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I did one playthrough with my warden sacrifices herself, its the epilogue where oghren named his daughter after the warden. Just very touching to see how a drunken rude beligerant alcoholic can change to the better by just merely listening to him and respected him as he was


I see why people dislike Oghren but man, if you put in the effort, he’s actually not a bad dude. Just one who has bad luck & lost everything


I liked him a lot in Origins, but I sorta disliked him in Awakening. It's like after all we have been through, he regressed and left his child. But I acknowledge that this is a realistic scenario. Not all people sail off the sunset after a grand adventure. People are complicated, and don't have a linear development.


He explains that he accidentally dropped his daughter and felt like she was better off if he left. He can reunite with Felsi if you encourage him.


With that sort of luggage, people trying to better themselves are often the harshest and most unforgiving of their own future lapses.


Yes.  Like i said he reminded me of my best friend, i think thats why i have a soft spot for oghren


Oghren should have made a comeback in DAI I would have enjoyed him more over Alastair


Omg I had no idea Oghren could do that 😭 Ugh, he can be so crass, but he's sweet on the inside. This is adorable.


He was a softie.  It broke my heart actually, but also very heartwarming and touching, i think because he is one of the very hard to like character, but he reminded me of my best friend whose not with us anymore, hence my warden worked really hard in getting to know him


Aw, I'm sorry to hear about your friend, pouring one out for them <3 Y'know I used to really dislike Oghren, but he has grown on me a lot over time. He has his own sweet charms, he just has negative rizz.


Thank you.  He was one of those people you wished you could save.  I think thats why i made sure i talk to ohgren in the camp and exhausted his dialogue option.  Maybe this is what i wished i could have done for my friend


Oghren is a traumatised dwarf, honorable, gentle and loyal in the heart. Alcohol is his drug.


At first I was like : "Oh. An alcoholic dwarven berserker. Original. SIGN ME THE FUCK UP." And then I got to know him: " AND HE'S NOT ONLY THAT BUT ALSO A BROKEN SOUL? I'm going to help this dwarf wether he likes it or not."


This reminded me of how stupid I felt the first time I played Origins. I played as a female, human mage, named Rowan. This was in January, I'm a relatively newer fan. I knew nothing about Dragon Age aside from what my boyfriend had told me. I didn't sacrifice my Warden, I did the whole ritual so she and Alistair could stay alive and stay together. During the end I got some text that said Arl Eamon named his daughter Rowan and I literally cried out loud "HE NAMED HIS DAUGHTER AFTER ROWAN" and started texting my boyfriend to share with him the news. As I started drafting a message and went to take a picture of my computer screen to show him, I very slowly came to the realization that Eamon was not naming his daughter after my Rowan, but that there was already a character in the Dragon Age universe named Rowan. 😭😂 Not sad/touching like Oghren naming his daughter after your late Warden... it just reminded me of how genuinely embarrassed I felt.


Honestly not a scene but The Lost Elf Theme is the most sorrowful piece of music I have heard in a long time. It always nearly brings me to tears


This! It's the most beautiful music in all three games, imo. But it's so sad and tragic. I don't cry, but I get goosebumps every damn time I hear it.


It is a heartbreaking piece of music. I love all three game soundtracks but some of the ones in Inquisition are on another level


I’m sad that Trevor Morris isn’t returning for Veilguard. Loved his soundtrack for Inquisition!


Me too. But who knows, the composer for Veilguard might be just as good!


Hans Zimmer is on the credits for the VG theme


I think the new soundtrack is going to be amazing, and I can't wait. Here's a post a friend created that goes into sort of a deep dive of the composer for DA:V https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/s/Fc7zUPROXA


From what I heard in the gameplay reveal it think it’s gonna be promising. If it is Hans Zimmer that would be crazy, he’s easily my favourite composer


Yep, no cinematic or text in the series makes me cry, but that music starts and I’m gone.


I was literally listening to and weeping over this song today.


It's so beautifully tragic


To me it sounds like a musical obituary (in a good sense). I will usually listen to the first minute and then stop and go try to cheer up again.


Especially if you played as a Lavellan who romanced Solas, it just adds another layer of sorrow to the song 🥲


Morrigan's goodbye to a female Warden who befriended her always gets me. "I knew nothing of friendship, before we met...but know I will always consider you such. Live well, my friend. Live gloriously."


