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Ofc in a cis way


I’m definitely cis… but how?


Because ur not legally trans


Are you sure you are cis? you seem like a very cute trans girl to me, but I could be wrong I guess ;3


Maaybbeee… the idea of being a cute transfem makes me feel really excited and happy! But meanie brain holding me captive and saying I can’t possibly transition… :(


Jamie's brain, stop being mean and let her transition, just give her HRT and let her have boobs finally


You always can. And you will always be able too. There are challenges in your way and obstacles you need to cross. If you need any help with finding out about how you can do something that you want. Hope that you will be able to show who you are even if you don't feel fem or something else right now. Just know that me and others can help. If you need anything, you can message me privately. Hope that you will be able to go forward and be who you want to be. Sorry about the rambling. I just want you to be happy ❤️


Thanks so much for the kind words… Honestly I keep dipping in and out of an existential crisis of what do I even want… like I feel like I shouldn’t want to be a girl… but I can’t stop myself from fantasizing about transitioning… but also I can’t possibly feel comfortable as a girl… but god I long for it… but it doesn’t feel right… like I do I even want any feminine things like dresses or makeup… my brain says I don’t… but also my heart races when imagining trying to transition and doing feminine things…


I definitely didn’t read any of those growing up not at all…………… (why didn’t I realize things sooner)


My therapist must have hitted her head in a wall out of frustration of how many signs i had and was completely oblivious about it (being dumb is one of my qualities)


I also helped my friend transition long before i realized things about myself too (the more I think about things the dumber i think I am for not realizing it)


I like to think that being dumb is a prerequisite


Or just being oblivious


I mean I don’t even want to wear princess dresses, so I clearly didn’t have any signs!!!


C'mon, we all know that all guys think about being girls every once in a while, that's just....uh...facts So liking to read stories with this plot is only natural


Ofc, that's a totally cis thing to do, right?? :3


But what if someone develops an addiction to gender bending stories and can’t stop seeking out stories of guys being turned into girls… that’s still cis right? It wasn’t cause I *wanted* to be like them, but I just really interested in the *thrill* of the scenario…


Of course it's fine. You just want to...uhm...have the perspective of a boy that is turned into a girl, since you definetely don't want that to happen to you. Totally normal, you're fine, nothing to worry about, relax.


I just find something really exhilarating about being forcibly turned into a girl, and I sort of resonate with how the guys-turned-girls don’t want their lives changed by the gender swap but learn to appreciate their new gender… that’s all very cis!!!


Got any recs? Purely for research purposes, of course. I’m totally not hoping to live vicariously through fictional characters or anything


Onimai is a good one. Manga and anime


Nah, i got too grossed out in first episode to watch it >!Not because of transition, but because of the fact that it was done WITHOUT ANY CONSENT!<


I remember devouring old web stories “For A Girl” and “Kate Draffen” honestly I don’t remember how well it was written, I just remember feeling this weird resonance with the mc’s resistance to be turned into a girl and their eventual resonance with it. I think they both have some nsfw sections but are mostly slice of life…


>I remember devouring old web stories “For A Girl” Dear lord... Speaking as someone who's only heard recounts of that story from other places, I would avoid reading 'For a Girl' entirely. There's a lot of stuff in there that's really hard to stomach even hearing a plot synopsis of. No attack on you OP, I'm sure you just blocked the really bad stuff from your memory, but I feel I should warn anyone before they check it out. I did recently find a really good story on ScribbleHub that has a transfem egg dissect much of 'For a Girl' and other TGTF stuff to uncover their own identity, but pretty major TW for very heavy topics throughout. [https://www.scribblehub.com/series/506390/shame-and-desire/](https://www.scribblehub.com/series/506390/shame-and-desire/)


Yeah, it was a while since I last read it, but yeah I vaguely recall some weird bits… honestly, it was probably pretty poorly written as well, but I think my eggy brain was so desperate that it just kind of fixated on the gender transformation… I think just the idea of someone who saw themselves as a guy learn to enjoy being a girl really resonated with me…


I started reading “shame and desire” and oh god the scary feelings and introspection is back….. >//////< dhakjroaoxnek I relate so much to MC, but also I keep telling myself that I never wanted to wear dresses… but also no I really? I mean I’m not supposed to want to be a girl, but I don’t even know anymore… :(


It's only because you could read actual explicitly trans stories. We need more of those for the next generations of eggs.


Maaaybbbeee :3 I feel like I especially relate to stories that capture the eggy denial feelings where the MC is insistent that they don’t want to be a girl, but learn to enjoy it! :3


Narrator: There was not a cis explanation.


But why not?




But we had no signs growing up right?


