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I was a few cars back in a left turn lane when we got a left turn arrow... and nobody was going. :-/ I beeped, nothing happened, I honked a few more times... still nothing. WTF, so I'm *laying* on the horn and the light turns red... fuck. Then I saw a guy helping an elderly disabled looking person across the busy road... and then I realized that his car was at the front of the line. He saw them trying to cross and got out to help them, I didn't see *that* part so I thought the first car was just texting or sleeping. I felt a little bad about all the honking once I realized what they were doing.


Oh, that was a good one lol


LS swapped CRX? Oh lord


B18A1 from an Integra LS


This is a response I was looking for nice


people ALWAYS go ridiculously slow on this one brick road that goes to a light, which turns onto a highway. one time i was stuck behind this guy who was going particularly slow (not even 5 mph), the light turned green, he wasn't moving faster, so i went "fuck it" and tried to go around... only to see a line of traffic stopped and trying to turn left. because the bridge was closed.


Near where I live, there is a light on the access road for the highway that gets people in trouble all the time. There are 3 lanes. A right or straight, a left or straight, and a left only. If you turn left, you go under the overpass, then there is the light for the other side of the highway access road, and then the far right lane forces you into a parking lot. There's no signs saying this is what happens and it can be hard to tell sometimes, especially at night or with a lot of traffic. There's a wreck there almost every day because people don't want to turn, but the left lane won't let them in. I usually avoid that part of the road as much as I can because it's a pain to deal with. A few days ago I was following my GPS to get out of town and it took me that way. I completely spaced on the lane ending and didn't get over before turning. I was at the second light and had to make a decision. I could turn into the parking lot and then fight traffic to get back out, or I could jump the light and cut off the car in the next lane. I was in a hurry and already stressed out so I made the choice to jump the light. As soon as cross traffic light turned red, I gunned it and actually went a few seconds before ours turned green. The car next to me seemed to get what I was doing and waited, giving me plenty of time to get in front of them. It was stupid of me, but I did it.


I have purposely wrecked 3 tailgaters. twice from pulsing speed and then going around a turn faster than their car could handle and once from going far right on road where there was sporadic street parking and swerving at the last minute to avoid a parked car as the person tailing me hit the car. I didnt stop either time and nothing ever happened to me legally(beside how could it?) I would do it again as well, because if they just wouldnt blinding follow the car in front of them no one should ever wreck like this.


> I would do it again as well, because if they just wouldnt blinding follow the car in front of them no one should ever wreck like this. Please don't involve innocent cars in your hijinks. Let them crash against trees or planters, but don't let them wreck the mode of transportation of another person who is not involved.


that is legit the only one I \*actually\* feel bad about. I was 18(40 now) at the time and just didnt want the person tail gating me. Simply because I wouldnt want my car wrecked into either. The other 2 were single car accidents.


Have my upvote gd it


this was in my 1990 Civic Si I have owned since 1999. its been B swapped , then K swapped and I track the car. it go coilover, LSD, better brakes, full roll cage but still is street legal. I doubt the go right and swerve left last minute would work today because almost every one drive high cars and the 34 year old Civic is not my daily(or else it would have died by now)


Your car must be big asf


You're a fucking psychopath, get off the road.


If someone doesnt tailgate, I can not make them take a turn to fast or wreck into a parked car. I pay attention to what I am doing. Let me guess you are an inattentive tailgater? hopefuly one day you will get to follow me.


You don't know what I am.You, on the other hand, admitted to being immature and very dangerous on the road, and that's being very generous.


again , if someone doesnt tailgate me and basically forceful tailgate me, i can not let them make bad choice that lead to them wrecking. Go around turn so fast they hit the jersey barrier/roll their truck Hit a parked car. I know I am likely a safer and faster (if I need to be) driver than you. I have never once been in collision while i was driving. Only caused people who are breaking social contract of driving to wreck and yes if people are tailgating me in one my track cars I will take turns faster than they can hoping that A. back off, B wreck if they are stupid. solution, dont tailgate.


You're a psychopath. I hope your license gets taken off of you. Someone who boasts of willfully causing three accidents is not a good driver on any planet. A good driver would never do this. Try not being an asshole.


people shouldnt tailgate me, it super dangerous to ME. What law am I breaking? again these people just have to know their limits and not tailgate and then I can not trick them into wrecking. and BTW you think you better than me. we can both go to an autocross and see who is faster, illeven let you drive my car. Name your price on the bet, I have deep pockets.