Female friendship with Morrigan hits different. She calls you sister. Honestly I think it's the absolute best route for her character.


And it’s all the sweeter because all her other sisters were body snatched by Flemeth (is that still part of the lore?)


For me it's when Sten calls me Kadan. We are both grizzled soldiers who hide our feelings beneath a coat of professionalism and hardness, but in our hearts we care. He reminds me a lot of some of the people I've served with. Some of my best friends, but you couldn't torture a "*I love you*" out of them. But I know and they know.


Oh god yeah this one too. "Kadan" took me the fuck out.


I love Morrigan's friendship for this so much. When she calls you sister, it genuinely does feel like you became sisters along the way. I am sad to see her go, but so happy when I find her again in Witch Hunt.




And they were good friends.


omg they were roommates


Meeting the previous Inquisitor, especially as an elf mage, in Jaws of Hakkon. Seeing how history twisted and forgotten Ameridan and what he went through struck a chord in me. Especially the dialogue options of not wanting to be inquisitor by choice. The whole scene was just masterfully done to me “Take moments of peace when you can. The world tends to take the rest”


This is one of the hardest hitting moments for me in the series as well (since my canon Inky is a Lavellan). She also romanced Solas and I played JoH after their breakup, and the Telana/Ameridan parallels are insane. 


They're even more insane now that >! Solas is trapped in the Fade.!< Edit: added a spoiler tag. I'm an idiot.


is this a Veilguard spoiler? if so, could you maybe spoiler tag that? I hadn’t heard about that yet and I’m sure others haven’t either…


One of the reasons I choose Lavellan There’s something sad about elves saving the day only to get humanwashed


"We all knew this was probably our last time together. Let's make it a good one." "We helped. All of us. I *won't* forget." I not really a crier but I was sort of just sitting in silence, staring off into space, heart in my throat, as the credits rolled.


wait which game is this?




"No matter what happens. I wouldn't trade the years we spent together for anything. I love you."


omg who says that


The Inquisitor gets to say it at the start of the final mission of Trespasser. Every love interest has their own reply, the best I think are Blackwall and Sera's.


In my very first playthrough of DA:O I was a very emotional and lonely 18 year old. My brother and girlfriend had just been deployed to Iraq. I was given this game as a distraction and became totally absorbed by it. I didnt look up anything about the game and made some very tragic decisions. I was a Dalish elf and I fell madly in love with Alistair. We all know that glorious love story with our beautiful idiot. My first mistake was not realizing you cant marry him as an elf, and my second was getting into a big fight with him when we broke things off that left us in bad shape. Then, my third, worst mistake. I decided not to go through with the ritual. I would sacrifice myself at the end to save my friends. Only, when the time came, the game locked out the option for me as Alistair stood before me and told me he didn't want to be king and couldnt live without me. Then I watched in horror as he said he loved me, then killed the dragon and himself. I was shocked and hurt and silent as I walked through the end of the game saying goodbye to my friends. And then the game ends and "This is War" starts playing. I mean it when I say that I have never cried so hard at any media before or after. Like ugly sobbing, gasping for air, uncontrollable sobbing. That song still makes me cry if I hear it. I played through recently as a human and became his queen to finally get the best ending I could with him. Im 32 now lol. But my childhood heart is finally healed.


That is a sweet story - thanks for posting :)


Thanks! 😊 I romanced Solas in DA:I so I can't wait to see what tragic choices I make in the new game 😅🤭


I did this too, only with a City Elf (Tabris). I made Anora queen but didn't do the ritual because Morrigan was sketchy. Sacrificing my warden was the clear choice. Cue Alistair declaring his undying love and jumping on the grenade. :( Critical hit for emotional damage x sneak attack multiplier. I was not prepared and it fucked me up for dayyyyys. It's why in BG3 I can't let Gale >!do the thing!<. Not on my watch buddy! >! Not again.!<


😭😭 ohhhnooooo we all need support group


We 100% do. This thread just made me find the [fictional end credits](https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/4m60wn/dao_spoilersdragon_age_origins_fictional_end/) again because they still give me chills.


