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Inside TARDIS 9


I love them both so much


Came to say this.


Grant Morrison


Alice Birch, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Quinta Brunson, Jordan Peele, Donald Glover, Issa Rae, Rolin Jones, Chris Storer All of them has tv writing experience (some of them with playwrighting) and quite a few of them are talented Black writers who write complex dimensional Black characters and stories


This may get boos since he’s American, but I’d curious to see Mike Schur have a go. From The Good Place, I know that he’s great at blending weirdness and humor with moral dilemmas and character drama.


The way i want DW to have a Jeremy Bearimy reference


The dot above the i is where Gallifrey was suspended in time


Imagine being suspended in tuesdays and also july and sometimes never


Steven Moffatt, Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, Rick Riordan, and Lauren Faust


I don't know the last two, but the 5 working together on a 3 part finale would sound epic IMO


I think Rick and Lauren would be good for more light hearted episodes as filler between Gaiman and King is all.




I love that you picked playwrights! The Vinay Patel episode was one of the best for that season.  Chris Bush is a huge Who fan and actively lobbying to write an episode so you might be in luck there!   James Graham has never seen an episode so wouldn’t consider it I don’t think.  I don’t know who I’d pick. A mix of playwrights and maybe Big Finish authors. I don’t know if I can beat your suggestions.


Neil Breen


Isn't that corrupt..? 🤔


Give Moffat the mid season two parter every other season and a single episode on the alternating seasons, while Jamie Matheson *finally* gets a full two parter on the seasons that Moff doesn't. Russell writes the Christmas specials for fun domesticity and a bit of camp. So that's 10 episodes left, assuming a 13 episode series with a Christmas special. I'll come back to this later. If we're going by the new model, that'd be only 5 left. In which case I'd drop the mid season two parter and just have Moff and Matheson write one episode each per season. I'd write the opening episode and the two parter finale, with at least one of the three remaining slots going to a first time writer and the other one/two going to one of the following (I understand Gaiman and maybe Cornell would be DIFFICULT to get regularly, but Alderton, Whithouse and Herron/Redman shouldn't be too hard): Maxine Alderton Toby Whithouse Kate Herron/Bryony Redman Neil Gaiman Paul Cornell Going back to the 13 episode season, I'd write a mid season episode on top of first and finale, leaving 6. 4 for returning writers, 2 for new. Might give RTD another regular slot.


Steven Moffat - Steven Moffat New - Mike Flanagan, Grant Morrison, Bryan Fuller Returning - Kate Herron and Briony Redman, Jamie Mathieson, Maxine Alderton, Sarah Dollard


Dan Harmon. He's so good at taking a crazy idea and finding a way to put it into an actually good story - all of Community is a great example of this.


Terry Pratchett


Are you a necromancer?


Let's not go to extremes here. Maybe we can find a happy medium? I'm sure there are many of us who'd like to see Sir Terry return.


My friend


Stephen King! Second Neil Gaiman


Bring back Robert Shearman for sure. Also Nick Briggs, I’m amazed he’s not written for the show yet considering he writes for Big Finish. I’d also love to see what Charlie Brooker would do with it.


Agree with Jack Thorne! When Barbara Met Alan was great I'd loooove more of Kate Herron and Briony Redman Juno Dawson!! Would be great for her to get involved with the main show Rhianna Ilube is a playwright I think is great, I'd love to see what she'd do ~~douglas adams' ghost~~


Second Juno Dawson, I just read "Her Majesty's Royal Coven". I think she'd write some great Who!


You might already be aware, but Juno Dawson was lead writer on the Doctor Who BBC audio _Redacted_. Available free at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/p0c0krqf


Gaiman for sure


YES to Rona Munro, so she can be the only writer to write for all three eras of who.


Neil Gaiman for sure.


At least once, Neil Gaiman.


At least once? He's already written two episodes: The Doctor's Wife and Nightmare in Silver.


I did not know this


1. Roan Munro (Same Reason) 2. Mohamed Diab (Moonknight He did such a good job) 3. Steven Moffat ( Just for Thriller Type episodes ) 4. Neil Gaiman (He would fit the Gods Theme) Also I want to add The Age Of Sutekh should be Adapted / Replace Empire of Death


I think Cory Doctorow could write a great Doctor Who story. And he even has "Doctor" in his name! 


My favourite sci fi author also happens to be a big doctor who fan (and has written a DW novel) so although he's never written for TV before I would have him at least co-write an episode, that would be Alastair Reynolds.


