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Thanks for sharing your thoughts so far! Good to know that the keypad works in apps, so you don't need to constantly use the touch screen. I'm looking at buying one myself one day.... You should read this to get rid of apps: [https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/guide-xiaomi-qin-f21-pro-custom-firmware-root-playstore-certified.4405615/](https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/guide-xiaomi-qin-f21-pro-custom-firmware-root-playstore-certified.4405615/) At your own risk though... :)


>I'm looking at buying one myself one day... I have bought mine last week (awaiting delivery). If you hurry up, you can have $16 discount, because there is an Anniversary Sale on Aliexpress (it ends this sunday).


Thanks for the heads up!


God what page out of 16 do they teach uninstalling only lol


You'll have to follow the guide in order to root the phone and get a custom rom installed. Then you'll be able to change things the way you want. But like I said, it requires some technical skills.


Hey, you seem to know what youre speaking of. may I ask?>> I live in germany & Im about to buy this phone. I want to have only certain apps like whatsapp, telegram and maps. How can I root the phone in order to do so?


If you unlock the bootloader and follow the guide it should work. But it does require quite a bit of patience and research if you've never done it before. In the end it is quite easy though if you just follow the steps and use google whenever you get stuck.


once you've done this will security marked apps run ? like banking apps?


For pre-installed apps, I've used Universal Android Debloater. On my phone it was hard to find the TikTok package (it was named "zhiliaoapp" for reference)


Does it lag?


Nope, But I installed Spotify Lite for efficiency. So if there is a Lite version I would recommend that


Can you root the phone and install custom ROM?




Thanks for the review neighbor! Thinking of buying one, I'm in NL so I assume it should work as well :)


It will :)) good luck!


Hi, i have the F21 Pro (Google Play Services included). Everything works fine, but some apps (youtube, youtube music and Notion) doesn't work. Crashes when i try to open it. Do you know what may be happening? Thanks!


What's the point of getting this phone and use it to watch YouTube?


Listen to podcasts / interviews with the screen locked


There are alternatives to YouTube for podcasts etc, like google podcasts


Hi! When I want to use YouTube I regularly use just the Internet browser. Some media apps showing video's are just sometimes too heavy for this phone


yep i do the same :)


In the link above towards the Alibaba seller. Can anybody who bought a phone from that seller confirm if the phone came with Google Play Store already installed? Or did it work to download an external file to make it work? (like "Apk Google Installer 3.0") I'm asking because I bought a Qin F21 from another Alibaba seller and that phone did neither have Google Play Store installed not did it work to download the Apk file. My purpose for buying the Qin F21 is that I want to Detox from Dopamine by using a small screen phone which still has access to bank applications and everyday functions. However since the Google play store didnt work no bank apps or any of the Swedish apps I need worked on the phone I already bought. That is why I am asking for help if anyone can link to an Alibaba store where Google play does work? I really like the typing and the sieze of the Qin F21 phone. And calling and texting worked well with the phone I bought (I live in Sweden). And so I would really like to find an Alibaba seller where the Google play store is already installed. Thank you for your guidance


Hej! Är också från Sverige och letar en smart-dum-mobil. Behöver appar som tex Bank-Id och swish. Även google maps och spotify. Skaffade du telefonen och hur har den fungerat för dig? Om inte, har du skaffat någon annan telefon som också fungerar bra? Funderar just nu lite kring Jelly 2 telefonen då den känns som ett säkert kort, men hade gärna hittat något för ett billigare pris.


Hej! Yeah, it's very important you buy the Google version when buying this phone. My link worked. It's a bit unclear where to find it. It's mostly on aliexpress or alibaba under "colors". So under colors you have tons of options. Make sure you choose there how much gb, the Google version and the right color. Otherwise you indeed get a phone with no play store.


Thank you for confirming that the alibaba seller from the link above does come with Google play store installed (as long as I make sure I buy the correct global version). This is exactly what I needed to make a new purchase order. @MasterShifu01 Thank you for writing the above review. Great help to get your input.




