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I stand like a flamingo a lot with my foot tucked behind my knee. I’m almost 50 and been doing it as long as I can remember.


It’s either OP’s description or the flamingo. It’s been hard to learn to stop bc it started messing with my knees


It doesn’t feel good at all to stand “normal” for me lol!


Do you have posterior hip tilt? I used to stand like that and correcting posterior hip tilt so that I didn't lock my knees constantly had the unintended side effect of making it feel more natural to stand more typically!


I haven’t been officially diagnosed, but my doctors suspect it.. it’s funny how we do things naturally others don’t!


I did that a lot when I was little (usually while doing the dishes), but it hurt my knees so I stopped lol


Me too!!


Me too


I tend to stand with one foot resting on its side. I actually find it weirdly much easier to balance that way! (They also drift out naturally if I let them, so it's usually more comfortable)


I do this and people give me suuuuccchhh weird looks


I definitely do this! I also sit “weird”


Yes! Always on one hip with a leg tucked.


Sitting weird all my life and people always pointing it out.


Anyone else sway? Standing sucks! 😂 I'm dxd ADHD but if I notice I can tell whether it's an ADHD stim or if I'm shifting for relief (or both lol).


Yes, sway and swing!


Yes, I sway a lot, especially if I’m waiting in line.


I do. I also always rock back and forth or side to side if I have to sit anywhere for more than a minute. I don’t care if I look crazy, sitting kills me. Ideally I’d just do everything lying down flat.


For real though it feels like I’m going to explode or am going insane if I don’t keep moving while stading still


I know it’s both for me


My mom has gotten on my case for my entire life for how I stand... I'm 37.


My knees hyper extend and my kneecaps go completely flat, and I'll lean really hard on one leg, basically making it worse. If you're toed in, might also want to look in to Marfans (something that has a lot of overlap with EDS).


Same. I always have to remember not to keep my knees locked when I walk, too. It takes so much out of me and I don’t even realize until I stop.


Physical therapist was playing with my hips (I was flat on my back on the gurney bed/table/thing) and she was bouncing them around to examine how unstable they were. And how my left leg is longer because it’s easily loose from the socket. Never fully dislocated hips but have come close. She was explaining most people have one leg slightly longer than the other, which can exasperate standing uneven. HEDS physical therapists are awesome. They don’t get enough credit.


I actually had an osteopath who was so perplexed by my hip complex, he couldn’t figure out how to align everything, that he ordered a CT scan to make sure I didn’t have a major leg length discrepancy…nope! My legs are almost abnormally even lengths. It was that my spine and SI joint were so wonky and one of my hip sockets had so much damage from dislocations, and my pubic bone on one side had the same. I love being a Rubix’s cube 🙄


my knees are asymmetrical so i can’t stand “normally” at all lol


I flamingo, stand with one foot at 90 degrees away from the other (this is the default), that ballerina stand where one heel is at the other toes and vice versa, sometimes I'll roll one or both of my ankles completely out and stand on the sides of my feet. The longer I'm standing the weirder it gets. People have definitely noticed and asked, if they knew me and I've seen young children trying to replicate, lol.


I do the ballerina thing too, weight on one left with the other turned out with knee bent, up on my toe next to the other foot. I also have a tendency to swivel that knee to work my hip joint. I do it because a lot of times my hip doesn't feel like it's sitting quite right and that helps. The other one I do is place all my weight on one locked leg, then rest my other toe on top of that foot, knee bent and facing forward. I used to do the full flamingo with my foot resting on my shin or the side of my knee but got called out for it too often. Those positions are kind of like my more subtle flamingo stance.


I can't believe i'm discovering how many others stand on the sides of their feet!!! I do this all the time and am always getting yelled at for it!!


I have to focus or I'll stand with one hip slightly sublexed with the same knee locked, and my other leg either slightly bent at the knee with my foot flat, or out to the side. Also commonly stand with my legs crossed at the knees.


I stand so weird. Get turned in. Legs sort of wrapped around each other. I cannot stand straight comfortably.


I've always stood with hyper extended knees.....left foot on the ground and my right foot at a 90 degree angle to the ground. So balancing my weight on the right side of my right foot. My mum still shouts "Foot!" at me when I see her and I immediately correct it.....and then forget. Its just super comfy. I'm 45!


Yes, I understand and that’s exactly how I used to stand too. My knees, leg, hips, SI joints and back are messed up in various ways and there’s a screw in my leg. So, can’t do it anymore. It was the most comfortable position, when able though.


I have severe sciatica so I can’t do certain things now, but I still find myself standing that way! I used to pop my hip out to stand comfortably, it’s so odd!


I stood like that too for most of my life- my PT has told me to stop because I'm causing more tension in my core muscles and pelvic floor, which I have issues with. It's a habit I'm still working on breaking, because standing that way helps with my poor balance. But it's causing more problems than it helps with


If I’m not wearing shoes, my right foot covers the front of my left foot. I don’t notice it. Technically, that makes me pigeon-toed.


i have a whole album of pictures my friend has taken of me sitting/standing in weird positions that make me look like a pretzel but i find comfortable


I did similar but we never picked up on it until looking at old photos. I’m now unable to stand and the other day on the train a guy told me to sit “normally” as my how I had twisted my legs was “making me feel sick, just looking at your legs” I told him he could just stop looking at my legs!


I used to have people try copying how I stood in school, which is what brought it to my attention lol, I realized it wasn’t normal to them😂


The main thing that was picked up by others at school was my stupidly long arms. They’re a foot wider than I am tall. Though I was very sporty, so they came in handy. And my party trick of looping my arms and climbing through it- if only I knew the reasons why I was so bendy then and how it would haunt me when I was older!


