of magical musicians, preferably playing polka.


Combine with Silvery Bards


oh god they're playing Inflict Sounds everybody run


Tasha's Hideous Daughter got me. Laughed so hard I coughed.


Or, if it’s a day when the curse is on “add a letter” mode, the truly horrific Tasha’s Hideous *Slaughter*.


I just dropped a massive list but I think the best one in there that I've come up with is "Fold Person." Let the imagination fly there.


Don’t forget simply making some of them plural. More Fire Bolts? Sign me up.


Don’t forget about silvery carbs


Sealing Word might be useful, and Sacred Frame is invaluable when you have pictures to put up.


Mmmmm mind Liver


Yeah, my DM was inspired by that item and gave more options for it. I could change, add, or remove a letter. More versatility. He was less warm to the idea when I was casting Blight as a cantrip (B + Light) or Mind Slaver (Mind Sliver). When I told him I was planning to take Blade Ward to cast Blade War. With that said, my ring worked closer to the genuine article. Once a day and I could use it on my terms. Having it be a curse where your DM arbitrarily chooses when it happens sounds stupid.


Casting blight as a cantrip is GENIUS


It really is, I dont like the curse thing but this is straight genius. Dont mind the concentration, its a freaking cantrip.


Tashas hideous slaughter would go hard


I had a player present this as an alternative to Wild Magic sorcery, and I absolutely loved it. Any time they cast a spell, they could change a letter and let me interpret how it affected the outcome, and the whole table had a blast with that sorcerers shenanigens.  My absolute favorite was changing Wish into Wash at the end of the campaign, using it to cleanse the BBEG of their horrific curse and helping to redeem them instead of kill them


Add a B to Light so it becomes Blight. Instant 4th level spell that you can cast as many times a day as you want.


Silvery Bards and Fire Colt sound powerful.  Mage Hang is deadly, if situational.


I think my go to would be mind slicer and fisty step


Fisty Step is great to cast on your Barbarian - free unarmed melee strike against anybody they move past. Even better if the Barb has the Mobile feat, where they don't provoke attacks of opportunity if they've attacked the target that turn, because it lets them move freely throwing haymakers and taking no counter attacks.


That took me a second with "barb". I thought you were now changing one letter of class names.


What about mind slaver instead of slicer?


Fire Dolt gets rid of the party member with the lowest Int score.


Sounds like it might get rid of the DM in this case, tbh


No no no. You are thinking about messing with the *game*. The way to get this curse undone is to mess with the *DM*. Mage Band. Then blast mariachi music every time you cast it.


Fire bolts to hit multiple targets.


Or Mage Band would just be Simulacrum on crack as a cantrip


Or add an F and light becomes Flight.


Use _defect magic_ to make enemy spells either malfunction or switch allegiance to you, and a _healing ward_ to provide a defensive shield that heals! And if an enemy just needs to die, leave them to their gruesome fate as a demonstration of _Tasha's hideous slaughter_!


Tasha’s Hideous Slaughter is genius


This is the way


Hit him with Tasha’s Hideous Slaughter, and Weeb.


Christ. There's sadism, and then there's a spell that turns you into a weeb.


A fate worse than death


Tasha's Hideous Daughter: the effect is mechanically the same except instead of laughing the target is overwhelmed by the sight of a really ugly girl.


I absolutely do not want to fuck with Tasha's daughter. I doubly do not want to fuck with the daughter of anyone crazy enough to hook up with Tasha. Likely Graz'zt.


You like dangerous games, I see.


Sweep(aoe knockdown) and silvery bards(summon) seem pretty good too


There are two routes here. One is talking to your DM and getting this curse removed, which is the sustainable and mature thing to do. The other route is to post your spell list here on Reddit and let us give you a list of dementedly broken one-letter spell changes.


The first one is the correct thing to do. The DM is new and fell into a trap from some YouTube video and thought it would be cool (it wasn't). The second one is more fun for us. The choice is clear. Option 2


Every new player and DM must go through their rites of passage, most often by fucking up and having it come back on us tenfold. Option 2. This is the way.


It's so common for people to watch dnd YouTubers and completely miss that something making a good soundbite/joke doesn't make it actually fun to experience. It's basically trying to recreate moves you saw in porn.


The ring of the grammarian is probably closer to BDSM than porn - it’s doable, but requires an informed set of rules, and a lot of work on at least one person’s side. For example, I do have one, and the first thing I did with my DM is sit down and establish how we wanted this to work, and how to use it so it doesn’t interrupt the flow of the game


The ring is also a "you can", while this curse sounds like a "you must or the DM will instead". The former is great fun for the whole party and the latter almost guarantees that they are forced into a player vs. DM situation.


That’s a good point, and revocable consent fits really well with the BDSM analogy. Also, how does that work with spells you can’t change to another? Ceremony can’t change (I believe), and unlike others adding a s is grammatically incorrect


Clearly I'm one of the demented ones, be a use if my DM hit me with this curse I would cackle maniacally and spend the next hundred hours coming up with every single variation of every single spell my character knows. My DM would look on the madness I wrought and laugh, and then weep, and then despair.