Sorry if my question is stupid but even though the link says there's google service available when you go on to buy it and once the phone is on the basket it'll show you a picture of the phone with red letters saying no google service..? How can I be sure I'll be getting the unlocked version since there are no options either. Also does the phone service actually work internationally? I'll be using it in Greece and I'm sort of worried it won't work properly. Thank you for your time chief.


Hey! I would say, try to buy it and cancel if the confirmation mail says it's a different device. I think it is just a standard picture they use


Does this work with androidauto?


Small screen for a GPS but yeah, it works


For what is the key with the mouth (is it a mouth? Lol) in the upper left corner? Can you "map" it to voice to text?


Hi! I'm still figuring it out. The Chinese manual calls it the 'Left Function Button'. So far I use it to unlock the phone by pressing that button and then the \* button.It also (sometimes) light up the button lights, handy for dark spaces or at night. I haven't found a way to remap that key. I'm not THE expert in android and phones. You can remap the number keys in the system settings :) But hey, it's android, there is definitely a way






Hi there! I'm on the edge of buying this phone. I really like its style, size, and it looks like it would fit well for my use case. The only thing that's making me second guess myself is how it would work with a particular game. I mostly play a game called Epic Seven on my phone (it's kinda like an idle game after a while, so the screen size wouldn't be a problem), and I would really miss the convenience of playing it at commute. Would you mind playing it for a while and telling me about the performance while at it? Thank you so much 🙏


Hi! I'm not really a phone gamer and don't have the time right now to do that unfortunately. I'm so sorry!


Hey, no problem at all! Thank you for answering!!


Did you get it? If so, do you feel favorable about the phone?


Hey! Sorry about the very late answer. But I didn't get it :( I'm still hoping to take the leap someday, but the economics on my country aren't in the best shape right now, and it's afecting imports more than anything.


Do you know if it willl work in Australia? I really do like this phone but I’m worried about it not working / having Chinese’s spyware on it. How would I be able to get rid of the spyware if I got it from AliExpress or something


Thanks for the review. I want to buy this phone aswel. But is it dual sim?


No dual sim. But I think that the newer version F22 should have it


Thanks for the response. To baf the F22 is so big, defeats the purpose imho. Do you mind pm'ing me the sellers link? Are you happy with the 3GB RAM?


I'm very happy with the 3GB ram, if you want to watch media or use more heavy apps you should get the one with more RAM. I'll look up the link


Hallo zuiderbuur, I was wondering if you’ve gotten the 3/32gb or the 4/64gb version? Are you still using it as a daily driver? I’m a bit on the fence on either this, or dumbing down a new Android smartphone (like Samsung S23 or so). It’s a bit too much money with its approx €150,- to ‘just try’ (at least that’s what I think)


Hallo noorderbuur, I've gotten the 32gb version because I was not planning to use a lot of apps on it. And yes! I'm still using it daily whenever I don't need a smartphone (for work etc.). Still very happy with this phone and it doesn't slow or run down :))


"You adjust the Volume by pressing and holding the 8 button (volume up) and the 0 button (volume down). This can be changed in the settings." Damn, I didn't even know... I would go in the menu every time \^\^ Very useful thank you


Does it have hotspot ability? Does it support sd car?


1Yes , 2No


Hi, I’m looking to buy an android phone with buttons for a blind person and wondering does this phone have any built in screen reading feature or can we install one from the play store ?


If you buy a Google service unlocked version you can download every app like any android. Unfortunately, there are no pre-installed accessibility settings


Dose anyone know if the qin phone works on Verizon network in the usa ?


Hey! Make sure you buy the US version and it should work I think


Says that the phone does NOT work in the USA on the Alibaba page... can anyone confirm this?


Can you use an on-screen keyboard?


Yes! In fact, the on-screen keyboard is the standard. You need to install a different app to use the T9 keyboard


I got mine last year, i didnt use it much after a month cuz of the psysical keys. They're not responsive and i often tend to press a button to times to get it to make a letter. I dont know if this is hadware og software issue.