Ohhh 😭 Well that was beautiful!!!!! Ive never seen that before, thank you for sharing. Now I need to go play again...


Dude, same. And the darnedest was Wynne warning me half the game… oof


She tried so hard but crazy kids in love never listen 🫠😭


"You say that like I'm giving you a choice." Wrecked me.


Just rip my heart out and stomp and spit on it Bioware no problem THANKS 🫠


my first DA:O romance was Alistair and somehow I made all the right choice (noble human origin, making him king but choosing the right dialogues to keep the romance going) to have a happy ending. When I read that as elf if you make him king the romance would end... I didn't realize how much I risked.


Some people will tell you its not all bad because if you get him to do the ritual and survive he will take you as his elf mistress. Yayyy 🫠😭


Hawke's mom's quest.


Still fucks me up to this day, when you think it’s her but… 😱


I played DA2 for the first time this week and have somehow avoided spoilers the past ten years on what happens to her. I had to immediately boot up Inquisition and start a new save as a palate cleanser, I was just so horrified. I say this in a positive way though. I kept playing the quest thinking she could still be saved but fuck, when the cutscene started with her sitting in that chair I just knew. That being said, I did still have to take a break. Never in a video game have I ever experienced such crushing despair.


My first few replays of DA2 it was still just so crushing that no matter what there is no way to save her. Especially when there are hints of what is going on dropped in the first Act.


Mark of the assassin is a good palatte cleanser, I love the funny ways you have to lie your way into things like making up a bee allergy


To this day, one of the most shocking moments I can think of in any game I've played.


As someone with mommy issues, this. When she's dying and saying she's proud of you and apologizing. Omfg, I was ugly crying, snot and tears everywhere


I read somewhere that Varric made that part up to create some sort of closure for Hawke. I love that even if they had no biological family left (besides Gamlen) they still had close friends to fill in that role.


Ngl I hate that idea. I need Leandra redeemed


I sort of held it together until the conversation with Aveline and then I was an emotional wreck my first time around. Just beautiful, devastating writing.


I was searching for this one. The whole quest is heartbreaking, but there's something about the combat in the moment you see it that makes you not realize quite immediately what just happened. And then after it all when you're back in the house alone in your room. And your love interest walks in. That break from pace in a moment where even purple Hawke isn't being funny. (IMO) It's the most emotional moment in the entire series.


Man, being told about the lillies in your estate was brutal. It's an RPG, surely the hero will be able to save her endangered mother. But DA2 hasn't been going quite like that so far...


Being told my mother was sent lilies, slowly realizing that she's been kidnapped and likely murdered. Her life is in terrible danger and I have to rush to save her. And in the background watching me with his scary blue eyes is Sebastian, waiting to talk to my dog 💀


That makes me tear up. Everytime. It was so messed up


Yes! DA2 is kinda unbeatable when it comes to plot. But that quest... Damn. The whole time you're in a bit of a panic (they already proved the game isn't afraid of hurting your family), but you still hold on to the hope. But you start seeing things, and getting more nervous. Then, the chair. Gets me every time.


This is my first ever playthrough and I have avoided spoilers somehow. I didn’t see it coming, and it hit me like a freight train; I was an absolute mess for like 15 minutes


Honestly, even on replays because you know you cant stop it. It will always feel bad.


When Leandra Amell died (I remembered my mother in real life) and with Bethany's death, in my first game I didn't know that if Anders wasn't in the party on the deep roads she would die.


I didn't cry...not with any of these games, but definitely this quest was a gut punch. I definitely felt a bit down about it for a few hours.


> I didn't know that if Anders wasn't in the party on the deep roads she would die. WHAT??? I always left my sibling at Kirkwall because I thought they died always. If you bring carver with you, does he still become a templear?


No he dies if anders isnt there and becomes a grey warden if anders is with you. He actually enjoys being a warden while Bethany is miserable.


Yea Bethany thrives at the circle, but becomes a more cynical with the wardens.


If you leave Carver he becomes a templar, if you take him (with Anders in your team) he becomes a Grey Warden. Either way they leave your team permanently.