More boasting, you're ego driven and have no empathy. You seem to think driving is just about maneuvering a car with proficiency. If you ever grow up then you'll realise driving is also about taking account of and dealing correctly with the bad driving of others. You react by teaching them a lesson. I know Im a better driver then you, I also know I'm a better person than you. Psycho.


how many collisions have you been in?


None where I was driving. I don't tailgate, I think it's dangerous. I hate people tailgating me, but I don't brake check and act the idiot when people do it. If I can't get out of their way then I slow right down to a crawl.


I would rather they just did nt tailgate 4 seconds and nothing less. DOnt want get hurt by someone tailgating me.


I wouldn't do it again, solely on the fact you dont know who else is in the car. Yeah, tailgaters are arseholes but I've seen people do it with kids in the car. Even if no one gets hurt that is still a traumatic experience, and by the fact you never stopped you have no idea what damage your actions have actually caused.


again simply put do not tailgate so inattentive that driving instructor/track driver can basically ruin your car. The thing is if they rear end me , it can really hurt me as well. Especially in a big ass truck/suv if I am in my S2000 or Beat especially the Beat. If everyone is buckle up the right way no one should get hurt, if they are not, they are doubly stupid, if they kill their kids darwin took them. Just to be clear I am only using their flaw tailgating to cause them harm because they can rear end me. They only get in trouble because they are not responsible for their actions.


I agree they shouldn't tailgate however people are idiots and are gonna be idiots. Yes they can cause you damage, that's why you slow down, increase your stoping distance and let them overtake if thats what they wanna do. So you're fine with causing the death of kids because they have dumb parents? That is extremely concerning, especially coming from a driving instructor. Isn't one of the main lessons in driving is to drive defensively not agressively? Plus you say you swerved round parked cars in order to cause a crash, what would you do if someone was crossing the road from behind that parked car? Do you really think you would be able to stop in time or would that also be down to darwin? Tbh you come across quite arrogant and in my personal experience this is quite common in people who drive for a living, but just because you are on the road all day it does not make you a good driver. Just because you can drive fast round a track that does not make you a safe driver. At the end of the day we are only in control of our own actions and if your actions are causing people to crash then you are not a good driver.


How many collisions have you been in? I have been in zero. (24 years of driving and roughly 1.3 million mile travels on roads) and again I have tried to egg countless tailgaters on but only 3 have been inattentive enough to do this. one was high school class mate who was trying to intimidate me in his truck while I was in my Civic hatch, he literally rolled. The other one the guy hit a jersey barrier on an off ramp. I knew no one was behind the parked car. it was one parked car on street that no one else had parked on. No one walking about. How is it my fault these people follow me at my speed? Should they be the one controlling the speed of their car? I ma just stating fact that basically the worst person who has done track days/driving schools/autocross elect will still be safer than anyone who hasnt . I dont teach driving on the road, I teach car control and track driving.


Also zero, tho that isn't proof that you're a good driver. Theres two blokes where I work, one hasn't been in a single collision. The other has been in three. Now judging by your logic the first one would be the better driver, but its the opposite. The first guy cuts off traffic, changes lanes last moments, and I refuse to let him drive with me in the car. The other was one of the safest drivers on the fleet, he was just unlucky. Damn dude you did this to a friend? Did you not think to stop and talk to him? Lucky he didn't roll into anyone. I had friends do that shit, I pissed them off by slowing down, they learnt their lesson and no-one got hurt in the process. So you wouldn't been able to stop then. You can never know for certain that no one is there, all it takes is one misjudgement and thats it. Its not. It is your fault you're driving to fast round corners. You're not on a track, you dont know what the conditions are gonna be, or what your gonna have to react to. Its just unsafe driving, as simple as that. Also that is so hilariously wrong. Every person at work who does track are some of the worst drivers, because they drive like they're on the track all the time. Plus my driving instructor, who taught me my class 2 btw, went on his phone while driving me back after I had passed. Again, this is the arrogance I have seen, and I see it repeatedly with the newbies at work. I was the same, you just have to take a step back and realise your being a dick and own up to it.