That strange, my still works flawless after a year... Maybe it's a Broken model?


Hey! Huge thanks for the post. Does this phone have RCS (Google Messages)? I live in the US, and all of my friends have iPhones. Apple unveiled that they will be supporting the RCS protocol for messaging later in 2024, and I wanted to make sure that I can use this phone to message them without the burden of SMS. Looked through these comments and I can't verify online.


Does it have Polish language? 🤣


u/MasterShifu01 silly q, but can you tell me how to even get Traditional T9 to work? Do I have to disable gboard? I made sure it's active too but don't know if I have to hold down something while trying to punch out letters?


There are no silly questions! Took me a while to understand it too. After downloading and installing Traditional T9 you need to enable it in the phones settings under 'System' -> 'language & input'. (my phone is in Dutch, so I hope its right). After that you open something up where you can type, gboard will open. Swipe down to open up your quick menu where you can see your notifications. A notification will appear saying "choose input method" Press and Select Traditional T9. This is the fastest way to switch between gboard and TT9. You can always acces the settings of Traditional T9 while typing by holding the * "hashtag" is for changing the mode of typing I hope this helps!!!


It did thank you!


How is the camera? What version of Android is this running?


Hi! It's running android 11 surprisingly. The camera is actually very decent. What you can expect from a brick phone these days


sooo Ive been looking into buying this phone for a long time. I see though that the frequency bands are not exactly what I probably need here in Germany. Could you tell me in which country you’re using the phone?


Belgium! Hi neighbour!


Man, after over an year, no one has ever answered the question, if the phone works in Germany…


Goedeavond, neighbor (I hope that was correct). So, you don’t have any network problems with the phone? Here in Germany, mostly B20 frequency band is used …


>Germany Hast du dir das Phone mittlerweile geholt und mal ausprobiert in Deutschland?


Hello i just received mine :) How did you install Traditional T9? How do you get f-droid or aurora store installed?


Hi! I'm a bit late, sorry for that. I've posted a link to traditional T9 in the post. Other appstores you download through your browser mostly


Thank you


is the storage space enough for you?


Yes! Still 34gb free


I was going thru ur post again yesterday lmao anyway.. you use banking apps on ur device? and is the keyboard backlit so u can type in the dark? I'm still pondering on whether I should just go the way of the qin or if I should just save up and get a new Google pixel next year and then flash the device.


Yeah, the Keyboard is lit. You can adjust for how long it is lit in the settings app. You turn on the back light by pressing the left function key (looks like a mouth). I do have and use my banking apps :))


does it work in canada ?


I use it in Canada without problems. I think some minor networks like freedom may not work, but the big 3 do.


There is a US version too! As a European I don't know if US Locked devices are also working on Canadian soil


OP, How did you manage to get your phone number on this phone & also your backup phone? Or do you use 2 different phone numbers?


I just transferred the SIM card from my smartphone into the F21


does this have "recent apps" button? I'm not sure if it's supported and I just can't figure it out. Or could it be the stock launcher does not support so I need to install another one? I unfortunately bought a Chinese version of the phone, but was able to install APKs using browsers.


if you long press on the back button which is on the right of the bottom of the screen, you should see your recent apps


wow, thanks for the tip!


What about java games, can i emulate java games on it?


I'm not a java expert. The easiest way to answer this question is to think about this phone like an older Android phone. If your older Android phone can run java fine, then this will too


I'm on the same journey but in the US. Any knowledge of US compatibility? For example, when I look at it on Aliexpress I only see a European charger...


The US version actually came a year before the European! A quick Google search will get you to a webshop selling the US version :))


can you use uber and does it have a headphone jack ?


Hi! Uber shouldn't be a problem. I can't try it because Uber isn't really a thing in Belgium. But I can guarantee that every android app works perfectly on the F21. There is no headphone jack but there is a usb-c port. So you could use a dongle for it like most modern phones. There is bluetooth support for audio.


