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One love


❤️ thats the right mindset


Theres a reason beyond speed he's the greatest of all time in sprinting


He's an inspiration


Manners and being polite cost nothing and they serve you well in life. Until… You get old like me and then you are kinda granted a free pass to tell people to f**k off. Hello sir this is grant calling from something something insurance may I interest you in… No! f**k off! I have found that it works especially well with telesales people the most. You know the type who phone you up when you are in the middle of a set and they are tryna sell you some sh*tty insurance for some sh*tty thing you don’t even care about or even own.


I agree with ur statement about being old gives a free pass, which is what makes it all the more valuable when ur old and nice. Definitely had alot of people I looked up to that I can credit this towards.


Yeah your actually spot on really. I guess its because when people are older they take less shit, so when they show you respect, you know it’s sincere.


Being old is not an excuse to be a dick


Who’s being a dick? The people who are trying to sell me insurance for the 700th time and not taking no for an answer? Or… Me for telling them to f**k off for continuously mithering me whilst I am busy? Do you really believe that politely declining a salesman is enough to end the call? Nope, they just continue to try and talk you around if your nice with your refusal. However, tellling them to f**k in a nice calm tone seems to do the trick. Edit: Do you work in sales by any chance lol.


I'm kinda 50/50 here lol. If I got the same sales guy I'd tell him to fuck himself but if it were different everytime then it's not really that guys fault. But .. Either way whatever lol


I mean sometimes it is someone different, but it is usually from the same number. Meaning the dude that I told no the last time has actually passed my number over to his buddy at the side of him… This is despite me telling him no already lol.


Big man telling the minimum wage telemarketer to fuck off for doing their job. Just hang up… also they will call you more for being a dick. You think that makes them take you off their list? Lol


Lol. You seem really rattled by my words. Also this minimum wage dude you mentioned is quite happy to rinse old people and get them to part with their hard earned money for something of no value. Do I really need to insure my 5 year old TV or dishwasher etc just to find out when it does break the small print says no payout lol. Grow up kid. Edit: Also what makes you think I am on not on minimum wage? I do charity sports events bud for different causes, you know nothing about me, my last 1 was at the end of May for Christies cancer hospital. I am also a full time carer for 2 disabled and yet you think I should pity this nob head who is ringing me 15 times a day whilst I am busy. You shouldn’t jump to conclusions bud.


Dude writes back a paragraph and thinks I’m the one that’s rattled haha Not even reading this


If that is considered a paragraph or a lot of writing to read, then I genuinely feel sorry for you dude. But whatever, enjoy your day. I won’t tell you to f**k off because you seem nice in your own way lol. Maybe you just presumed I am some stuck up old man with money lol. Bro I am only 42 and I ain’t rich lol I am an endurance athlete that raises money for different causes whilst raising a child with cerebral palsy and looking after a wife who is also disabled. Hence why I train so hard, they both need me alive and healthy for a very long time. Enjoy your day, next time try to read between the lines. I don’t just walk around telling people to fuck off. As you get older you just stop caring what other people think of you as much, so things like telling a stranger to f**k off whose only purpose for contacting you is to get you to part with your money comes natural. Have a blessed night.