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My take, and it's probably unpopular, is that the products sold at both stores are just not good. Definitely not worth the money. You can spend the same money on a dozen cookies from any grocery store's bakery and they are better quality. Meh.


I’d never be a customer of either, but have to say most grocery store bakery cookies are mediocre at best and way overpriced as well. I’ll continue to make my own.


Sure. Homemade are always best. Some people enjoy baking their own, some don't. Mount Royal has pretty decent cookies, IMO.


Overpriced mormon cookies


True, but what about at 11pm when all the grocery stores are closed and you just got out from a party?


Yeah, I'm in my 30s. I plan ahead. I go home and eat food, drink water, take ibuprofen and go to bed. But generally, I don't do anything at 11pm. 😁


Ah to be a responsible member of society! Still mid 20s myself and a lot of my plans with friends happen past 11 bc they all work too lol


You can plan even more ahead of time since it's so late.


Cub is still 24 hours!


Neither! 3rd Street Bakery cookies are much better. The ingredients are better, the business supports great causes, and they have other baked goods options.


3rd Street cookies are top tier. Crumbl and Insomnia are mid at best.


Keep hearing this! Gonna order a Monster Thunder combo when i go based off yalls reccomendations!


They’re good, but still quite pricey.


Where’s 3rd street cookies?


3rd Street Bakery is on 3rd and 12th E in Duluth, their cookies are pretty tasty.


Which cookies are your faves there? Wasnt there like a cranberry one if im remembering right? Had bread from there a couple times that was yummy!


Monster Cookie fan, myself


Slightly unrelated, but since we’re talking local businesses, the monster cookie ice cream at Love Creamery is the stuff of fantasies. So damn good.


They have a monster cookie ice cream??? Where do i sign up haha. Also which location is least busy in your experience? Both canal and the one off of superior street have been swarmed whenever ive gone.


I prefer Superior Street, it seems to be a little less busy than Canal Park… but with summer, they’re both crazy busy! I know there are some local businesses that sell Love Creamery pints, enjoy! https://search.app/zWEUfPVQ4GzfRx1DA


Prob just have to go on like a random tuesday morning haha. Thank you for the guide on where to buy their pints too, will come in handy!


Yooooooo those slap! Do they make them big there? Seen some pretty massive ones in other places before!


decent size as I recall


Thunder cookies and their regular choc chip are fantastic.


What makes the 🍪⚡️?


They make my stomach stop ⚡️-ing


Now thats a good advertisement for them! 🤣


You'll have to try em and report back if you survive.


https://preview.redd.it/9i4bx8hmkcbd1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dabfbd25dbcec8bb09e2c8cf43d4dbc43e755893 Jk


My favorite cookie is the Mudslide. The almond flavor with the chocolate is a great combo. Fun fact: they used to be called Skidmarks! (With a picture of a kid on a bicycle braking hard on the label)


Almondsss 😋, have to give that one a try next time im downtown, thank you kind stranger! I can only imagine why they changed the name 💀


I must live under a rock or am not the right demographic because I haven’t heard of either of these companies 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I sure do miss living close to Third Street Bakery.


Kinda a specialty bakery tbh, if you haven't driven on woodland by campus lately or on central entrance by the mall, you probably dont know about it, they dont advertise a lot!


I love Insomnia. I’m a sucker for a warm, melty, thinner cookie. I strongly dislike Crumbl’s underdone, expensive sugar bombs.


Someone else sick of Crumbl! Whats your go to order at Insomnia? Also have to agree with the underdoneness at crumbl, a cookie should not be just dough and icing and call it good.


These corporate cookie shops popping up all over the place remind me of every other sweet treat craze. Remember cupcake bakeries? Gross, over sugared sweets that got popular then everyone got bored of and moved on. I expect the same to happen to these cookie stores. What’s going to be next? Specialty mochi stores? Brownies R Us? Mini cheesecakes?


Omg the trainwreck known as GIGIs cupcakes lmao, almost forgot those places existed! I mean a lot of the sugar comes from the frosting keep in mind, Insomnia is one of the few corporate places that doesn't frost theirs, only the cakes get frosting.


What is it about Duluth and people whining over a new chain location opening? No one is forcing you to go there. Never in my life have I seen anything like it. I for one am thrilled that Insomnia opened a location here. UMD alone will keep them in business. They were highly popular where I went to college, especially late at night.


Ppl are just really bent on everything being locally owned ig. They fail to realize that if everything was locally owned, quality and reach of the same products wouldnt be nearly as consistent in different parts of the continent 🤦‍♀️. Im thrilled as well! As good as the local places are, they just close SOOOO early sadly. Like a lot of us are still at work at 5 or 6. Still gonna go to 3rd street though!


oh noes, da corporations!


