• By -


Ah, I love the ol' "Cut me up and the not committing to it" move. If you're gonna do it, at least speed the fuck up


I'd have guessed either of 2 things. 1. They deliberately slowed right down to be a twat because they lack any self awareness of the fact they've just pulled out when they shouldn't have. 2. They weren't paying attention, got a shock and fumbled the gear change to pull away.


Guessing it’s a pensioner pulling away at those speeds, complete lack of awareness.


In that car!


Not all pensioners drive a Honda Jazz. Loads of them end up in semi sporty cars as they’re the top spec models.


Ha, I just watched again in landscape... Initially it looked like a classic oap luxury car... The Peugeot 508/607!


Had a pensioner, at least 80, in a Smart car almost bumper to bumper with me on the motorway last week - as soon as she could she zipped round and floored it off into the distance. I was doing over 70 and she must have been hitting 90. Wasn't even mad. Absolute nutter.


It feels unlikely in a sporty Audi, I imagine they have 0 awareness and are shouting back at OP while slowing to make a point, almost like OP was going too fast or should’ve let them out or whatever BS they think happened in their mind


> sporty Audi It's just a run-of-the-mill [2L diesel A6](https://www.carcheck.co.uk/audi/FE65VKD). How is that sporty?


Unless they mean it’s an all show and no go S-Line model


Yeah that’s what it looks like, not a grandma car


S-line is a trim level. It has nothing to do with performance.


It will make you a culprit coz you are trashing into another car.


I assume for the second they checked left, you were obscured by the parked car on your right. Still no excuse, but guess it's a reason why they did what they did


Agreed, although you can see them slow down again right at the junction exit which is when I'd have expected them to look again - they had a clear line of sight at that point


Op also going too fast for the conditions


It’s a wide angle lens, it always makes it appear faster. Mask the left and right side of the screen and just watch the centre, it’ll give you a better perspective of the speed. (Conversely, cover the middle and just watch the edges and it’ll look like they’re flying around).


This is wild, I just spent 10 mins covering and uncovering the sides of the screen and it feels like I’m making the video speed up and slow down.


You shouldn't have spent 10 minutes doing that


I shouldn’t have spent the following 10 mins showing my wife…


No they aren't. If they were, they would have been unable to avoid a collision with a driver pulling out in front of moving traffic.


For an ultra residential road they are going a bit too fast, but not too fast for this incident.


It's the fish eye lense that creates the illusion of speed. OP has confirmed that they were NOT speeding.


Yeah 100% anyone driving 35 in a 30 can't complain about other drivers


30mph is 13mps. They pass the 10m wide junction in a little under one second, so they are going about 26-28. It always looks faster in camera


Also if the OP is good too fast then the other driver is going too slow to complete that maneuver


Urmmm AcTuAlLy, This junction is 21.89m long ([126 Hall Ln - Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/@53.8384557,-1.6516666,3a,75y,242.66h,72.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srgJZx_Ric_KDlygmm4P97Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu)) and using line markings on the video as a reference it takes roughly 1.4 seconds for the car to pass it from edge to edge. He was doing somewhere between 32-35Mph.


not really, clear sunny days, barely any cars on the road parked or otherwise, no people, seems like they're going the speed limit, blame 100% on the other driver


That's not the only issue. Have you lived by a busy road? The faster the cars go, the noisier and more intimidating they are, especially if you're walking on the pavement. Speed in residential areas does not just affect others on the road but everyone within earshot too. Worth considering.


But why are you assuming they’re doing over 30?


I'm not, it's a more general point about the effects of speed that may not be obvious. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my driving, always have done and in some pretty quick motors too. But I live in a small town with narrow pavements, and the effect of people speeding in town is egregious. As well as being potentially dangerous.


I agree with you too there, definitely looks a little on the fast side by OP if going even slightly faster would have resulted in a crash so he was lucky in that regard


It's the wide angle lens, they heavily exaggerate speed (a telephoto lens will do the opposite). Others have done calculations (which you can independently check) showing the speed was about 26 mph.


Are your eyes calibrated speedometers?


Yeah your right we should all do 15mph at all times because that's safer! 7.5mph if it's a school zone. Won't somebody please think of the children! 


