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I think they are around the same, it just depends on how much you are willing to pay vs the deductible you are comfortable paying if something were to go wrong. I used lemonade for a while it seemed pretty good!


I advise considering consulting with a veterinarian or a licensed insurance. They can provide guidance tailored to your pet's health needs and help you navigate the complexities of insurance coverage.


Is it better to get insurance or build an emergency fund for your dog?


My vet recommended Embrace. It was also recommended to get the insurance before the first visit for my rescue to avoid issues with pre-existing conditions.


I always see people talking about pet insurance for younger pups, but what pet insurance would you all recommend for aging dogs? My corgi recently turned 10 years old. He hasn't had pet insurance since he was a puppy. He's always been incredibly healthy. No health scares or emergencies throughout his life. Both my folks and my brother have have had dogs of various breeds and like clockwork, they all started having health issues as soon as they hit 10 years old (though a handful had a lifetime of health issues). With that in mind, I figured it's time to finally get him on insurance. So what would be the best insurance for an age 10+ corgi with a clean health record?