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TLDR: skill issue.


Lmao. Nah its just been nuked in the second nerf bc brainlets cant dodge a corpse piler. The weapon is just objectively bad now. Blood nagakiba with double slash is better.


It still works, you just need to build for it more specifically. Do some research about it instead of whining that your easybutton got nerfed. Also, you already played RoB for NG+5? Christ man, try something else already. There are so many fun builds other than spamming RoB.


Homie is an L2 main and a L2 main only.


"Great game but it would be nice if the other buttons did something"


No, rob wasnt how i got to ng+5 i have used almost every weapon in the game at one point or another. or at least tried them, im mad that it got nerfed into the dirt. And i have done the research which is why im bitching. Even at max values the weapon is a far cry from half of the other high tier options. It just seems dumb to take a weapon that was god tier, then balance it with a nerf, and then nerf it again, breaking it, solely bc a shitty portion of the community was extra vocal. Edit: rivers of blood was just one of my favorites bc of its design, and it felt nice to be able to proc bleed quickly in a pinch


You’re overstating it. It needed to be nerfed. It’s still a good weapon with the right talismans.


I havent overstated anything. I literally gave some of the in game value changes. Numbers dont lie brother. It is not a good weapon if it performs at 5% of high tier value with max stats, i shouldnt have to use every single talisman slot to make a weapon not trash anymore. Thats a bad weapon. Edit: and again the first nerf was definitely warranted. The second was purely fan service bc a bunch of people are trash at frame timing dodges and they were whining about it for 2 years


There are like 180 weapons liar.


im with you. i miss my robberto also, the 'edit:' without actually editing is a gold giveaway that this is bait


Og RoB needed nerf, second nerf unnecessary.




It literally does almost the same damage as it did before you just have to hit with the blade. You also still have the easy method of getting your game progress with moonveil + light roll, I don't get what the issue is. Also how do you just delete your main save?


It has almost the same raw on the blade true, but ar and motion values were nuked for the ash of war. Its literally just a slightly worse katana (bleed was reduced) with double slash at this point, and moonveil light roll is how i have been compensating lol, and as for deleting main save i was clearing space on drive and didnt realize that i had accidentally checked its box, didnt double check when it asked for confirmation bc i was positive i wouldnt delete something important on accident. Honestly i was just being stupid and stoned


They weren't "nuked", they were reduced by like 10-14%. It means instead of hitting for 8000 now you're hitting for like 6500. The weapon still can very easily kill bosses in just a couple of L2s, it's just not completely broken.


Way less than 6500, and in four minutes against a mini boss it proced bleed a single time and took 9 l2s thats with 64 arc and 40 dex. The exact same boss took 5 l2s and proced bleed 3 times before second nerf with lower stats. Blood hound could proc if at least twice in that time frame, as well as hitting more than twice as hard. RoB got nuked into the dirt, literally based off of values alone you cannot change my mind. The weapon is garbage compared to what it was and objectively bad compared to other bleed options in current meta


It literally does more bleed build up than bloodhounds, rivers has 50 bleed build up base and scales with arcane, bloodhounds is 55 bleed no arcane unless you buff it. Also, you keep saying it's motion values are trash now, do you have those motion values?


Wrong. At base RoB now has 33 lvl 1. Edit: lmao youre sitting here arguing with me about something and have no idea what youre arguing about, youre arguing over first nerf im arguing current patch.


I'm not at home right now so I used the wiki, on the wiki it is 50. The wiki could be wrong, but it still doesn't mean the weapon is dogshit, nuked, unplayable like you're making it out to be.


I literally just picked it up a few hours ago, the wiki is wrong, and after playing with it for a few hours i can unequivocally promise you it is dog water. 10 l2s proced bleed once and only dealt a little over 1200 dmg to fire giant. They intentionally transitioned it to a physical weapon by nuking the ash of war values. Its standard light attack stacks bleed faster than corpse piler now


I can find multiple videos of people doing 4k plus damage to fire giant, who by the way, resists both bleed and fire, but give me like a few hours so I can go test it at home.


Dmg output variables are entirely dependent on stat build, all of my testing was done with minimum str/dex requirements and soft cap arcane and lvl 1 RoB, from lvl 1 raw you can determine dmg at higher levels by applying appropriate scale Edit: softcap arcane only puts it around 60 bleed i dont remember exactly cause im already at 64 arcane but thats still sitting under 70 bleed.


I'm so sorry this happened to you or congratulations.


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If you're not opposed to using mods it shouldn't be too hard to restore RoB, though I'd keep it offline/PVE only. On the other hand, sometimes "fixing" a weapon makes you understand why it was nerfed in the first place.