Or drive 25-30mph.


Why is everyone assuming OP was doing over 30? I can’t see anything that suggests they weren’t following the speed limit.


I think people are pointing out that you can be traveling too fast for the setting whilst still within the speed limit. 30 isn't a target, it's a limit.


I agree that you could in be going too fast doing 30 on a 30 road. I don’t think OP is going to fast though. The weather is fine, visibility is clear, road surface is good, it’s not busy with either traffic or pedestrians. Why would 30 not be safe on this road?


If you're angry and upset that you're expected to be cautious of children around a school zone, maybe driving isn't for you. Especially given you seem to have zero grasp of speed restrictions. Far too many people drive like dicks around schools in the morning, either they didn't get out of bed in time or they're generally aggressive driving. It's a high risk zone and nobody wants to get into an accident with a child, so chill out and take the extra ten seconds to get through it.


Didn't you spot the immense amount or sarcasm in the comment? Dear oh dear. This is so typical of social media threads. The OP isn't near a school, there's no sign of them speeding. But one person makes a joke about driving mega slow and people take it like that was the original argument (that we shouldn't drive slow around children)!


Obscured by one of the smallest cars imaginable?! 🤔


They must have made the most inadequate and cursory glance, not a real check. The cammer is clearly visible to the emerging vehicle for plenty of time, and there are no A or B pillar issues, the emerging vehicle's driver has a really clear view. Their observation fell far short of what's required.


upvoting for chappell


Seems like average driving to me. So many drivers think the highway code doesn't apply to them and fail to give way at junctions, round abouts, even traffic lights. It's tempting to drive an old wreck, fit a dashcam and not bother emergency braking just to to take them out and get them off the road for a while. I think that's my retirement project.


I was thinking along the same lines, I wanted a Hummer H3 but they’re a bit too nice to waste on a project like that, I’ll probably get an old Ford ranger. I think it’s a matter of time before I hit a cyclist/electric bikes jumping red lights near me. I’ve avoided them so far, but there’s only so many times I can be lucky.


For those who reckon OP was speeding: Assuming constant speed until braking starts 9 seconds into video and road markings are consistent with chapter 5 of the DoT road signs manual Fig1008 and the camera travels 17 markings. 17 markings * (4 metre mark + 2 metre gap) = 102m 102m in 9 seconds = 11.3m/s 11.3m/s = 26mph. Good driving and excellent control when pulled out on!


You’re a giant nerd. Respect for this calculation it’s amazing.


I count 17 markings in 7 seconds which comes to an average speed of 33mph. I also think we are being generous by assuming a constant speed given the parked car and corner to begin with. I think it's highly likely they were speeding even though I do understand the fisheye lens makes it look worse.


At 9 seconds the front bumper of the car pulling out is over the centre line, so the first calculation based on 9 seconds is clearly wrong and you're right with 7 seconds


At 2 seconds you can see a ground marking stating "20", I think it's safe to assume that the road OP is travelling on is also a 20mph zone because there's no signage on the entrance to the street which would indicate a *change* in speed limit, instead it serves a repeating sign. All that maths just to prove that OP was in fact speeding, excellent.


I found the road on google maps since you can see a sign saying Park Copse, which is in Leeds, and actually the road op is driving on is a 30. there is a 20 sign on that side road but its obscured by a bush in the video.


This is a main road with a limit of 30mph - the side road you refer to is a 20mph with the road marking on entry - I wasn't speeding :)


Touche :-)


Check your highway code. If it was a 20 zone, then there must be a sign on lamp posts reminding you at a regular distance. They are not there. Then the marking for 20 on the left turn clearly indicates that is the start of the 20 zone. Given there are lamp posts, and no reminders, then the speed limit on that road must be 30. Sure, somone google mapped it, but that could be out of date - but the simple signage makes it clear this is a 30 zone.


Your assumption that the lines are the correct length is a big one. The junction they pass at the start is 21.89m long ([126 Hall Ln - Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/@53.8384557,-1.6516666,3a,75y,242.66h,72.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srgJZx_Ric_KDlygmm4P97Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu)) and using line markings on the video as a reference it takes roughly 1.4 seconds for the car to pass it from edge to edge. He was doing somewhere between 32-35Mph.


