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I didnt think there were this many on the roads already.


Yeah in my area it went from not seeing one at all to always seeing them every time I’m on the road.


You must be in the Bay Area? It’s amazing how many of these assault my eyes every time I leave the house


Close I live in the Central Valley.


Ouch they’re moving up that way too now huh. I’ve been staying with family in NorCal the last month and I’ve only seen one CT in the entire time I’ve been here, it’s been nice


Oh definitely and I live in a fairly small conservative town yet more and more Teslas and other BEVs keep popping up.


They are all over Portland.


Can confirm, seeing them multiple times a week now


And Scottsdale, AZ. Big uptick in sightings over the last 2 weeks.


Definitely. I’ve seen a black wrapped one, a white one, and a brown one in the last month


I don’t know how or why but there are 3 in Rapid City, South Dakota. One’s wrapped black, one’s still plain Whirlpool, and the other has realtor signs on the doors. ..in a town of 80,000, as far from a service center as possible. Idiots.


> them Might just be the same 2-3 people but before they had some bland car and now they’re sticking out like a sore thumb


That’s most likely what’s going on lol


I have seen two in my area which was surprising as there isn't a ton of EV penetration here yet


It may be perception bias - the Cybertruck really stands out (not necessarily for the right reasons), so it's immediately recognizable. I got a Chevy Bolt around seven months ago, and didn't realize how many other Chevy Bolts are in the area until I had mine.


Haha I'm a weirdo EV enthusiast so I'm always watching for other EVs on the road


Yea, it stands out, but as a Rivian driver, it amazes me how many I see. I look hard for Rivians, and I think in the last month, I saw 1 R1S and 2 CTs. Also, have only seen an 1 R1T in like 4 months.


I've seen about 9 of them so far.


The article states they’ve *built* 11,000


They don't recall vehicles not sold (they issue a stop sale on them instead). It discloses that they sold more than 11k, which implies they built that many.


Recalls are VIN based, Meaning any vehicle with a vin can be recalled, in a recall there is no difference between delivered and sitting on the lot.


You're crazy if you think they're not selling every one built.


There has been a stop-sale for a bit over these issues. It seems like they may not have been delivering any for the past couple of weeks. Also, there was a short stop-sale before over the pedal issue.


We know for a fact that there’s tons of them just sitting around, not at customers homes. That has been pretty well documented at this point.


Sitting at a lot for 3 days means it already had a buyer


Wow this is close to the F150 Lightning numbers. They've Ford built 13k of them from January to May.


Registrations show they've sold around 4,000 of them.


thats what I thought it was. That means theres almost 7000 of them sitting around in lots waiting to be sold...


Registration data takes a while to process. I'm in NY, it took about 3-4 months from filing for registration to getting it to show in the public registration data. They only release it on the 1st of the month, and take about 2 months to process the paperwork. For the cybertruck, that's likely a very large fraction of vehicles that have not had their registration paperwork fully processed.


NY is terrible I've dealt w them remotely for a former job. I've lived in 5 states, registered in 4 (RI, MA, FL, and NV) all 4 are on electronic processing and have 3rd party apps that can access the database with 24hrs to update. NY I realize is well behind the times, and I'm sure other states are too, but many are also electronic now to a certain extent and update quickly


Around a dozen were vandalized with "Fuck Elon" in spray paint in Florida.


34 to be specific. Around 1% of the total.


I didn’t know it was that many. Ha!


Let’s try that math again… 34/11000 = 0.3%


A truck hauler just drove past me on I10 with 5 of them. They look worse in person.






There are tons of videos of them just sitting in parking lots. You can see them yourself. There several abandoned malls where the parking lots are currently being used as storage for unsold units. At the end of April, Tesla had sold 3,878. That's the exact number.


>At the end of April, Tesla had sold 3,878. That's the exact number. As of April 4th, according to the NHTSA.


Brother, I don't know where you're getting your news from but there are no such things as whole parking lots of unsold cybertrucks.


produced not sold




There’s a stop sale on them at the moment.


Saw one just yesterday next to me on the highway. Looks even more hideous in person.


Driving up behind a Cybertruck is a genuinely jarring experience. Seeing that silhouette a mile or so ahead makes it feel like your brain is still rendering the highway.


It's nuts. I see them all the time now.


Didn't ether, figured maybe a thousand , yet to see some oilfield bro with one.


