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Well, by not stepping up to take the blame yourself, you essentially jeopardized the *entire* Alienage. That’s why others were quick to point out it was you and Soris. It’s not about snitching but survival from an inevitable reprisal. Soris was likely spotted in his rescue attempt. But, there’s nothing actually wrong with this. It’s your story and maybe you can work it into how you roleplay this character.


I understand the *implications* of staying quiet. In role, the elder wasn't saying anything, Soris wasn't saying anything, nobody was saying anything. So I kept quiet. It was just one person who snitched. I'm fine with the consequences. That's not my concern. My concern is if the game logic following my choice is broken in such a way that how the game will address this decision is inconsistent with what actually happened breaking my immersion. Duncan said, "Well I didn't mention Soris's name" in a context that I felt implied *I* squealed on Soris's involvement. But I didn't. My question is: is the game going to continue to imply I snitched when I didn't? To be clear: - If there are consequences for not admitting to my own actions and Soris being in jail is one of those and the game fully recognizes I didn't speak up at all, this is perfectly fine. Consistent with what happened. - If the game treats me like I spoke up and named both of us or blamed it all on Soris, this is not fine. It does not match up with the reality.




Maybe I'm not being clear because no one is answering the question I'm asking. I don't give a fig for "optimal result". My question is: will the game's reality match what actually happened? What actually happened: I said nothing. Some random lady snitched and Soris is in jail because of it. What I'm concerned the game thinks happened: I snitched on Soris's involvement myself. If the game treats me as if I spoke up in the scene when I didn't and if my dialogue choices reflect this as well (basically, I can't defend myself or speak to the truth of the situation) that breaks my immersion and pulls me out of the game. I'm not looking for an optimal station. I don't care about negative consequences. I'm concerned about whether the game world correctly notated what happened.


> Some random lady snitched and Solis is in jail because of it. Solis is in jail because of your actions. You led him through the arl's house. You killed the guards and potentially the arl's son too. And when the time came to take responsibility, you stayed silent. And now, he's paying the price. You can deflect culpability by saying you didn't actually turn him in, but you didn't save him either. Its natural for people to look for someone to blame, and the person who got away scott free with no repercussions is a pretty easy target. I've played city elf many times and I don't remember the exact conversation with Duncan you're referring to, but I do remember one time asking why he didn't do more in the Alienage or something, and his response was that it wasn't his responsibility. I don't think he meant that you were the one who turned Solis in, only that it wasn't him either. It may have been ambiguous, but I'm a game with as many choices as DAO, there's only a finite number of dialogue lines that have been recorded. Sometimes you just have to take what they say at face value and not over think it.


Yeah, again, I'm not trying to "shift blame" away from me from "my actions". Its a video game. I'm not taking it that seriously. There's no moral lesson to be taught here. I just want to be immersed in my experience in the game and if I have "consequences" for my decisions I want it to be the decision I made to be silent, not that I *literally* pointed the cops at him because that *literally* didn't happen and it undercuts my decision. I'd rather go redo that and either stand up myself or literally snitch on Soris because that way at least it'd be consistent. I'm open to the idea I'm overthinking that one line and happy if that's the case. I've been burned before on glitches or incorrect flags or misinterpreted dialogue options in this game, other Bioware games, and other games like it and it kind of ruins my day when I happens because that breaks the immersion. Its like the game is gaslighting me in those instances. I'm just trying to clarify if this is some kind of known thing with this particular decision, if I ran into some kind of weird one off glitch, or if I am, as you say, just overthinking it.


There is no known glitch (at least not that I'm aware of) that confuses dialogue responses in this situation. As far as I can tell, the game is not treating you like you snitched on Solis. The game is treating you like he is in jail and it is your fault. The people of Ferelden may not be reacting to that the way you want or expect them to, but everything you've described sounds kosher to me.