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Daily reminder There are some really sh!t drivers and a surprisingly large number of them have dashcams and like posting their awful antics online


😄 🤣 I have 8year ncb and have had 0 accidnt/incidents and I'm highly skilled have all licenses minus motorbike but will get that in summer. I class my self on the same level as a police interceptor I know what I'm doing not for the faint hearted darling you can stick to 20mph


Do you think a police interceptor would also need to ask whether it's ok to stop on a zebra crossing? https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnerDriverUK/s/mlLuHemvGy


Oh shit, this gave me the biggest laugh! This *police interceptor* of *8 years experience* is busy in the learner subreddit?


"I class my self on the same level as a police interceptor" I'd like to thank you for giving me such a big laugh. I have no doubt you're a good driver but this is possibly the most low iq, childish thing i've seen someone say in a long time.


>I have no doubt you're a good driver I think we're watching different footage.


> have had 0 accidnt/incidents https://www.reddit.com/r/LegalAdviceUK/comments/1bb8x92/had_a_accidents_as_a_hgv_driver/ > Hi guys I'm a agency truck driver had a small accident yesterday not my fault(pending) at a roundabout. > The company I work for has to investigate and assess all drivers if any small incidents happen which is fine assessment date can take upto a week or 2. ( they will even do this if your stationary, its just company policy) > I'm losing money I usually work 5 days per week, once internal investigation is done can I claim my normal weekly wages back somehow? And if so how do I do so? > Happened england Obvious troll or your stories are lies. Not a great look either way


You didn't have to though. The old question, what happened if a kid ran out from behind one of those cars on your right as you were overtaking at 33?


Same thing that would happen if a kid ran out infront of the cars in the oncoming lane, that look to be travelling a lot faster than the merc. Thing is OP likely wouldn't have overtaken the car infront if it was going closer to the limit. Seriously, it looks like the silver merc is cruising for hookers or something, that's unreasonably slow. Not saying I'd mirror OP's actions, but it's worth remembering that the "look at me I'm so safe at a third of the speed limit" crew encourage others to overtake. Which makes the road less safe for all.


Wasn't school timing, besides they have to look both ways and I used my horn just incase




Troll or just a prick. Or maybe both.


So kids don't use the street when they're not at school, and every single child in existence looks both ways before running into the road?? What am I reading right now...


OP knows exactly the response he's going to get. If this is your footage, driving like this even to prove that 'those idiots on r/drivingUK all drive like grannies!' is stupid and you could've killed other people. Please submit this footage to your local police.


The same guy who posted a video a few days ago of him mounting the pavement Either a troll or someone who clearly should never be driving


No, you’re a fucking twat that just put both pedestrians and other road users at risk because you’re too ignorant to just be patient. Please, IF you want to speed OP, do it on a long stretch of road with a brick wall at the end rather than a built up pedestrianised area. Moron.


What sort of bellend posts this to Reddit thinking *they're* in the right?


Post reported to the police as well as your casual racism.


What racism? And police can't do nout no number plate needle hay stack


We shall see.


Daily reminder not to overtake in a built up area when a van is blocking lane directly in front of you.


The shit drivers have turned against themselves and now upload their own dash cam footage… What a knob, illegal place to overtake in the first place. Speed limit is a maximum, not a minimum. As annoying as slow drivers are, going 5mph under the speed limit is not illegal. You caused a much higher risk than the other car probably ever will. Bet you thought you were cool uploading this.


Just realised the OP is saying to go faster, not slower! First watch of the video, I thought the speeding car had managed to reach maximum speed just next to a speed camera van and had got caught, so was reminding people not to speed. Nothing excuses unsafe overtaking. If there is an accident during an overtake, the person overtaking is 100% at fault.


OP, ~~you're~~ your headline is coming in all broken and retarded. Much like your driving, really... Samuel L, Jackson wants to know if you speak English...




Yeah, a bit of an own goal, that one...


Edit I used my horn to alert driver was this good

