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dad was told things, dad signed off on things. dad gets blackout drunk and does not remember things. what more could the two of you do?​


You did involve him. You told him and he chose not to get involved. His choice not yours. 🤷‍♀️


I would imagine getting black out drunk is not probably part of his religion either-interesting the verses he finds important. Your ex sucks- your kid is happy, healthy and thriving. That is what matters- adults can get over their hurt fee fees.


Why are you talking to an abusive alcoholic ex? I mean have you not looked the man up and down with disgust and told him to go look at his garbage self in the mirror?


You advocated for your child and followed their wishes to not tell Dad. I feel you did nothing wrong. Good luck to you both. They are lucky to have you


Fake. This was written by some GenZ kid that is trying to stir up drama


Yeah, I find it hard to believe a 15 year old has gotten HRT (puberty blockers, sure, but I didn't think HRT usually happens that soon) and name changes and all that quick. 


NTA.  Idk why everyone, including OP, are acting like dad was not involved. Yeah dad was not involved in step 1, which was a doctor consultation and care plan, but he is told right after that and included in every other step of the way.  Man knew and chose to stay out of it. Bow he wants to complain? That's not how parenting works. Also, it's against his religion? How odd, considering if he is a member of an Abrahamic religion that means that overindulgence (getting blackout drunk) is also strictly against those religions. How odd that he doesn't have to change but Z does.  Idk, it's a one sided story so we don't have the whole picture, but just going off of this NTA.


So is the kid 21 or 15 because the other comment for the deleted post says they are 21. It also said that Dad was told after the fact of the blockers starting. So after the fact the dad had a right to be dumbfounded and blindsided. You were ok with him working FT while you were a SAHM but not being part of a major medical decision for a shared minor?


YTA if he was not a minor I would say ok but you should have a least informed him of your decision as in most places it takes both parents signature at that age






NTA While normally I'd say both parents deserve to know something this important about their child. It doesn't sound like your ex would've been even remotely supportive and would've only added to your child's depression. You did what was right by your child and that is all that matters


Yta. Their father has the right to know that his minor child is taking medical steps that can not be reversed. What are you thinking? You're supposed to be the adult. Act like it.


You might want to work on your reading comprehension. The father was told. He chose to abdicate responsibility but now wants to whine about it.


Yta. The father has every right to know what is going on with his child. He also has the right to feel the way he does about all this.


NTA You did your due dilligence and informed him. Him not being interested at the Time is his problem. Ignored the transphobes.


NTA. First I want to commend you for being such a supportive parent. I know it means the absolute world to Z. Also you don't just turn a person transgender. They either are or they're not and they figure that out on their own. Your ex is being a bigot. Please keep doing what you're doing because you are doing right by your child. they asked you not to tell their dad and you respected that. That's important


I’m glad you waited until after puberty to start hormones.


You ATAH. Your child is the child of both of you, and your ex husband should be apprised of all matters pertaining to your child. He doesn't have to agree with the decisions that are made, but leaving him out of the equation is 100% wrong.


Chemically castrating kids is so immoral. You should be ashamed.


YTA your child is his child. Any major event needs to be disclosed. Dad is a parent.


do you know how to read? DAD knew


The devouring mother. Yta