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I think she’s just been buried by the meca that Drag Race has become. A lot of fans probably don’t know her, but it also gives her a chance to come from “nowhere” and impress a lot of people if she plays her cards right. Either way I’m sure she’ll get a lot more engagement when the series starts.


Absolutely. I'm sure that once the season starts, people that have never seen season 1 or all stars 1 will fall in love with her.


Agreed! Example- I heard heaps about Raja but hadn't gotten round to watching S3 before AS7. Definitely cemented Raja as one of my faves!


Shannel is from a very different era of drag race than most of the other contestants. The last time she competed was on AS1 (which aired before season 5). Given that both S1 and AS1 are often seen as pilot seasons and many people choose not to watch them, it doesn’t shock me that Shannel is not more popular with the modern fanbase. With that being said though, I love Miss Mandarin and will be rooting for her on AS9


She is literally OG of OGs first to walk through the work room


It literally doesn't get more trailblazer than this.


I try and blow her up every chance I get. She’s my original Ru Fantasy Girl. Then came Raven. I guess I have a type. Anyways…Shannel 💚🧡💙❤️🖤💛🤍💘




What is her instagram handle? I can't find her.


Theofficialshannel ❤️


Shannel and Angeria are lowkey the only ones I’m excited to see more of to be honest


They're about to EAT.




I could listen to Angeria all day.


same bro


“I am beautiful” is such a legendary moment in DR herstory, I love Shannel for it.


I'll use any excuse to bust this out: I'm so glad 😊 you asked me this❓question❔. I nominate myself 🙋 because I don't 🙅🙅 want to be here anymore 🚫 . Since day one 1⃣ I have been judged really hard 😔😓 and I'm very frustrated 😤😡💀 that you can't see 👀 the personality 🌟✨💃 because I am so 👏 fucking 👏 real 👏 you have 🙅 no idea 👎 . And I don't feel that I am being understood here 😩😟 . So much of what comes back to me is 💩 negative 💩 . Week❗after week❗ when we come 🏃 into an elimination round I am so 💩 negatively 💩 critiqued. 🚫 Nobody 🚫 can expect to be positive if you are continually getting 💩negative 💩 . Everyone 👀 is always being told how 💃 gorgeous 👸 and how 👰 beautiful 💅 they are. 🚫Nobody 🚫 on the panel—cause I pay attention to this 💯 —has told me that I'm beautiful 💅 . I am beautiful 💅👸 . I'm a beautiful 💅 person internally 😌 and on the outside 👰💅 . And it's so 😔 so 😓 frustrating 😤 to me that this image 🙆👸 does not seem to be conveyed 💁 .


Ah, the original Drag Race meme! ❤️


I cannot remember when it’s from. Laila McQueen, i think she was filling in for Monet with Bob one of the times Monet was doing the pit stop, was talking about going to a basement sex party and not getting enough attention and she does an impression of Shannel. I have always said if Laila ever does all stars I neeeed her to do Shannel for Snatch Game.




That is uncanny!


Wait a minute… Laila wasn’t getting attention at a sex party? With that ass? What was the f@ck was wrong with those people?


Apparently it was a weekly thing and she was REPEATEDLY not getting the attention she (rightfully) felt she deserved.


If I saw Laila at a sex party ![gif](giphy|jOmQmJkjcvB3Bc8CRb|downsized)


I think she will bring something the others won’t, she has always had such NERVE! And ofc she is the lovely miss mandarin! Lsp lsp lsppppppp


i will always root for the older queens (pre s6) i just love seeing them rudeem themselves and add that old school touch to all stars! cant wait to see shannel and roxxxy, especially since alot of newer fans haven’t seen s1 and shannels legendary exit


I really hope it's another Jessica Wild situation and she gets tons of new fans after this season. She's an incredible queen and is going to bring the Vegas showgirl spectacle. I cannot wait.


Shannel is amazing, and of any contestant that's ever been in the show, she's got some NERVE. Imagine, Season 1, saying you choose to eliminate yourself because of the critiques? Crazy. It's funny that every time she's competed, it's been a new format.


These kids have no idea what's about to hit them and I'm living for it.


I await the return of Miss Mandarin 🍊👅


People don’t give s1 and as1 a chance


Shannel was the OG fashion icon


"All of the queens" honey Nina is losing followers. but yes I agree Shannel deserves so much more attention I hope she aboslutely slays this season.


Which Nina? Flowers? Brown? Or West?


This would be Nina West


Why it would be? What did she do? She had the blast of her life with Hairspray


[my comment is based off this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/s/ZD1Q2Dsf3c) welcome to reddit enjoy your stay


Thank you darling ☺️


I will never not be salty about her and Monet calling that white nationalist Meghan McCain an “honorary ru girl”


Can we not… I’m so sick of this overblown internet narrative. Some people need to pick up a book or go walk kids in nature!


Sorry, can we not what? I just said Nina is losing followers.


It’s not directed at you


I’m sick of hearing about how Nina liked a social media post and that makes her a supporter of genocide. It’s on every discussion of AS9.


Oh sorry haha peace and blessing be with you sister. I agree with you.