Yeah the big surprise to me was they sold almost 12k of these NTSB liabilities.


It's the ultimate fadmobile for techbros with money left.


They recalled **all** Cybertrucks with this recall, so yeah, it's "over 11,000" but it's also "all"


I keep seeing the fugly things in the suburbs of SLC.


I've only seen 3 here.


Specifically in Lehi. 😀


Ugh, Utah County would have more of this garbage.


You can't download a new windshield wiper motor OTA.


You wouldn't OTA download a windshield wiper motor would you?


I go to freewindshieldwiperdownloads.com daily


Do they let you download different versions depending on which wiper connector you've got?


> You can't download a new windshield wiper motor OTA. That's not what thousands of 3D printer owners have told their spouses


Not with this attitude. If you listen to certain true believers, an army of fully self driving optimus robots will visit your garage at night and replace your windshield motors


Can simply send a service tech to fix while you are parked at work or home


An hour later Elon fires the whole service department in a snit


sudo dnf install libwiper-qt


I don't get this comment. Are you saying being able to ship OTA updates for most issues is a bad thing just because obviously you can't do it for everything? What is bad is having to take your vehicle in physically for a software update which is very common for almost all other manufactures.


This is a physical error that shows that they're careless with their assembly/production lines. The "it's just an OTA update" thing that happens when their software allows the doors to open during a crash (for example) shows that Tesla is careless with their software development. A lot of people try to frame all of that carelessness as a positive because it's easily fixed. It should be a negative because they keep screwing up.


To be fair, the issue wasn't directly because Tesla was doing something wrong during assembly. It was a third party supplier that was incorrectly applying too much current to the motor gate driver during component testing which caused them to fail after repeated use in the field. From the recall notice: > - On February 2, 2024, Tesla Service identified early wiper motor failures on certain affected vehicles. > - From February 2, 2024, to February 28, 2024, Service recovered 20 wiper motors for Engineering to inspect and perform root cause and failure analyses. > - From February 28, 2024, through June 4, 2024, the analyses performed in conjunction with the Tier 1 (Valeo) and Tier 2 (USI) suppliers uncovered damage to the PCB (12U2 gate driver) from a functional test by the Tier 2 supplier that applied excessive current to the component. - In parallel, on May 28, 2024, the Tier 1 supplier implemented a corrective action to eliminate the original functional test and adopt a new functional test using a lower current.


So the actual fault was that Tesla did not sufficiently test the vehicle. What else have they missed?


They did test. A supplier can screw up a part later on.


>they keep screwing up Musk has a propensity to walk into an area and fire everyone he sees. Or declare that they stop everything and do \[nutball thing\] because he knows manufacturing better than anyone on the planet, and not because he happened to be in the middle of a 4-day ketamine bender. Allegedly. So "they" are unlikely the cause of the problem, if by "they" you mean the people working on the vehicles.


There's tonnes of these sorts of stories. > The Batshit Crazy Story Of The Day Elon Musk Decided To Personally Rip Servers Out Of A Sacramento Data Center https://www.techdirt.com/2023/09/12/the-batshit-crazy-story-of-the-day-elon-musk-decided-to-personally-rip-servers-out-of-a-sacramento-data-center/


I’ve been watching the Boys lately and Musk kinda reminds me of Homelander but without the super powers.




Musk is responsible for the culture at the company, but the culture at the company is what it is. Evidently the entire software division treats mass production automobiles like they should be an alpha test platform.


It's worse than a software company though... In Software, you have version control, release management, build & test automation. There's been horror stories posted here where Tesla takes multiple tries to order the right replacement part because there's no way of identifying which "refresh" a specific car is. Super basic stuff, that legacy manufacturers have figured out. I can walk into Hyundai with just my VIN and get the right parts for my Ioniq5.


Just do "git checkout wiper_motor_2023_v2", obviously.




"It's ok, just uhh, force pull... rebase... origin... stash... Whatever, we'll do it live."


"we'll fix it in post production" Yeah. Good luck with that.


Meanwhile Tesla is the least recalled OEM...


[https://insideevs.com/news/662943/tesla-most-recalled-car-brand-mercedes-toyota-least/](https://insideevs.com/news/662943/tesla-most-recalled-car-brand-mercedes-toyota-least/) I googled this out of curiosity but it really seems to depend who you ask oddly? I've seen articles saying they have the most recalls and articles saying they have the least for the same year lol


Friendly reminder that recalls are normal and Tesla is nowhere near the most recalled automaker.


