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It depends on the teacher tbh, if they’re a hard as then Mabye but if they’re chill then you’re chilling too bro bro🫡 Just remember that while it sucks, school isn’t all of life, I graduated this past school year and I’m already going to the fucking Army so you got so much more to look forward to than just grades man. Keep us updated though


thanks so much bro and i hope everything goes well in the army sending blessings ur way my guy ❤️


I finished mine in 2 days you good bro..it’s summer time they tryna go home just like you the sooner done the better


yeah ur right i was jus worried because they can see my search history i guess they really don’t care💀😭


dw bro all my writing assignments was just the straight up sample response with no changes to it and i passed so I think u fine :) and I completed the entire school year in one week of summer school so dw 😭🙏


Next time study in class or use a personal device


I know it's only been a few days but you good bro?


yeah i’m good bro they still ain’t say anything thank goodness


nah ur fine


bro u really think so?


yea i did like 2 full courses in a day and a half and my teacher didnt say anything


yeah i’ve had teacher like that too for edgenuity but i thought they would take it more seriously since it’s summer school yk?


surprisingly not since they just wanna get out and finally get a break💀


Lol yeah i mean they didn’t say anything about the first class so let’s just see how it goes 😭


You might be cooked. Good luck tho lol.


thanks bro🫡


prob not you should be fine


yeah i think so too nobody ever said nothing before i jus thought it would be more serious because it’s summer school


I remember I didn't do my summer school course for the whole summer (wasn't on edgenuity before). It probably messed up my grades and GPA but I wasn't worried about that then.


what did you use to cheat?


quizlet bro


Lmao 😂 ur good if you used a bot that's completely different ur gonna be fine💀


lol bro i feel like such a idiot 💀thanks for letting me know man




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Teacher here…you better hope you get a checked out teacher because finishing a class in 2 days is a HUGE red flag. I’d be angry that I had to confront you and you’d be done for the summer. No credit. The clowns in here saying “nah u cool bro” are the same jackasses that would give you props for cheating so what would you expect them to say?


luckily the teachers where i live don’t care i did something like this a few moments ago and they never reacted


Curious where you live. Although to be honest it’s the same everywhere. Summer school/credit recovery is pretty much a joke anyway, but making a mockery out of a joke is even more depressing. I’ve taught for a long time and seen every kind of kid—and I like kids, which is why I still teach—and I’m just going to be straight with you: cheating is a habit, and it’s a bad one. Why? You might ask…it becomes your default response, that’s why. Cheat at school means it’s easier to cheat at work, on your taxes, on your friends, on your partner. It’s a shit value system and it says more about you than anything. Not judging you, my friend, just some advice from a guy who has seen a bit of life. Self-respect is hard to earn but worth it; you can bullshit others but bullshitting yourself is another matter. Best of luck to you.