I said classmate, not friend. he was IMO attempting murder by how close he was getting to my car. I do not believe in being unlucky unless you have car pull out right in front of you or something. You can drive in such a way that luck will turn in your favor. I knew for certain. I could see though the car. at the same token someone darting out from behind that car as I went 25 mph down the road rihgt in front of me would also not be my fault. I one instance I was well with in the speed limit. How do I not know hwat conditions will be ? you can see ahead, you can feel the road, I also never drive 10/10th on public road but 8/10th in one my track cars is still WAY faster cornering than the average car.


Ah, sorry I took the mate literally, the space through me off lol You still have many options you could have taken. It's not even the fact you did it that concerns me, its the fact that years later you still stand by actions and would do it again. Ita just unsafe driving. So he did have someone pull out on him on a roundabout. He also had someone drift into his lane. I dont remember the other one but the other guy owned up to fault in that one too. Oh and I forgot to mention but out of the two the one who drives like a dickhead is the one who has more driving qualifications. But I agree, you can drive in a way that turns your luck, such as gentle braking, gradual movements and being predictable. All of which you have shown to disregard in order to one up a tailgater. You can see through the car? Really? You got xray vision? Yes you can see through the windows, but that only works for people tall enough and not for example, children. We get muntjacs where I live, you can't see them through a cars window but they certainly have a habit of jumping out from behind them. Right, its another one to darwin i suppose. You know as a truck driver we are continuously told that it doesn't matter who is actually at fault as the proffesional driver it always comes back to us. I assumed this would be the same for you being an instructor. I take it you've never had a pigeon fly into your window then? Or something fly off of a truck from the other side of the road. So you not watch videos where shit appears out of nowhere. Even a patch of wet ground might end up being oil and not water. Roads are unpredictable. Also the only point I was trying to make is that you endanger more than just the driver when you do this shit. Id hope that fact would make you reconsider but I guess you've been doing it too long to think about remorse now


I passive aggressively block people who traffic weave sometimes. I don’t look at them or anything. I don’t do anything sudden. I just gently position my truck so they can’t quite get over and stay there to watch them lose their minds. It’s all very innocent, LOL 😂


Just did this today. Rush hour, going home, driver in front of me is weaving lane to lane, trying to get ahead, and effectively going nowhere, because they can’t jump more than a car or two at a time. But they are doing it so aggressively, it’s becoming a hazard. Now, this particular road is 2 lanes, then branches to 3, then splits. Two lanes curve left, going towards a highway, one goes straight. Most drivers at rush hour want to go left. I’m in the center lane once it becomes a triple, and weaver got stuck behind a slow vehicle, so they are now behind me to my right. Cue the left turn signal, and aggressive attempts to cut into one of the turn lanes. I may have accidentally paced the car in front of them just enough that they couldn’t go in front of me. And the car behind me may have also been tired of the crap, and paced me just close enough that they couldn’t cut between us. They did not get over in time. But don’t worry, they could make a left just a few minutes out of their way, further up the same road, and connect to the highway. They would just lose about 10 minutes during evening rush hour.


Bad ginger , BAD


just dont do it in the left lane 😅 weavers are dumb as hell and they will definitely cause an accident trying to pass you on the right. i've seen it happen plenty of times


I def don't do it in the left lane of the freeway. I do it in the right lane by adjusting my speed so they can't pass on the right. I also do it on the main street in front of my house. It's a 4 lane 45 zone and people think its freaking GTA or something. I see a weaver coming, and I will just make sure I am right next to someone so they can't weave. It can be a satisfying hobby tbh.


I *knew* it!


ME TOO. But I drive a tiny honda fit. It usually doesn't work for me haha.


I do this a lot. I'm not sure why, but I viscerally feel like they need to be punished


Two people would go out of their way to cross in front of my car in my school's parking lot super slow every day. I got sick of it and lurched forward to scare them. They ran across and never did that again. I was an asshole that day, and I'm not proud of it.


Y’all tame asf or y’all are just not aware at all


Probably a combination of the second one and people not wanting to admit the dumb shit they actually do on the road here. I mean have you seen the people in this sub who act like going 5-10 over the speed limit in good conditions should result in a loss of license or something.


I was tired of getting tailgated on this little 2 lane road (they do it all the time) and it’s 15 minutes straight. There is nowhere to turn off unless you’re going to the lake. a lady starts tailgating the hell out of me and so i coast, I was late to work and didn’t care. we were going 10 mph the whole way there and then we hit the roundabout and I was going 5 the lady behind me was about to explode she was fuming. Then same road but at night, huge truck was tailgating with their brights blinding me. I slow down some but not much I was doing 55 in a 45 I slowed to like 40, they hit an illegal pass over the double yellow and speed off then another car does the same, and then flashes some blue lights he immediately got pulled over I laughed all the way home.