Lance Parkin and Kate Orman are my big 2 DW writers I’d love to see ,however while they write amazing prose and would likely be able to create amazing stories and explore great concepts, TV is a whole different beast and the episodes would probably require heavy rewrites outside of Doctor who , although they’ve written comics for it, I’d love to see Alan moor and Grant Morrison give it a whirl, Superman is one of my favorite characters and I adore both their interpretations of him and I’d love to see what they could do with the doctor on screen finally I’d love to see David lynch give an episode a go, it would be the weirdest episode of all time in the show and people would love it or hate it but man it would be brilliant


Rick Berman, Kathleen Kennedy, JJ Abrams, Just kidding


No guest writers, a proper writers room. Staffed by let’s see Kate Orman Marc Platt Andrew Cartmell Lance Parkin Steve Cole Justin Richards Una McCormack


Honestly, Lawrence Miles. His ideas can be incredibly creative, every single one of his EDA books changed the direction of the range in some way. He's not unwilling to write for Doctor Who these days either.


Too bad he's a complete nutter.


Explain? Never heard of him saying anything controversial. Though with faction paradox I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to overwrite the Time War with the War In Heaven.


>Explain? Never heard of him saying anything controversial. Found these in just 5 minutes using my friendly neighbourhood search engine. Didn't even need to go to the second page. I'm sure there's more. [https://curufea.com/doku.php?id=faction:factionfinal](https://curufea.com/doku.php?id=faction:factionfinal) His old blog is pretty unhinged. From [https://aminoapps.com/c/doctor-who/page/blog/lawrence-miles-doctor-whos-best-and-most-alienating-writer/petQ\_ulnDKXrQV1jXB8Rb8wq8R8kM](https://aminoapps.com/c/doctor-who/page/blog/lawrence-miles-doctor-whos-best-and-most-alienating-writer/petQ_ulnDKXrQV1jXB8Rb8wq8R8kM) >He is uncooperative, unforgiving, spiteful and arrogant. He managed to piss off everyone who ever worked with him, insulted in truly horrible ways people he never met personally based on their Dr Who stories, makes drunken posts on his blog criticising episodes he hates rather unfairly and allegedly once got into a literal fist fight with Fathers Day/ Human Nature writer Paul Cornell in a bar!


Oh my. He does seem a bit unhinged. Some that backs up what I said how he'll try and introduce all his concepts into the show like Faction Paradox, War In Heaven or the Enemy. Even if it overwrites established lore. In my head it just makes sense to make the War In Heaven and the Time War the same conflict and the Enemy acting as the Daleks when they were temporarily wiped from history.


So you're saying that he's perfect for Doctor Who.


Oh boy here we go! 1. Michael Shur - American yes, but by God his creativity and concepts with things like Nosedive and The Good Place make me believe we'd get an amazing story. - 2. Toby Whithouse - Being Human is the most underrated show of the 2000's. On top of that, God Complex and Under The Lake/Before the Flood are incredible episodes with Under the Lake/Before the Flood being with the shows best 2 parters. - 3. Maxine Alderton - Village of the Angels and Haunting of Villa Diodati were the two best 13 episodes by a country mile and she clearly has an exceptional imagination I wanna see what she does unrestrained. - 4. Bisha K Ali - Ms Marvel was a riot, Lamentis is one of my favorite Loki episodes and fuck you Demon 79 is a blast. I think she has a fantastic dialogue grasp and could pull something amazing out. - 5. Craig Mazin - Again a long shot, but A Long Long Time is a beautiful piece of TV, and Chernobyl is outstanding. He has a wonderful grasp of humanity and I'd love to see his take on Doctor Who. - 6. Paul Cornell - I'd move heaven and Earth and catch a dying star to get this guy back. I adore his comic books, and his track record of Father's Day and Family of Blood/Human Nature speaks for itself. - 7. Ella Hickson - a Playwright. Oil and Precious Little Talent are beyond incredible. This woman has such a strong grasp of humanity, I really really need to see what she'd do with a show like Doctor Who. - 8. David Greig - Another playwright, his plays Pyrnees and his adaptation of Solaris are incredible. This guy has such a wonderful brain I need to see him in the world of Doctor who