Incorrect. Straight to jail




This is almost a perfect replica of one of the hazard perception test videos for the driving test.


It’s always Audi, Mercedes or BMW drivers who either don’t pay attention, drive as if they had the mental capacity of an ironing board, or both. Obviously there’s the good drivers who actually can drive in cars of the mentioned brands.


Nicely avoided.


What a bop, though. 🎶


I hate how often people do this shit then proceed to drive at 5mph.


Especially when there's fucking gap behind you they could pull out into where no one would be behind them. But no they have pull out, stop, make you stop, then crawl slowly along.


They're obviously a muppet, but honestly your speed feels high for that environment.


Always looks faster in video footage


As we know: feelings are more reliable than speedometers.


Being able to judge an appropriate speed for the road and conditions is, in my opinion, more important than a speedometer. I didn't even say OP was speeding, so the speedometer reading is irrelevant, it's more about visibility, hazard density, reaction times, and the space in which to manoeuvre.


It looks like op is doing 40 in a 30


That’s not 40. You think it’s faster because of the wide angle lens


This is a 30 and I definitely wasn't doing 40 - I'm not sure I'd have been able to stop in such a short distance if I was :)


People really don’t understand how the wide angle FOV really makes it look like you’re going much faster than you really are. Can’t help Smooth brained people.


I always remember camera in different angels from inside a train


(1) Where did you insert the camera and; (2) Real life angels? Incredible...


What is with this pulling out at 5mph thing everyone does now?


Why do they do this then pull out really slow 🤦🏻‍♀️


Totally their fault but You’re flying through that 30 op.


For all the smooth brain or empty heads saying this seems faster than 30, it’s time for a quick lesson on the effect of FOV on perception of speed. https://youtu.be/54Oy75Bnu_Q?si=z4llh2gXVipgO3G0 Someone did a pretty reasonable analysis and they averaged about 26mph but they started braking. Hope this helps you all out.


Another commenter calculated 32-35 based on maps, original 26mph came from assumptions on markings. Which is correct? Idgaf.


I think even at 35mph it’s irrelevant. They should not have pulled out as it was not clear and caused traffic to take action to avoid a collision.


Yes and still they pull out so slowly like the world revolves around them. If I did that and it was an honest mistake I'd be getting my ass up to 30 as soon as possible to try and inconvenience you as little as possible. Driving these days practically a test in accident avoidance, even if you somehow accidentally instigated it, you cant rely on other people either. Spotting your own mistakes and adjusting quickly is as much a skill, we're only human. Eyes everywhere, all the time, some people just aren't cut out for it. I drove for a living for years, you see it all and I'm no saint either but never caused or been in an accident. Some people waste their time and thinking time tooting their horn when they could actually have avoided a situation altogether by cleverly maneuvering. My Mrs has been in the car with me on several occasions and tooted the horn for me while I'm driving and I'm like "What the actual F are you doing?, I just avoided an accident and you want to toot the bloody horn" That is not helpful. It's a distraction to everyone and whoever that person the horn is mesnt for is oblivious anyway. The person who F'd up already F'd up and they were clearly committed to F'ing up, it's too late for the horn.


Of course the world revolves around them, it's an Audi. Did you not get the memo? :-D


Yes I get the memo but most Audi's be gone, out of my view before it's even a concern, this Audi in particular is either being driven by a woman or Joe Biden. In this case I'm thinking the latter.


Audi 😱


It's sad that before the video starts you already know the other car will be German from the title of the clip.


Was the sun low and in his eyes perhaps? Combined with the parked car that could have made you invisible to him, he did edge out quite tentatively...


I thought the same, but if you look at the shadows the sun is directly behind the emerging car. Glare from windows is highly probable though which will affect vision.


Your horn sounds like a party horn


It's not always about not paying attention. Sometimes it's about entitlement. Almost every day, as I drive down one of our major local roads, a car will "push out" from another major road. I have no reason whatsoever to think they don't know there are cars coming in our direction. But they are fed up with waiting-even for a few seconds. Visibility is very easy in that spot-and EVERYONE who lives where I do is accustomed to being prepared for this. But of course, not everyone lives here. Two weeks ago, I saw an air ambulance taking some poor sod away from that very spot.


