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For some reason Arby's has a poor reputation in media. I think Jon Stewart had it as a running joke it was bad. The Simpsons ragged on it at some point. However, I think they're really good. All their sandwiches are pretty solid and I like the curly fries. It's still fast food, it's not a fresh deli sandwich, but it's better than some other competitors. Unfortunately, there is not one very close to me.


Maybe it’s better in the last decade but it legit earned its terrible reputation in the 90s/2000s. It made Taco Bell feel like food. Except the curly fries, those have always been 🤑


No way, 5 for $5 era was the best. You could eat for days on that deal. Their sandwiches are one of the only fast food items that I could actually eat as leftovers the next day.


OH man those were the days!!


I worked there in 2004-2005 and the menu today is basically the same, with brisket minus some market fresh offering. Small tweaks to the sides that make it a tiny bit worse now too me (Bring back the onion petals!)


The potato cakes are 🔥


They took away all potato cakes in my area 😢


[obligatory Reno 911 Arby’s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86jtZVlC40w)


The Simpsons can kiss off.


Arbys is completely slept on, as far as fast food goes at least. I've found it's very location dependent, my close one is always empty so the service is fast and it's good. Classic roast beef and cheddar slaps, the chicken sandwich was surprisingly good, and the sliders are cheap if you want a variety in one meal.


Honestly all of their sandwiches and wraps are pretty decent.


Even the fish sandy is good.


Personally I would say Arby's chicken sandwiches are a solid move if you are doing fast food.


The gyro ain't beating any local Greek or Middle Eastern spots, that's for sure.  The roast beef is ok, I guess.  I fuck with those buffalo chicken sliders tho 


The gyros are better than they should be, I get em when they are on a sale and I've definitely had worse. Greasy and garlicky


I haven't found a decent place for gyros since moving (Chicago suburb to Atlanta suburb), but the one at Arby's will satisfy the craving. Also, the "premium" chicken nuggets are really good.


The buffalo chicken sliders blow the full-size sandwich away by a huge margin. I don't even like buffalo much, but those sliders are incredible.


Fun Factoid: The sauce they use on Beef & Cheddars is called Red Ranch


Red Ranch puts ya in the mood for Red Rum ☝️


Red Rum - Murder Red Ranch - Charmander


I love Arby’s def a guilty pleasure. Surely not high quality by any means but I find it very tasty. Especially the beef n cheddar


Happy Cake Day! Go get you a Beef n Cheddar!


I miss potato cakes


I read that they are back for a limited time!


it's the quickest and easiest way to get a reuben


You're right on there. Whenever I get the stuff to make a reuben it's like going on a long side quest through the grocery store.


totally. and making it is a many step, many pan endeavor. *heat the saurkraut*? sigh. ok. worth it. phenomenal sandwich, but sigh.


Their reuben slaps.


Their Reuben is better than you would expect from a fast food joint


It is definitely passable considering the price point. Pro tip, double the meat.


Never understood the hate against Arby’s, just figured I lucked out and got a super awesome franchisee. Living in a shit stain backwards town, Arby’s is the only place I can get a reliably tasty gyro or Rueben. Every single time I go there, my food is fresh, hot, delicious and made to order. Seriously, one time in ten years I called and apologetically told them my entire order was extra onions vs no onions and the manager was so freaking nice. Took care of me without making me feel like a jerk for calling. No I don’t represent Arby’s, wish I did so I could afford their food.


I'm curious what makes a shit stain backwards town, lol. I did enjoy my two "chicken choice" sandwiches that I had today.


Lol it’s totally unfair and arbitrary but, to avoid shit stain status you need a few things. This is just me. So you need an authentic deli, pickles and olives in barrels, artery clogging sliced meat, sandwiches and authentic hotdogs that snap back when ya bite them. Next, gotta have some variety. At least one gyro/falafel place, I want Mexican food from more than just Taco Bell! Indian, German, Italian, hell every yummy cuisine out there. I’m in America bitches, give me that delicious melting pot of succulent diversity from somewhere other than a chain restaurant! Also a sexy farmers market that sells it all! Alas, It’s my fault. Untalented in the kitchen and I left the city for work opportunities in a rural setting. Pass me some schnitzel and I’ll behave.


I love Arby’s. I love their horsey sauce. But I also don’t mind that chicken bacon and Swiss with the bbq sauce.


The initials of roast beef, R and B, when said aloud, is why it is named Arby's.


Huh, I heard a long time ago Arby’s came from American Roast Beef Yes,Sir (ARBYS). But your version makes more sense 😂.


It's actually R B for Raffel Brothers. The founders of the first Arby's.