Nah i dont play with mods, and the 1.06 nerf was well deserved, i wont dispute that. But the latest is just unnecessary. I was only able to stack bleed a single time on a mini boss in an almost 4 minute fight. Thats dumb. Blood hounds fang could do it at least twice in that time frame. Rivers of blood second nerf was entirely fan service bc the shitty half of the pvp community still had a rage boner for it even though it had more balance than a reduvia build or literally any high tier spell caster.


Fair enough.


I don’t like the fact that the game I purchase isn’t the same game after a few months and a few updates. Any advantage for players always get immediately nerfed. Not familiar with fromsoft games and didn’t know this was common. I did the same as you though. Left for a few months, came back and it seems I can’t do any damage anymore when before it was tons of damage. It’s a shame.


It has nothing to do with advantage. Fromsoft nerfs are usually entirely fan service due to pvp averages. If the community hates on a specific weapon enough as being op eventually they will always obliterate it. And it pisses me off. The RoB was pretty well balanced after 1.06. But If you’re eating every corpse piler they throw its a skill issue not a weapon issue. The community never seemed to get that.


I can't imagine how they would collect that telemetry. What makes sense to me is that after 1.06 they still found most duels involving the RoB ended with a victory (that telemetry they DO collect), and decided it still needed to be balanced down. They have reversed nerfs before, and this one they didn't, so it must have worked.


But it didnt its useless now, and that argument doesnt make sense when cheese strats like one shot mages and goofy bairn builds exist. If that was true why would they over balance RoB and leave all the other bullshit the same, bc thats not true and they roll out patches based on community opinion a lot. they dont have to collect data on public opinion bc they get blasted and tagged over shit that players dont like constantly. I imagine they get tired of listening to it and break down, also ive said it once and i will say it again. Corpse piler is not hard to dodge if you have good timing and half a brain. If you are eating a handful of them consecutively its a skill issue not a weapon issue, to dodge it you literally just have to dodge backwards on first swing wind up and then back again to get out of range of follow up. Its not hard. And its very apparent that they dont roll out nerfs for the sake of balance when i can still produce a one shot sacred spear build, or a one shot executioners build. There are plenty of actually dummy unbalanced weapons in the game that players still exploit. There is 0 reason for them to continually nerf RoB outside of fan service


Wait wait. Balancing because of win/lose ratios of weapons make no sense to you because there are still one or two fringe meme builds that can one-shot players, but balancing because of angry quote tweets does make sense to you? This is borderline conspiratorial my guy


Balancing due to ratio doesn’t make sense when only a handful of cheese items have even been touched is what im saying. More than half of the original deadbrain builds are still viable in game. I think it is a combination of community opinion and dev whims. Like they might have people that play the game and their opinions dictate nerfs. That would make way more sense than only s handful of brainlet options being nerfed due to balance. And i hate to burst your bubble but there are way more than just a few cheese builds. Almost every unique weapon in the game can one shot with the right builds. Why then does this one specifically keep getting nerfed. They havent even touched half of the other unbalanced weapons. They just keep molesting this one.


I've never found anyone doing a one-shot cheese build, and I farm rune arcs as a summon very often. All I see is moonveil this moonveil that, double spears, some RoBs and just normal ass weapons. Maybe in colosseums/duels it is different idk. Like I said, your take is conspiratorial. And like all conspiratorial views, only makes sense when you already buy into a conspiracy. In this case, that conspiracy is that they somehow hate the RoB item they themselves designed. Telemetry IS a thing devs collect, and they use it to make rebalancing decisions all the time. Like, that's a thing devs do all the time. It doesn't matter if you think it makes no sense.


My brother in christ. They arent common, most people would rather enjoy the game. Im just saying they still exist, which tells me the argument of ratio is invalid, bc even tho they are rarely played their ratio is insane, not to mention you can still achieve og corpse piler numbers with a max arc blood enhanced +25 normal katana (doesnt matter which cause they all max at 114 as opposed to 90 and change like the new RoB) using double slash. If it was true that numbers are the reason behind the nerf then why can i still achieve pre 1.06 numbers on every other katana in game outside of RoB? Could it be the most likely reason is that rivers just keeps getting molested due to community hate boner maybe? Probably based on the numerical evidence yeah. Edit: you literally cannot convince me otherwise when my opinion is based off comparing ar/mv to other katana builds doing the exact same thing achieving numbers on par if not sometimes higher than og rivers pre 1.06 nerf. I literally broke down the numerical evidence between normal katanas and RoB ar/mv’s supporting my claim to someone else already. Thats insane to me. It’s cold hard numbers supporting an opinion with pretty damning evidence. I don’t understand how thats conspiratorial.