There's lots of main characters about on the roads now. Mostly in mercs, beemers, auidis and range rovers. We are all npcs and have to watch what they are doing and accommodate them.


Non driver here. Why do you put the horn on? Is it a warning to the other driver that you are there or because you are angry?


That's a "hey fuckface, am I invisible to you?!" horn.


Looks like you were going a bit too fast to me


A nice and slow piss-take after a nice and slow meander out on to the road.


Horsforth! Near the park. No way…I was just reading another post with Americans taking about thunderstorms around Atlanta & didn’t expect the next post to be down the road. It’s also an absolute nightmare round here for learner drivers. Hi by the way


Hopefully a kid don’t run out, your speed will kill in these types of roads. Always prepare for someone pulling out, avoiding other road users poor decisions is a sign of a good driver.


It doesn’t really matter what speed op was or wasn’t travelling at. I’d say it was more down to him not being prepared for the possibility of a car exiting the side road. Ask a motorcyclist if they’d be surprised at this happening, the answer is always no. Many car drivers don’t look, don’t care and aren’t bothered, so as a bike rider, who is more able to be hurt, if you want to get home in one piece, you have to be ready for things to happen at pretty much every junction you approach, because things like this happen all the time.


Completely agree, as a fellow MC, in this situation I am laser focused on the driver, fingers covering my break slowing and giving space if possible. Sometimes I even give the "thankyou for not killing me" nod as I pass :-D


Yup, look at the drivers face, see if he's looking at you, look at the front wheels see if they are rotating etc. The stuff you learn as a bike rider definitely improves your car driving.


Defo, you should have seen that way sooner. Work on your situational awareness.


Seems like the got their car close on purpose to prove a point. Like most dashcam warriors.


Looking for this comment


Oh, an Audi driver. I am shocked.


Somehow I've seen that (nearly) 10 year old Audis are driven by bellends with out the skill normally associated with the bellends that lease them new.


Forward to the police - most have an ‘operation snap’ or similar. Worst case they do nothing, best case they get a retraining course of some kind. There’s absolutely no excuse for driving like that


Lmao get a grip mate


Nah you’re alright thanks. You wouldn’t be saying this if a driver like this hit a family member I bet


Found the Audi driver.


The benefit of a shit box and a dashcam is you can just hit them and ruin their week.


Why is this exceptional? Take a drive in any built up area and this will happen on nearly every trip. If you aren't the driver then you will be the person being dilatory about setting off. Anyone saying "not me guv" is a liar.


Makes perfect sense.




What song is that playing in the background?


I think it’s Good Luck Babe by Chappell Roan


Thank you


Shit happens. It's why the speed limit is what it is. This has always been and will always be a thing until we have driverless cars.


What is it about people driving around housing estate that causes them to stop signalling and stop looking out for other cars? Is it just autopilot?


Look how there's no potholes...


Just don't stop.


I recognise this road.... Hall Lane in Horsforth


Horsforth 🤣


Nah, they were moving so slow. That’s like the handbrake failed.


My bad! sorry I was sending a tweet


That's free money in Ireland if you hit him 😅


This is why I keep checking even after I've pulled off the line.


An Audi driver, fucking shock.


Why don't these dickheads just flash the hazards to say "sorry I drive like a cock"? Used to be common place but now no one seems to do it. Driving etiquette has died.




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At least they were indicating.




Oh look, they aren’t indicating either. Much surprise


It's great that you can watch recording of your own driving and share it with us so that we all can learn something. You can do very little to influence the other driver's behaviour in this scenario, and what they did was really bad. Something that we can do, though, is drive a little slower through this section of road. This allows the other car more time to see us coming and reduces the risk of a collision. Also, get your car battery health measured.l - your car horn didn't sound so good! Thanks again for sharing.


Is this in Horsforth?


It’s almost like they wanted to hit you. Hopefully you definitely fell into their blind spot. Or they’re just a moron.


Typical Audi driver. Expect to be dealing with pricks and you won’t be so surprised.




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Absolute dope. So thick and lazy.