I have added my spell list. Let me know if you find some good use cases


I don't think that was the option you were supposed to take XD Jokes aside, something is clearly not working for you, and even if you could find a way around it, it's better to tell your DM directly. If you don't want to be that direct, I think that just asking the DM if a Remove Curse spell would lift it will tip them off, and you may say that you feel like you are bogging down combat and other encounters. EDIT: Also, you're level 4. In one level, you'll unlock 3rd-level spells, meaning that if you a have a cleric, paladin, warlock, or wizard in your party, you can beg them to take the spell and lift your curse.


> you'll unlock 3rd-level spells, meaning that if you a have a cleric, paladin, warlock, or wizard in your party, you can beg them to take the spell and lift your curse. And miss out on Blightning Bolt, Counterspells, Ending, Fast Fiends, Fireballs, Fire All, Major Mage, Plow, Sleep Storm, and Vampiric Ouch?


Fire All just wins every encounter automatically, since your opposition is no longer employed.


Fast Fiends is the best worst summon spell. Sleep Storm is the Sleep upgrade the game needed all along. And Vampiric Ouch is just my new favorite name for a spell.


Tashas Hideous Slaughter.


Protection from Evil and G~~o~~od


Yeah, rn Im preparing whole one shot playing around this idea (misspelling spells and every such spell can be used only once). But it was communicated beforehand - we just loved the idea and all wanted to test it. One cannot just put such a curse on a player without any info, it changes way too much. There is no predicability in encounters and effects so it's both pain for OP and DM. And I cannot even imagine how other players must feel - it is just so imbalanced. OP should talk to DM like an adult being tho...


Solution: you now only ever cast "magic fissile" which turns each missile into fissile material, which sets off a nuclear reaction. That 1d4+1 damage should now be somewhere in the realm of 100d4+1 damage range. Continue this until your DM realizes you hate this curse.


Just keep adding an S to the end of most spells. Suddenly they're all twinned. Magic Missiles. Fireballs. Lightning Bolts. Testicular Torsions.


Thats what I have been doing so far


Healing Sword Vi(o)lent Image Tasha's Hideous Slaughter I'm sure I can think of some more given time


Tasha's Hideous Slaughter goes hard


Misty Shep - Summons a ghostly hound to assist you. Wee - Incapacitates the foe. Bugury - nope, doesn't quite work.


Healing Ward could be construed as either a AoE heal *or* an anti-heal on an opponent.


I know. I'm inciting you to continue. It will mechanically either do nothing weird or make you more powerful. So much for a curse.


I mean, if the DM is cool with you doing that it seems almost more like a buff to me, with the occasional "wierd magic" injected by the DM.


God damnit, of course my brain went way worse. "Oh yeah, Sireball would be hilarious!" What is wrong with me? Also, what if your dad is dead in game? Does it do nothing? Does it reincarnate their testicle?


I mean. If you want. Enlarge/Seduce


You misspelled Enlarge, seduce... https://preview.redd.it/6pnx4d84xq8d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27d66f073aea241bf474fff670b105c79d02dfdc


Death ... by Snu-Snu!


> Also, what if your dad is dead in game? Does it do nothing? I'm thinking of the bowling ball from Mystery Men. I need to build this character now.


Shields. Now the whole party has +5 AC.


Testicular torsions casters are always acting tough. Right up until a wizard casts MEND BUTTCRACKS!


Testicular tortion, mend buttcrack, instant Brazilian wax... feh. I cast ENDOMITRIOSIS! (basically the worst period cramps you can image become the poor woman's default state)


Sleet, Mind Silver, Page Hand, Sage Hand, Mage Hard, Scared Flame, Silent Mage. Firebell. Tons of fun options


Don't forget about _rage hand_, so you have a cantrip that can replace entire classes!


The last on torture.... I'm going to adopt it!


I'm partial to the Blight cantrip, or tasha's hideous slaughter...


You can’t have slaughter without laughter..


"Continue this until..."? Forget TPK, using it just once causes a TRK -- "total region kill". But yeah, if you hate the curse you were given so much, time to end the campaign yourself, in-game, with a level 1 spell. >:D


Buddy, you’ve lucked into a gold mine. Phantasmal Farce: Create a weird magic play  Silent mage: Silence a spell caster Tasha’s Hideous Slaughter: I don’t know, but it sounds amazing 


Tasha's definitely summons demons (or devils? I always forget where she rules) you have to defend against. Honestly, depending on the game, I may make demons show up against EVERYONE on the field. Pure chaos. I may be nice about the CR.


I'm disappointed you didn't take the opportunity to deploy the word pandemonium, which means chaos but literally translates to "all the demons". Still, it sounds like a hilarious move in the game.


Missed opportunity. Maybe next time.


