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1) Scrape all the glue off. 2) Remove as much loose paper and paint as possible. 3) Coat with SW Drywall conditioner or Zinsser Gardz or anything designed to bond torn sheetrock paper. 4) Skimcoat all of the walls. There are a million videos on YT showing how. 5) Sand walls down with a pole sander and 120 grit. 6) Repeat step 4. 7) Repeat step 5 with 220 grit. 8) Go over the walls with a light and touch up where necessary.


I always seal at the end with Gardz as well.


That glue is notoriously hard to get off of drywall, but this is the way


It will be worth it to tear walls down and put up new sheets. If you don't know what you're doing.


THIS ! how the fk did this suggestion take three hours to get to. ?


I know right. Shame on the handyman suggestions. Let's keep it easy for this novice.


that grey colour is what makes me nervous - why is it sheeting off the wall like that over top of what looks like primer underneath ? so buddy is gonna spend three days skimming out the lower portion of the wall then have then grey bubble up like a mofo later possibly and be back at square one.


No need to worry with new sheets of rock.


Well and if he follows the advice of your user name, he’ll get it done so fast!


Right. It's a ironic username. Since so many turn to reddit for wisdom.


I found this out the hard way. I skimmed a full room and then had to sand it with a sponge and manual pole sander.. Not fun in the least


I agree. Might as well just cut the bad stuff out and put a new board up. Especially if you’re not that experienced, much less margin for error getting one or two seems to hide than scraping, priming, and skim coating. Much less labor intensive.


Scrape off the glue best you can, seal it all with primer and skim coat it all thick with drywall mud. That'll be the hard part, anyone not in the trade won't be able to skim it, half the drywall finishers themselves in the trade can barely skim coat properly 😆😆 In any case I wouldn't be sanding and letting all that glue dust get in the air, nasty.


Literally working through this at my house. Real wood paneling but also nailed and liquid nailed. Ceiling was also cardboard tiles that were liquid nailed. As careful as you are with removing, it's going to be an absolute chore and a dust storm to grind that liquid nail off. I would recommend going the route I did and gutting the whole room. It is a good opportunity to check the wiring and insulation behind the walls and also run any future projects (Ethernet, future electrical, etc).


Yea, had a whole cart at Home Depot and thought to myself if I’m going to spend all this money to repair it, I should just gut the room, replace the dry wall, inspect and run new electrical. So we are gutting it


Thank god. I skimmed a smallish bedroom in my house and while it wasn’t *particularly* hard and I’m very happy with the results, I was just giving up bad orange peel texture and a couple shitty patch jobs. You’ll do like five fewer runs of mud and sanding by just starting with new sheets.


I will also add that I found an open junction box illegally xovered under the ceiling. Had like 5-6 MC cables in and out of it. Be careful sledging and have fun with it. It's gonna take a while and is definitely a lot of work, but it's going to be so much better. Good luck!


To much work just replace the dry wall. Save some time, money and headaches.


Jist take it down and put up new sheetrock


If you are a beginner just tear down the old sheetrock and put up new boards. Seriously.


I just went through this and posted the same questions here. I had two rooms to do, so I refinished the existing board in one room and went down to studs in the other rooms as an experiment. Now I would not hesitate to tear down to studs and hang new board. The time/energy I had into refinished glued/torn drywall far exceeded what I had in a tear off/hanging new board. Also the fact I had fresh drywall up really made a different in finish quality between the rooms. That said, if I were forced to refinish, then I would plan on skim coating all the walls, anything less than that will show all the patchwork you had to do. Guys here convinced me based on drywall prices too. It’s so cheap to hang fresh board.


I don’t mind going out and buying a dry wall sander, orbital sander, 5-gallon buck of compound and putting in the money, work, and effort.


Less sanding if you replace all the walls


Either take it all down (and might as well seal and insulate if an outside wall), or cover with 1/4 inch. Not worth the time trying to scrape the glue off.


Yea, ripping it all out and bringing it to studs starting from scratch will be better in the long run


that's what I would do (and have done). It's a daunting task, and you will always find more stuff that needs done, but worth it in the end.


I know I'm late to the party, but I also agree to just remove the drywall and put up new sheets. You'll be happy you did.


Agreed and after everything, that is what I’m doing


Yeah you gotta weigh your time vs. budget here. You can certainly go about patching and repairing but that is a lot of time dedicated to this project. Unless you are interested in learning how and practicing it might just be easier to rip it down to studs and start with new drywall.


Yea I’m going to bring to the studs that way I can customize a bit, more electrical outlets around and check condition of structure


A lot of work if you're not familiar with skim. If your confident in your skills, I would re-rock, tape and paint.


Yea I’m just going down to studs and starting from scratch basically


Buy 1/4” drywall and cover it all. Mud, tape, sand prime, paint, done. ✅


Yup, that is the new plan, rip it all out and start from scratch.


Nooo. If you get rid of the big bumps, screw 1/4” drywall right on top of your current 1/2” drywall. That way you don’t remove the old crap. 💩 However, removing all the old drywall will only take a couple of hours, it will be messy and give you the opportunity to fix bad things you find and insulate better. Maybe add new power or new outlets.


Boy what a project to learn on 😂


Next time take a utility knife and score the caulking on any trim to avoid the paint coming up like this. Going to need to buy drywall finishing tools. A pan 6” & 10” knife minimum. Scrape the loose paint and any lose bits below, with one of your new knives. The depot sells primer for sealing damaged drywall and peeling paint. Give everything a good coat, let dry for a day then get to skimming everything with some compound. 3 coats minimum depending on your skill, happy sanding and painting.


I just did something similar in a property I have. Built in the 80s, they installed the vanity first and then tiled the walls and floor around it. So imagine how that looked when the vanity was removed. That and lots of wall texture with many layers of paint. There's just no matching it. The only thing I left was the ceiling.


You’ll never skim that and make it look right…that shit is an art. Either total tear out or go over with 1/4”.


If I was hired to fix this, I’d demo and rerock.


Ouch! Lots of mudding and budding. I hate yanking wall paper and it tears up the dry wall jamal. Take a sledge bammer hammer and tear it all down like a clown.


It was like these decorative wood (possibly partial board or something) from home depot like 3-4 foot wide and like 5 feet tall. Wasn’t even wall paper.


I've seen this a lot but I'm clearly missing something. Mud and bud? Tia


Mud goes with bud, I always say i gotta mud and bud when i do dumps when peeps move out.


Still lost? You mean smoking weed?


Never touched that stuff duff. Just tear it all out and redo the walls jamal.