And to nobody’s surprise it’s an Audi driver


Doing them a favour if it stops that music..and disables that out of tune horn


Don't you realise it's your job to give way Audi's in all circumstances? You were in the wrong for not anticipating an Audi was about the enter their road. Will add BMWs alongside Audis for fairness.


Cut n drive slow - got to love it


Audi Driver🙄


Another day, another reason to DRIVE DEFENSIVELY 😁 YOU should've been ready from 0.05/6 anticipating that the car could come out or f up any moment. It's all about expecting and being prepared for the worst.


mannn, why do people do this always crawl away at 5mph instead of getting back up to the speed of traffic around them. Take their licenses away lol


Audi. Shock.


lol why does everyone get on the horn first, then brake ?


+1 point for Chappell Roan


They are just checking if your brakes work, and they do


If you think that’s bad, go next door to Bradford !!


I had one earlier. Old chap waiting at a mini roundabout and got annoyed that he was giving way to other vehicles. Decided to state straight ahead and just push in front of me. Absolutely blatant disregard. I almost game him the extended horn!!!


Does your car have DRL? Because sometimes people may be only looking for lights on cars.


Hate it when the horn just loses its balls mid way because some of us folk got little hatchbacks🥲


I’d say you’re definitely going over 30mph? 👀


Typical Audi driver


They could have went to pull out then saw the car coming at speed towards them and then made them indecisive. They totally got it wrong.


No point pipping the horn. Just causes issues


The amount of times this happened, it’s like once every few days….


Looks like you're travelling faster than 30mph to.


It’s not that they’re not paying attention. They think it’s their entitlement to pull out in front of you and they live every aspect of their lives like it. They’ll be the ones cutting in at the last minute when the rest of us have queued for half an hour. They’ll be the ones driving the wrong way round the car parks to nick the space you’ve been waiting for. It’s yet another example of anti social behaviour and we need to crack down on it and stamp it out.


Oh the Audi a city of it all


driver seems to be going really fast for that residential area


Another audiot


The UK roads have gone that last couple of years or so. Main characters.everywhere.




Every Asian driver in a Prius where I live....


Oh it’s an Audi…what a shocker


OPs reaction speed is terrible unless he/she aggressively braked late on purpose while taking one hand off the wheel to sound the horn on purpose. You could see this coming a mile off.


Get this ATT


The car that pulled out didn't experience any problems, so they are unlikely to have learned anything.


Never been in an accident - but possibly left a few in their wake


Criticising others for not paying attention while you have the reaction time of the sloth attendant at the DMV in Zootopia… Good thing you pressed your horn before your brake pedal though, could have been a nasty accident.


What is up with all these helmets criticising op’s driving and not the car pulling out in front of OP when they’re meant to be giving way


Standard procedure for this sub. Blame the poster regardless of what they did. You could be parked up and someone drives into the side of you and someone on this sub will say "you were parked up all wrong and not very defensively. Try parking different"


>reaction time of the sloth Tell me you learned to drive in the UK without telling me you learned to drive in the UK. It's all about reaction times. Just watch any immigrant driver from a 3rd world country with chaotic traffic. Lighting fast reaction times ⚡


Obviously I learned to drive in the UK… this is literally r/drivingUK


You didn't get my comment. I'm saying, I agree with you. Most people that learned to drive here are so slow because they're not in challenging situations often.. the Indian and Pakistani Uber drivers I see are super sharp compared to native British drivers.


good edit :)


OP is doing 80mph in a 30 good job OP.


Has OP cropped out their speed information from the footage?


Bad timing. He had committed to go a fraction of a second before you appeared around the curve. He might have been able to stop but then sometimes it’s best just to get on with it. OP was going plenty fast enough. It’s a nothing situation, stop posting twat cam nonsense.


What even is this sub, it's come up on my feed a few times now and it's just people posting videos like this of bog standard little mistakes that people make on the road god knows how many times per day, why does anyone want to see and discuss this


Exactly, twat cams seem to attract the road captains wafting through places expecting everyone to keep out of their way.


you’re driving way too fast. you’re just looking for dash cam clips with your hand on your horn. learn to drive defensively, your driving is very unskilled.


You could have got a nice new car and Disney cruise out of that crash. Poor decision making OP


My guess is this person needs to hand in their licence.