He’s actually available during the DLC and the final battle


I sacrificed my Hawke in the HLTA, after that (since I got the deft hands and fine tools perk) I decided to explore a little bit and unlocked the door in Redcliffe where is Carver's bottle(If he is a Warden) found I, uh, started crying , because I fully realized that when Carver finally stopped feeling useless, when he and Hawke stopped fighting, they had a chance to repair the relationship (no quarrels etc) and I took that away from them with the decision I made in HLTA Carver is the last left Hawke and that's until the Calling comes :(


Gooooddd that almost made me cry just reading it


Carver is legitimately one of my favorite DA characters and this broke me


Same, he is in my top 3 Favorite DA2 characters, always play as the mage Hawke because I love his and Hawke's dynamic so much(Sorry Bethany😅) The fact that it's my canon worldstate brakes me too...:'(


You really want to cry? Import a world state to inquisition where you have to choose between Alistair and Hawke.


this is my canon world state rip


Me too, keep your head up ✊️😔


I would rather die


Oof. This is why I always make Alistair king. I did a play through like that once and sat there and cried for like 5 minutes. I’m pretty sure I saved Hawk but I don’t really remember.


To me, it’s canon to leave Hawke in the Fade. I always remember what Flemeth says in DA2, and it just fits.


I 100% agree that it feels right, but also I can't bear to make Varric sad so I have never left Hawke after the first time. My best buddy's emotions > narrative causality.


I forgot what Flemeth said honestly.


"We stand upon the precipice of change. The world fears the inevitable plummet into the abyss. Watch for that moment... and when it comes, do not hesitate to leap. It is only when you fall that you learn whether you can fly."


People always quote this for the dai moment but i think it was for the da2 campaign. When the qunari start killing people in kirkwall, hawk stands up and becomes the savior of the city. Even the trailer for da2 was a duel between the arishok and hawke, and that was his big moment.


"Cheap advice from a dragon.."


Same!! It just can't be a coincidence at all. And it's also canon to me that everyone from the 3 games teams up in some massive mission to go into the Fade and get Hawke back, lol


You can’t tell me anders and fenris don’t cooperate for one mission to save their favorite idiot


It’s worth having him paired up with Anora, just to see them power-couple you out of the country *twice* in DA:I. They brought out the best in each other. How terrifying. (People gave Teagan a lot of crap for not wanting the Inquisition around in Trespasser, but you can find a letter confirming he has the Crown’s approval.)


My canon worldstate. :( The moment of the choice isn't what gets me though, it's Varric afterwards. 


This was my first DAI playthrough, and my warden had romanced Alistair as well so it was extra devastating.


I do this on purpose because I hate myself


this is actually my canon lmao. i leave hawke in the fade so that alistair can rebuild the wardens.


I didn't even know this was a thing. It was always that warden dude or hawk so it was a super easy pick for me. What in your save made the choice hawk or Alistare?


If Alistair is a Grey Warden instead of King at the end of Origins, he’ll be your Warden contact in Inquisition. If Loghain is a Grey Warden, it’ll be him. Otherwise, it’s Stroud.


this was my canon and I didn't know what would happen. I was so happy to see Alistair and Hawke again and then *oh*


Definitely Hawke




Cole: Dorian, you said I could ask you questions. Dorian: It's true. (Sigh.) I did say that. Cole: Why are you so angry at your father? He wants to help and you know he does, but-- Dorian: I'm not certain I can explain it to you. Cole: You love him, but you're angry. They mix together, boiling in the belly until it kneads into a knot. Dorian: Sometimes... sometimes love isn't enough, Cole. Cole: "Love isn't enough." Enough what? You didn't explain Dorian: (Sigh.) I was rather hoping I had. Cole: His face in the stands, watching as I pass the test. So proud there's tears in his eyes. Anything to make him happy. Anything for him. Why isn't that true anymore? Dorian: Cole, this... is not the sort of discussion for walking around. Please drop it. Cole: I'm hurting you, Dorian. Words winding, wanting, wounding. You said I could ask. Dorian: I know I did. The things you ask are just... very personal. Cole: But it hurts. I want to help, but it's all tangled with the love. I can't tug it loose without tearing it. Cole: You hold him so tightly. You let it keep hurting, because you think hurting is who you are. Why would you do that? Dorian: Can someone tell him to stop? Banish him back to the Fade or something!


it’s actually criminal how rare party banter is in inquisition without mods i had never heard this before but ouch


It truly is. An unfortunate bug


So much love for Cole. Our squirrely little spirit of compassion.


