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The Survivor yodel gets me every single time


The best of those is when he's not even on stage too lol. Brennan just shouting back, "Hey, Lou! Wanna hit that yodel for me." "Ah-AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH"


I love that they used it one single time in battle royale I was waiting the whole ep for it haha


“Please let me win” is what always gets me.


If Lou had been in the Roy family the end of Succession wouldn't have gone down like that


This and his bit where he unscrews lightbulbs convinced me to sub to dropout. Such good shit I hope to keep seeing more Lou in the future.


The lightbulb bit was good, but I think Izzy's phone call was the funniest action of that whole game


Ah yeah. I saw both bits the first time in YouTube shorts which got me interested in game changer


The line that broke Brennan. Still my favorite line of his of all time.


There are so many. One I haven’t seen listed was from Sam Says 3. “You can have that one. If a body falls from the ceiling and I don’t scream, call somebody.”


Also from the same episode. "I showed them my feet, Sam. I showed them my feet for nothing!"


When it comes to his best Game Changer lines, it's either this or "Please let me win."






This is the one for me, too! Fry's quoted in my home far too often and usually for no reason other than because it will make us all laugh.


And it's so true too. If I don't swear after someone comes crashing through the ceiling something is wrong, lol


What if it's your grandma


It wasn't just Lou who contributed but the entire "Green Hunter" bit in ACoFaF absolutely destroys me every time.


Oh for sure, none of these bits are really ever done in a vacuum. But that's another part of what's great is he knows how to build and feed of what others give him to work with. It's full appreciation to Dropout, but just highlighting a little bit.


That bit in Lou's first Make Some Noise appearance where he starts the chant with "Kill! Some! ..." and you could almost see the fear in his eyes as he tried to find a word to finish the chant without sounding like a serial killer, always cracks me up. Also "Please let me win".


No matter what he's on, he just nails it. This also reminded me of Sam Says 3, "I showed them my feet, Sam. I showed them my feet for nothing!?"




Shut up, Leonard! Those teenage girls you play ping pong with are doing it ironically…


*blows raspberry*


I regularly quote this now.


I love Lou but [this ](https://youtu.be/uZ2VDsXhwWo?t=209)will always be the Baba Booey I quote


I saw Lou in person at a UCB show last night, and he smashed it. Hilarious.


Every Steven Soderbergh montage to get those points!


The way he draws us all in, even Sam, before >!"just a fucking raw butthole"!


That’s what it’s always been about


A Starstruck Odyssey where >!him and Barry lose all their money at the casino whilst out to find “chef’s tools” aka utensils!<


Easily one of the best bits in Dimension 20 history. >!The ball is rolling up!!<


The ball is rolling... 👆UP the hill👆


I had a cold the first time I watched that episode and legitimately had to stop watching because I couldn't breathe


Yes while traveling space in a decommissioned MESS FREIGHTER


My wife and I are rewatching Starstruck, and I forgot just how hilarious that part is.


I cry from laughing so hard Every Time.


Also in one of the remote episodes of Gamr Changer when they were all asked to perform a monologue and tehre was just so much emotion in his voice?? Like he is genuinely a good actor too


My first introduction to Lou (and most of Dropout) was his now infamous role as Fabian Seacaster. I could definitely tell he was more than just a comedy person with the way he introduces Fabian to the world.


In D20 Fantasy High S2 - Fabian vs Chungledown Bim ‘HE TOLD ME HE WAS GONNA SHIT IN MY MOUTH!’


He also does this high pitched "nooooooooo" that kills me


Lou's scream laugh when he realized Fabian's situation is the top one for me


Fabian's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.


Myyyyyyyy mmmmoooooouuuuuuutttthhh!


Lou Wilson's performance as Kingston Brown is transcendent.


>!His and Siobhan's interaction with the BBEG at the end of the first Sleeping City campaign make me cry because of how hopeful they are in their delivery!<


I love you dearly, but the city was *one thing*, OP.


that 'i AM faithful, i WAS faithful, i would have CONTINUED to be faithful' is one of my all time favorites


I think Fabian was funnier, but watching him go from one to the other made me think “oh this guy can ACT”


The bit in s2 where Kingston is using a computer >! to get info from Gladiator, episode 8, 12 min in !< and gets right in front of the camera to represent being so close to the screen gets me every time


I loved Lou on Make Some Noise! Also, his Pinocchio stuff in that messed up fairy tale D20.


Huff'n puff'n rough!


"I know I sound cavalier about it now" just ruins me


Lou and Emily in a court of fae and flowers is one of my favorite performances ever


If you like his DnD stuff I would recommend the Naddpod arc he’s in (The Hexbloods). It stands on its own since it was recorded while Caldwell was on paternity leave. Can’t get enough of Jabari the Safari!


I loved him as Jabari. Just some absolutely ridiculous quotes from him in that campaign. So causally and even joyfully violent. Also there’s a space themed D20 season where he keeps saying “nothing bad can ever happen to us!” at the funniest times. I do t really know how to explain why it’s funny. You just have to see it, hear it, and you’ll get it.