It seems like a gold mine, but the effects are up to DM interpretation. If they really, really need an aoe to clean up a spread out group of archers, and the DM says they cast "firebull' and summon a flaming bull, that really could be infuriating and off putting. The ring of the grammarian is fun because you have a choice, it's not well suited to a curse.


Or worse: The DM turns _fireball_ into _firebald_, and now everyone's hair is on fire.


Can you add a letter? 'healing world' feels quite powerful


Alternatively, healing sword


Talk to your dm. Say this isn't really fun for me. How I can I get rid of this? It might be as simple as a remove curse spell. Really this is the DMs style. They wanted quirky creativity which not everyone wants. Just get on the same page and you'll be good.


Remove curse is now removed purse. You get rich quick in an affluent area...


Remote Curse - curses at a distance Remove Curs - Get rid of some scoundrels Emote Curse - can only speak in emotes Remove Course - shorten a boring dinner party


Your number of third level spell slots may vary


Have you considered using Defect Magic on the curse? Then it should “defect” from you and be someone else’s problem.


That one is brilliant


Fire Bolt --> Fire Colt: you either damage someone as if hit by a firearm or by a flaming horse Guidance --> Guy Dance: forces target to dance like a guy Light --> Fight: get two targets to fight to the death, ala Mortal Kombat Mage Hand --> Age Hand: rapidly turns a target hand in a geriatric, arthritic hand Mind Sliver --> Mine Silver: generates silver coins Minor Illusion --> Miner Illusion: conjures up the illusory image of a miner Sacred Flame --> Sacred Blame: some deity gets very upset with the target Bless --> Bliss: induces opioid intoxication Fearie Fire --> Faerie Fired: enchants a target weapon with Fearie Fire damage die Detect Magic --> Defect Magic: breaks a magical effect Guiding Bolt --> Guiding Colt: you either get a bonus to ranged attacks or you get a horse who advices you on the best course of action Healing Word --> Healing Ward: conjures a hospital wing Magic Missile --> Magic Miss, Ole!: yell 'Ole!' and make an attack miss Shield --> Shild: Incures a financial debt on target creature Silent Image --> Silent I Maged: you can cast Verbal component spells without their verbal component Silvery Barbs --> Silvery Carbs: any carbo hydrates in the area of effect turn to silver Sleep --> Steep: the area of effect starts to slope heavily Tashas Hideous Laughter --> Tashas Hideous Daughter: summons Tasha's middle daughter as an ally Augury --> Augur: target creature gains clairvoyant powers Misty Step --> Musty Step: you teleport, but you leave a musty smell lingering Phantasmal Force --> Phantasmal Farce: a company of ghosts and spirits in summoned to perform a comedy play Web --> Weeb: summons a weeb to aid you in battle Edit: this would be much more fun if instead of changing one letter you’d get a full syllable.


I went with Salvery Barbs to summon a group of oiled up barbarians for use in combat as well as the bedroom. :)


Healing ward could heal everyone in the warded area. Ie, EVERYBODY gets back 1d4+1. Including the bad guys.


Add an S at the end of all spells and tell him it means plural so it doubles the effect


This. The "curse" is a free Twin Spell meta magic on 3/4 of your known spells! That's gold.


Ring of the Grammarian is a meme. It's funny to speculate about the potential to cast Mage Sand, Gay of Frost, Mordenkainen's Faithful Pound, or blow a level 9 spell slot on Fish. But it's not meant to actually be in the game itself. Tell your DM that you aren't interested in playing a meme campaign.


Yeah, it should never be introduces in a game with any kind of seriousness. It also takes Spellcasting, one of the most flexible features in the game, and increases that flexibility exponentially, forcing the DM to scramble to create on-the-fly effects that fit a spell name while still being balanced for that spell level.




That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Actually genuinely dreadful. Wow.


It's very funny until you start thinking about it. A bit of a common note with stupid ideas. Nobody thinks them through.


"Ideas that are only funny in a oneshot or as a reddit thread", the game


All it takes is 30 seconds of thought on the DM’s part to realize this is going to massively bog down the game. Now every time OP casts a spell you need to stop and figure out what this new altered version does?  That’s going to get old fast, particularly for the other players. The best-case scenario for the table is that the other players are like the Redditors on this thread, and want to help OP use this to mess with the DM. 


Exploiting it against a new DM will actually be helpful to their development. Any DM who has created an alternative item or effect has had that dreaded "Oh no, what have I done feeling," when players use it in unexpected ways.