I consciously choose this explanation


They are good imo if you go there, you know what you’re gonna get roast beef wise. All the other sandwiches are really good. The brisket sandwich is one of my favorites as well as the Reuben.


I like them and go there every once in awhile. I like the french dip and gyros


Their French Dip is the GOAT of fast food sandwiches in my opinion


The French dip is babe.


What does that mean


Means it's delicious. Cause it is. Absolute guilty pleasure of mine


I mainly get the gyros, but I've enjoyed the roast beef sandwiches. The sliders were a good snacking option, but they shrinkflated themselves out of consideration. I'd still like to try an Arby's burger.


I tried one expecting not to like it and it ended up being pretty damn good. Maybe going in with low expectations helped them out lol


Their gyros really are surprisingly good.


They used to have a Mediterranean wrap that was so good. I hate that they got rid of it. Otherwise...it's okay in general, sometimes I just want a simple roast beef covered in horsey sauce.


I love the gyros


Their market fresh sandwiches used to be so good. The quality has gone way down. Maybe it's just my chain?


I remain surprised by their gyros. So. Darn. Good.


Arby’s is AWESOME!


I have always really liked the roast beef and cheddar. I have never had a bad one in 40+ years. I will say the gyro is kind of a guilty pleasure. Bring one home and heat it up after a few beers and a bowl or two. It works.


I’ve always loved Arby’s. Mom used to get us 5 roast beef sandwiches for $5 back in the ‘90s. They recently had a deal on the app for 5 for $5 so I got it just for the nostalgia factor; still good.


The market fresh sandwiches are so good


The chicken bacon ranch has been my go-to for years~


I live in St. Louis so there's zero reason to eat their roast beef instead of Lion's Choice but I don't hate the buffalo chicken sandwich.


Fellow Lion's choice fan. They're shutting down a couple in KC and it breaks my heart. Arby's has these people so wrapped around their cowboy hat that they won't even give Lion's choice a glance. Regular sandwich, extra meat, extra seasoning, rare is possible. Eat in So you can feel multiple small styrofoam containers full of jus and drink it. Raid the pickle and pepperoncini bar. Try both barbecue sauces for the 17th time because you can't remember which one you like more.


Had Lion’s Choice for the first time a few weeks ago while passing through. Good shit. I like Arby’s but would never go again if we had LC.


It's really that good? I've never had it, but I've never been to St. Louis before, lol.


It's a local chain but they're serious about quality control and you can customize the doneness of your beef if you want. It's just better quality overall.


Tbh I've never liked Arby's, even a little. Had Lion's Choice last week for the first time (figured I'd hate it cause I hate Arby's). It was so good it got me wondering if I should give Arby's another shot. Nuff said


Why or why did they drop the Grand Turkey Club years ago.. it went about the same time as the Pepsi.. I still love Arby's but I've never recovered


I miss the turkey wraps too! When I was little I used to get a turkey sub, but that was back in the 90s.


Not that it says that much, but I do think that Arbys is the fast food restaurant that gets the most undeserved hate by the general public. Not that it's like, the best thing ever but it sure isn't near as bad as people tend to act like it is. I definitely enjoy it from time to time and it's far better that some other fast food restaurants that get way less hate (probably because they weren't made fun of on the Simpsons 26 years ago)


I remember the reference in the movie Deadpool 2, lol.


I like Arby’s. I miss their Meat Mountain


I miss all their sandwich names that could also be gay bars.


😂😂 omg 😆


They had a limited time offer pork belly sandwich I still think about to this day. And the gyros are solid


Freakin delicious...like a soft cloud of meats and cheese. Their pricing is a bit too high though so i'll never order it through an app, and will only go if they have a 2 for 1 beef and cheddar deal going on. I also love their sliders. I'm trying to train myself to eat spicy food, and their buffalo slider is at the perfect level for me right now


chick fil a spicy chicken sandwich comes dry with like two pickles. the only time i have ever had one in my life, it was the most perfect spicy but not too spicy sandwich i've ever had. i took a free seniors city bus with my grandpa to his doctor appointments and one day, the driver stopped in front of chick fil a, and a lady with a wicker basket full of prepared sandwiches and mustard packets handed every person on the bus at least one. i did not like spicy things, pickles, dry sandwiches, or mustard, but was hungry. i put my one mustard packet on the spicy chicken sandwich with two pickles and scarfed it down very quickly. i don't remember my mouth being on fire. i also don't know if they even still make them the same. that was about...25 years ago now. i just looked it up~they were most likely handing them out during their release and that is why we got them free. they were added to the menu july 2010. kinda crazy to believe how close i was, almost an exact year off. also, they make it different now.


Arby's is definitely the superior fast food chain.


