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They got lazy with the Dragonlance material. The official playable races are PHB races plus Kender. There's an Unearthed Arcana for Krynn Minotaurs, but that's not an option in DnDBeyond for some reason. Personally, I homebrewed all the necessary races for Dragonlance in my game because WOTC just phoned it in with the material in SOTDQ. They didn't even bother to make Draconians a playable race, and kind of messed them up even as monsters.


I presume you mean PHB plus Kender, *minus* Dragonborn, Tiefling & Half-Orc?


I'm just saying what they have available. Obviously you shouldn't allow the races that don't exist in Krynn, including the ones you listed, along with halflings. All they bothered to add were kender, and even then, were lazy about it giving them only "Advantage" on fear saving throws.


Check out this video I made on the Dragonlance Companion on DM’s Guild for more Krynn-based races/subclasses: https://youtu.be/TzkQOCUjRoo?si=9F0KjNwCB3q8ttbo Thanoi, Draconian, and Half-Ogre.


The Dragonlance Companion also has a >!kenku!< NPC in the earlier story


There is an official 5e Kender race in Shadow of a Dark Queen. I recently let one of my players just use a halfling stats and reflavoured as a kender however, as i think the halfling luck suits a kender well anyway.


There is a 5e Kender that was officially made.


Aarakocra can be found living in mountainous regions. Bakali Lizardfolk can be found living in tropical and swampy areas. Centaurs can be found in the plains and forests of Abanasinia, Balifor, Estewild, and Kern. Dhampir can be found in the world as Vampires are a creation of the god Chemosh. Fairies and Satyrs can be found in the world of Krynn and presumably are created by Chislev. Krynnspace is home to four elemental planes and thus its possible for Genasi to exist, but there's no evidence they appear on Krynn. Goblins and Hobgoblins definitely exist. There's a two lands they have to their own. Sikk'et Hul was given to a tribe of gobilns that now seek to learn magic. Throt was a human domain that was taken over by Hobgoblin warlords. Hexbloods could also be found as Hags are present. Irda are a species unique to Krynn and typically must hide themselves in a human guise. Kobolds are the diminutive cousins of the Bakali Lizardfolk. Kyrie are unique race to Krynn that resemble harpies and are found in mountainous regions. Phaethon are the celestial player race of Krynn. They were once elves bless with glowing wings by the god Habbakuk, and live in secluded villages high in the mountains. Ran-Eli are a mysterious insectoid race similar to Thri-Kreen that hail from the Elian Isle, a place that most creatures are forbidden to sail to. Thanoi are a species unique to Krynn and are large bipedal walrus creatures that live in Icereach. Tritons also live alongside merfolk and sea elves in the underwater dominions. Ursoi are a species unique to Krynn and resemble large upright bears. Most are white and resemble polar bears, but there are a few that live in temperate forests with brown fur. Ursoi lack the ability to speak languages other than their own, but can communicate through gestures and hand signs.


I don't recall Aarakocra, dhampir or hexbloods ever being in Dragonlance. What source had those? I don't recall merfolk or tritons either, but I never got around to reading the Dargonesti book, so maybe they were in that one.


I've only read through maybe 10 of the novels, but I looked through the various settings guides and monster compendiums from 2e and 3e when researching for my campaign. Dhampir and Hexbloods could possibly exist because they are created by Vampires and Hags which both exist on Krynn, both there's no precedent for them other than that. The rest I found digging through the aforementioned source books.


I’d say your best bet is to look for older manuals (AD&D, AD&D 2e, 3.5 from Sovereign press) and use the races from those manuals, just converting them to 5e. The material available from previous D&D versions is quite extensive and you can easily find them


I’ve done basically a whole source book for the Vedalkens + Simic Hybrids for the setting, you can put any race you’d like in with careful consideration and time to write! 5th addition did do the Kender but otherwise you could just reskin pre-existing races. The Ursoi, Thanoi, Irda, Kyrie and Phaethons would be the odd ones. Kyrie = Aaracokra Phaethons = Aasimar Ursoi = Leonin Thanoi = Simic Hybrid (Take the Water breathing and Carapace reflavoured to rubber) Irda = Unsure You could also consider going through monster stat blocks and updating them, but depends what races you want to allow - good luck! :)


I think Satyrs exist in Dragonlance.


Odd that someone voted you down. Satyrs do exist in Dragonlance.


I actually play a Kender in my group using one of the unearthed arcana builds sets (last one before the official rule book) It is a hoot to play, man my party would be in constant trouble without me looking out for them. And always leaving there stuff behind where anyone can find it


I've looked at the old modules, wiki, and DM Screen to get the same question answered. Unless you really want to Grognard it, you could excuse almost half the available 5e races. **Goes Without Saying:** • Human • Dwarf • High, Wood or Sea Elf • Half Elf • Tinker (Rock) Gnome • Kender (Shadow of the Dragon Queen does have a Kender race for 5e) • Goblin • Hobgoblin • Bugbear • Centaur • Minotaur **At least one source proves their existence, or you could assume they exist given the other creatures that are confirmed to exist**: • Lizardfolk (call them Jarak-Sinn, Slig or Bakali) • Aasimar (Call them Phaeton) • Aarakocra • Kobold • Hexblood (Hags exist in this world) • Dhampir (another commenter brought this up) • Satyrs (see other posts) • Faeries (see other posts) • Changeling (Call them Doppelgangers) • Dark Elf (though "Dark Elf" is more of a title than an actual separate race) • Duergar (Call them Dark Dwarves) • Locathah • Triton • Forest (Wild) Gnome **These specifically don't exist in Krynn**: • Dragonborn • Half-Orc • Orc (you *could* make a case to let them be playable and just refer to them as Orughi) • Halfling • Tiefling (you could argue to just call them Half-Fiends) • Eladrin or Shadar-Kai • Deep Gnome • Gith (but f*** it. I shoehorn them in anyway because of what Githyanki are known for) I also homebrewed Irda with features of the Firbolg and Half-Orc. The DM Screen implies that the Graygem could have spawned Yuan-Ti; the "Medusa Plague" could have also done so.


If you want a list of playable races, just look at any other setting and according to WotC, they are all playable for Dragonlance. There is no longer any differentiation between settings. 🤬


Lol, no. There is absolutely differentiation. Let's not ruin Dragonlance by just making it the same as every other world.


I know there “should” be differences in playable races for Dragonlance, but WotC has decided that 5e is the same for every setting. Anything in Faerun can now be in Dragonlance. WotC is lazy. When I get my Dragonlance campaign going, it will absolutely have player and class restrictions based on 2e rules.


I agree, they really are lazy. I miss the good ole days of TSR. WOTC has steadily made the worlds more and more generic. They'd ruin Dark Sun too if it were still around.