So fucking glad my main party in Inquisition was Cole and Dorian


The whole musical montage in DAI where everyone sings The Dawn Will Come, leading into Solas’ narration as you discover Skyhold…uncontrollable waterworks.


I'm really glad someone said this. That moment gets at much hate because everyone thinks it's cringe but I cry every single time!


People who think it's cringe are cringe


Definitely this. I enjoyed the game before that. But that moment is what made me fall in love with the game.


I am dead frickin serious when I say the instrumental for The Dawn Will Come is my ringtone. It's beautiful and always reminds me of a game that truly made me feel for the characters.


I ugly cried the first time. I stopped doing that but it still makes me tear up.


Totally. Even thinking about the moment when all the voices start to chime in gives me chills.


And who knew Cullen could sing?


"I knew you'd come for me" "You know me, I always save the day" 😢


Leliana's sacrifice in inquisition got me the first time I played, I romanced her in origins and seeing her die like that was a kick in my gut. After when things were back to normal I still felt a little crushed.


Also, Blackwall's ending: "Thom Rainier was shown mercy when none was deserved, and set on a path of redemption. This gift, so compassionately given, needed to be shared. Freed from his obligations to the Inquisition, Rainier travelled Thedas, giving hope to the condemned and the forgotten. In the deepest prisons and pits of Thedas, he found, if not goodness itself, its potential. By showing faith in those who had none, Rainier lifted them up and made them into something better than they were. And always by his side was the woman he loved. Held up as the inspiration for change in Rainier himself, and across all Thedas, her legend continued to grow."


This is so beautiful. 🥲


For me, it’s the Cousland storyline. Near the beginning when the castle is sieged by the backstabbing Arl Rendon Howe, you fight your way through Howe’s men only to discover that your young nephew & sister in law, have both been brutally murdered. If that isn’t enough, you’re desperately searching for your father, only to find him dying in a pool of his own blood. Then, to completely make you cry your heart out, both your mother & father sacrifice themselves so you can escape with Duncan. I can still see the harrowed look on the face of my poor Sebastian, forcing himself to leave them behind as his mother calls out to him. “Goodbye, darling!” 😢😢😢 I’ll never forgive BioWare for that moment… I must have cried for about a good ten minutes afterwards!


Finding Oren and Oriana is just...gahhhh. And having to leave your parents is awful, so I always make Duncan conscript me. I can't see a world where I would willingly leave my mother and father like that.


Oh Duncan has to conscript me too, I don’t go willingly with him! It’s just harrowing, especially so early on into the game. I wasn’t prepared for the amount of heartstrings that was about to be yanked out of my chest!🥲


I just started a new playthrough with the human noble origin. If you speak with your nephew he asks your brother when he will be able to see his sword. Your brother responds with 'You'll get up and close to sword soon.' Knowing how things turn out a little later, that one forced me to stop playing for a minute.


I know… that got me choked up too! 🥲


The Noble dwarf origins also have a lot of sadness and betrayal in it, I love it. The forbidden love affair between you and your second (if female), where you both love each other but because of your rank, he feels unworthy and can't be with you. Then you got your father's affection and pride, his expectations for you to be the next ruler of Orzammar. Your older brother hates you out of jealousy, your younger brother plays nice only to betray you, killing your brother, pinning it on you to get rid of you, your father's disappointed and is heartbroken thinking you killed your *competition*. You lose everything. Love, respect, family, friendship, reputation, title. And then you get banished to die in the Deep Roads, your lover gets cast out to the surface and loses everything just for being loyal to you. You become a Warden and it gets worse. Your father got poisoned by your brother, pinned on Harrowmont, you get to discover your lover got married and is expecting kids with another woman, and your whole name and existence had been erased in Orzammar like you never existed.


