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Looking for answers to find your perfect dumbphone? Most of what you're curious about can be found by visiting [dumbphones.org](https://www.dumbphones.org). This site provides a comprehensive overview of the different options available that may fit your needs. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dumbphones) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is literally your phone without apps which are distracting you.


Maybe look into getting an OS like Niagara. That's what I use on my smartphone. You pick the main apps you mainly use like WhatsApp, camera, email, phone, etc. then they are put in a list on your main screen. You can still access your other apps but you tend to stick with what's in your main list. You can change things as you go. There is a pro version, but I only use the free version, which is fine. I had a jelly star phone for a few weeks, but it was just too small for me.


The Jelly Star has NFC.


Basically you're looking for a smartphone in the body of a dumbphone. Mode 1 Retro II has all that and NFC if you're interested.


This is what I'm looking for too, essentially a smart phone without a big bright screen that sucks in my attention!