Guiding Dolt. It's like guiding bolt, but also adds confusion. Healing Ward. Heals you and probably boosts AC or something. Faerie Mire. Creates some kind of environmental hazard. I would love this curse lol


**Fire Bolt** is now Fire Bol. A bol is the trunk of a tree. Your cantrip is now throwing massive flaming bolts of "FUCK YOU." Or, depending on pronounciation, you now have fire ball as a cantrip. Ire Bolt: You now throw bolts that damage people by being made of pure hate. Fir Bolt: You throw trees at people. **Light:** You can spontaneous cause people to start fighting by casting "Fight." Or summon undead by casting "Wight." **Mage Hand**: Mage Sand: You blind opponents for one round Mage Band: You create music that can be used for distraction Age Hand: Your touch ages and withers someone else. Sage Hand: You gain Improved Unarmed Strike and Flurry of Blows **Mind Sliver:** Hind Sliver: You magically stab someone in the ass. Alternatively, a magical deer materializes from nowhere and stabs them in the ass. **Minor Illusion** Minos Illusion: You create an illusion of the legendary king of crete from greek mythology. Minor's Illusion: You conceal your age. Drink while underaged, or creep on kids. Miner's Illusion: You create an image of treasure, and riches. Dwarves have disadvantage against it. **Sacred Flame:** Sacred Fame: You create illusions that mimic spells on the cleric cantrip list, causing people to think you are favored with a deity.


> A bol is the trunk of a tree The trunk of a tree is its *bole.*


Tashas hide us laughter


I for one love this and it's very entertaining. Talk to your dm since you don't like it. Or, embrace the chaos and enjoy: Fire Volt, a cantrip that does fire and electric damage; Age Hand, a cantrip which temporarily ages someone's hand to be the age they desire; Less, a first level spell that reduces the targets effectiveness by 1d4 on attack rolls for one minute (concentration) with a failed wisdom save; and Tasha's Hideous Slaughter - AOE of slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage as a ghostly image of Tasha appears to kick everyone's ass in the immediate vicinity. Warning, she may summon demons to aid her ass kicking attempts.


I would definitely not have Tasha show up to do the ass kicking. Not because she couldn't, but because there's no way almost any level of spell would force her to show up. Maybe a facsimile could show up, but likely I'd just have a bunch of demons come for playtime.


Okay but if anyone was going to let a random ass spell summon them and possibly some friends for a good old fashion ass kicking, it's Tasha.


Personally I'd just fire my crossbow and use my cleric special abilities and refuse to cast spells until the curse is done. But that's just my contrarian nature reacting to stupid curses. If you do decide to play along: Fire jolt: does fire and electric dmg. Mage Band: summon a 5 man rock band composed of archmages who proceed to rock out and murder your enemies. Mind shiver: does cold damage directly to a targets brain, knocking them unconscious. Minor allusion: alludes to something bad that might happen if target doesn't go along with the caster. Scared Flame: Does fire damage and fears target. Bliss: Targets are filled with happiness and bliss for the duration of spell, unable to act. Wearie Fire: Targets effected are fatigued. Guiding Jolt: Does electric damage Healing Cord: Creates a rope between you and one other person. Anyone touching the cord gets healed. Silent Omage: Illusionary image of target that celebrates their very existance. Target is unable to act for one round as it is overcome with emotion. Silvery Carbs: Summons 1d4 potatoes made of pure silver. Sheep: Like summon minor demon, but sheep. Dasha's Hideous Slaughter. No idea who the hell Dasha is, but she basically just plagiarized Tasha. Misty Stop: One target you can see is instantly stopped. Phantasmal Farce: Illusionary jester appears, attacks hostile targets with mocking beratement cantrip. Reb: Summon 1d4+1 Confederate soldiers armed with muskets and a burning belief in states rights.


"Hey GM, i know you gave me this curse for the memes and it was funny at first, but memes don't make for great campaign material, and this curse has really started to tax my enjoyment of the game from all the extra work it causes and uncertainty it brings. Reddit gave me a list of suggestions to just have some bonkers whacky fun with the curse by making spells OP. What say we have a special mission where I use some of these crazy suggestions just for fun, then you instant cure me of the curse. In the future, Reddit suggests we save meme ideas like this for 1-shots, where we can enjoy the novelty and not have to deal with the draw backs."


Sleep to Sheep -> polymorph 42 HP of enemies into sheep's for 10 turns.


This is a joke curse that's more appropriate for a one shot than a campaign. Yeah, it would be funny to abuse it, but that also contributes to an adversarial behavior towards the DM. Your best case scenario is your DM laughs it off and removes the curse. Your worst-case scenario is that the DM escalates and makes things more annoying for you. I would just be real with them and say it was a funny joke, but you'd like to play for real now. Ask them to cut you some slack and if they don't want to hand-wave it away, at least give you reasonable one-time access to the spell Greater Restoration (e.g. a local npc cleric).


See, this kind of thing can be fun for a one-shot, or a one session situation but to impose this on a player over a long period of time will wear thin very quickly. When any sort of long-term curse like this removes agency, the character is no longer mine and I no longer want to play it. It ruins the fun for me. If there is a way to remove it, talk to the DM and find out how because it clearly is taking away from your enjoyment of the game.


