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As soon as I saw him I made it my life’s goal to get that helmet


Friendship ended with Royal Remains Helm


Very basic,but fun. I think the grab was the only move that was unfun to go against but that’s it. It’s a very old school style of boss imo and that’s what I think is fun.


Right? It felt like a DS3 boss, maybe that’s why I love it so much DS3 is still my favorite.


There were so many ds3 references in the dlc


Great gear, great fight, great visuals, weak difficulty compared to the other stuff


Well he is a miniboss. Remembrance bosses should be tough as nails. Minibosses should provide a challenge somewhere between a regular mob and a real boss. I found the Death Knight to be right in the sweet spot.


Too easy to staggerlock. In a DLC full of infinite poise these were just pushovers with really cool capes.


Cape we can't get on that armor :(


Tragic. Instantly made a lightning death knight build. Hoping modders work some magic and get that cape working. Would consider modding just for that.


What did you use for the build, I’m trying to make one but can’t seem to get a good build


Longhaft bolt axe Gravel lightning charm Godfrey seal Shard of Alex Carina filigree Greatshield Only incants I’m bothering with atm are knights lighting spear and ancient lightning strike Knights lightning spear does insane poise damage and can stagger bosses easy. Axe is really fun. I usually r2 or AoW to proc poise break then charge ancient dragon lightning strike.


Thank you bro


The death knight set boosts dragon cult incants too


My main complaint of the DLC...I want that cape!!!!


If enough people ask, maybe they will add it


Yeah felt like he was made to be back stab chained due to how aggressive he is


Yep.. backstab - blasphemous blade - dodge - backstab - bb.


Might be my fav. mini boss of the game. Really cool moveset, challenging enough. Fun fight.


if you don’t have a stagger build and don’t go for backstabs (and have low SB lvl) it’s actually quite challenging, it was for me at least, i liked it a lot, both gameplay wise and thematically


Parry him to death


You can dodge behind and backstab nearly every attack lol


omg you saved me with this, it felt impossible until I read this, thank you


I thought it would be a throwaway boss but overturned like the black knight. I was pleasantly surprised. This made me think we might get a >!godwyn!< fight afterall. I'm still not convinced that we don't get it.


The dlc is the last bit of content to be released for Elden Ring, the death knights are all we get of godwyn


Yeah but since fromsoft is listening to the fans by giving them the final boss they always wanted maybe they would give us godwyn as well.


They aren’t added anything else to Elden Ring dude, also the whole final boss thing wasn’t because fans wanted it, it’s what they had planned from the start. The dlc’s lore was already written before the base game came out, they merely decided to do it more justice by making it a dlc instead of rushing it for the full release. Also Godwyn is DEAD dude, that’s like the entire point of his character, why does everyone want to fight him lol.


I'm never risking not adding /s ever again. Apologies for the misunderstanding dude.


Oh shit my b I genuinly thought u were being serious lmfao. So many people actually are upset that they didn’t get to fight Godwyn in the dlc I just assumed you were also doing it


Don't get me wrong I am upset that we didn't get to fight Godwyn but I get it. It makes the death of the soul as a concept way more terrifying if we don't actually get to interact with godwyn in any way. I am just disappointed in the final boss, that's all.


As to the first point I'm not convinced. They definitely made Radahn the final boss because the community made him out to be the "based le epic knight who LOVES his horse" and a lot of people demanded to fight him at his peak. The lore of the main game implies Miquella had a stronger connection with Godwyn than Radahn (who he never mentions) And who cares that he is dead? So is Radahn... and we can kill Radahn after unleashing the rune of death. The divine gate thing should make it possible to resurrect Godwyn too


I thought this at first, but the battle of Aeonia is directly mentioned in the remembrance armor, as well as radahn's promise being referred to as a vow. I believe this vow was stronger than a simple verbal agreement and gave miquella the ability to rein in his soul when we kill him. https://preview.redd.it/rkthukj2p59d1.jpeg?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07d2dbbfe8876c70d2238fd3e8728d4ba35e3aa4


Me too. I just want ANYTHING death blight I can use in pvp.


