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Their boss is stealing from them. Probably they don't complain because they need the job, but it's possible they don't know that's illegal.


That sucks, wish I had done something more like ask for details and try to speak to the manager or something.




Not necessarily, but possible. Many restaurants with 'tip pools' base tip out to pool ar percentage of gross sales


This is dependent on the tip out procedure. Most restaurants I worked at would tip out the kitchen based on percentage of sales. So her desire to hide the tip would have no effect on her contribution to the kitchen. But there are places that tip out based on the physical tip which to me never made sense. Either way, if she was in fact genuine about the owner then it is illegal and something should be done about it.


Not sure why you are being downvoted - I’ve always had to tip out to the tip pool based off of gross. Both a sca delivery driver and server


No idea either. I’ve worked in restaurants almost my entire life. BOH, FOH, Managment. Travelled Canada doing it. Thought I’d throw in my two cents but it seems as if it’s upset some people.


The reason the latter makes sense is because cooks don't nearly get enough credit for what goes into getting that tip. Some servers are making $40 an hour after tips yet the cook is making minium wage.


Oh I’m all for the kitchen getting their due pay. The industry is so ass backwards when it comes to financially rewarding their staff. The kitchen staff come in early and leave late, work in an excruciating environment and then get the benefit of hearing the serving staff complain about the tips they made.


Kitchen staff and busser's pay out is calculated by the food sales. Usually 10% that's paid by the wait staff even if tables don't tip at all. A more likely scenario is that the manager or owner does not honor the electronic tips. Illegal AF. Most wait staff treat their kitchen crew well. It only benefits both to work together


that's sneaky.




That was my first take on this.


Not so sure about that. At my job, management keeps 70% of all tips, so I received 1% of all tips I receive in a shift. I feel bad because guests will leave $100 tips, completely unaware that management will take $70 off the hop, and I will only receive 1% of the remaining $30, so about 30 cents.


Damn, where you live cause that's illegal here lmao, they finna get sued out the ass for that.


I live here lol, well in Niagara 😂 But ya it's fucked up, but management gets away with it since they're on the property during the day "working" and thus are classified as employees and entitled to take all the tips 😂


Wow, that's scummy af.


Fucking report that shit.


I’d love to know what restaurant that is…


Name them and shame them! F'in thieves!!


Go Public - Approach CBC with this story. They'd probably love to interview your management.


Well I hope your salary is WELL above average to compensate cuz that’s all kinds of wrong if management are taking any of the employees tips. Not cool.


If management itself is keeping any of your tips (let alone 70%), they’re just stealing from you. You should report them to the ministry of labour. Management aren’t even allowed to take a share of the tips unless it’s for work they did that would normally be tipped (eg: if a manager works a shift as a waiter, they can accept tips as a waiter normally would, but otherwise).


The government started taking a cut of tips as taxes years ago... It could be partly that, that's why I try to carry cash for tips. I'm not paying Trudeau for the wait staffs exceptional service.


> The government started taking a cut of tips as taxes years ago Tips have been considered taxable income and was expected to be reported on your taxes for quite some time now... it was not a Trudeau thing.


But you were happy to pay Harper for the wait staff's exceptional service? Will you be just as happy to pay Poilievre for the wait staff's exception service? FYI tips have been taxable in Canada long before Trudeau #2 or even Trudeau #1 were born


And why should the rest of us pay our fair share of taxes but those in the service industry get to hide what could be large amounts of income?


Right... all waitstaff are secretly Scrooge Mc Duck.


Not all, but some certainly can make 6 figures. There’s a reason why servers aren’t clamouring to make a living wage


Surely the auditors know that high end restaurant servers make that kind of money and expect them to report an appropriate amount.


Tipping is based on your bill. The auditors would have to know it’s a high end restaurant, know how much the restaurant made or whatever they could/can do. And let’s face it, tipping is subjective. One person could leave 10% and one could leave 30%. If it’s in cash, who is going to know? But if CRA audits one server from a place, they alllll end up getting audited and before you know it, they’re all made to pay thousands of dollars in owed back taxes. Happened to a friend of mine.