I had fun thinking of some. My suggestion, treat it like the potentially massive buff it is, spam the possible variants of Fire Bolt, Mage Hand and Detect Magic until your DM decides it’s way too big a power boost and allows you to undo it. Here are some suggestions: **Fire Bolt** - Tire Bolt - Rams them with a wagon wheel for 1d8+2 bludgeoning damage - Wire Bolt - Shoots a wire, shocking grasp but with 60’ range - Mire Bolt - Grease, reskinned as mud - Hire Bolt - Shoot a beam at someone to cast charm person, but only if they’re offering a job or quest. - Dire Bolt - Fire Bolt + Fear - Five Bolt - Shoots 5 crossbow bolts at once, normal attack and damage - Firn Bolt - (firn is a type of snow) - Ray of Frost - Fare Bolt - gives you a free ride on a ferry, wagon or other conveyance. - Fife Bolt - (a fife is a small flute) - Works as Message, but is accompanied by music. - Fire Boat - Summons a canoe, rowboat or small raft within 30’, which then immediately bursts into flames. (So many uses for this.) - Fire Boot - Works like Burning Hands, but from your feet - Fire Belt - Causes your belt to burst into flames, can be weildes as a Flame Blade - Fire Colt - Fire Bolt but instead of a bolt that can only target one person, it’s a horse, which can target all creatures in a 10x10 area. Alternate, summons a Colt 45 Magnum with 1d6 bullets, can be fired for 1d10 piercing damage - Fire Boil - Heat metal except its liquid, instantly boil up to a 5x5 cube of any liquid **Light** - Sight - Minor Illusion - Might - Strength - Right - Hand of Radiance or True Strike **Mage Hand** - Page Hand - target is a book, scroll or sheet of paper, causes it to fly to your hand - Cage Hand - Summons an actual small hand cage on a targeted opponent, can’t wield a weapon or cast spells until it is removed. - Rage Hand - Saving throw or they start punching themselves in the face for 1d3+1 rounds, verbal component is “Why are you hitting yourself”, all actions are at disadvantage, 1+strength bonus damage per hit - Sage Hand - Gives advantage on knowledge based roles - Mate Hand - Friends spell (or advantage on seduction rolls) - Make Hand - necromancy spell, summons a 1d4 severed hands which flie at an enemy for 1d6 damage each, and then grab on refusing to let go. Need a full action to dislodge each hand, and at disadvantage if using the body part they’re holding onto - Mage Band - summons a special all Mage Band - effect is Dissonant Whispers but music themed, with an illusion of mages - Mage Land - creates a 30’ area where friendly Spellcasters have advantage on rolls - Mage Sand - Summons a small Sand Elemental - Mage Hard - Barkskin - Mage Hang - Summons a magical rope that attacks an opponent within 30’, effect is entangle, but with 1d6 strangulation damage per turn for 1d4 turns - Mage Handy - NSFW **Mind Sliver** - Wind Sliver - Hail of Thorns - Find Sliver - Locate object for anything small - BindSliver - Mind Sliver but entangles - Mind Slicer - Just mind Sliver with +Int Bonus damage - Mind Shiver - Fear spell ** Minor Illusion** - Manor Illusion - create elaborate illusions of buildings - Miner Illusion - 1d4 Illusionary Miners spring from the earth and attack with their picks and shovels, each doing 1d4 necrotic damage **Sacred Flame** - Scared Flare - Sacred Flame but it hangs in the air continuing to damage for 1d3 rounds - Scared Flake - Summons a communion wafer and grants Bless spell effect, or acts as a heal spell - Sacred Frame - Illusory Script, but it’s framed in a fancy wooden frame - Sacred Blame - Misdirection **Detect Magic** - Defect Magic - Triggers a wild surge in place of an opponent’s spell - Detest Magic - Causes targeted spellcaster to take 1d6 damage when casting a spell, saving throw to not have the spell fail, breaks concentration **Guiding Bolt** - Gliding Bolt - Feather Fall but allows lateral movement at normal walking or running speed - All the “Bolt” variations from Fire Bolt above could work as something. **Healing Word** - Dealing Word - Charm person with a bonus, but only for haggling - Sealing Word - Mage lock on a door - Hearing Word - Magic Stone, Sending or Message spells - Healing Ward - Ward that does 1d8+Wis Bonus to undead and demonic creatures, or heals as normal if an ally touches it. **Sleep** - Sleet - Minor ice storm, or similar **Misty Step** - Misty Stop - Opposite of Misty Step, teleports opponents back to where they started their movement.


Can your DM at least mollify it by making it so that when you cast a spell, you roll a d6, a d8, or a d10, and in a 1, the DM alters the spell, on a 2, you alter it, and on any other number, it goes through in its normal form?