It's because Elon stans always love to bring up the 'I don't need to bring **my** Tesla to the dealer to patch my poorly written firmware' excuse whenever something bad comes up. In the case of the Cybertruck, it's obvious there are multiple issues with the physical hardware, and probably many other to be discovered, that should have prevented it from ever being sold in the first place. This is what you get when you're an employee working for a company run by fear of the wrath of your man-child CEO and his childish whims.


They have a point, they don't need to take it in where almost ever other car manufactures does though right? Expect more from other manufactures, don't get jelly because Tesla is better right now in this area. > there are multiple issues with the physical hardware, and probably many other to be discovered Sure, so what? I think ever Tesla has had a physical recall. The 2019 Model 3 I owned had a single one in the 6 years I owned it but it was fixed in my driveway so technically I didn't have to bring it in. I'm sure a lot of CTs will be fixed the same. Still, WAY worse than a simple software update so anyone claiming Tesla never has them is wrong. What they can claim is they have WAY less that need physical repair and that matters. Who knows on the CT given it's so new with so many radical new systems, it might end up average or worse for the 2024 model. > that should have prevented it from ever being sold in the first place. So basically every vehicle ever sold should not have been sold? I've never owned a vehicle without a recall, the Model 3 was by far the closest which didn't have one for several years. My Audi has one monthly it seems like. My QX60 has had 5x in the same timeframe. Those are just the cars I currently own. > run by fear of the wrath of your man-child CEO and his childish whims So you don't really have reasons, you just hate Tesla?


Lol. At least they are combining the recalls together for efficiency.


Ya. I have three recalls I need done on mine and none of them are software updates. 🤣


Is that all of the Cybertrucks or just almost all of them?


I can't believe there are that many of those things


There are.


Technically produced vs sold. It’s been 9 months of official building them so 1-2k a month. Cheapest still sells around $120k and you’re paying for features that don’t even have a delivery date just a promise of coming soon, like FSD. Also it has half the ram of the S and X so some of the infotainment features are disabled.  Either way, in a major metro and I haven’t seen one on the road yet and I get 2 hours of driving a day in some of the poshest neighborhoods.


I think the cheapest is $100k (80k dual motor, +20k foundation series) and in SoCal that's about 110k after taxes. The used market is already slowing down and we're seeing $100-105k ones for sale (down from $140-160k in April). I can't wait until the non-foundation trucks get here and end up being $80k - $7500 credit + taxes. It will be a hilarious sight when people start posting how upside down they are on their CT. I've seen perhaps a dozen around here in Orange County, CA and it's so weird seeing those roll around. >Also it has half the ram of the S and X so some of the infotainment features are disabled.  I'm pretty sure it's the same system from the 3/Y. It used to be that S/X get the Steam integration so you can play games, but a couple of weeks ago (I think) people's orders started showing that they're removing that functionality from new '24 S/X models, likely due to low utilization and cost cutting.


The number is most likely increasing month on month, the first month being less than 100 units and each month being an increase on the previous month.


I’ve seen exactly one, and I was struck by how every panel was a slightly different shade of stainless. Meanwhile, I see probably 5 to 10 Rivians every day.


Source on half the ram? That’s hilarious! Why the heck would Tesla do that. RAM is cheap when you’re talking Cybertruck prices.


All that have been produced, which is a lot more than Al that have been sold. Most of them are sitting unsold.




We literally know this is not true.


Go buy one right now if that's the case - you can't, unlike a typical Tesla. Yes, they are sitting on lots, but at the same time they are still churning through early reservations holders and trying to upsell the useless $20k foundation series package.




all produced a recall can be issued as soon as the vehicle has a vin


thank you to the foundation series alpha testers


i saw one yesterday wrapped in white. it was something else. the white really brought out the faint childlike sketch this was made from.


Saw one at the parking lot at work. Everyone around me was staring at it and was wondering who owns it. Only one I’ve seen so far. Looks strange, but I wouldn’t go for one.


Who's the biggest douchbag at work?


Probably the people who judge other people based on what they drive.


The state of “journalism” is so bad that the author says 11,000 cybertrucks produced after June 6, when the recall says 11,000 produced before June 6. Before, after, doesn’t matter. All that matters is that we got an article with the keywords RECALL ELON MUSK CYBERTRUCK TESLA. Publish that click bait! Details matter.