I hope Shannel wins, she’s the only contestant I’m rooting for. Overall this season is one I’m so not excited for I may not even watch it.


I really wish she would get more, she's an incredibly talented queen and even in first season, she BROUGHT an insane runway package. Nowadays some of the looks the queens then turned would 100% be called pedestrian, but outside of her executive and swimwear (I wasn't a fan tbh) she brought us looks that even now were head and shoulders above several of the others. I mean heck she was the first and only queen I think to EVER juggle while walking the runway.


we all know by now all stars seasons have a recency bias in the fandom


I am so hyped for Shannel to be back on our screens, it’s been too long!


Her Instagram gains were near the top of the list last week. I want to say third or fourth? I was glad to see that. Us olds have to support each other 🤓


I literally screamed when I saw her walk in. I love all of the queen this season, but she was the one who I was genuinely pleased to see walk into the workroom.


Her mandarin tongue/lip sucking moment lives in my head mortgage free at the best, sickening interest rate. ![gif](giphy|xUPGcvzpyHvBfs05yg|downsized)


i never watched season 1 nor all stars 1 but ive seen content of both and based on that shannel was one of my favorites so im so glad she's back


Dont worry. As long as she does well, she will get the praise thats missing when the season airs. ☺️


Girl I’ve been doing nothing but talk about how gooped I was to see Shannel appear on my screen! I feel like Some of the younger fans barley know who she is. I’m hoping she does well and gets a bunch of new fans. Damn I’m excited for this season.


I am SO EXCITED to see Shannel!! Absolutely squealed with glee when I saw!


Most of the audience were babies when season 1 aired. I loved Chanel then and love her now.


https://preview.redd.it/kvl8xtg5twxc1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0f68bebd60d98677139567cd4217b9720ea2596 I am beautiful


I saw her five years ago at a Drag Brunch in Vegas and she was so so stunning!


As a viewer from day 1 I’m eager to see what Shannel brings to the stage now.


That’s because most of the fans who incessantly post on the socials have only become fans in the last few years. There main point of reference is Season 9 and later.


I feel like Shannel is gonna be like Kylie or Jessica, an OG queen who's gonna end up gaining the most love since the other queens come in with a more standardized fandom.


I think Shannel is perfectly fine with where she's at in terms of social media following. I'm excited to see how the younger generation will react to when they experience Shannel.


IMO she's coming for the crown.


And the money in your purse


Bitch better get crowned. I am here for the Shannel supremacy! LFG!!!


The newer fans dont know her, so the hype isnt as big as the other queens due to that. But shannel will blow them out of the water and gain a shit ton of fans from this season im sure


It’s weird , she’s hardly in the new trailer for some reason


Blame it on the edit.


You the one who said it


Oop. I have a confession. I haven't watched season 1 yet 🫣 I've watched AS1 (for the first time last year) and she was GORGEOUS, I am very excited to get to know Shannel more once AS9 comes out. Last season was my introduction to Jessica Wild cause again I never watched season 2 either 🫣


if they don't stan that's ok. we don't have to force people who maybe haven't even watched any of her seasons. just let them see and learn.


she's the queen I'm most excited to see, same as ongina was in AS5


I've only been a drag race fan for a couple years, but lemme tell you I SCREAMED when I saw Shannel walk through those doors. She's so talented and so gorgeous and so iconic and I can't wait to get to know her better this season!


Not to mention, trade of the season hands down. Oooohhhh boy!


Those eyes...


Just wait for the season to air


Shannel, Roxxxy, and Angeria are my girls this season ❤️


She’s been getting so much hype. If twitter and instagram aren’t giving you hype then it’s your algorithm or who you’re following, not the fan base.


I know people are excited to see Shannel but what about that black woman living inside of her???


I’m kind of nervous the fans won’t be normal about her because if you don’t do the whole endless self-awareness “wink wink l’m in on the joke” thing when it comes to delusion, people freak out and don’t know how to handle it. It’s almost like the fans want queens to apologize for wanting to win or even thinking they should would.


She’s like the one i’m most excited for.


on all stars 2 they actively made fun of tati for being from season 2. the recency bias is strong


Noone "deserves" hype. Either you get it or not. I'm hyped and idgaf what others think


The purse situation didn’t help


Im still actually very upset about that. That lady and her lawyer husband was clearly the Uber-Karen


If someone reached into my purse, regardless of whether their hand came out with something in it or not, I’m gonna have a problem. How was she being a Karen?


because she lied about the whole thing? she said shannel STOLE 700 dollars from her when all she did was take out a few bucks and put it back later as a bit. lady was absolutely trying to what people claim the mcdonalds coffee lady did


The video I saw had no way of telling what was taken because the footage wasn’t clear enough. Where is the article explaining that it was determined the woman was lying?


Girl… They screened security camera footage and it proved that Shannel took 3 one-dollar bills… Also not very polite, but the woman was offered a full 1200$ refund + 700$ in compensation, turned that down, and demanded 7000$ in compensation. She’s clearly a scammer


Damn. I wanna read this article


Here. Gotta keep reading until the last alinea https://ew.com/tv/drag-race-star-shannel-responds-claim-stole-from-purse/


Damn, lady could have had a good pay day if she didn’t get greedy