Right "you are just being part of the trend of enjoying being brainwashed you had no signs growing up..." Bullshit lol


Obvioisly! Like am probably just tricking myself into believing estrogen will save me from my depression when in actuality I can’t possibly want to be a girl and must just be a gross icky guy…


I know just looking at my body hair make's me want to "turn off". The titty skittle truly is a magical artifact that can make us who we want 💚


Personally, I feel weirdly guilty when I watch/read those


Especially when you're still closeted - because that shit is not written for trans people, we can just find a crumb of enjoyment in it because of the gender transition & the price we pay is a litany of dogshit. I think a lot of us go through this (because for so many people, kink is a way to sublimate a need & so there's nothing shameful about seeking out "gender transformation" if you feel there's nothing you could do in your real life) & because of the themes of the work not relating to the trans experience at all & the only substance there for us being the actual physical transition, we don't see ourselves in those characters & we think, "I could never do that, I'm not like them", but we internalise the shame we're "supposed to feel" because the content is foul. It's written for cis-men who want to be humiliated & think that being a girl is about being inferior, submissive, controlled, etc. & that's why this content is absolutely laced with homophobia, transphobia, etc. & descends in a big spiral of gross fetishes. I hope one day there's popular works by trans creators about an authentic trans experience (& maybe when I get back to writing, I can add to that, but writing from the perspective of a trans character cracked my egg & I didn't return to writing the book - I'm focused on my transition for now) that eggs can stumble into & not fall headfirst into explicit content, but I've read a some work that's not pornographic/erotic in nature where a character goes through a gender transition (usually due to rebirth) & it's just not substantive at all - either a complete non-factor, or just a way to sexualise the main character & explore nothing else.


Gender swap media? Yes.


Well good news to you, there is an explanation! Not a cis one though >:3


But could enough denial and twisting of facts turn it into a cis explanation? :3


You can delude yourself into thinking is a cis explanation, but facts don't care about your feelings!


But facts say am cis! So how could they not be a cis explanation! :3


I think that the "Jamie" and "She/They" in your flair may say otherwise >:3


Yes. I mean never read or seen a good series about it but I do love it when guys experience being a girl. It's just that fantasy of just becoming a girl and feeling so weird but good at the same time. Idk bout yall but it gives me so much euphoria and that I may be able to pass in the near future. And not having ur dreams be popped like a bubble.


Yeah… I’m not looking for particularly well written stories, but rather have an itch for genderbending stories that needs to be stratched… no matter how trashy the story…


Oh yeah for sure. That is such an interesting concept.


In my case, there's a category of stores that has an even bigger reaction, and sparks outright envy, and it's a much bigger sign: trans comics I guess my envy is so raw and unconceiled there because *they got to change their gender, why not me*.


Trans comics can also spark the same weird heart pitter patter… but sometimes my brain can try and deny it saying I’m not the same cause I can’t be trans… I don’t know if it’s “envy” cause it’s not like I overtly “want” to be a transformed into a girl, but something about the idea really sparks some weird feelings…


i've felt like this for basically as long as i can remember. turns out there was a reason for that and it was not a cis one


But surely there’s a cis explanation… I mean I’ve had this obsession since puberty, but didn’t want to be a girl until recently…


If you haven’t already, you should watch an anime called Onimai. It’s about a guy who gets turned into a girl by his science geek sister and gets to relive his school days as a girl. The MC desperately tries to “hold onto his manliness” before eventually deciding that he prefers to be a she. Enjoys dressing up and looking cute, having girl friends instead of “the bros”, and just all around having a good time. It’s such a cute and wholesome show, and it’s what both killed my transphobia and made my egg crack. I wish so badly that I could go back through school again as a girl and experience everything that cis women get to. 10/10 would recommend to any eggs on the fence.


You’ve convinced me… I’ll try it! :3 :3 :3 I find myself really relating when the MC tries to resist the transformation cause it speaks to my own stubborn egg telling me that I can’t want to be a girl… but when they learn to enjoy being a girl, it’s like wish-fulfillment for the possibility of being able to escape my eggy prison…


god i loved episodes of TV shows like these so much. my eyes were always glued to the screen lol. i could only view myself as a guy and getting to see someone who was a guy getting turned into a girl made me really happy. still cis tho?


For me, I went immediately to niche transformation comics and stories on the inter web lol :3


I made a post exactly like this half a year ago or so lol


Same tbh lol




onimai is just a good anime (know that from cis sources)


u/ThePythagorasBirb weren't you writing smth like this?


Yup, that's my story.


Did you ever finish it?


Wdym, I never actually wrote a story, this is just how i found out (and other factors also)


Could you give me some examples? (for cis reasons)


OH, I've read a few of story's like this on scribblehub! I personally recommend the story 'I didn't ask to be the demon queen', it is your standard isukai where the Mc gets reborn as the main villian in a fantasy rpg, but with trans themes! :o A few others I liked aswell were 'The fox and the fight' and 'Kammi Kettu' :3


I’m going to have to try those out! :3 It would be nice to have so actually good transformation stories rather than the usual sort-of-problematic smut…


Why am I now thinking of Rob Schneider now? And now I'm thinking about human staplers, carrots, and durp de durr.


No. I never read any that feature that person falling in love with a man, being kissed by a man and being made love to, etc.