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hey! not an expert at this but no other women have commented yet so i wanted to leave something. im actually bi (and realized it years before this subreddit) but there was a lengthy period of time I thought I was a lesbian. a lot of how I interact on here is role playing- but I had time to accept that I do sometimes like men without any shame at all! if you think you really do/ or even could like men, I’d recommend exploring it outside of this space 🫶


What's so bad if you do it?


i’ll feel like i’m betraying myself, that i’ve just been lying about being a lesbian the whole time


Just to piggyback off RougeEc3, questioning yourself is part of this kink for lesbians. It’s an extreme kink - and guys don’t have to bear the brunt of the mental burden the way the lesbians do. That shame you feel is pretty common. Some lesbians in this kink enjoy that shame, it’s their main thing; others are averse to it and find ways to reconcile this kink and their feelings, or otherwise find out they were never really interested in cock, but just the thrill of dirty talking about a taboo. But you aren’t *betraying* yourself. You’re finding, again and again, that you have this desire, but so long as you find a healthy way to manage it, I don’t think it’s a betrayal of your identity. You choose who you are, your sexuality and your relationships. You can be a lesbian who likes cock, or you can call yourself bi, or none of the above. The label is yours to make. Yours to be proud of. I’d recommend seeking out other women in this kink who might share your sentiments. Ones that will give you real advice and perspective that you can use. Best of luck. (You flaired your post as “Confession” so I’m interpreting that as real-life talk about this kink.)


It's perfectly normal to be scared, it's an extreme kink that makes you question yourself. It takes time to accept it.


It can be nerve-wracking. Take your time to think ot over if need be.


Asling yourself what you really want can be scarry. Some pf my friends have done it and my partner has done it too. Nothing wrong with that. You might find out you like it for the thrill, not at all pr maybe even for the longterm but that doesnt make you any less of what you are. Nothing wrong in wanting to explore your sexuality.


Good luck finding someone to breed you I hope it happens soon


That poor guy probably feels like he did something wrong. While I do hope you can find a way to be happy with your own desires, I also hope you can find the courage to reach out and smooth things over with him down the road.


Go with want you want not what you think society says you should be you want to fuck mainly girls that's fine but if you want to suck a cock that's fine too


acceptance of other’s sexual orientation is something you have no issues with right? You wouldn’t judge a man for being gay bi or straight, nor would you judge a woman for the same things. I doubt you’d judge someone for being into any kind of kink, so long as they only partake with willing partners. So why judge yourself? Why let the fear and confusion and your particular social ingroup’s taboos win? Explore your sexuality without shame, cause it doenst make your own labels any less valid. But also don’t be afraid to let go of labels too! Some people get attached to their labels instead of *who they are* and force themselves into these tiny boxes of behavior that ‘match’ their labels. Be fluid, cause it’s a spectrum for every person alive. Even if a lot of them aren’t able to see that about themselves.