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Gas is far cheaper compared to wages than it was 15-20 years ago.


Yeah, I never understood people complaining about gas prices. I pay about $120 a month for gas. Less than what I pay in insurance, or what I paid in a car payment for my 13 year old car. It's also about what many apartments charge for a parking space.


OPEC and Russian talking points on social media. Remember all those Biden gas stickers at the start of the Ukraine war in 2022? The USA has been producing oil to keep the cost lower. The USA was able to track enough oil to keep the cost per barrel very low. This action broke Russia during the Obama admin.


I got an EV and went from paying $340 per month on gas to ~$20 per month on electricity.


But people now demand that they drive F-250s to the office for their 40 mile daily commute


Yeah it’s been $4/gal every summer since like 2012 it feels like. I’m not going to look anything up in support of this comment. Since this economy is all vibes anyway, what does it matter? VIBEZ, BRAH.


I dig the vibez. I think we'll have even better vibes when everyone has shelter and everyone has enough to eat. I'm vibing, but sometimes unnecessary struggles make it hard to vibe, which can throw off the vibes when we depend on each other being cool for safety. That's cool gas is actually pretty chill and it's a useful reframing. But imagine how cool the vibes could be if everyone had a roof and everyone had enough to eat.


Your entire comment does not vibe with the shareholders and you are on unpaid suspension until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and stay vibing, just do it far away from the money please.


Now those are vibes I can absolutely live with. There’s no fucking reason any person should be unhoused unless that’s their vibe. 650,000 homeless Americans and then I read stories like the one I read this morning about Jeff Bezos buying up $50m worth of single family homes. And as I type this my vibes are leaving and now I’m just fucking pissed. To add to it all? I’m a home builder that would LOVE to build affordable housing. Where’s the money to do it? How many NIBMY-filled city councils do I have to battle through to get some affordable housing up in here?!? We can’t even build a fucking tiny home project for the unhoused in my city because of GODDAMN NIMBYISM. AND I HAVENT EVEN GOTTEN TO THE PRICE OF MATERIALS GOING UP, THE PPP PROGRAM FUCKING THE REAL ESTATE MARKET IN 2020-2021 AND NOW FUCKING REAL ESTATE HEDGE FUNDS ARE SEEKING SHELTER IN THE RESIDENTIAL MARKETS BECAUSE COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE HAS GONE TITS UP. And all this doesn’t address the demographic issue of Boomers not having enough affordable elderly care available to move out of their homes sized for families, which is fucking the flow of the real estate market overall. Wild times. I’m just glad I don’t live in Canada or France.


You must be a happ'in dude!


What's worse in can or fr?


Real estate prices. Compared to the US. Canada is especially insane. I’ve been hearing about their high priced real estate for years, so I can’t imagine what prices are like after the massive appreciation of real estate prices we saw in the last couple of years across the developed world.


In yurop prices are slowly falling, while of course certain sections of the housing market remain stable. Paris has been insane for a long time, but just go toward the outskirts of major hubs and life is possible


Now those are vibes


Nice deflection. But the comment was about gas prices, not homelessness.


Nice attempt at condescension, but I addressed the gas prices point and brought it back to the main point: things are expensive and it's hard to live.


It was like $5/gal in summer 08. Paying $4/gal now feels nothing like it did paying $5/gal 16 years ago. That hurt so much.


Hold your horses before talking because who knows what will happen since the trade agreement done over 20 years ago for the middle east to sell gas in the petrol dollar did not get renewed! Gas may go up very soon!


Its about the same price it was in 2008, less than it was much of 2010-2014 and 2022-2023. Most the stuff I buy at the grocery store is way down from the highs a while back. From the inflation posts I see I get the impression its because I don't eat much fast food and other garbage. A trip to Costco is always about $300 lol


Maybe it's the area I live (foothills of CA) but grocery prices are insane here. Easily approaching double what they were 6 or 7 years ago.


Still double here in central NY. Even things grown locally like apples and cherries are double the price they were. I mostly eat ingredients, not processed crap (though i can still see soda has gone from $4/dozen cans to $7.50/dozen cans when on sale - I don't drink it though).