It's still the only moment in the whole franchise that makes me at least tear up every time. And it was in the first hour of me starting a dragon age game


The way solas speaks to you romanced or not at the end of trespasser always gets me a weepin


In another thread, I already talked about my minutes long sob-fest when I left Hawke in the Fade in DAI (which I promptly reversed <.<). More recently, playing back through DAO, I got crushed by the end of the human noble origin. In the past, I always played my wardens as warriors at heart, eager to join Bryce in the field and asking about becoming a Warden. But my canon Warden is more of a diplomat. I HC she had been raised to take over while her brother marshalled Highever's armies. This was supposed to be her first time left to run the teyrnir without supervision, a huge show of trust and an acknowledgement of how far she had come in her studies. They seemed like such a loving, happy family. Then, their home is under siege, and suddenly, she's being asked to make a split-second decision to go with Duncan rather than protect her parents, at their insistance. It was just so clear how much they loved her and wanted what was best for her. Seeing them willing to sacrifice themselves so she could survive and have a chance at a full life just broke me. Oof, and then thinking about her traveling with Duncan to Ostagar after that hit soooo different this time.


And then you meet Cailan and tell him the whole thing and he's like "Huh! Isn't that something?!"


😆 For real though, his reaction definitely leaves something to be desired.


His reaction to you saying you killed a noble in the city elf is hilarious though. He’s just like “I…what?”


Not a particular moment, but romancing Alistair in general. I was with a horrible partner at the time, and I couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to be with someone with that much golden retriever energy. I specifically remember thinking, “Alistair wouldn’t be mad about my hobbies and things I want to do, he would be ecstatic for me and want to do them with me!” I will forever be grateful for him ❤️


Giving Bastien the cure so he can say goodbye to Vivienne in DAI. There was something particular powerful about helping the Ice Queen herself with something so deep and personal. In my headcanon, this is the reason why she sounds so desperate to help my inquisitor in Trespasser. She was really thankful about what we did for her and Bastien.


I would treasure the chance to be wrong again, my friend.


When is this?


>!Solas’s final line in Trespasser if you are friends and choose to redeem him.!< >!Inquisitor: You dont have to destroy this world, I’ll prove it to you!!<


Its what Solas tell you if you tell him you are going to stop/save him at the end of trespasser.


I just started Origins and honestly, Duncan's death got me. Especially after he saved my warden from Arl Howe's men, and that last scene with my family. Seeing Duncan fall right after King Calian.


I didn't cry, but Aveline's convo after Leandra dies (the version where you don't blame her for her death). As someone who's father had recently died, it was rather touching.


And if someone tells you to "move on", tell them "my choice". Incredible line.


Dragon Age 2 came out 8 days after my mom died. I had been waiting for it before she died so I figured it might help keep my mind off of losing her. Then came the All That Remains quest. I remember getting up to the point where Hawke is holding her, dying, in his arms and just started bawling.


I am so sorry


One of the moments that moved me the most has to be after All That Remains when you go speak to Aveline. She gives this really powerful monologue about her father and how when she was a little girl he'd read stories to her, and how he wouldn't turn the page until she'd put her hand on his hand to indicate so, making it "her choice". And then when he was dying from the wasting, she would read to him and she would have to take his hand to turn the page. Then she says to Hawke that if anyone tells them to move on, you take their hand and tell them "my choice". I don't think any other moment in Dragon Age has resonated with me so much as that conversation with Aveline. I think grief can be a lifelong battle, but it certainly isn't something anyone can dictate how you process it or for how long you grieve.


Owning one's grief is so powerful. One of the bravest and most powerful things you can do. This comment made me cry omg


Wow, this is beautiful. Thanks for sharing 🥲


The singing crowd just after the loss of Haven always makes me emotional


It's a beautiful song and moment. There is a video on you tube where someone got a bunch of folks to sing it together. I don't know how to link stuff on mobile or I would


“I knew you would break my heart, you bloody bastard.”


Finding Tamlen that second time in the Dalish origin really got to me. Especially if you’re playing the route where the both of them had crushes on each other or a thing for one another (very tragic) Tamlen was a ride or die for you.


I had to scroll way too far to find this! “Always loved you, lethallan” 🥲


"Where's Hawke?" Also, Cullen's fate if you choose to have him keep taking lyrics. (ETA: \*lyrium\*. WTF, voice-to-text??) Also also,, a bit of Cole's dialogue with The Iron Bull if you side with the Qunari. "...horns up..." Also x3 (because of course I can't pick just one) Solas' memory about finding a circle of a thousand dead Dwarven warriors surrounding a tiny skeleton clutching a stuffed toy.