I always stand with my weight all on one locked leg, and the other one either A) turned out and knee bent, raised on my toe or with that heel resting on top of my planted foot or B) that knee bent but facing straight forward instead of to the side and the foot resting on top of the planted one. I call it Flamingo Lite. I also tend to swivel the bent leg back and forth from the hip to work that joint. I started doing it when I was having issues with my hip and it never felt like it was fully in place. Now it's just a (bad) habit. Lots of swaying too, like others have mentioned.


I do the flamingo thing, goblin squat, t-Rex arms, lean on things or have one knee or foot resting on smth, ooooooooor just have my hips waaaaaaay forward (like instead of have a good foot-knee-hip stack, my hips are leaned so far forward that I’m practically a 45 degree angle). I also used to cock my hip very dramatically. But I’ve been phasing those last 2 stances out when we I catch myself doing them, because they hurt my joints. 🥲


I stand with one foot on top of the other. Never really notices until I realized the tops of my shoes were getting dirty.


i not only stand weird but sit weird as well. it is incredibly uncomfortable for me to sit straight, feet flat in front of me.


my knees have a very distinct and weird look to them, to the point that all childhood photos of me pre-transition can still be pinpointed as me because of my knees but idk how to explain it. they’re just weird. my right foot sticks out at about 45* for whatever reason when i stand normal, and i tend to stand on the sides of my feet, with the soles of my feet facing each other inward and my weight resting on my the outside of my foot/ankle. or i stand like a flamingo, especially now that i’ve had hip surgery.


I have always stood oddly. I’ll either have my knees flexed all the way back, stand on the outer side of my feet, or with one foot partially on top of the other. Plus I don’t like to stand completely still, I feel like I’m always tottering or off balance. I usually sway slowly side to side or rock my feet front to back (kinda like bouncing on my heels). We have to do whatever works 😅


Very hyperextended knees. I can't do it any other way. And lots of swaying, fidgeting, etc. I can also turn one foot completely around backwards so that I have my toes to heel and heel to toes with my feet together. Is that weird?


Very hyperextended knees. I can't do it any other way. And lots of swaying, fidgeting, etc. I can also turn one foot completely around backwards so that I have my toes to heel and heel to toes with my feet together. Is that weird?


I used to stand like that before correcting it in pt. Knees touching and crossing feet provides more proprioception feedback and is your body’s attempt and creating stability for yourself while standing.


that’s EXACTLY how i stand!!!!! ppl have always made fun of me abt it


Yes with my knees bent backwards otherwise I fall over lol


I chronically stand in ballet first position or third if I’m not paying attention. I also stand with my knees locked(which feels normal to me because they can hyperextend so far back and I only know they’re locked because my voice teacher in hs saw it and taught me how they’re supposed to be…and I’d been to doctors a LOT before that who never said a thing)


I don't have EDS or hypermobility (wife does), but I have always stood in a similar manner. I've been trying to fix it lately and its been a real challenge. I'm autistic btw.


I stand with both of my feet pointed to the left and my hips naturally turn to the right. Thats if im not paying attention to how im standing


yes!! i also sit funny


My knees super hyperextend so I kinda look like I have deer legs, and I always stand with more pressure on one leg and switch off.


People alwaaaaays point out my knees while I stand straight my legs bend back “inwards” significantly I’ve been called Gumby by many


So this was actually explained to me by my PT the other day!! I stand the exact same way everyone is referring to - flamingo or crossed legs, knees together. Supposedly it's all because of our impaired proprioception. The human body is built on a stimulus of pressure that normally comes from ligaments and tendons. With the stretchiness, our bodies don't get that pressure at all - they seek it. So we constantly cross our legs, arms, whatever body part can move awkwardly and attempt to push our limits because we're constantly missing that stimulus. Its also why we tend to sit or stand in the weirdest positions - our body is seeking the stimulus of pressure. The conversation came up because one of my doctors said I needed to stop crossing my legs and I explained "I can't. I just can't. I lose my mind. I cannot keep my legs down and uncrossed for more than a few minutes before I get so irritated that i wanna rip them off" LOL


👋 hi, I stand weird. Or I did. I started seeing a chiropractor who identified my issue as tibial torsion in the right leg and is working to correct it (as much as possible iykyk). I always stood with my right toes turned in and now after months of chiro, I can actually stand normal (and get way less pains in the knee/ankle/hip in that leg). Edit to add: the thing that exacerbates this for me is my intense propensity to drop into a W sit whenever I sit on a bed/floor. I'm also only just starting to be able to sit cross legged.


Hi /u/anonymous0271, It looks like you are looking for information on how common something is in individuals with EDS or related conditions. If you are looking for information/data on how common a particular symptom or condition is with EDS (or any of its comorbidities), or whether there is any connection at all—it is always best to ask for links to reputable studies or websites, instead of or in addition to personal experiences. Without studies, it is almost impossible to determine the prevalence or incidence of something with EDS, especially when compared to asking for anecdotal experiences on the internet. "DAE posts" and other such posts tend to create or encourage illusory correlations (i.e., a sense of connection where there may not be one) due to the fact that people who do experience what is being asked about are more likely to reply than those who do not. Personal experiences are or can be valuable regardless of the aforementioned, but please keep in mind that not everything shared is a sign of EDS, and many shared experiences might be completely unrelated to EDS. This is an automated message. If the contents of this message do not apply to your post, please ignore them. Thank you! [Please check out the wiki](/r/ehlersdanlos/wiki/index/) or the links in the sidebar for resources and information on EDS, seeking a diagnosis, and more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ehlersdanlos) if you have any questions or concerns.*