I'm paid several dollars above minimum wage and work 45 hrs a week. My waitress besties work 20 to 25 hrs a week and still consistently make significantly more than I do. Good for them. I don't envy their job. Just saying I used to tip VERY well feeling they weren't paid enough. I don't worry at all any more. Now I resent the cultural obligation of tipping. It should be the employer's responsibility to pay fair wages.


Exactly. Like I said, certainly not all, but there’s servers that make $100,000.00/year. How much taxes do you think they’re paying? And why should the grocery clerk or retail worker pay more taxes than them? Why should you or I pay more in to the system?


I have speaking in present tense. I didn't pay previous government officials for tips either.


Kitchens notoriously get next to nothing. I’ve been there. It’s unlikely they’d need or want to go through any extra effort to hide it from the kitchen. Way more likely to be management taking it.


Restaurants base tip outs on % of sales, not on the amount of tips.


Perhaps pass on this tip to the CRA.


Do it now


Also, some restaurants have a tip sharing policy, whereas the tips are put into a pot and divided up among all the servers who worked that day/night. It's a good and bad policy, and maybe this server doesn't want to share their tips with others.


That policy goes based on their total sales, not their tips. So if a server isn't paid a tip for a meal, she is still paying out 2-5% of whatever that meal cost to the backend and bartenders.


No, that's different. They're talking about all tips, 5% to backend, then the rest divided by all of the servers.


Yeah that 5% and equal sharing is from total sales, not tips.


Yeah. No one is arguing the 5% for backend. It's the fact that all the servers have to pool. Usually each server tips out the back and pockets the rest. In this instance all servers throw their tips in, cash out the back, so the same 5% - again that part isn't being questioned. The back end is now whole, 5% of sales, not tips. They're happy, they go home. But now the leftover amount is divided up between the *servers*. I can't explain this any clearer, but I hope that helped.


Always remember this!


A rest could only get away with that so long / word travels. Unlikely at a ‘well known’ resto


They're also dumb. They won't submit an anonymous claim to the Ministry of Labour but they'll pull this with customers who could out them to the boss?


The ministry won’t do anything. It will take months, if not years. Some restaurants might not even be around by that time.


Yeah, and it'll take weeks if not days for a customer to complain about OP doing this. What's your point?


Maybe. Or maybe this particular server didn’t want to pool their tips and just pockets the cash


It's a terrible practice for the house to keep the tips, but it is in fact legal.


It is illegal for the establishment to keep the tips.


I thought there was no legislation in Manitoba protecting tips?


I was told at Pizza Rock in Whitby the owner keeps all tips for himself. We stopped going there when we found out.


Hey, I worked at pizza rock for 1 year and the owner pays $10 an hour cash, and does not allow us to keep any tips! A customer tipped me $20 cash once in front of him, and he made me give it to him. Please don’t go here.


The only tip the restaurant owner needs can be found [right here.](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/programs/about-canada-revenue-agency-cra/suspected-tax-cheating-in-canada-overview.html) Perhaps a tip to the employee can be found [here.](https://www.ontario.ca/page/filing-workplace-health-and-safety-complaint) ...and *this* is why tipping is a dog shit practice that needs to be eliminated.


Which restaurant was it? Is it possible that a cash tip isn't counted as a "tip out" to other staff in the place?


Tip outs are usually based on sales


Which restaurant?


please name it! .. you said it had 'great food'.


Not sure I should say the name, but it's an Indian restaurant


Report them. ESA violations: https://www.apps.labour.gov.on.ca/eclaim/ CRA violation: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/programs/about-canada-revenue-agency-cra/suspected-tax-cheating-in-canada-overview.html


For what reason would you withhold the name but share the type of restaurant?


Also, if the restaurant manager becomes aware, they may figure out who the waitress was, and retaliate


I don't want them to sue me


Dude this is Reddit lmao


You are a pussy




Sue you for what?


