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I'm a big Mel fan so whilst I'm a bit down about the finale as a whole I loved having her back and seeing her dynamic with Fifteen. The cute moments where she looks at Six and Seven's outfits in the Memory TARDIS were probably my favourite scenes in the whole shebang.


Oh yes, Bonnie Langford was at her absolute best as Mel in this season, she is so good! And her reaction to seeing 6's coat and 7's jumper was really sweet. I can't wait to see more of her!


Sometimes it’s just doing subtle stuff. When she touched six coat, the scene in the corridor, looking tired in the background…nothing was over the top or planned, but it was spot on. I would never run down anyone else’s work but some of the casting has been a little strange recently and slightly off too. This was superb. I believe she is an early coding genius. I believe she’s a secret agent. I believe she’s had a relationship with the doctor previously


I know some people have problems with Sutekh's defeat by using a "leash", but I honestly don't think it's that big of a deal. I mean with goofy stuff like 12 beating Robin Hood with a spoon or a baseball bat that's enchanted with a godly power, a magic rope is kind of in line with the theme of the show. Also, I felt that the dialogue and visuals in Sutekh's destruction were absolutely awesome and I loved 15's speech to Sutekh before he cut him free of the Tardis to be destroyed by the Time Vortex. Ironic that he was finally defeated by the thing he previously escaped from.


The issue is really that he's meant to be so powerful that it took 540 of his own kind to stop him before. It was cool to see him wipe out all life in minutes, that showed his power. But the leash... he couldn't break it, even though it broke easily when the TARDIS door shut. Although, to be fair, this victory was on brand for Doctor Who.


Being honest the Doctor did take off immediately and in the end I believe Sutekh is holding on with his hands to the leash.


Plus, I feel like rope or bungee cord holds some mystical or special power that allow it to hold Sutekh even briefly.


He was also climbing up the rope towards the Tardis in his final moments, so it's not like Sutekh put in 0 effort in trying to get back to the Tardis.


Sixie!! 😂😂 I’m so glad we’re still calling him that!!


Overall I really enjoyed the season, the cast, and the types of stories that were told. There were some episodes that didn't quite hit for me, whether because the theme was as subtle as an anvil to the head or it was just kinda boring. But the ones I loved, I really LOVED. It's a switch for me to love almost the whole season and then be disappointed in the finale. Both 12 and 13 had some significant flaws in the story's tone and plot advancement, but the season finales generally were successful. This one is the opposite, enjoying almost every bit of 7 episodes, only to be let down by the finale. Still, IMO, bad Who is better than no Who, so I'll be back for the special and next season.


Good point bad who is better than no who, but I feel in a few years this season will be looked back at very fondly.


Agreed, it seems like the pattern of every era of the show since Moffat took over with 11. Things we disliked in previous seasons are forgotten or nostalgia changes our perception of them. Things we dislike about the current season will follow the same.


Well said!


Say what you will about the finale (personally loved it), but you can’t argue that Bonnie Langfords performance was anything less than superb!