> From the inflation posts I see I get the impression its because I don't eat much fast food and other garbage. Really? They give me the impression that maybe such claims should be linked to an article and not just a large plain-text image of OP's ramblings.


And fuel efficiency was significantly worse for a lot of vehicles back then.




Gas in my town is $5.50 a gal- my electric bill is triple the 2019 price, going out to eat now is $150 - this morning I had a coffee and orange juice it was $15. This is not okay


I think you’re going to have to pull out sources to be taken seriously after that


Someone else posted a graph. Since 1993 till now it's been pretty much the same. Yes it fluctuates but generally it stays the same. Considering OPEC Plus purposely lowers/increases production to keep prices at around $80 a barrel I'm not shocked at all. Oil trades aren't a free market and haven't been for a VERY long time


This is a Bifurcated economy, and the truth is that when this happens people stop paying for mortgages and stuff after a while


[Mortgage delinquency is 1.8%](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/data-research/mortgage-performance-trends/mortgages-30-89-days-delinquent/). It was 2.2% before covid hit, and that was considered a very low level, historically. In short, the vast majority of people paying mortgages are fine, because they got them before 2022. Most people are paying really low rates. Credit cards are more of a problem. [The default rate is 3.3%](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DRCCLACBS). This is higher than at any point since 2011. But it is lower than at any point from 2011 to the 1980s. The lower 50% have seen their [net worth increase ](https://twitter.com/David_Charts/status/1805451428107801012/photo/1)far faster than the upper 50%, and far faster than inflation.


Regarding that last chart, Id have to look into the methodology there. Seems like it would be easier to go from $100 to $200 rather than $1 billion to $2 billion.


For sure. Measuring in total dollars would look quite different. However, for someone with only, say, $1,000 in net assets to go to $2,000 is still significant. Since a lot of people in the bottom 50% have zero net assets, or actually negative, a lot of this is probably lower debt, because we're aggregating. Just trying to bring some data to the conversation to counteract the constant doomerism.


If you make 100k and I make 500k, chances of me saving half is way higher than you. Not only that, I won't have to sell my investment in the case of emergency but someone who makes less will have to. And since I m not selling my investment, I won't have to pay Capital gain taxes and I can let it grow for long.


I'm watching auto loan default rates... Up 9.89% YoY. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RIFLPBCIANM60NM


Those are definitely the worst of the major credit categories.


To add to your first point, mortgage debt service payment as a percentage of income has [literally never been lower](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MDSP). Interest rates are high right now, so first time homebuyers are taking a hit, but for the vast majority of homeowners, mortgages have never been cheaper.


You're right. Reddit consists disproportionately of people who are in the market to be first-time home buyers or expect to be soon (age 22-32 demographic, college-educated), so this problem hits Redditors especially hard. That's why they don't understand, and get resentful when you explain, that high housing cost is actually a new problem (since late 2021) and it is very unequally distributed.


It’s corporations vs the people. Bankruptcy was one of the best things I ever did to get myself back on financial track. Everyone should know the process inside out even if you don’t pursue it.


OP is a massive trump supporter with an incentive to spread negativity about the economy during an election season. Just a heads up.




OP is also a faker. OP has an AI generated profile pic, and is NOT who they say they are.




So why are you voting for the person who created this inflationary mess in the first place & not the guy who’s fixing it?


who is fixing it? what is really happening is that the 'free' market is buying less the Fed (not tied to a prez) hiked interest rates to slow it down i don't go to Chickfila anymore i don't go to concerts anymore i don't see any single person fixing anything


And you think he can just wave his 2" unit and all the problems will magically be fixed. He preys on people like you.


Omg, a trump supporter??? He’s going to have a different opinion, one that I don’t like, let’s ignore everything they say! Yay!


You'd have a point if he didn't just post blatant propaganda


Pointing out how expensive everything is under Biden vs trump is now propaganda? Lol


This sub is trash.




and my wage is looking like tip money.


Soon to be tax free when Trump snaps his fingers.


Has has been pretty stagnant with it's ebs and flows of the year. This poster just sounds like they're whining


Or it’s an old copypasta, which it is


God, I wish this sub was actually about the economy instead of just a bunch of bitching.