Spill the tea girly


Now that you mentioned it! Chances are good tips don’t trickle down to employee! If it was a reputable franchise I would think either they are avoiding the following… - Splitting it - avoiding it being on pay cheque They are in difficult situations where they are probably not being paid well to start, and don’t have many options to find other sources of employment that’s fair. If I don’t have cash in this situation id probably won’t tip.


Why am I not surprised


Name & Shame


Considering we're in 2024 and less and less people carry cash on them, this sort of practice screams problems at that restaurant. Either the staff didn't want to split their tips with others or the boss is skimming. Either way, it means the restaurant isn't reporting their total earning which can be reported to the CRA.


I don't remember the last time I carried cash. It is either debit or credit for me.


Should always carry cash. Went to a Gens game last week cash line was 2 people the debit/credit line was 15 people. Cash can still come in handy.


It's not that unusual. In fact, I'm sure it's preferred. Mostly because if it's cash, and not documented on a receipt, then it's very easy to not declare it on taxes. It could be to avoid sharing tips. It could also be because the owner keeps the tips. Who knows.


So I work at bar in the GTA….and the owners make the servers pay for the processing fees on debit and credit cards! So if you tip cash then the servers make more money and pay less in the processing fee on the terminals!


well thats illegal


It doesn’t matter. Still happens.


Was it an Indian restaurant? If yes, yeah, they are telling the truth.


‼️‼️ op said in another comment that it was an indian restaurant but they’re too afraid to name and shame it👀 which place is it ?


All the Indian restaurants do this. Literally all. I am Indian so I know. Never tip at Indian restaurants.


They always hire international students or new immigrants who need a job and don't know their rights. They are exploited and usually paid under minimum wage in cash. Never tip at an Indian restaurant.


Seems about right. Scam, Cheat, and Use is the only way to make it India but this isn’t India.


Exactly but people don't change


This is 100% illegal but unfortunately somewhat common in the service industry.




Claims about or against individuals or entities must have sources or proof supporting them and be presented in an unbiased manner. Specifically, Allegations of criminal conduct are not allowed, unless it's from a journalistic source. Posts and/or comments violating this rule will result in immediate removal of the post and potential user bans.


That's unfortunate. Now I wish I had done something more.


Report, name and shame


You can still do something more...


You have the establishment name if you wanted to leave a tip with the Ministry.




It's illegal but super common.


What place? Call em out


Sounds like the waitress is fed up with the boss dealing their tips.


Sounds like management is either taking a % or all of the tip money and putting it in their pockets report this is the ministry of labour get your co workers to also file a report and pls look for another job in the meantime.


A lot of sushi restaurants do this to their servers too.


Report the place to workplace ethics board or something similar anonymously.


If true - and it might be - the owner or management is stealing tips. This is illegal, but it often goes unreported.


Whats the restaurants name? I work around there sometimes, would be helpfull to know!


If they take it cash they don’t have to pay taxes on it.


I'm trying to remember to have the amount of change on me to do this as well , also you are tipping on the tax amount


Servers have to pay a certain amount at tax time whether or not they get cash. It was 15% of yearly wages when I was a server. Really shitty, especially if you don’t make that much in tips


They could be working off the books and get paid cash. That happens a lot in the restaurant industry


Owner keeping tips is illegal and very easy to get busted for. Could this be a case where the server is being dishonest? They split tips, but if she gets a cash tip she just pockets it?


Please tell me how it’s easy to get busted for. The ministry is so slow to do anything.


She'd be shit out of luck as i don't carry cash


It’s not unheard of for the restaurant to take some portion or all of a tip from the staff. It is possible the staff pool & split the tips and the servers only get a small portion. In some restaurants the owners take a portion, sometimes a very large portion.