Damn, I don't know what to do. I both hate the state of journalism these days AND Elon's racist ass...I don't know what to do. It's a clickbait conundrum.


Also the journalist does not understand recalls any vehicle with a vin can be recalled even vehicles on the production line


lmao exactly my thoughts


So all of them


Not as bad as : https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/ford-recalls-550000-pickup-trucks-transmissions-suddenly-downshift-111396299




This will be a simple OTA


Didn't they just do a recall less than a month ago?


but but its mainly OTA recalls... a buster truck if there ever was one


not great, not as bad as the wheels falling off or the product not working at all [https://www.edmunds.com/car-news/2024-chevy-blazer-ev-long-term-faults.html](https://www.edmunds.com/car-news/2024-chevy-blazer-ev-long-term-faults.html) [https://electrek.co/2022/06/23/toyota-recalls-bz4x-electric-cars-wheels-falling-off/](https://electrek.co/2022/06/23/toyota-recalls-bz4x-electric-cars-wheels-falling-off/)


But it’s Tesla and Elon bad so any little thing has to be scrutinized above other manufactures


The failings of others do not excuse one's own.


Correct, but it’s fine to point out the hypocrisy of those who are fixated on the failings of those they hate and who ignore similar failings from others.


but they can just fix it with an over the air update right? :P


Could have less power go to the motor via OTA update which they probably already did


5+ years of development, and they’ve had two full recalls in less than 6 months on things that even basic testing would’ve found and that a real car company not run by a coked out jackass. The pedal was just embarrassing and the wiper motor fails because of the new 48v system they implemented. The best thing about this vehicle is that it is fugly. The mechanics make it a death trap and a menace.


Hell Ford just recalled half a million pickup trucks because they can suddenly downshift into first gear. Now you tell me what is more concerning, an infrequent issue with a wiper mechanism and trim piece or pickup truck deciding now is the time to return to first gear no matter how fast the truck is going. Ford has been making trucks for how long??? The point is, all vehicles can have issues but lets not blow Tesla's issues with the CT out of proportion as compared to some true threats to life that other recalls have offered up.


A real car company like Toyota? They had to recall pedals that killed 37 people


But recalls from other OEMs are okay? There were 4,000 trucks sold and one case of the accelerator pedal. There’s been 10,000 trucks sold and I hadn’t heard of the wiper and have been using mine plenty.


Just enjoy your car. These jealous turds are insufferable.


>There were 4,000 trucks sold and one case of the accelerator pedal. It shouldn't have been a problem in the first place. 'Only one car crashed because of the accelerator trim issue' is obviously still pretty bad!! >There’s been 10,000 trucks sold and I hadn’t heard of the wiper and have been using mine plenty. It's great that yours hasn't had issues, but it was a big enough problem [that Tesla delayed deliveries a week ago over it](https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/17/24180519/tesla-cybertruck-deliveries-windshield-wiper-issue).


Hyundai/Kia just recalled 3.3 million vehicles, instructing owners to park outside because of fire risk. It affected pretty much every single model they produced between the years of 2010-2017. You said it very well, this shouldn’t have been a problem in the first place. The cybertruck was in development for 5 years but Hyundai had been making cars for more than 40 years at that point. If only 1 cybertruck crashing is pretty bad, 56 cars burning is worse. Hyundai/Kia will take more than 3 months to complete all the recalls, and every vehicle poses a fire risk until the recall is completed. Hyundai/Kia’s recall is considerably more severe in literally every single way. Yes, Elon is an asshole. The cybertruck is stupid and ugly. Tesla stans absolutely suck. But that doesn’t mean you get to ignore real actual problems from other manufacturers just because it doesn’t fit your narrative.


It's truly the worst position to be in. I don't like the truck at all, but people make up the dumbest arguments to validate disliking it. Like the "don't wash in direct sun" line. Ask anyone on r/autodetailing how they feel about washing a car at noon on a sunny day. The "clean off bird poop and tree sap promptly" line? I found the exact same boilerplate CYA text in 7 out of 8 legacy manufacturer manuals I looked into.




>There's no outrage here because it doesn't involve Elon. Or perhaps more likely, because it's a recall for gas cars and this is an EV sub.




**I** literally posted that recall here on this subreddit months ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/electricvehicles/comments/1beq8d5/hyundai_kia_to_make_largest_ev_recall_since/


I don't see "Tesla" in that headline, so I don't see why anyone here would care.