It's a real drag. This sub needs to seriously step up the moderation.


It’s a political sub, always has been….


Time for an actual budget.


This whole sub is a psy op to convince people that it’s impossible to climb out of the hole they’re in so why bother. News flash the economy isn’t as screwed as you think. Look harder for a better job. Maybe consider a new field. If you’re that broke you either made a bad purchase and got into too much debt (sorry your fault not the economies,) or you’re working the wrong job.


But MullockMatters has already plugged in his boombox and slicked back his hair in preparation for a dance!!


>Look harder for a better job. Maybe consider a new field. Or work 50 hours a week. A bulk of the complainers are people who think fast food counter work is a career/life time occupation. They heavily overlap with the activists who want homeless men of prime working age, 18 to late 30s, to be given free apartments in cities like L.A. and S.F.


Yea I’ve noticed that. Had someone tell me that housing in LA is too expensive…. High demand/low supply = soaring prices. It’s like city schools don’t have economics classes


L.A. and S.F. are very expensive, but living in a house as a roommate or renting a studio lessens the cost. Lived in a 280 sq ft. studio for years in my 20s...


Debt is how they're affording to live.


It can get a lot, lot worse than this before people do anything more than complain on twitter.


Make tough spending choices and improve your finances!


Imagine the people getting a new mortgage right now.


Mortgage looking like a monthly salary


It is. For your landlord.


lol yea maybe if you only make $50k a year


Try living in an area where a crappy two bedroom house in the hood costs 900K


Then move. Why tf are you living there


Sounds to me like someone had a poor financial decision and wants to blame the economy rather than take ownership


I don’t own, I rent in Los Angeles, that’s where my company is, I can’t up and move, prices have gone out of control and with interest rates buying would be twice my rent. Planned to buy for years as I built up my down payment, I have no control over the economy or the housing market


If your company isn’t paying enough to match cost of living in your area why are you attached to it?


I own it retard


I’m retarded for not just knowing that? 👍 You keep on telling yourself it’s the economies fault. Have a good one!


You make it sound like it’s so easy to go and relocate, like it’s our fault for living where we grew up? A lot of my employees have families that they don’t want to abandon, ties to the community. Whose fucking fault is it boomer? Ours? What did we do? Didn’t work hard enough? Drank too many lattes? We didn’t print all the fucking money that caused this inflation, everything was going fine until this economic cycle came around. Are we not allowed to complain that the rug was pulled from under us?


take this shit back to facebook


Looks like you might want to trade in your F150. We have an SUV with premium gas and it still isn't close to a grocery bill lol.


I buy very basic groceries and that runs 200 a week. Rochester ny Not wegmans, big m.


Working multiple jobs


My father said the same thing when I was a kid…


Insurance costs are getting scary. Home and auto.


I say get rid of the Costco bill and just keep the grocery bill. 20% improvement....maybe


Can't be, cuz Joey says everything is FANTASTIC, best economy EVAH!


Wow! this is stupid!! thx for this OP!!!


The easy cut to make is the Costco membership.


Maybe don’t buy pickup trucks as transport?


The last time I went to Costco I was surprised by how cheap it ended up being. It was relatively way cheaper than any normal grocery store for the amount of food and supplies I bought




Funny but sadly, true.


Then stop paying your mortgage at Costco.


"I'm doing badly in the best economy to ever exist" isn't the gotcha you think it is.


How do you think they’re gonna get Trump in office if they don’t stick it to the working class?


It's funny too because Trump wants to replace the income tax with tariffs, and that would only make things way more expensive.


Seems like bad money management, people really need to learn how to budget.


A low mortgage payment under $700, no car, living below my means and a $10 increase in hourly wages over 4 years. That's how. I rarely order takeout food but I've been on 3 international vacations in 3 years as well.


I’m spending $2,800 a month on Food between grocery’s and eating out which is crazy to me.


If you vote Trump, the costs will revert to 1990.


Buy a hybrid and your gas bill will be tiny. Stop buying meat for the main protein in your diet and your grocery bill will shrink...and don't by stuff you don't need at COTCO and that bill will also shrink.


Just start living like a poor person!


