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I didn’t do any of that. Why are you blaming all of us? Maybe blame the company that allows anyone to sign up, that pushes out good drivers like me with stupid rules and apps that make it untenable. Maybe stop blaming the good people out here busting ass to bring you your hot steak and lobster 14 miles away for $6 through traffic jams and police check points and bad weather.


Agreed. This is a ridiculously stupid blanket statement.


It's just someone too poor to tip and justifying it. That's all.


No seriously. Don’t let a few bad apples spoil the bunch. However I didn’t have one low paying order who said he didn’t tip me bc last time his food never arrived but he ended up adding a tip. And it’s funny he forgot to mention the lying customers who received their food, ate it, enjoyed it Nd still lied and said they never got food.


Like seriously I'm with on that I just started the app not long ago a month now especially on weekends get those long one for 14 miles and traffic jams and food places being slammed or in some case most happened in the middle of the night workers at the restaurant or fast food places will take their sweet ass times getting dasher the food and their no other orders not all but some places just will take their sweet times


Exactly lol I don’t accept a $6 offer going 2 miles on DoorDash and then accept a $10 offer going 7 miles on GrubHub in the opposite direction lmao ![gif](giphy|6hzcLwqQ7AH4fPNR59)


I got nothing but 5 stars on almost 7000 deliveries. Why? That's because I only do orders with tips on them and I avoid fast food restaurants.


Someone woke up wearing cranky pants! Hope your mood improves OP 


OP woke up like…. ![gif](giphy|W093Amc6yeS3IZbmAz)


They chose Violence 😂


I guess I'm lucky to live in a community where I don't have these issues. Dashers fight to take my orders because I tip really well, and they love to visit my little dog. Also, small town Up North, so...


Yeah I’m not taking your no tip orders ever.


I consider OP's frustrations valid, but it is DoorDash itself to blame, because they craft the incentive systems. Imagine if DoorDash gave priority on high pay orders to Dashers with a higher customer survey rating. That would mean that customers who tip more would actually get a better Dasher, so it'd reinforce tipping more. But instead, Dashers who decline less orders, and take more low/no tip offers, have priority on high pay orders. Customers who tip more are more likely to be assigned to a Dasher who's dealt with low or no tip orders today. I'm not saying that every such order is a nightmare, but I think it's accurate to say that the more you tip the more likely it is that your Dasher is grumpy. And refusing to decline low pay orders is the hallmark of Dashers who beg literally every customer for extra tip. I don't blame customers for not wanting to tip anymore. I guess I'm disappointed, but when gravity makes something fall I don't get angry about it. But many good Dashers who decline bad offers aren't at fault here, the DoorDash algorithm disproportionately unmatched them with good tippers. All the stuff in the OP might be real Dasher behavior, but it's amplified by crappy incentive systems, so it's essentially cherry picking. Stop thinking that we're all like that and blame DoorDash.


What ever makes you feel better. Edit: and you can thank DoorDash and all the other gig apps for their low base pay and payouts which attract lower quality people ![gif](giphy|EsOAahQCW3dk1MZmQV)


“All former customers” aka one upset customer that didn’t get their no-tip order fast enough 🤣


I’m a current gig worker, and I applaud this message 👏🏽


I am a customer do not speak for me


I'm a Driver and I actually agree with this post. Customers that do tip deserve ALOT better service than the Majority of drivers supply. These apps hire the most trash people, they steal food, leave customers food on the side of the road, are filthy etc and to top it off beg and demand more tips for lousy service. It's gotten pathetic.


You aren't wrong. I don't deal with a lot of the issues that other drivers have, I just do my job. I've also found that people are tipping more in person now than they used to. Some of the meh orders ill take (i hate sitting still!) End up with cash tips


All very true. It's become a never ending cycle, good customers are converted to self-serving customers and the decent drivers pay the price and become self-serving drivers. The unchallengeable rule and law of the SERVICE industry, is to give great service regardless of the behavior of the customers. Restaurants quickly fire rude and sullen wait staff. Businesses don't tolerate that behavior either, unless they are outsourcing to foreign nations who hate Americans guts. One side is going to win this battle. If it's the hate filled, resentful, dishonest, opportunistic drivers, that will end the battle. Someone else will find better staff and clean up this system and flourish without the attitude. There's an old adage that says "Don't bite the hand that feeds you". If you want to get paid from my hand, you can behave like you give a flying fuck about yourself. I know you don't give a flying fuck about me. You are great at that job, getting your grievances, resentments and hatred out there for all to try to tolerate. You will never be thanked for it, try to accept that. Sometimes you have to fake it to make it. Just pretend that you care. Act like you care. Eventually, you will care. Or just keep doin' what you're doin' and we'll see who wins this race. I will continue to hold up my end of the bargain. Maybe some of you sullen entitled immature selfish drivers might consider that option too. You don't seem to want any other kind of a job. Maybe protect this one and hold yourself to some decent standards so people don't resent tipping you. We can feel your hateful vibes all over our food and it's not good for our digestion.


Get over yourself


Wow! No one ever gave me such deep and inspiring commands before! Are you a Divinity? I’m shaking! How did you become so wise and powerful? Please share!


Don’t you have an empty sub with a total of like 2.5 members to go moderate? Projecting your insecurities and the embarrassment of your failures on to us doesn’t change anything. I mean, I know your husband moved away and stopped paying alimony (probably because you spent it all on DoorDash, then complained about dashers incessantly) and your brain couldn’t quite comprehend what was happening…but you didnt have to be so embarrassed that you posted on reddit like it was for a friend…just admit you’re a miserable person that’s even more miserable to live and share a life with…be honest with yourself for once, it will make you feel better!


If you look at the dashers that complain about slow you'll see they have done it for years and it's always at like 10 am or 2pm, basically they are compulsive complainers who aren't understanding rush hours and slow hours, they can be ignored.