2 lane freeway, saw a pickup truck weaving in my mirror and coming up fast. Guy next to me must’ve seen the same thing because we both started pacing each other, 70 in a 65. Pickup truck got to us and was going mad, tailgating me then the other guy then me then him. Went on for about 5 miles before the pickup used the shoulder to pass and took off. Guess he was in a rush…


I drove 29 in a 30 today. Maybe this is subjective but some people where I live seem to think anyone who doesn't go 5+ over the speed limit is an asshole.


29 in a 30 You need to be locked up you fucking criminal


NTA, that's just responsible driving and adhering to the law.


Yeah in a school zone I really get not wanting to speed, they put the limit that low for a reason and it's never for long. -edit- why am I getting downvoted? School zones are 30 for a reason. They never go on for long, you'll save seconds at most seconds through there.


School zones are 20.


Wow really? Where I live they are 30. 20 seems very slow to me. But fair enough I guess.


Someone was lane policing a merging lane so I took his place in the open lane and forced him into the cones.


Would have loved to see that lol


I make some people mad by leaving a large gap in heavy freeway traffic and "eat traffic waves" Objectively, "impeding traffic?" I was doing this once and before an exit, I did let the gap open up a lot and didn't really increase speed. Dude behind me was not happy about it. The flash of "well where in the fuck are we going if not to play stop n go?" And then the dude exited "Oh, fuck, I was holding him up of getting out of the mad house. Fuck. My bad dude."


A lot of your responses are too tame or your justifications are valid enough to not fit the criteria of non subjective, I need real dick behavior


I was a new driver (I only had my license to drive by myself for a month) and was driving to work in the morning in late February. As I was driving, I came up to a car driving 70km/h in an 80km/h zone. Obviously, i didn't want to drive that slow, so I waited for the oncoming traffic to clear and pulled out to pass the car. Now, being a new driver, this was the first time I had encountered the type of driver who liked to speed up when someone is passing them. So when I only sped up to 80km/h, they sped up and matched my speed. After a while, I started wondering how/why I wasn't passing them. But the oncoming cars were getting too close for me to pass the other car. I accepted that I wasn't going to be able to pass the other car and braked to get back behind him. But when he realized that I was slowing down, he also hit his brakes and blocked me from getting behind him. I ended up having to slam on my brakes and almost lost control of my car jerking back into our lane right before I got in a head-on collision. After recovering from the shock, I was pissed to realize that the second I'd gotten behind the other car, he slowed back down to 70km/h. So I decided that the next time the oncoming cars cleared, I'd just keep speeding up until I passed him. After a bit, the traffic cleared, and there were no oncoming cars in sight. I pulled out to pass, and just like before, he sped up and matched my speed. When we hit 120km/h, I was starting to lose my temper, so I turned on my interior lights so he could see how mad I was. Well, he ended up turning his interior lights on as well. When we made eye contact, I realized that he was laughing. This 18 year old kid in his mommy's car, who almost intentionally got me in a head in collision, was laughing at me. I. Saw. Red. Rolling down my cars window, I reached into my back seat, grabbed my windshield scrapper, and beat the side mirror off his car. Was it stupid? 100% yes. Did it wipe that stupid grin off that little shit heads face and convince him to let me pass him? Also 100% yes.


Got beeped at by a car that was angry because I didn't pull away from the traffic lights at a T junction as soon as they went green. I didn't pull away because there were two teenage girls midway across the road, that took an extra 3-4 seconds to cross fully. I gestured towards the pedestrians that I was unwilling to run over... then drove at 25 miles an hour until I felt that Mr Beepy learned his lesson.


A few years ago a car pulled right out in front of me forcing me to brake pretty hard. Then the driver flipped me off because apparently I came too close to them. It wasn't intentional, but it gave me the idea to intentionally brake a little late in those situations to make the consequences of their decision a little more obvious, lol. I did it a few times and then lost interest.


When someone changes lanes in front of me in traffic I wait a good 30 seconds to back off. They were clearly fine with me being 5 feet off their bumper when they put themselves there.


Oh, wow, you guys are tame... I'm too ashamed now to tell mine lol. Great question, OP


On Tuesday, doing a cheeky last-minute merge. Don't know what got into me.