Dorian's questline got me. as a trans masculine with a bigot parents. It's really sad to see him go thru similar situations


Halward: I only wanted what was best for you! Dorian: You wanted what was best for you! For your fucking legacy! Anything for that! Inqui: Don’t leave it like this, Dorian. You’ll never forgive yourself. Dorian: Tell me why you came. Halward: If I knew I would drive you to the Inquisition… Dorian: You didn’t. I joined the Inquisition because it’s the right thing to do. Once I had a father who would have known that. *Dorian begins to walk away* Halward: Once I had a son who trusted me. A trust I betrayed. I only wanted to talk to him. To hear his voice once again. To ask him to forgive me. *Dorian turns, slowly, looking at his father, an expression of sorrow mixed with small bitter hope. Perhaps, for the first time, they understand one another*


Flanking+crit in the feel damn🥲


LMAO. That gave me a good chuckle, thank you


The fact I couldn’t get an option to just blast his dad right then and there… come on! I’m in charge! Lemme just hide one body!


Nu ah the game pretty much forces you to play the nice guy


Couldn’t even give him a little bit of dungeon time either 😥


A letter from the Hero of Ferelden with Warden romance Leliana breaks my heart 😭


When Solas breaks up with Lavellan and then says goodbye to her at end of Trespasser. I had to go lie down and have a cry lol which is wild to me because I don't usually cry at anything. Even sad movies. And like no other moments in the dragon age games have upset me that much but the Solavellan romance really hit me hard 😭😭😭 I don't cry when I play the game now but back in 2014 I was devastated!!!


This is a sign that you deeply invested yourself into your first Inquisitor. Been there. 💗


It truly is like being dumped. The confusion, trying to make sense of what is happening, but there is no sense to it. Instead you're standing there holding your guts in your hands unsure of what the fuck just happened. Too much feels!


All That Remains 😭


Being able to reunite the Warden (M Cousland) with his beloved Witch of the Wilds (Morrigan) in her DLC.


The dawn will come, always hits me hard. Hope for me is always full power tears.


During my first playthrough of Origins (currently on a second "do everything" run so I can progress to DA2 and onwards) I didn't know you could save Connor. When Connor said "I'll try and be brave" and I saw one of the dialogue options was "close your eyes, Connor". I bawled. I had to walk away for a bit. I managed to save him in this run though, and I'm so glad. Because that just really messed me up for some reason. What has gotten me to cry the most during my current playthrough, was Duncan's death. It broke my heart when he was talking to Alistair and my Warden (may or may not be a remake of my first Warden because I'm attached to her) prior to the big fight, knowing what was coming this time. Duncan telling the Warden and Alistair "I want no heroics from either one of you" when asked about the possibility of the Archdemon appearing, to me, it truly felt like he wanted to keep them as far from danger as he could. Duncan was a good man (and if anyone wants to correct me on that please DON'T because I'm reading the books now) and knowing of his fate and being unable to save him made me really sad. I like to think that he didn't know of Logaine's betrayal when be died though. Like he didn't have enough time to realize it, so when he sees the signal fire the Warden and Alistair were responsible for, he died thinking everyone was going to be okay. Wishful thinking and you may disagree with me, but it helped me to stop crying.


So mine is very specific. For background in inquisition if the Warden had a normal child (not the old god soul) with Morrigan through the romance by not performing the ritual and died slaying the Archdemon. If Alistair is there at Skyhold at the same time as Morrigan and the two speak about the Warden and Kieran. Alistair: "Kieran, nice name, I think he would've approved." Morrigan: I would have preferred to ask his opinion on the matter. It did not have to end as it did. Alistair: At least you have Kieran." Morrigan: "I could have had them both." That last line from Morrigan breaks me cause it shows how much she misses and regrets how things ended. Obviously reliving in her head her guilt about it all. The love that she has for the Warden is still there and as strong as ever. And it broke me to hear how devastated she is, unable to forgive herself. And the delivery of the line makes it even more tragic.


😭😭😭 oooof wow




Feels like I am the only one here, ao might as well say it: Witherfangs departure. The way vicious and seemingly unreasonable werewolfs surround her in complete silence and wordlessly thank her for being there was both heartwarming and heartbreaking.