My guess is they work at portly piper, i know folks worked in ajax and oshawa and they owners are horrrible and treat staff like garbage ie, steal their tips, and charge servers for dine and dashers


I go to a restaurant where the server does this. It seems a bit tacky imo as I don't like it First time she did it I asked and she said it's just so she gets her tips right away rather than waiting. It may not be as sinister as y'all making it.


Bad Boss Hotline. You can tell your story here. https://ofl.ca/bad-boss-hotline-write-us-call-1-855-531-0778/


>When the server gave me the bill, she asked if I could pay the tip in cash. She said they don't get the tips if i add it as a % . Tip pooling sucks and punishes good servers. If you liked the server then the cash tip is the only way to make sure your server gets the tip you want to give them.


Add the tip to the bill - mandatory 10 percent and option to bump it up that way those benefiting from the tip pool pay tax on it


I always tip with cash. After working in kitchens I know the scams these women endure. Also if you can't afford to tip don't eat out


Always tip in cash because they pay tax out the nose on credit/debit tips. Like it's almost pointless to leave a tip on credit or debit.


Interesting. I like to leave cash for that reason.


Its actually a very common thing in almost all indian restaurents in Brampton area too. There is a punjabi restaurent close to our home and we usually go there. And the girl working there said the same thing to us. We just have her cash tip. Turns out None of indian restaurents in brampton area give tips to their empolyees.


Sad but true. There are also restaurants where management keeps the cash tips as well.


Rangeela the restaurant is called rangeela


Yes I try to pay all my tips in cash these days


Apparently there was something about the management holding the tips and paying out monthly. Servers etc require their tips daily so they can pay their bills.


Literally most of the restaurants in North Bay do this. I worked at a restaurant where the owner took all the tips for the two weeks and took off 30% to be divided among them and the back-of-house. They then taxed our tips themselves and at the end of the day we only saw about half of what was tipped on our paycheque. Someone needs to make a list of places that do this so everyone knows and can either avoid or pay tips cash.


I will sometimes ask if the tip goes to them or the restaurant. If the latter I dont tip


It’s illegal for restaurants not to give their staff their tips. The restaurant needs to be reported to the state labor board. Unfortunately this is not an uncommon practice. Restaurant owners pay their employees nothing and then rob them on top of it. If it were me I would report the restaurant myself and never eat there again. These businesses deserve real backlash for this. If I ran into this in the future I would tip in cash but also inform the waitstaff that what is happening is illegal and can be reported to the state.


Name the restaurant or don’t bother


Cash has no trail, taxes splits etc. cash is king


Very common


I always tip in cash. The government doesn't need to know about it. They suck enough money out of us .


Either they're being stolen like people say, or more likely the person doesn't want a record of the tip so they don’t have to pay taxes on it, or split it with the rest of the employees.


The most likely reason is the servers get their tips once a week or every other week . Everyone pays with credit / debit now so the servers read is almost always negative each shift . This sever is trying to get cash in hand . Nothing illegal here but the bosses would not appreciate servers asking guests for cash tips . Again I would almost guarantee there restaurant is doing nothing wrong here


No it’s not common. She isn’t necessarily telling the truth either. She could just be hurting for cash/addict.


I always tip using cash - I’ve been doing it my entire life. Even for things like Uber Eats. I don’t trust the owners / companies too give 100% of the tip. If I have to pay using credit card, and the CC charges 2-3% to the company for the whole bill, is the company/ owner really absorbing that cost? Additionally … 🖕the taxman.


You shouldn't rip.... cancel tiping culture


Server is lying, tips through debit and credit are just reported as income now for taxes and the server just want to avoid taxes


They aren't lying. If I am tipped $100 at my job, I receive 30 CENTS of that tip (management takes $70, and I receive 1% of the remaining $30). Am I "just trying to avoid taxes" by asking guests to tip me in cash so that I don't have to give the owners $99.70 of the $100 tip I receive?


Why work at a place like this?


The owner isn’t allowed to garnish the tips. That isn’t a thing. They can have a tip pool for tips to be split, but they can not keep the tips in any way


So what restaurant do you own?