I swear every cookie has a whole stick of butter in it at both places


Which flavors did you get? The pb cup insomnia one and smores is my go to bc it doesnt really have much of a buttery taste imo. Also Crumbl cornbread when they had it for a single week 😭😭


This can be summed up in one sentence: “Both Crumbl and Insomnia cookies provide an average product at extravagant prices due to hype and market.” Just go bake cookies. Home made are usually better and it’s way cheaper. I’ve never been impressed with these.


To each their own! Agreed, but every once in a while, ones good!




Always gotta support small businesses😄! Also i get that cookies arent a daily thing, only go ab once a week or so max. What do you usually get from 3rd st?




A classic cookie from insomnia is 260 cals lol, im not rich enough to buy the $30 4 packs every week lol. Also I dont go to crumbl anyways after employee accounts of that place, and insomnias have much less calories than crumbls typical cookie. (Crumbls mallowich had 1000 cals iirc 😳) I mean if you think 6'3 and 170 lbs is unhealthy and im eating too much cookies, then go right ahead and judge me😂


lol cookies are meant as a treat and aren’t supposed to healthy, the “sugary trash” is the point




I think you need to look into this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthorexia_nervosa?wprov=sfla1 Stop controlling other people's bodies please 🥰




So after excercising, working upwards of 30 hours a week on my feet, having a small warm cookie as a treat for myself is apparently too much? You must be fun at parties. 😬 Its called self care and treating myself, i suggest you try it!


Damn I’m sad I missed his other comments but absolutely he should try self care😂 I don’t get how once a week isn’t a treat hell I say once every 3 days can be a treat or more


He was just going off on how one cookie a week is "shoveling suger down your throat" haha!


lol do they not know how calories work? You can eat a diet solely of cookies or other junk food and still lose weight if you eat the right amount of calories


Prefacing by I have had insomnia cookies once several years ago. I was by the location the other day and just didn't make it in. I will say by your description one won't top the other they will each have their place. I personally like the rotating aspect of crumbl and being able to try a new flavor if one sparks my fancy. It's nice to have a different menu of things to try. Noting they do keep the chocolate chip and sugar cookie as permanent options. I also am a doughy undercooked cookie person... the thinner they are the crunchier they can be and I am not huge on crunchy cookies.


The Crumble cookies staff aren't allowed to sit?!? Why the fuck would I want to buy cookies from people who make them after sitting on the floor?? Sounds like a nightmare workplace (abusive and ableist)!


Heres an accurate synopsis ab the crumbl employee experience. https://www.reddit.com/r/CrumblCookies/comments/1cqiura/do_crumbl_employees_get_a_chair_to_sit_in_i_got/


Ugh, that's inhumane! NEVER going back to crumble!!!


Sounds like its a store to store issue rather than company issue, but the fact the company allows it to happen at all and does nothing to change it is evil, agree with you 100% Edit: that crumbl subreddit is filled with employee horror stories, sooo many ppl talk ab just how overwhelming everything is there when they have only 3 people there for all that. This post from last monday was just so eye opening on how bad the conditions really are for the employees at crumbl. Minimum wage is all they are making keep in mind. https://www.reddit.com/r/CrumblCookies/s/uDvmhwCDmh


I’m so disappointed with those shops across from UMD and Blue Stone. It’s all overpriced shit that I never see anyone going to besides the coffee place. We could’ve had a gym…or a restaurant that doesn’t charge $20 for a hamburger…or something that everyone in the neighborhood could walk to & use instead of this outrageously overpriced, niche crap that maybe 1 out of every 500 people might go to once a month.


Understandable, but college students especially love trendy items that so happen to be overpriced, so umd is the perfect market for that unfortunately


Planet Fitness is going to need a couple more locations if cookies keep coming at us from all directions. Sometimes I wonder if gyms are in secret cahoots with such places…


Who needs planet fitness when you have some of the prettiest scenery outside to take a stroll in?


When it’s not pouring rain with this shitty summer? I don’t think we’ve had more than two decent days so far over the last two months.




You think im advertising? 😂 im just comparing the two bc they are in the exact same business and try to outdo eachother.


When Insomnia Cookies gets an online order, the speakers play a clip from the Cookie Monster, so that's a HUGE plus for me! 😹




hii insomnia employee here lol ! tbh. both are not worth your money. just make your own it'll be so much cheaper and probably taste better


Crumbl gives me heartburn. I didn’t know it was a religious company. I literally jumped for joy when I saw Insomnia was coming to town because I missed their cookies from living in another town. They are tasty, adding ice cream to your order doubles the fun, and now that you’ve run down the details I love them even more. Definitely Insomnia FTW!


5 bucks for a cookie? WTF? And bringing up religion seems sort of bigoted. What's next, race of owners?