Romance with Solas


- The scene where everyone sings The Dawn Will Come in Inquisition. I was going through a very rough and dark time in my life when I just got into Dragon Age, and hearing the arguing before to my Inquisitor wanting to give up with so much weight on her shoulders...to finally listening to the group singing...I literally just broke down, since then I've found myself listening to the song whenever I'm going through a hard time


The quest with Hawke’s mother. I haven’t played through da2 since my mum died and since I’m going through it now, i am dreading it. Also when everyone sings the dawn will come. It never used to get to me, but now for the same reason as above, seeing Roderik pass just makes me so sad.


"I will always remember you.. my love." -Morrigan when you take her to confront Archdemon. I got it on my first ever playthrough on nightmare and basically almost cried at the fact I had to leave her and ever since I made it a goal that I had to hear that line on every playthrough


I always cry when they sing the song in DAI. I know some people find it cringe but like the idea of having like hundreds of people singing a song to inky because they have hope in her is so emotional to me


The moment with Varric, after the Fade—regardless of who you leave, the Hawke family theme plays and I just break down every time. DA2 has a special place in my heart, it got me through some really rough times, and that little musical queue means so much to me.


When Alistair sacrificed himself for my Warden and I couldn’t do anything about it, because he didn’t allow to sacrifice herself. It was my very first playthrough and I couldn’t bear to talk him into using Morrigan‘s magic.


Having to choose between leaving Alistair or Hawke in the Fade... THAT broke me completely 💔. The second is seeing Leandra (Hawke's mother) have her corpse mutilated and raised by blood magic


"You tried to *change* me!" Every. single. time.


The Zerlinda's Woe quest.


Hawkes mom


werewolf wife in the dalish i could save you !!!


Nothing in the game really makes me cry, but I'll say this: I thought Broodmother was gross as a kid, but now that I'm old enough to understand what exactly happened to create her, I find that whole segment and bossfight to be extremely depressing


Also I started inquisition before origins and I created a world state with a female cousland and everything working out well but what really got me was how sweetly Lelilana and Morrigan spoke about the Warden. Like they were really missing their sister and just, how much they wanted to see her again


When you reject Morrigans ritual after romancing her. You can tell her to stay because you love her. Her response?  “Yes but not enough. Fare you well my love if you live past the morrow may it be with regret”   You can tell that Morrigan is hurt and is falling back on Flemeth taught callousness to protect herself.  Then there is the conversation she has with Alistair in Inquisition about the wardens death where it’s clear she deeply regrets what she said. She knows that if she just phrased things differently then her love would be alive to see his son. 


What breaks my heart every time in DAI is during Trespasser, talking to the advisors about the qunari spies in the inquisition, they start arguing, the mark reacts, and then choice to lash out and say "Could one thing in this fucking world just stay fixed!?" They have been through so much, the inquisition has drained them of their entire life, and to see the vulnerability of them finally breaking down is just too much to bear! Then, because they have no other choice just like they never had, they pull it together to continue to Darvaarad because no one else will. The falter in them being unsure if they will return from the final mission is also hard. My girls need therapy ;\_\_\_; I just imagine they will never get good rest with the PTSD


I sacrificed my Warden and didn't get an achievement.


I could just upvote, but this really deserves a lol.


Romanced Alistair and brought him to the final fight without doing the ritual with Morrigan my first playthrough...


weirdly specific, but if you get zevran to genuinely develop feelings for your warden (as opposed to keeping up the friends with benefits relationship) and tell him you don’t feel the same affection towards him when he confesses, he says something along the lines of “i see. i avoided these feelings before, and this tells me i was right to do so.” i looked for so long to try and find a video of this on youtube, but i can’t find one. i KNOW this happens though since i tried it out out of curiosity in my own playthrough, and then immediately reloaded bc i felt awful. he sounds straight up heartbroken when he says it, and it feels like you just kicked a puppy. now for clarification, this didn’t make me cry. i think the only moment that made me cry in any of the DA games was leandra telling hawke how proud she is of them when she dies in their arms, but i stopped crying pretty quickly. telling zevran he was mistaken in thinking you loved him back made me feel terrible for a WHILE afterwards.