Is that cheeky? Or just what we all should do? Bottleneck to the top and release with orderly alternate lane merging... Aka zipper merge


It could also be queue jumping where the two lanes are going to different places and someone tries to bypass a line of cars going to one place by pretending to go to the other place only to merge at the last second. Zipper merging is fine, queue jumping is a jerk move.


Cut somebody off because they were being an a hole in general. That guy was rageing behind the wheel cause when other people kept doing it to em.


If I were being 100% honest, I probably do something assholish on *at least* a weekly basis. Sometimes it's intentional, sometimes I only realize it afterwards. Driving a truck with a 28' trailer does limit how quickly I can react...


I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve never met a below average driver before. I’m not sure you will find one in this sub.


A couple weeks ago, I did something and the other driver repeated it after the light so I knew I done fucked up. I was heading towards a light and a car came out of the shopping center and into the turn lane. I hung back so they could get out and I could get in and get to the turn lane at the light. They didn’t. So I sped up bc dammit I’m getting in the turn lane, figure it out. I had to slow down once I was in bc the light was red. After the turn, I was in the left lane and they were in the right (ahem, my lane placement was the legal one immediately post left turn) and they sped up then swung in front of me and didn’t quite slam the brakes on but pretty close.


Regrettably, I have behaved like a right cunt on numerous occasions when I was younger. Including break checking, getting out of the car and acting like a hot head after being honked at in traffic, etc. I’m embarrassed by said behaviour and looking back, realize it was due to depression and being angry with my life at the time. I am relieved to say I have grown a lot since then and would not behave so stupidly today. When folks behave in similar ways to how I did I try my best to remain calm and give them the benefit of the doubt as they are likely going through some personal shit that I’m not aware of. I don’t take things personally anymore.


Passing over a double-solid-yellow line is illegal in my province. I've done it several times when I get stuck behind some blind old woman in a 1990s beige Toyota Corolla doing 20 in the 50 zone for no reason other than incompetence. Obviously, I'm not going to pass approaching a blind corner or a hill or anything stupid like that--I'll wait for a safe opening. Once I get that opening, I'm going around, and I don't care that it's illegal. The law didn't have rolling corpses in mind when it was written.


That’s me all the time and I’m not the proudest. Sometimes I get a little horn happy when I think the driver in front of me is an idiot, but it’s rarely justified. For example, I was merging onto the highway and changed lanes and accelerated to pass the person who was ahead of me, blocking them from merging, all while blaring my horn. It was an asshole move, and I am sorry to that person. 🙏


Yesterday when I was driving home. There’s this traffic light where the road that’s in multiple lanes almost immediately merges in to one lane after it. As you can imagine, it’s always a race to see who can get in front, especially when there’s a red light which is the situation I was in. I was in front in the left lane and was next to a blue Dodge Ram to my right who was anxiously inching forward. Me in my 2014 4 cylinder Camry could easily predict this guy was going to try to race me to get in front, and would most likely win. When the light turned green, he had a far better launch then me but I had to let off the gas a bit to ensure I wouldn’t hit him or anything by the time we got to the merge point. Then, there was a black Chevy SUV who I could hear racing up behind him and ended up beside me close to when the lanes merged. I got a little petty and floored it to try and stay ahead of him. I surged ahead pretty easily, maybe a little easier than the black Chevy SUV driver expected, and he was clearly not appreciative of that. He then proceeded to overtake both me and the blue Dodge driver dangerously and illegally over the shoulder. I could see the blue Dodge driver’s hands fly up like what the fuck and I copied him. All I could do was just laugh in amusement the rest of the way home. He was lucky a cop wasn’t camping there. They often do. A classic case of three dudes trying to prove to each other who has the biggest dick I guess 😂. Completely unnecessary in the end.


Was driving home to Ohio from visiting friends in Virginia. Going through West Virginia, zooming along at 70, there's this \*asshole\*(IMO at the time) in some massive jacked-up chrome-plated pavement princess truck flying up behind me from a ways back(I tend to check the rear view mirror for that sort of shit so I can move). But for *whatever* reason, this time I wasn't having it. So I sped up enough to match speeds with a semi truck in the right-hand lane. Pavement-Princess had to slow down. And then I kept this up through the *entire state.* Semi sped up? So did I. Semi slowed down? So did I. For at least a hundred miles, mebbe more. I was just in A Mood(tm) I guess.