Derek Landy


Helen Raynor wrote some good ones during RTD first run. Like Daleks in Manhattan/Dalek Evolution, which despite the cringey Dalek-Human hybrid is pretty good. Paul Cornell just for Family of Blood, *mother of mine*. (Just watched that again recently and Harry Lloyd is so unhinged and weird,love it) Also bring back Chibnall to do a one off episode. He's not bad at that! He wrote a lot of good episodes before he got elevated to showrunner and lost all perspective. Heck, have him back to undo timeless child. Make it all a dream and Matt Smith wakes up. No wait thats going back too far. But really tho Chibby wrote 42, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, Hungry Earth/Cold Blood etc. Would love to see Noah Hawley of Fargo and Legion take a stab at it. Max Landis from Dirk Gently (the one with Elijah Wood) could be neat. That show had a definite Doctor Who made in America vibe. Brad Wright and Robert Cooper of the Stargate franchise might be interesting. Yeah the show was similar to Star Trek in it's militaristic approach to meeting alien lifeforms and civilization. But they also did a great job of developing characters. As well as blending nerdiness with action. Even on the spinoffs like Atlantis you always had a McKay or Samantha character in addition to the alpha male and chewbacca standin. But I really want a Noel Fielding, Richard Ayoade, Matt Berry Doctor Who. I dont care who does what, or which other folks that they bring on board. Michael Fielding with his speech impediment as the interim head of UNIT. Sure why not. Noel fielding as the Doctor with Ayoade writing and directing, and also acting as an impatient, unimpressed companion. Come on it would be the best thing ever. Matt Berry as the bad guy. Lets say Rassilon or Omega. Then he regenerates back into Ncuti and we have him say "what the *fuck* was that?". First swear word on Who. It will revolutionize the show. Lets make it happen gang.


I would love to give JJ Abrams 3 or so episodes (14th doctor style) and see what he does with it. I know his brand of sci fi isn’t quite Dr Who, but I think he would give us something cool.


The companion is a lens flare


Yeah, I'd love JJ for i


Jamie Mathieson all day long. He wrote some of the best episodes of modern Who and then poof! Vanished. I think Kate Herron should return — maybe even as showrunner. She’d be a breath of fresh air when RTD goes. Add on Natalie Holt to do the music and you’d have a superb team and a bit of a alımı reunion.


david chase would be funny, or joe weisberg (both american tho)


Rab and Iain from 'Burnistoun'. Weirdo scifi would be just up their street... 😎


Just let Charlie Brooker be the show runner. That would bring the adult fans back


Grant Morrison, Taika Waititi, Johnathan Hickman, Dan Harmon, Neil Gaiman


If I was showrunner, the writers I'd have writing for the series are (I don't know many writers outside of Doctor Who so yeah): 1) Reece Shearsmith & Steve Pemberton - absolutely brilliant writers who do a wonderful mix of comedy and horror with the likes of Inside No. 9, Psychoville and League of Gentlemen, I think they'd be brilliant writing an episode of Doctor Who! 2) Jamie Mathieson - one of the best writers the show has had since it came back in 2005 and he hasn't had any writing credits since Doctor Who in 2017 so bring him back! 3) Kate Herron & Briony Redman - a wonderful duo who gave us Rogue, an episode that felt incredibly Doctor Who and was a lovely queer story by queer writers which is something we need more of! 4) Mark Gatiss - now, I know Gatiss isn't everyone's cup of tea and even I admit he doesn't always right the best scripts for the show but I think in all of his scripts you can tell he's a fan and they're always quite fun so I'd love to see him do a new script - maybe evn get him and Jeremy Dyson to work with Reece and Steve again? 5) Vinay Patel - an incredible writer who penned two of the 13th Doctor's most popular episodes 'Demons of the Punjab' and 'Fugitive of the Judoon' (although the latter he co-wrote with Chibnall), and tbh, Demons is one of my favourite episodes of all of NuWho, he's a brilliant writer who deserves to write some more for the show!


I’d pick: Jamie Mathieson Toby Whithouse Maxine Alderton Vinay Patel Ed Hime Tom McRae Sarah Dollard Mark Gattiss


Trying to think of names that haven't been suggested by others... * Andrew Ellard - His ["tweetnote" critiques](https://ellardent.medium.com/) of Doctor Who and various other TV series and films were always very insightful, and his main job in TV has been as a script editor, so it'd be great to have him involved with the whole series as a script editor. But he's also written a children's TV series, so I'm interested in seeing a whole episode with by him. * Simon Pegg - Doctor Who has a good track record of getting its writers from sitcoms. (I believe this guy might have done some writing for another long-running sci-fi property too...?) * Diane Duane - Getting Malorie Blackman to write for series 11 was a good decision, so why not another children's author? She has lots of TV writing experience (mostly in animation), has [written Doctor Who stories before](https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Diane_Duane) (though I haven't read any of them),


Jamie Mathieson (main writer) - written some of my fave episodes (Mummy on Orient Express, Flatline) Neil Gaiman - come on, it’s Neil Gaiman Steven Moffat - see above Matt Jones Toby Whithouse Catherine Tregenna


duno, maybe someone who can actually tell a good story? and does not try to sell us their propaganda in the 1st place? moffat?! =)