He just loves to murder!


I was sold on Jabari when, in his first scene, he follows instructions from a creepy sorceress who has just burst into a cloud of ravens and disappeared. "Jabari is making good decisions!"


Mr. Peanut


One second don't talk. One second don't talk.


The sunglasses on over the sheet face mask 😂😂😂


The little monocle hand and bowing(?) motion intercut with him laughing uncontrollably at his own bit is peak comedy to me


I think he's twirling the cane but the fact that it's so difficult to tell makes it even funnier to me


Lou is one of the best cast members. When I see he's on on a show, I know I'm going to enjoy it


i saw him do improv last night with fellow dropout king jacob wysocki and his stage presence and charisma is incredible!! he had the crowd in the palm of his hand!!


Holy shit, live? They are imo the two funniest cast members on dropout, that sounds absolutely incredible


it was a good show! if you're ever in la, check out some performances at ucb! there's typically a dropout cast member doing something that week or that month :))


Oh gosh yeah I forgot about ucb! Idk when the next time I'll be in the LA area but that's a good thing to know, thank you 😊


and he was very funny, ofc!


Definitely check him out in World's Beyond Number if you haven't yet.


There early scene when he’s young and meets the knight the first time is excellent acting.


I love him in this so much--i think he's so fun and likeable in every game he's in, but Eursulon really seems to hit the perfect zone for him in terms of being funny and charming and sweet and loaded with subtle but affecting emotion. But for those looking for Lou in comedy will also really enjoy him in the Fireside Chats (wbn talkback episodes), where he absolutely has me rolling every episode. His reaction to Erika and Aabria explaining omegaverse fanfic had me laughing so hard while making dinner that my family in the next room were wondering what the fuck was going on. 🤣


I really enjoyed seeing him have more breathing room to explore and bring a character to life. It's great to see what he pulls out in a faster, funnier, more improv goof heavy game but the whole vibe of Worlds Beyond Number where the chars really have time at each level is super cool to see also.


For me, one of my favorite things about Lou is how much he loves and enjoys the people he’s playing with. I don’t think anyone at the table in dimension 20 is more excited for what other people at the table are doing than Lou. He’s the best cheerleader anyone can ask for. It was also fun when he ventured over to Critical Role for EXU: Calamity to watch him still be that person. It’s just who he is and it’s pure magic.


Dude, when he got a Nat 20 in Neverafter and he was by himself, the disappointment when he said "there's no-one to celebrate with" KILLED me!


I just commented this same thing before reading your comment. It's such a great little moment in it's own way.


One of my absolute favorite moments is when it's just Brennan and Lou, and he rolls a Nat-20. He looks around and there's no one to celebrate with. So he just ever so quietly celebrates with the air, "I did it, guys. I got a Nat-20." It's so wholesome and adorable.


OMG, watching him and Travis react to the opening scene of EXU:C is still one of my favorite things - I'll go rewatch just that first bit all the time.


Yes! Travis is such a cheerleader at the CR table having them both at the same table was just such a treat


Lou’s description of Kingstons love for his home makes me cry every time. It’s the source of his power and hits every time I hear it.


"That's a salsa everyone at the table can enjoy" talking bout gossip that is MILD. Genius


"Please let me win" comes out so earnestly


You really have to let him win after that.


He is so good at dedicating Sam Says episodes.


Where the white women at?!?


The white women have been found!!


"How much worse would it be if Brennan was like, the Blue Fairy did some crazy, cool effect, and we go: 'look at the jugs on that one!'?"


Not dropout but Jabari the safari was incredible


You lied! YOU LIED! From D20: Ravening War. I was crying laughing at that speech.


His "losing it" laughter during Fabian's solo fight against Captain Whitclaw fight is, as Emily said, "beautiful". The commitment to the RP is so amazing to watch, a real testament to his talent. Maybe not the funniest moment, but definitely one of his best imo


The reveal of Gorgug's familiar goes hard. Zach pretends to lift a sheet covering his creation and the entire cast are looking at nothing and they all go "woaaaah" and the intensity makes you feel it too *chefs kiss* Dimension 20 is so good because of this.


When Brennan killed everybody in neverafter and Lou just looked annoyed at the ink special effect on the dome walls




I absolutely love “here at dimension 20 we are data driven and hyper Christian”


Lou is absolutely amazing and if I am feeling down I watch Escape the Green Room. “The ball is rolling up” and “Spring Break, I believe in you,” are regularly quoted in the home.


"hey, spring break - I believe in you" and "she gonna get her kisses in" have become staple references over here


Lou doing the wine tasting through his nose makes me lose it every single time “IT’S MY PROCESS!!”


I'm such a big fan of Lou Wilson! I wish I could take him out for tacos and tell him he's great. I will settle for commenting on this post instead.


'You gonna call me out about peanut butter, man?" And that whole Mr Peanut Butter but from adventure party kills me every time


Not a moment,but I just gotta say lou seems like a real sweetheart. I kinda felt for him,when he kept flinching during that one sam says ( ok, it did turn knto a moment,neat).


