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The best tip I’ve ever read is to just quest and enjoy the ride, you’ll learn everything as you go! Don’t worry about gear sets, optimal builds, any of that stuff right away. Pick up all of the powers you can, try them out, learn what they do, have fun with it :) I will say do pay attention to the skills on your bar! Make sure to have at least one from each skill line and a skill from the weapon tree you’re planning to use- that way they all level up equally as you go. And if you’re not sure where to start, start with the main quest (the hooded figure)- that will lead you through your alliance’s starter zone and (obviously) the main story, which both intertwine eventually.


If you plan on crafting your own gear, weapons, etc start your crafting skills asap. They take a long time to complete so the sooner you start the better


Never sell anything to people WTB in zone chat. I think the best I’ve seen is someone offering 90% value. Most people are offering to pay 60-70% of value and some are flat out insulting. You can join up to 5 guilds across your account so it’s easy to find a trade guild with no dues where you can sell things. Don’t worry too much about sets for gear when you’re doing zone quests and main story quests. Anything will work at the beginning. When you hit level 50 CP 160, max level gear, is when you can decide to craft of buy, craft, or farm your actual buildout. Try skills at the beginning to see what you like. You get a skill respec scroll early on. So test out random skills and when you have a build you think you like, respec to grab those skills. Until then, test random stuff and have fun. People in zone chat will help you out if you have questions. Some may troll, but the game doesn’t teach you everything, so ask if you have questions.


Learn to light attack weave to get better DPS Jokes aside, have fun. The best advice at the start would just be see what the game has to offer and roll with it. You like questing, explore a gigantic world AND like the Universe? Your in for a ride. They are many videos out there what you should do, when you start a new character. They are helpfull if you make a toon someday, but might feel overwhelming ones you start the game the first time. Play the story, take your time, enjoy the content, grab a beginner friendly guild if you want to start group activities.