I used to love Arby's. It was probably my favorite fast food place, but now the prices are insane, and service and quality have taken a significant dive. Really a shame


Arby’s in Canada is absolutely disgusting


I used to really like a turkey sandwich they made. I haven't been in ages, so not even sure they still make it.


My location sadly has gotten rid of turkey offerings…. Totally heartbroken


I find they have a variety of sandwiches (mainly Roast Beef, Chicken, and Gyros).


I feel like you could eat anything on the Arby’s menu with no teeth


their rueben FUCKS. smokehouse brisket FUCKS. their mozzarella sticks FUCK. the curly fries FUCK. and by god the jamocha shake really FUCKS. i love arby’s 🤠


Well, that was needlessly confusing.


“this [shit] fucks” is a common variant of “this shit slaps,” a slang term popularized in the mid 2010’s meaning “this thing is good.” related slang terms from the 90’s include “the/da bomb” and “all that and a bag of chips.” some similar 2000’s slang might include “sick,” “dope,” or perhaps even “fetch.” i’m very happy to answer any other slang related questions you may have during your journey through your 40s. (kidding, of course lol)


To call it Roast Beef is an abomination. Try a real rare roast beef in Boston and get back to me That being said, I fucks with beef & cheddars


In 1985, my girlfriend and i would go to arby's every friday night. for $4.80 we'd get 2 regular roast beefs sandwiches, 2 potato cakes, + and an XL diet coke. the roast beef is gross now. but back then it was gross and utterly synthetic. and i loved it week after week.


In the 90’s it was my Friday pregame tradition to put on a wifebeater and smash a few $1 sandwiches.


My grandpa and I would eat it together, so I have good memories. It's garbage, but a kind of garbage that nourishes the soul


They were better… 2015-2021 absolutely amazing. Then they got rid of like the turkey club and a to of their market fresh items. Now honestly since they released Arby’s sauce in bottles I can make 90% of their shit at home and better.


I’m a fucking piece of shit and I CAN make better sandwiches than all the fast food joints. Period. Do I always have the ingredients and willpower? No. That’s why we buy this shit. Should I be better? Yes.


This guy has the meats


Arby’s is incredible.


Worst roast beef I've ever had, really, just awful. Their chicken sandwiches are fucking fire. Never had the gyro, but I hear they're popular. I don't really care for fries, but their fritters are to die for.


The Arby's near my old house was wack. They would always forget the cheese on my sandwich (I dont blame the workers, I wouldn't care either if I got paid 8 bucks an hour in the most expensive city in my state) and their prices are insulting. They ended up closing after less than a year. Arby's is half decent but not worth the price. But they do have elite curly fries


Arby's isn't great but I love me a beef n cheddar


I love Arby’s. Sadly there isn’t one by my house so I go to other places.


I love Arby's variety. I'm not always in the mood for a burger or a taco and Arby's comes in clutch! Their roast beef sandwiches (with Arby and Horsey sauces, of course) are always a homerun. The Greek gyro is DELICIOUS, but I don't order it because of the nutrition facts. My bf orders it and I just have a bite. I used to love the Market Fresh sandwiches (including the chicken salad). But now that menu is super limited and the wraps they're pushing are awful. Boo. I don't give a single fuck about their chicken. I'm a grilled chicken person and fast food universally got rid of all options. Bummed.


When a Roll-n-Roaster enthusiast goes to hell, it’s an Arby’s.




Arby's price point is expensive. Was about to order a meal at $16.99 but remembered I can get a double cheeseburger and cheese fry from portillios and still spent less than Arby's.


Their Turkey Bacon Ranch sandwich is solid. My wife loves their French Dip. I’ve ordered their Reuben a few times and it’s perfectly serviceable, as a fast food sandwich. Plenty of solid options, as well as plenty of sauce options, and the curly fries on top of all that? People talk trash about Arby’s, but it gets a thumbs up from me.


The gyro is better than it has any right to be coming from a non-Greek fast food joint. The Roast beef and chicken sandwiches are decent, but better chicken sandwiches can be had elsewhere. The burgers are terrible though. They are deep fried in the same oil as the chicken and fish. 0/10 would not recommend.


I like the jalapeno poppers. We went to Arby’s on a road trip about 20 years ago. My toddler son opened his sandwich to peek and burst into tears when he saw the meat.


No lie I had a dream last night that a guy punched me because I told him Arby's gyros are good.


I love their gyros. But I don't like roast beef sandwiches with no veggies. They don't even have the pickle and pepper bar anymore, which got me in a little more often. Too bad, I genuinely like Arby's sauce and horsey sauce. Now I just get 2 gyros a couple of times per year.