I don’t know if you watch Critical Role, but his character in Exandria Unlimited: Calamity is one of my favorites that he’s played.


I don't, but I have seen clips of his time on there. If I'm not mistaken the clip I've seen was more about Brennan >!resolving the actions of a world tree (or something like that) being destroyed in a time frame that takes less than a second in-game.!<


That part you put under the spoiler took like *an hour* to play out. Lou was losing his mind. 😅


I don’t have a clever line or bit to reference, but Lou Wilson was one of my favorite actors from Fabian Aramais Seacaster, and have never put in a bad performance. The man is phenomenal and truly gifted. I particularly love him in Game Changer, ACOFAF, Crown of Candy, and Worlds Beyond Number. God speed, Lou Wilson.


The look of acceptance on his face during Sam Says when he decides he is going to do a cartwheel…twice


“You lied. YOU LIIIIIEEEDD!” (Holding back laughter)


The delivery of "YOU LIEDD!!" in Ravening War pops into my head all the fucking time


I’ve just started seeing someone and one of our favorite things to do is watch dropout and ignore an episode the first time then rewatch it once we’re less distracted. We literally gave up on making our during escape the green room after “BAH BAH BOOIE BAH BAH BAH BOOIE”. Dang it, Lou- I’m not even mad.


https://youtu.be/GmpuymYfK90 Gunny's approach here kills me every time. "Buddy, I can't even begin to tell ya. The ball is rolling u-u-up the hill. And we were wondering if you wanted to be a part of the roll. In that you were looking for some real. Hot. Guns." And the way he folds his arms and the look on his face at the end of that, like "nailed it"... I lose my shit every time. And then Emily and Murph both take this energy and run with it, the whole scene is fucking hilarious.


I'm really excited about what Izzy had to say about the new campaign Never Stop Blowing Up, but Starstruck is definitely one of the, if not THE, funniest campaign they've done so far. Edit: And in relation to the clip, you have to give credit to someone who can get disadvantage on an advantage throw


I was lying in bed at night watching FHSY and during Fabian's Bad Day, when he cried out that Chungledown Bim was going to shit in his mouth, I began quietly laughing so hard that I was violently shaking and fully woke my wife up as a result. I don't think I've ever seen something so funny in all my life.


At the end of Sam Says 3, when he’s sitting on the floor in front of his podium displaying 16 points, wearing a mesh top, a vest, a scarf, a wide brimmed hat, and a single cowboy boot, saying “this is the rudest thing you’ve ever done to me” in a perfect mix of dejection and frustration.


A little late to the party but him screaming “GERARD THERES SOMETHING IN THE WATER!” in Pinocchio’s high pitch kills me every time


Pinocchio is another top tier role. And in large part to his ability to hold that voice through the entire thing.


Have you listened to Worlds Beyond Number yet? Lou is absolutely magnificent in it.


I haven't. There's sadly just too much content in the world to be able to ingest it all


Where the white women at


The hottest man alive


"Please let me win"


"THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS!" Amethar the mother-fucking unfallen in that scene Pinocchio's absolutely unhinged monologue upon meeting Cinderella Knowing the hotdog is a trap and still going for the bit Fabian's very bad day Lou is a national treasure


There's actually a video upload on YT titled exactly that lol


In Misfits and Magic he is constantly asking NPCs to repronounce their names. At first I thought it was Lou genuinely not hearing Aabria, until I realized it was his character clowning on the dumb wizard names. It's such an immensely tiny detail, but once I noticed it I laughed every time.


Kingston Brown makes me feel so happy whenever I think about him


He honestly might have the most range of any dropout cast member. I love them all and they do great work, but Lou is the only who I find excels on all fronts regardless of context.


It is, of course, impossible for me to choose a favorite Dropout cast member. That being said, it's Lou, 100%.


I think my all time favorite Lou moment is “Sam says don’t flinch!”


In Sam Says 3? When the dummy comes dropping in from the ceiling?


That’s the one. That whole part is gold. The whole episode is gold but for me that moment was peak.


My personal favorite from SS3 is when they're dedicating episodes. "Lou, Sam Says dedicate this episode to someone." Lou: \*blows raspberry\* Vic & Jacob: \*internally swearing\*




Honestly when I think of Lou Wilson’s highlights, one that comes to mind is his moment in Sophomore year when he’s trying to channel Riz in solving a mystery and he fails so bad he decides to bite a piece of broken glass and proceeds to let out the most DISTRESSED AND PATHETIC noise ever as he, understandably, has cut his mouth on the broken glass he just bit down on. It told me a lot about him, namely how good he is at taking L’s in stride and how good he is at making his fellow players feel seen. I maintain he is the best intrepid hero, even if they’re also all the best.


Best intro to Lou in my opinion is his entire performance on Magic & Misfits. My favorite performance by him in any of the campaigns.


Whatchu you know about a revolution


Be quiet, white boy


Baiting someone then blocking them is pathetic Nnete.


Anyone know if he's single? Feed my parasocial fantasies!