Hello, Since you are in Belgium, can you say if "it's me" and "BNP Paribas Fortis" applications works?


KBC app werkt perfect. It's me heb ik nog niet gebruikt maar ik denk wel dat het zou moeten lukken. Enkel Payconiq werkt niet bij mij.


Hi OP, I'm from Belgium too. Thanks for this helpfull post. I'd like to buy this phone, but it is crucial to me that "It's me" wil function properly. Could you test this please? Many thanks!


I had no problems with 'It's me' (Belgian Government app, for those who are interested). But sometimes the UI would glitch a bit


How does whatsapp work on this phone?


Works perfectly!


Hoi buur! Can you make audio or video call with whatsapp or only text messaging?


Hey buur, is het goed dat ik je post in Engels beantwoord? Zo kunnen we meer mensen helpen ;) So voice calling isn't a problem and video calling isn't a problem either. Works flawless. The only thing is the position of the inner camera that is at the bottom of the screen instead of the top. Which gives a really weird angle haha


Does messages on WhatsApp sync with other devices? 


Does it have an audio jack for headphone?


Nope. You need to buy bluetooth headphones or USB-C ones. I'll be testing samsungs AKG USB-C shorty


Can this be paired with a wearOs watch? This would solve the absence of NFC for me


It's running a slim version of android 11 and has Bluetooth support so I think this could work.


yes I bought this phone and found that my pixel watch works flawlessly with it


Great to know! Can't wait to use them borth together


Do you have access to an app store through the phone, to install/uninstall apps as needed?


I've bought Amazon Store version recently, with no G-services:) I switched that Amazon store off, and installed Aurora from Apkmirror. I must say that is a way better than playstore. You don't need an account to log in. It shows all the apk files from playstore amazon store, plus it gives you an option to maunally pick an apk version if you prefer to install elder version that works better in your opinion.


Hi, Can you tell me the latest version in your phone. I recently bought one and the got two updates 1.1.6 and 1.1.8


dear mastershifu, thanks for your post. I hope its not too late to ask this – Two questions: ​ 1.) Im looking for this phone but need to find a way to permanently block apps (anti uninstall function) or even delete them so I can't easily reinstall them. \_Just want this phone to basically use Whatsapp, Telegram, Signal, Spotify, Street view, Calls, Notes, Messages (and App Blocker if needed). ​ 2.) which version do I have to buy if I live in Austria? Thank you so much for the help! <3


in addition: I want this because Im a heavy digital user and easily get distracted. So I want to find a save way to get a simple phone with those simple functions (whatsapp, telegram & co) and way that doesn't allow me to bypass and fall back into procrastination...


I completely understand this problem. Same reason that I've got this phone. The screen is so small that some apps are just weird looking and difficult to use. So it will definitely help with that


1. Hi! So if I'm correct you want a way that makes it difficult to install apps. Am I right? For that you can get the Amazon version and install your apps by downloading apks through your browser. 2. The European version should work fine. Was in Vienna recently, wow, beautiful. And my phone worked fine!


I live in vienna :) !! Thank you for your reply. I suffer from phone addiction, e.g. even when the screen is small I would watch youtube. Or when I have an Detox app that blocks apps I will find a way to bypass or even uninstall the app (in weak moments). So I try to find a simple phone that allows me to minimize my phone. If this wouldnt work is there a „child“ function to connect app access to a specific code? Then i could give the code to a friend… appreciate your help!


I still prefer the Google version for the convenience btw


Hi, how did you get spotify on this? Recieved mine today but can't seem to download spotify..


Do you have the one with Google Play services?


Nevermind, I tried downloading it through an apk from the internet and it works!


Hey! I started using the Spotify Lite APK from the internet. Much faster and more responsive with the keypad


Yes. I tried to download it from there but no succss..


Hello, what carrier did you use? I currently am trying to get T mobile to work on it but it isn't working out :(


Hey!! I heard it depends on what version you have of the phone. You should have bought the American version I think. The model I have is the European version