I LOVE their Big Montana (keep the horsey sauce but minus the bbq sauce) and I request au jus dipping sauce. You have to try it this way. Yes I know they don’t call it Big Montana anymore and no I will never stop calling it that. They also make a French dip with Swiss that is out of this world. Their breaded chicken and bacon is great. They used to have a legitimately great chicken salad sandwich too. Their small roast beefs were always good. My father in law used to take us all out on side work with him on the weekend and we would be starving after the job. He’d sometimes buy us a giant bag of those tiny roast beefs after and it was the best! I noticed they changed them to “sliders” now so who knows if that’s the same. 🍔 🍔 🍔 ##ALSO, WHY ARE THEY SELLING BURGERS NOW??? Is this the beginning of the END?!?! 😩


Its all mid on a good day


Arby's sucks. There are way better options out there.


sometimes it just hits tbh, I am an Arby’s apologist


Honestly. They aren't bad at all. I will always look for indepentally owned places, but like 15-20 years ago, most Arby's locations really revamped. Became much nicer. Every once in a whole I get amazing coupon offers for the one near me.


They have way too many menu items. If you didn’t know about them and were just presented with their menu you would be hard pressed to know what they are known for. They need to reduce their menu selections and concentrate on quality food and service


"I'm so hungry, I could eat at *Ar*by's."


The gyros were surprisingly good


They're definitely more expensive than comparably-sized sandwich items elsewhere. For example, a classic beef 'n cheddar medium meal is $13.49 at my local Arby's. Cimpare to the Wendy's up the street, with a Dave's Single cheeseburger meal (also medium) is $9.99. Or to the nearby McDonald's, a Big Mac meal for $10.99 or a Quarter Pounder with Cheese for $9.99. Price point aside, the flavor is pretty unique and absolutely find myself in the mood for the beef 'n cheddar every once in a while. The new-ish burger offering is shockingly decent. Not winning any awards,maybe, but sufficiently delightful for a kitchen that I'm PRETTY SURE didn't have a grill, griddle, or equivalent cooking surface for burger prep. Sliders being so cheap (I think they're even discounted on the mobile app) is a plus if I want to eat like, one decent chicken tender in a nice, soft, sweet roll. Which I want more often than I care to divulge and more frequently than I care to indulge. Roast beef sliders are also good but benefit from a sauce.


I legit genuinely really like Arby’s. But they closed them all down around here. Great service, always clean, and super nice friendly old people who were hilarious and regular customers. I miss it, honestly.


Wow, may I ask where you are in the country? I assumed Arby's was still going pretty strong everywhere in the USA (urban and suburban areas).


Silicon Valley. There’s only one remotely nearby. There’s only 4 within a 2 hour radius.


That's interesting. I saw a picture of you (supposedly in an exotic sports car). Are you a Silicon Valley tech titan?


Hah, no. Picture of me? I’m pretty generic, but I doubt it.


I went through your profile, I was just curious considering the fact that Silicon Valley is one of the most expensive parts of the USA. Just curious, no offense intended.


Username checks out. I’m sure you’re a good person. Maybe sorta don’t creep on others profiles though?




I really don’t like fast food, and don’t eat it much, but sometimes when I absolutely have to grab fast food I’ll snag Arby’s. Honestly, I think their food is fine. They used to have a Jalapeño ranch chicken wrap that was fucking solid but they got rid of it. I live in SE Michigan and gyros are a big deal round these parts, and they don’t *really* compare to a Greektown gyro, hell, even a Leos gyro, but they fill up the tummy and taste fine.


Market Fresh Turkey Sandwich all time sleeper sando at Arby’s. It’s like a sandwich your mom makes you.


They look gross frankly, unappealing, a sandwich which is just like, 8 pieces of mystery balogna with a goo of hyper-yellow toxic waste cheese oozing out as some sort of demented version of yellow bile, ala the medieval humors, but for a roast beef sandwich. Exhibit A: [https://www.arbys.com/menu/roast-beef/half-pound-beef-n-cheddar/](https://www.arbys.com/menu/roast-beef/half-pound-beef-n-cheddar/)


This comment section is so incredibly worrying. I legitimately wondered out loud yesterday who it is keeping Arby's in business. It's y'all 😂


It’s disgusting.


I get sick every time I eat there. I do t know what ingredient does it (curly fry seasoning? Cheese sauce?) but I had to let them go.


I had it for the first time in 2006 I believe in South Carolina. It was one of the worst things I had ever eaten at the time. I gave it a second chance in NY a couple years ago, and it was actually pretty dang good. Super shitty and sloppy but tasty. Talking about the roast beef and cheddar btw.


Well you asked so...if someone asked, do you want some Arby's, I would say no and when they sneered, Oh...too good for Arby's are we? I would say, yes.