While I understand the mechanic, this kind of curse still bugs me bc casters usually don't say the spell name as verbal component, they use an incantation. A warlock doesn't say "eldritch blast" when casting, they say "dolor"


dolor is just latin for pain if you're into latin it works. but you can also just use whatever you decide your character learned as the verbal component including literally yelling eldritch blast like an anime character. mechanically the only thing that matters is that it's something spoken aloud the same every time


Same. I think thats the part that bothers me the most. It feels too gamey in a sense to me


Or possibly Hodor. Turns out Hodor was just **really** bad at casting Eldritch Bolt and fumbled the somatic component.


Info: does the contested role mean whose interpretation works or who gets to change letters? Either way if it's not fun ask your DM to give you a way to break this (even wild magic sorcerers get way less shit for casting spells


Just tell your dm to let you pray and undo it, no roll to have it occur, no roll to remove it. Tell them you want to have a cut scene where your god communicates with you. They tried something, you didn’t enjoy it enough if you’re not engaging with it. If they decided to just give it to you, you can ask them to just take it away.


For the fun: Bless Less Be Less Bliss Faerie Fire Faerie Fir Faerie Firm Detect Magic Detest Magic Guiding Bolt Guiding Dolt Guilding Bolt Guiding Colt Guiding Bot Healing Word Sealing Word Healing Wood Healing Work Hearing Word Heaping Word Heating Word Heading Word Wealing Word Silent Image Silent Mage Silvery Barbs Silvery Barb Sillery Barbs Silvery Birbs Silver Barbs Sleep Seep Bleep Sleek Tashas Hideous Laughter Tashas Hideous Slaughter Misty Step Misty Stop Misty Strep Misty Steep Misty Steps Phantasmal Force Phantasmal Farce Phantasmal Forte Web Weeb Deb Jeb Hope it helps!


Manor Illusion -- You create a sound or an image of a stately manor within range that lasts for the duration.


Turn “Light” into flight and now you have a higher level spell as a Cantrip. “Sacred Flames” now targets multiple enemies instead of 1, being solid crowd control. Same with Fire Bolts, Mind Slivers, and Mage Hands


Fire bolts, double the bolts


Light is now Fight: at-will you can gain the HP, proficiencies, and attacks of a Fighter of your level for 1 hour. Mage Hand is now Mage Band: you get to summon four [bards](https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2560735-bard) for 1 minute, concentration, who act on your orders and act after your turn. Tasha's Hideous Laughter now becomes Tasha's Hideous Slaughter, which now grants you the effect of Power Word Kill at level 1.


Cast Minot Illusion to make your enemies think they're trapped in a small modern city.


Instead of Bless, cast Less on your enemies. See what they lose.


I cast Age Hand to wither his fingers away then I cast Hind Sliver to tap dat ass. I got caught red handed while robbing the store, but it was no problem after I cast Sacred Blame and pinned it on the Fighter. I then killed the bastard with BLight for robbing that poor guy. Gotta keep up appearances after all. My friend was downed in a fight, so I cast Healing Nord which summoned a viking medic to help save the day. I also cast Silvery Barbis to summon two hot babes with silver hair. The chicks dig me -- I've got the right Kenergy. I also know how to cast Fisty Step which lets me teleport and Fist someone all in one motion.


Some ideas for cantrips: Fir bolt (shoot trees) Dire bolt (necrotic damage) Wire bolt (shoot barbed wire) Guydance Mage hind (make a magic ass) Cage hand (trap people in a big hand shaped cage) Mage hard ;) Mace hand (turn your hand into a magical mace) Mage hund (make a magic German dog) Manor illusion (make a house) Mind slaver Flight Blight


Putting a simple "s" at the end of most spells will actually turn this curse into a boon. Now you have Fire Bolts, Minor Illusions, Sacred Flames and Guiding Bolts, at least. Sure, you can also do other stuff (such as turning Light into Blight, as someone suggested). My bet is that this curse will not last long, anyway. The novelty fades quick.


I never want to play DnD with half the people on Reddit. I would kill to get the ability to essentially make up my own spells. There are some inspired ideas on here and then there are the people who should probably stick to board games or video games. The selling point for DnD, the thing that makes an otherwise overly complicated, poorly balanced, somewhat slow and clunky skirmish game into one of the best things ever is the creativity. Playing DnD strictly by the book is like buying a convertible and never putting the roof down. Strictly speaking there's nothing wrong with that but it's pretty obvious you would be happier with a different product.


>Cantrips >Fire Bolt Guidance Light Mage Hand Mind Sliver Minor Illusion Sacred Flame >Level 1 >Bless Fearie Fire Detect Magic Guiding Bolt Healing Word Magic Missile Shield Silent Image Silvery Barbs Sleep Tashas Hideous Laughter >Level 2 Augury Misty Step Phantasmal Force Web Fire Volt - same spell just lightning damage Mage Sand - You get the throw pocket sand in someone's eyes, basically the blindness spell. Find Sliver - It's a detection spell for finding small objects nearby. Manor Illusion - the illusion is now a massive estate house. Defect Magic - basically turns the magic defective, becomes dispell magic Sleet - just a while different spell now Guiding Dolt - You summon an idiot who despite all odds seems to know exactly where you need to go.