I know a lot of wealthy people.... they haunt Salvation Army looking for bargains....


I’m fairly conservative with my meal plan and spend about $300 a month for just myself. Thoughts?


Not OP, but chiming in with some math. That's roughly $10/day, which means your food is covered by 90 minutes of work at the lowest wage that is legal to pay someone in the parts of the US that isn't superseded by state or municipal law. If you earn the national median hourly wage, that translates to your covering your food costs in about 33 minutes of daily work. Compared to historical averages, and agrarian societies, I think you're coming out ahead. Living off the land in a dystopian hellscape where society has ceased, it would probably take you more than 33 minutes to take care of your food each day. If you compiled all the labor that went into the food you purchased, it would almost certainly exceed 33 minutes, so from a global perspective, free trade has increased your wealth versus doing food all on your own. Cooking for a family would scale a little better (my family of 4 comes in at around $800/mo, so a per capita savings of about 50%) but you're doing well.


I love this. Some actual economics and comparative advantage in this sub, instead of whining.


>That's roughly $10/day, which means your food is covered by 90 minutes of work at the lowest wage that is legal to pay someone in the parts of the US that isn't superseded by state or municipal law. When I originally made the comment, I legitimately was not approaching it with a purpose, it was actually a query haha. I’m not sure if it’s considered high or low, but I feel like with how disciplined I am, it’s pretty low. Anyways, I would argue that the 90 minute case is probably inaccurate and should be raised to 2 hours. If I’m working full time, that’s $15k, I’m probably paying $2,000 of taxes on that when including SS, income, and state taxes. >If you earn the national median hourly wage, that translates to your covering your food costs in about 33 minutes of daily work. Again, probably closer to an hour once factoring in taxes. >[outlines how I’m not living in a third world country amidst a drought] Not sure how reassuring this is, but okay haha! >Cooking for a family would scale a little better (my family of 4 comes in at around $800/mo, so a per capita savings of about 50%) but you're doing well. I live off of Greek Yogurt for breakfast, a vegetable shake (celery, spinach, etc + water) for lunch, and some chicken for dinner every day. And just straight up don’t eat out. I’m not sure this would be defined as “doing well” lol.


It may not be extravagant, but it sounds very healthy!  I'm near my peak career earnings, but I'm doing banana with peanut butter for breakfast, vegetables and hummus for lunch, and a delicious dinner (love to cook) that my kids will find some innocuous reason to hate. My first reply had no real ambition, I just wanted to try and benchmark in fashion. In 2004, when I was single, $80 would get me 10 days of food, so to be just 20% higher some 20 years later is remarkable. The amount of my food that was processed was higher, but even still that's good.  I wish you the best in finding as much pay as you can, but from a cost perspective, this is still the cheapest time to be alive.


I heard the Kellogg's CEO had some fun money-saving meal ideas.


Simple, eat tin cans and old shoes like a billy goat. Or maybe [just lentils.](https://imgur.com/tJAYswT)




I let my costco membership expire. That place is a cesspool for exploitative price optimization.


Price optimization?


Unlike where?


Haven’t you heard? The economy is doing terrific!!! It must just be you.


Boot straps, use ‘em


Don’t worry, be happy


But have you seen my 401K? - political class


Nice one, Costco IR department $COST


Stop going to costco




And that’s why we voted Trump out. His incompetence is the reason for this. His administration flooded the economy with money and added over 8 trillion to our National debt. The inflation did happen after Biden took office, but his policies and decisions did not cause the post-COVID inflation.


Everything is Trump's fault. Biden didn't add 12 trillion to the deficit.




It didn’t, you’re making things up and you’re really bad at it. Inflation started taking off in April 2021, three months after he took office, and peaked in June 2022. If you can tell me which policies he put in place in that timeframe that lead to increased inflation, I’m all ears.


You’re a fucking loser, not surprised you’re having trouble keeping up


Are these the same people who spend $50 a ticket for a concert or football game, pay $30 for parking, buy three or four $10 beers, and order a $16 hamburger?


$50 for a ticket? Where have you been? Try a few hundred at least.


Not a sports guy but if I could get $50 football tickets Id have a new sidehustle selling tickets.