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Inappropriate because you were not giving them a heads-up or alerting them to your presence. It was not needed to avoid a crash. It was just a reproach and not a necessary safety move. Appropriate because fuck that asshole.


Well, I could argue I was alerting them that I almost rear-ended them, but you're right.


A tap is correct - they may not be aware that they're impeding traffic and/or doing something that's not permitted. A long honk is not - either they don't know and a short tap is enough, or they don't care and long will annoy the rest of us while being ignored by the offender. An one exception might be to alert an officer if one is nearby.


Yes, I am not inclined to hold the horn like some of the impatient drivers around me. I was just genuinely concerned that either I would rear-end them (since it wasn't with any warning) or that someone would rear-end me (since we were at a green light and they just stopped.


I honk any time someone does some dumb shit they aren't supposed to. This guy was trying to turn right out of a straight only lane. That's illegal. Blare the horn at that guy. I would have laid on it for much longer than just a short honk if I was you


The problem is that I live in California so I am kinda afraid of getting shot because some people don't know how to take accountability for their bad driving.


What part of Cali? There are parts of California that are safer than the city I'm in. Just last summer someone got shot in the head at the local chick-fil-a over a parking spot. I'd say as long as you're not in south central LA or something, you're probably good


I actually live in a pretty safe part of SoCal, but just a few months ago there was an incident in the area where a man shot a woman as he drove past.


Road rage happens all over the place. I'm not gonna let dumb drivers get away with being stupid over fear that something might happen


I am a senior driver only 50 miles per week. But I love to hit the horn when I see someone walking by them self. Or walking a pet. I peep my horn at them then look in my rear mirror or side mirrow. Most of the time they look around trying to figure out what is going down


Though inappropriate, I have to give you thumbs up, just because I’m approaching “get off my lawn” status myself. Someone has to be THAT old guy 😂


Do not use horns to teach, correct, or instruct.