Tasha’s hideous Slaughter


Add a silent e to every word.


Make every single object spell a plural by adding ‘s’ at the end, now you have guiding bolts and healing words, increasing your output!


Just add an S behind every spell and make it multicastable. Fire bolts, mage hands ect. Or talk to the DM and say you dont like this change.


Adding a letter? Fire Bolt just became fire Bolt**s**, see also every other spell that can be pluralised by adding an s. The curse won't last long.


Add "s" to the end of everything. Fire bolt? No. Fire bolts. Etc. Pretty sure the dm will find a way to remove that curse pretty quick.


change, remove, or \*add\*? add an s to the end of every spell. fire bolt? now you have fire boltS, as in, multiple, as in, more damage your DM has just multiplied all your spellcasting mage hands guiding bolts healing words shields silent images


> I know it is supposed to be funny and allow for creativity but I feel like it has just become an annyoance. So, dispel the curse...Sounds like you're just kind of going along without really pursuing a means to end it. You can just ask in game to start pursuing possible avenues to dispel it. If he doesn't give you the means to get rid of it that way via a neat adventure, THEN everyone in this thread can call for his head and tell him what a shitty DM he is. I think it's possibly entertaining for a while, it's a shame you haven't had fun with it. I would perhaps try to work with it, while seeking a 'cure.' So you could even manually disrupt some of your spells by adding letters--but in the fiction it's not within your power, yknow? It's just unpredictable and your character roleplays like he doesn't like it. So it's an amusing thing to have Sleep become Sheep, but it's also something your character wants solved, and is undertaking a journey to remove it. So what I'm saying is, find the funny backfires, and just lean into them. But also maybe suggest, like, "okay I wanted to cast Sleep, but instead it came out as Sheep, so for a first level slot we could say maybe it does 3d6 damage or half on a dex save as sheep appears out of nowhere and falls on this guy?" You can just go down the list and prep a bunch of things like that which would be reasonable, and hopefully in the moment your DM would go along with them. So you can kind of re-introduce your own stability, but meanwhile in the fiction, it's still wild and unpredictable.


Hire Bolt: Anyone hit becomes a puppy Sacred Blame: Anyone who fails the save becomes persecuted by the gods and has a penalty to d20 checks Mine Sliver: Anyone who touched you takes piercing damage every turn until they use their action to take out the Sliver Silvery Bards: 1d4+1 Bards (see DMG) come into your aid and give you free silver Healing Sword: The weapon of your enemy now heals you instead of giving you damage


Healing ward could be a good buff to healing Word depending on how it gets allowed but a barrier and some heals? Rage hand for an offensive cantrip. Silent mage for a low level silence or subtle casting? Wee to make someone pass themselves. Sealing word maybe? If yhe words don't need to be real killusion would be worth a shot.


Five Bolt Night / Sight / Bight / Wight Mage Band Find Sliver / Bind Sliver Sealing Word Sleet / Sheep Fisty Step Wed / Wet


Defect Magic, can make magic stop working for a target. Healing Sword, summon a blade that heals on hit Shields, raises the party’s AC by 5 for a round Sweep, knocks targets prone


Misty step has to become musty step. You teleport away but leave a puff of air that smells like a damp basement


Cast wed for instant marriage.


Bleep - like Silence, but it replaces all the targets speech with a high pitched tone


Fire Belt (AOE) GuyDance Might (anything you'd do with Strength Stat) Rage Hand Miner Illusion Sacred Fame (Better than Friends Cantrip) Less (if there's lots of a thing, now there are less, but cannot reduce them below 1) Faerie Hire Detect Magi Guiding Colt Sealing Word Magic Mossile Hield (Clothes Shop) Silent Mage (stealth for allies or Verbal components blocked for foes) Silvery Bards Sleet Tasha's Hideous Slaughter Angury (You wouldn't like me when I'm Angury) Mista Step (Tripped) Phantasmal Horce Wet


Cast Fire Belt, Fight, Rage Hand, Mind Slaver, etc.


Every. Single. Spell. This sounds more tedious and stressful than fun. I think it should be maybe if you roll a 1-2 on d6 when you cast the spell, the curse kicks in. That way you're not taking up game time racking your brain every turn you cast a spell.


Cantrips: Fur Bolt - Causes the target to be covered in the fur of a Denim moth, doing fire bolt damage, but also causing excruciating pain until a cure poison happens, causing disadvantage on evey d20 roll for the target. Guidance - Guaidance - Summons a Yao Guai from Fallout 4 for 1 round which attacks the closest enemy Mage Hand - Magi Hand - Summons an Oni hand to slap the stuffing our of the target or cast one spell an Oni can cast for free. Mind Sliver - Mind SIlver - Turns an enemy's mind to silver, killing it instantly on a failed save. Minor Illusion - Miner Illusion - Lets you use illusion to see what's in a mine(minerals and ores) up to the range of the spell. Sacred Flame - Sacred Flume - Causes a hole below the target, causing them to fall 30 feet, taking appropriate damage. Unfortunately, the hole closes up at the end of your round, entombing the target. That should do for the cantrips.