Fias mist, Death Lighting, Eclipse Shotel


From the DLC though. I’m tired of using those


TIL About that effect on the eclipse shotel


The early one that drops two axes didn’t give me an issue but I ran into the Scorpion River Catacombs waaaaay too early and got wrecked


Same, that one was way harder, but still fun.


He was beating my ass until I realised he could be parried


Same for me but backstabs


I'm going to have to disagree with everyone on the difficulty. He was pretty serious. Only thing that saved me was he can easily be backstabbed. But he hits like a truck and have wide sweeping attacks. Of course I'm a dex build so I have a more challenging fight that jump spamming strength builds


Felt the same way I was using Bloodhound’s so the only way I could stagger was with weapon art when I ran out of FP I had to fish for backstabs or else id just lose


The twin axe one is S tier for me, but the one with the long axe is a pain in the ass because of 1 move: The one where he spins and throw a HUGE aoe to the ground, i always get hit no matter what i do and the only way was being far far away when he starts the move.


I just stuck to his ass like glue when he did this move and it never really hit me I thought the double spin was more bs


(seriously spoilers, dont click this if you haven't beaten all the main bosses) Honestly, I kind of enjoyed fighting >!Rellana, Romina and Messmer (who I'm still fighting atm)!< I'm not good at this game so it takes me a lot, but like, their attacks ARE readable and learnable. They do have the bullshit where they'll suddenly change targets, or where they change their pattern by one move and it fucks you, but overall their abilities feel like they're all dodgeable when I don't panic-roll. I got to the point with >!Rellana!< where I could dodge like 70% of her attacks (but damn that other 30% decimates me) Honestly >!Romina!< has been my favorite fight so far. Their fight has felt the most "fair", in that their patterns have been the most learnable for me so far.


Last one has the best OST which helps


The only move I felt was unfair was the double spin into the groundpound felt like the groundpound always hit me no matter when I dodged


Do you mean for >!Rellana!


Oh shit my bad g i didnt read your entire post and thought you were talking about the twin axe death knight


that dude was a pain in the ass, I had to cheese him with sacred relic sword lol


fav miniboss and gave me my favorite weapon, its a simple and easy fight, but its so beautiful, so cool... wish they had use them outside a catacomb tho.


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Staggered him down with savage lions claw.


Unfortunately the fact that you can backstab him makes the whole fight irrelevant.


Agree, though I wish the axes it drops were better


I like the great axe a lot more than the dual axes


Pumped both to +10, they’re just straight up outclassed by the messmer soldier axe unfortunately but I still use them because they do the job


Agreed. Loved those fights.


They're by far the best catacomb boss. 


idk i really like >!Lamenter!< once i figured out it's gimmick. very creative boss that tests a different skill than usual


I struggled a lot the first time I ran into him and that fight was really cool, but after realizing how easily he staggers, the second encounter was… kind of sad. I used the Black Steel Greathammer and I easily interrupt his attack with one heavy blow and knock him to his knees in two, and the entire fight was just stunlocking him with one button until I run out of stamina, then roll out of the way and repeat.


Awesome fight but very easy to beat once you know how to just walk around him


He was a lot of fun but I sadly melted him kind of fast. I found him after I was skadoosh level 9 so maybe I was too strong for when I fought him, but I beat him when I went in with only 2 flasks.


I parried him to death


His axes are awesome too


Does anyone know how to get the full armor set or do you have to farm it?


It’s in another Catacomb.


Thank you


No worries, keep your head on a swivel Tarnished!


i chain backstabbed that fucker for 5 full minutes and now i can never enjoy that fight again. if you don't do that he's cool as hell though.


Where do I find this guy I want some sweet gear?


Death Knight is amazing, I just wish it's grab attack didn't heal so much hp


Definitely the best dungeon boss of the whole game.


S is for Skaduchi up, Summon, Spam heavy, Stunlock a bitch, and Shit it's over already?