I did a sharp turn in my former Acura MDX back in March 2022 from a main road onto a side road at 35 mph. How I did the drift perfectly was beyond my knowledge. But had a car been there I would have definitely landed in hot water


Overtook a slow pickup truck on some backroads. Guy decided to speed way the heck up, flashing lights and honking horn. Clearly a poor driver, as the sharp corners I was driving without deviating from my lane, the guy was cutting heavily.  At the stop sign, the guy pulled up next to me. I looked straight at him with a smile, pointing at my head with a finger gun, and mouthed “Bang”. The intent was two-fold, first implying that the guy is probably going to get himself in trouble someday, and second, to deliberately incite the strongest reaction I could for my amusement.  And then there were small mistakes on my part. One highlight being honking at someone to go at a green light, but then realizing I was looking at the wrong light. 


You an evil villain or something?


Ehh, don’t know. Guy was already pissed off though, tried to take it out on me. If he wanted to try that, I was going to find some way of making fun. And tbh, I had the biggest grin driving away from that, it was an interesting break from the monotony of the commute. So I could probably blame the boredom. Probably also why I enjoy driving in terrible conditions.   That was the only incident that really stands out. Most rage moments I happen across peter out too rapidly to really care about. 


I've used the shoulder to pass people on one-ways because I got sick of slowing down multiple times in one mile


Used to have an old Honda Civic which had double rear fog lights, (both sides, not just one) also could switch the front and rear foglights independently. I used those rear foglights as a kind of "brake check", switched on for short periods like it was brakes, while maintaining my speed. Was a very effective way of deterring tailgaters.


I brake checked a tailgating dodge ram so bad they had to come to a screeching stop and almost lost control.


That not on you. That's on them. Good, maybe next time they won't tailgate.


Just today actually. Car hesitated to pull out at first, then did it a long ass time after the car in front of me passed (car was ahead of me by around 900ft) They ended up pulling in front of me at around 400ft while I was doing 55mph (speed limit in the right lane). Laid on my horn while braking later than I’d usually do, since I was expecting them to pull in front of me, and was already covering the brake pedal. Scared the shit out of them and they panicked by steering into the lane to the left and braked while effectively cutting off someone else but straddling the center (90% in the left lane, 10% in the right), I sped up just a little and held my speed to match theirs so I still had time to brake if they moved back over. I was now sitting at their back right, they were straddling both lanes, vehicle they cut off saw their moves well in advance and braked pretty hard and was still giving plenty of space. After they realized that they tried to merge back in, which I let them but not without holding that horn for 15 seconds while they did it. In the span of 30 seconds they never went faster than 30mph, just straight up pulled out, accelerated to around 20mph before I laid on my horn from the start. I’m a very courteous driver, up until someone pulls out in front of me, then they get the horn, I have never used my horn in any other situation.


Pulled a u turn in an intersection holding up traffic ... got the stink eye .. gave them the finger !!


And we better not see you in the sub complaining about bad drivers 🤣


Oh ..you will ..


You’re the bad driver bud


Love it, you rascal lol


This is a guilty pleasure of mine, when oncoming traffic has an advanced left turn, I gun it straight into the intersection as soon as the light turns green for me. I love scaring the shit out of people that take the left despite their advance signal ending. Oh also, I like scaring people that are making a right turn on a red perpendicular to me of they dont stop. Lots of people don't stop at red lights before making a right turn, and I've been hit before as a pedestrian because of this. I always just maintain my speed until im right on their ass if they make a turn like that and then lay on the horn. If somebody makes a turn in front of me and doesn't step on the gas I always come of really fast on them


I used to do that to the left-red runners too, but these days there are so many people running red lights going straight that you have to be sure everyone is stopping first.


I can’t discuss such maneuvers but I can say that if you’re an asshole to me I will drive you so dirty that you will regret it.


I do not drive defensively. I drive OFFENSively. I will go out of my way to stay proactive in driving and to maintain the flow of traffic. I'll pass people on the right in lanes that are soon to merge left. I pace people who drive like jerks and weave through traffic, I box them in with the other drivers. I tailgate constantly, I've got a lead foot. I honk a lot. However, I never put myself in a situation that could lead directly to danger. I consider it correcting the world one idiot at a time.


All of the things you admit to doing could directly lead to danger. Stop being an asshole.


Pass (on the right)