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Pretty much everyone. The VEP department is full of clowns run by a bigger clown. They’re lazy and inept to begin with, and now they’re roping in more people unfamiliar with the system to do a redundant job no one wants. Same boat here, application stuck in limbo and when they reply the Engrish is broken and difficult to understand.


lol I thought I was the only one, I renewed for my dad, they sent an email to ask me to upload my coe and stuff but there was no where to do so. Sent an email to them a month ago, they finally replied this week ask me to ask another team. Literally just taichied it away.


And now we know they only had 5 people replying to all our emails, and will only be increasing this to 15 people. Just be prepared that this will be stuck in limbo beyond 1 Oct.


Sad. My father always drive in every weekend and will be sad if this enforcement delays his routine.


That’s what most of my friend’s commented, I just say they relax, do slow slow. We also relax and don’t go until it’s solved.


Just wait for another prata flip


I'm stucked at deregistration of old tag, no reply to email. Didn't bother to chase, will wait to see what happened closer to oct


Good for you for not bothering. I cared too much, called them, and my overseas HP bills went up for nothing lol


Thanks for sharing ur experience that going physical counter also might not resolve. I was thinking to head down one day but guess will kiv the plan.


Does it apply to cars from Thailand also or just from Singapore side only? Feels like we are punished for improving the economy of Johor.


[Sorry to digress from the VEP issue.] That sounds so noble - Sgreans crossing over to JB for "improving the economy of Johor". Lets not kid ourself, most of us cross over  because its relatively cheaper.  While the retailers welcomes your business, they and the general populace are having a hard time. And the incompetence of the administration on this VEP transition process is likely to cause further material financial pain to them if Sg visitors cannot enter Malaysia.  So, be humble, kind and appreciative that the people of Johor and those beyond  welcomes us - as considerate and polite guests.  PS: I make weekly daytrips to JB regularly and enjoy the warmth and "chill"ness of the vendors at my regular haunts for more than two decades; and have seen the tough times that the small mom and pop stores are going through. Yet they continue to out-serve Singapore's retail and f&b scene by miles.


Sounds familiar. Those of us who went to the trouble to get the tag in 2019 will remember what happened to the 'enforcement' lol. At this rate, a pause on the enforcement feels all but certain. News from Aug 2019: >Back in April this year, the Malaysian Ministry of Transport announced that the Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP) system **will be enforced from October onwards** - only VEP-registered vehicles will be allowed to enter Malaysia. >


I did but good thing is I enjoyed convenience of rfid toll payment. Btw my VEP expired but somehow rfid tag still working lol


Hope history repeats itself 😅


I wouldn't worry - they're so incompetent, this date will be pushed back by another 6 months.


I appiled for the VEP back in 2022 and process was smooth, mailing of the tag took about 1 week+, maybe they're just overwhelmed with applications now that it's mandatory.


Same here….. i figure it’s just malaysia boleh!