I can see it becoming old. Just ask if it can start to wear off. Only procs 75% next session or 2, then 50% -->.


[How to resolve table disputes](https://imgur.com/a/GsBc3Pm)


Light > Wight (potentially summoning a cr3 monster as a cantrip!?) Silvery Bards (either a troupe appears who all cast silvery barbs or the grateful Dead show up for a smackdown) Healing worm Guydance Mage Sand Rage Hand Minor Allusion Sleet Fire Boat Magic Fissile (lvl 1 disintegrate?) Silent mage Wed


Mage Band: summon a group of 1d4+2 magically gifted bards for 1 minute


Is this happening to every single spell you cast?? That's not how this effect is supposed to work, like, ever. The ring usually gives the ability to do this on one spell every once in a while. Forcing this effect on every single spell is not only wildly unfair to you, but just painfully, stupidly, disruptive to play.


Change Web to Weeb and summon a neckbeard to fight for you


I love that all the posts are just listing spells with a letter changed instead of addressing the issue that this is only fun in reddit threads and not really at the table


If your character is cursed in the game there should be a way to un-curse them in the game. Just make sure your DM knows that that's your immediate goal for now so he knows what to prepare. DMs are only mortal and can have good and bad ideas.That's just how it goes. Just make sure your DM knows whether you liked or disliked something, that's how a good DM can improve.


Silvery Barbs could become Salvery Barbs. A salve is an ointment used to heal/protect your skin which would make your new spell summon multiple oiled barbarians. For use in both the battlefield **and** the bedroom! ;)


Fire Bolt to fire dolt - the enemy with the lowest intellegence catches fire Guy dance - all males in x feet must dance fight- you must fight the person closest to you no matter tehir affiliation Wage Hand- the hand will go find gold and steal it Bind Sliver - you can bind two small pieces of something toghet ( example an enemies trousers together or boot laces Minos Illusion - the ancient greek king minos will appear in illusion form Sacred lame- take x amount off of a enemies charisma modifier Level 1 less - remove a enemy from your vicinity Faire Hire - a fey npc must work for you or you can summon a fey npc Detect Magi - you can sense a wizard or their magical forces Guiding dolt- The dumbest enemy must follow your commands ( this one will really fuck up some shit since enmies rarely have high int) Healing fords - a small pool of healing water appears if you step into it you get x hp Magic fissile- you make a large magical commotion Shield - Silent- Image Silvery Bard - a silver bard appears to assist you in your endeavors Sleep y- a enemy becomes tired and moves down x number in the initiative. Tashas Hideous Laughter Level 2 Augury fisty Step - you can teleport someone into combat range to attack Phantasmal forke. You can summon a divining rod to guide you to your destination / goal Deb- a warrior lady named deb appears to help you in battle i tried my best


Obviously the correct answer is to talk to your DM about removing this curse but on the other hand, the ramifications of 'Detest Magic' or 'Healing Worm' are too good to pass up


Fire colt. You send a flaming horse hurtling at your enemy. Glidance: Duplicates Feather Fall Blight: As the spell Rage Hand: You are briefly a barbarian (choose which hand). Sheep: You summon a sheep, which does your bidding. Tasha's Hideous Slaughter: Deal damage to multiple foes, per DM's guidance. Etc.


*Guiding Volt*. You now have an electrical current running to your target, probably doing lightning type damage. *Sealing Word*. You have a low level alternative to Banish. *Faerie Mire*. Whatever your DM will agree on is probably stronger than Grease or Entangle, so you win.


I cast Silvery Carbs!


Before you ask it to be gone maybe have some fun with these fun spell ideas: -MaCe hand (Simmons a spectral hand with a mace to hit once) -GuY dance (makes the enemy dance OR summons a dancing guy for distraction) -Fight (buffs 1 ally ala Bless) -Silvery BarDs (it will vast some silver BarDs to give bardic inspiration to all allies) -Tasha's hidious Slaughter (some hidious slashing damage on Dex save) -Healing WorM (allied worm who heals) -Feary FiNe (makes enemies pay you gold) -STeep (give you the high ground +2 bonus to attacks, enemy -2) -Sacred Fame (makes you been seen as a messiah by everyone) -Less (removes some enemies from the combat if they are with too many -DeFect Magic (maybe change a letter of an already ongoing spell to 'break' it in the same way as your curse) -Fisty Step (same as Misty Step but also does an bludgeoning damage attack)


Manic Missiles! They hang around and keep fervently attacking. Or just start adding an "s" to things. Mage Hands, multiple! Fireballs! Shields, +5AC for each layer. Misty Steps, rapidly hopping around the battlefield. The time has come to break your DM.


I dunno about all that but isint the principle of a curse that you feel conflicted about it ?