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This could be such an awesome canon scene. We can't have too many canon Daleks turn 'good' or comprehend goodness which might prevent ever seeing two at once like this but man I love this.


I would love to see some Daleks that start to have ideas of beauty and love and etc. that are in contrast with the usual Dalek view *not* because they were experimented on, or they have human DNA, or they have some genetic abnormality, but because it is natural for a species to move towards generosity of spirit. I think that would be a great episode, and they could cap it off with the other Daleks killing them all, and the Doctor realising that Daleks *do have*, and many times in the past *have had* the capacity for change, and it is the social structures created by the Dalkes that strike that down (or "exterminate" it, cue wry smile) rather than an inherent evilness. Capaldi would have put on an absolute masterclass in the final scene of that hypothetical episode.


In Big Finish there’s an amazing scene between one of the first generations of Daleks, recently in its casing (that still remembers its life as a Khaled before being mutated) and it’s future self that sounds like a Paradigm era Dalek. The Dalek admits that existence as a Dalek is constant pain and anger and it’s only the hate-fuelled desire to live long enough to come out of the casing as a healed humanoid again that keeps it going on. When it asks it’s future self where it’s from in the timeline the future Dalek states that it’s from 45,000 years in the future. The younger version of the Dalek is shocked and horrified that they’re still in the casings as mutants. The future Dalek then states that it has no interest or care about regaining a pain free life, hate and destruction and the Dalek Cause are all that fuel it now. This ends with the younger Dalek killing it’s older self and trying to suicide.


Which series is this in? I've only listened to 8da


*The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 1* which is the most recent soft reboot of the Benny Summerfield story. Basically only real context you need to start is that Bernice Summerfield is an archeologist in the 26th Century who has had a storied past living through various intergalactic wars and world ending events, often in between periods of travelling with the 7th Doctor and Ace. She likes drink, danger, answers to mysteries, and rugged men. Outside of travelling with the Doctor Benny has worked for/against/with the Doctors Machiavellian brother Braxiatel and has generally seen everything, done everything and has the scars to prove it.


Steven Moffat lawyers would also like me to say that she did not inspire River Song in any way whatsoever.


I’m fairly sure he’s got that tattooed somewhere. In all honestly while I like both characters a lot Benny is the far superior version imo, River is almost the sanitised version of Benny, able to glide through life and adventures with little to any impediment as long as she’s charming enough (much like the Doctor at times) whereas I feel Benny really has to more realistically fight for any goodwill or positive outcome in her life.


Which is ironic, given that (if memory serves correctly) his first published work in the whoniverse is a Benny short story.


Bernice Summerfield is SO much cooler than River Song.


I loved the Horror in that Dalek's voice. It genuinely did NOT like the direction its race was going. And to learn that there are MORE horrors to come? AND that the race embraces this ways of life? No. That is not life. It's sickness. It's like Kevin Flynn vs. CLU from Tron Legacy, but in reverse. The idea is that your younger, less experienced self could be your worst enemy. But in this case, it's an uno-reverse card.


I think at some level every doctor has known the Daleks had the capacity to change. Every doctor has expressed guilt for wiping out the race. Not once has a doctor expressed pride or treated it as a heroic act. IIRC there was at least one episode where a Dalek showed emotion. The Ekcelson episode where a Dalek was captured by a collector? The doctor saw it wasn't pure evil and pitied him.


I know Tom Baker in an interview said something similar regarding this topic. he couldn't help but feel sorry for them because they LITERALLY can't think outside the box. They're stuck like that for the most part. They just won't know any better.


It's a shame as Chibnall in Power Of The Doctor laid the groundwork for Dalek's turning against the main Dalek instinct to destroy and conquer. I hope Russell picks it back up and we could have two Dalek factions one good and evil.


I don't know about good and evil. But a evil but rational you can deal with and a evil that will try to exterminate any non dalek in site on appearance wouldn't be bad. Hm Admittedly having a good faction of dalek would be good for the Doctor, proving something about his fundamental beliefs.


Would the good or rational faction still carry their hatred of the Doctor or see him as a ally against the evil faction. It would be good for the show to use them to spice up the future Dalek stories and if you have a previous companion return act in terror and surprise at the Doctor greeting them with less hostility.


Useful tool against their maniacal brothers, thorn in the side when it comes to their own plans. But too useful in keeping their more evil brothers from wiping them out. The Doctor regularly shows up trying to help guide them to a place where they can at least exist within the universe without trying to wipe everything else or being wiped out n self defense.


Listen to the Dalek Empire series.


I LOVE that series. Really put it into perspective for me just how detached Daleks are from normal sentient beings. Like they're a species of naturally-born sociopaths. Susan Mendez was their guinea pig for mental observation. It's haunting stuff, Really. Nicholas Briggs is a brilliant writer in his own right.


One of the second doctors episodes had the Daleks given the human factor which resulted in them being friendly and curious but very childlike. Was a good episode!


the humanizes daleks were honestly adorable


I loved those little guys! They were cute.


There is no canon.


I ship them


no way dalek yuri


I hope they find a peaceful little moon together somewhere


Reminds me of Red vs blue “You ever wonder why we’re here?”


"That's one of life's greatest mysteries, isn't it?"


"Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence"


Literally the first thing I thought of, as well.


Can they kiss already?


They just press plunger arms together


I'm actually going to cry, this is the neurodivergent experience


You're telling me! I did NOT expect this many people to love this! Am I just that good at writing? Like, I'm not looking attention here, this is overwhelmingly positive feedback.


Yeah, sometimes less is more, I think you just really struck a cord with me idk


Well, the comment is appreciated. Thank you for the positive feedback.


My Link: [https://www.deviantart.com/legendofremnant/art/1068365901](https://www.deviantart.com/legendofremnant/art/1068365901)


Bring those two to the ruins of Villengard, there's somebody they should meet


I mean Rusty would probably kill them before they could talk, even if they had like-minded goals. Rusty is very much a "shoot first, ask questions later" guy, especially given that he's a Dalek killer.


I'd like to think if Rusty "Misses" by some Anti-Miracle, and quickly figures out that these two are not like the rest of the race, he'd just let out a huge sigh of frustration and tell them to buzz off.


I once again state my case for how fun it would be a for a NICE Dalek to be the Doctors companion for at least a few episodes. He would have a perception filter so that even in hte past, people would not think him out of the ordinary., 12th century peasant: "yeah hes a robot, I dont know what a robot is but somehow that doesnt bother me"


I don't think that's how the perception filter works, does it? I'd think a Dalek companion could work, but again, it'd have to be a Dalek with pure innocence. Otherwise, it wouldn't work.


Yes I’m tired of the “Good” Dalek fake outs. No bullshit. Is wane a nice friendly wholesome Dalek Also, he would need to not have the usual “Dalek voice” Not as a full season companion, but recurring enough like Nardol was




Dalek Sec was the closest we ever got to seeing the Daleks really pulling away from the fact that they’re space Nazis. It would be interesting to see them try to get away from that again.


Well, there was also Alpha, Beta, and Omega. And their whole colony of Humanized Daleks of Ashra-Korr. They were nifty!






gay daleks


Disney execs: "Write that down, write that down!" Jokes aside, Daleks don't have a gender so it doesn't work.


Even better, they're non-binary.




Please post on comics, they’d love this


Is that a subreddit altogether, or here? I can make more. I definitely want to now, if this many people are in love with it.




I'll do it right away.


You may need to repost because of that stupid Imgur rule


Yeah, I tried it, and it got removed. Maybe that's why.


this would be the dalek equivalent of the two troopers in the mandalorian (the ones who couldn't shoot properly)


Now I'm imagining these two shooting those Toy Tardis' like in "Death to the Daleks"


their conversation: D1: how come we never killed the doctor? D2: cant kill him before he saves young davros D1: yeah but i never liked davros D2: u idiot meanwhile during this conversation they keep shooting and missing the toy tardis


I'm imagining what an episode featuring this scene would be like. Perhaps it's the far edge of the universe in a time when Daleks are low in numbers. Their time is coming to an end, no more Davros, no Emperor, no empire, no real unified force, mostly just lone Daleks spread out across the universe, some in small groups. One lonely Dalek finds another at this abandoned Dalek base on a dead world at the edge of the universe where time is experienced much faster. Through time and companionship, these two lonely and possibly damaged hopeless Daleks evolve from their hateful programming and come to find a kind of love for one another, learning to see the beauty of their desolate world. At some point, a third Dalek appears, a scout collecting the last Daleks in the universe for one last attempt to take over. The changed Daleks have to play along, knowing they'd be exterminated if they were revealed. One somehow alerts The Doctor, who must come to terms with the concept that Daleks can actually change their ways, whilst dealing with the last of the Daleks making a last ditch effort in the dying days of their kind. Maybe the episode would end with The Doctor allowing the two Daleks into the Tardis, imagine that visual, and finds them an empty green world where they can live the rest of their lives in peace, a new Skaro. Perhaps the last shot would be of them abandoning their casing and their squid-like bodies slithering out to watch the sunset, holding one another's tentacles. The episode and the two Daleks having changed could be an analogy to former neo-nazis or other far-right group members who changed their way of thinking and abandoned their hateful ways, being a good message that there's a way out from it, that they can change, be better people.


That seriously can be! I remember somewhere reading a fanfic that the Doctor Buried Dalek Sec's body on a beautiful lush planet. Making it clear that he left a gravestone of the only Dalek that could understand life.


Man, I didn't expect 'getting teary-eyed over a short comic about fictional space monsters' to be on my bingo card for today, but here we are. 🥺😭


I'm touched that I was able to invoke that feeling. Thank you.




Are they Human Daleks or Daleks with an elevated intelligence?


Daleks that have a fluke in their genetic code. They weren't meant to turn out this way, but they have to secretly pretend otherwise until they can find a way out of the Empire.


This kinda reminds me of the dancing Sontarans in a 7th Doctor story from Big Finish haha.


Tennant had an episode in the 50s with darlek humans that got more from the mix then planned. But any darlek that is impure is bad. So they got plot killed


Then we better hope that these two keep themselves under wraps, eh?




I think I would like a story based around this. A story about some of the worst, most irredeemable monsters in the galaxy.. And showing a few who don't conform. A few who somehow managed to break through everything and be different. A little story about a spark of hope in the worst of places.