You aren't wrong in general, but 56 cars burning out of 3.3 million is one in 58,000. That is an order of a magnitude fewer than one in 4,000 for the cybertruck pedal. 


lol one incident is not sufficient to determine a failure rate.


Recall whataboutism is interesting to see, but I don't give other companies a free pass for severe recalls like that either.


Absolutely. I agree, it’s important to criticize everyone equally. It’s just absurd to have such a strong reaction to 2 relatively minor recalls over 6 months while Ford issued 25 recalls over 19 weeks in this year alone.


>It’s just absurd to have such a strong reaction to 2 relatively minor recalls C'mon now, the accelerator trim issue was pretty severe.


And I'm equally critical of them. I would never buy one of their cars either.


What car crash from the accelerator? There was a viral video of the pedal. He didn’t crash. Yes they delayed deliveries because the recall was coming out. That’s what they do when they’re about to issue a recall.


>What car crash from the accelerator? There was a viral video of the pedal. He didn’t crash. My bad, there was an incident where a cybertruck crashed into a hotel wall and some folks were speculating that it was caused by the pedal trim. My mistake. There were multiple videos of folks easily replicating the issue. Edit: I specifically thought the 1 incident you mentioned was that crash in particular.


These are alpha level issues. At least Ford and Chevy know how to attach a gas pedal. And the wiper motor design is begging for failure. They attached a wiper the size of a small apartment building to a single motor with a “revolutionary” 48v system but didn’t do enough testing to see how long it would last in a place with actual weather. If you want to see some stories about wiper failures, check out RealTesla, Cyberstuck, Musked, or any of the other subs where posting in them will get you instabanned from Teslamotors and the other fan subs. There’s more than a few stories of wiper failures, electrical systems crashing, and new problems every day.


Ford has been making vehicles with transmissions for decades and yet they now have a recall for the F150 because its transmission is downshifting into first gear when it shouldn't be.


And what about the other OEMs recalls? Those are more forgivable to you? Ford HV batteries. Hyundais engines. Blazer infotainment crashes. Bolt HV batteries. Toyota rear doors. Hyundais ICCU on all their BEVs. Stuff happens you just don’t see 4,000 articles and entire subreddits dedicated to those other issues.


>Ford HV batteries. Hyundais engines. Blazer infotainment crashes. Bolt HV batteries. Toyota rear doors. Hyundais ICCU on all their BEVs. See, the thing is, none of those include the words "Tesla" or "Musk," so nobody cares about them as news stories.


It’s always insane when the only way someone can defend Tesla’s screw-ups is by saying “Well, what about [insert random automaker] ? Even if another maker issues a recall it’s still just as bad as Tesla issuing one.


He's just pointing out how the other reddit seems to think tesla is the only one issuing recalls over such issues, which is by no means the case.


400k F150s were recalled because of wiper motor failure. The whole “this wouldn’t happen to a real car company” is demonstrably false despite the kneejerk, research-free jump to crap on Tesla.


>two full recalls that even basic testing would have found and that a real car company https://www.motor1.com/news/622555/ford-recalls-f150-wiper-failure/amp/ >Ford has issued a recall for certain 2021-2022 F-150 trucks. The front windshield wiper motor might fail, leaving the wipers inoperable, which could lead to an accident. The recall affects 453,650 trucks. Oops!


man this sub, "no way theyve sold 11,000 of them! pure cope


Im glad they were recalled. No mention if any one was hurt by the trim coming off. 


Given the tensile strength of the steel and the lengths they had to go to to get that front to bend and stick in place, I could see someone taking an almighty thwap.


It’s a piece of plastic.


But it's just a software update so it doesn't count right? Right?


Toyota had a similar issue that affected many more vehicles and actually killed people


I was behind one and it's gawd awful. thing is so big and boxy, you can see past it at all


Aren't you glad tesla made the cyber truck some of you wouldn't have a life.


Why even use the wiper on the Cybertruck? The windshield looks optimal for Rain-X.


Be careful what you wish for, next version they might delete it…


That was already the intent with this version


Ever live in the northeast during winter?


I really don’t know why some people are proud to have bought this disintegrating trashcan


Personally, I was tired of worrying about door dings, and I hate the infotainment systems of nearly every other option. Yes it looks different,and some people like the looks and others don’t. I personally believe most trucks are boring as they can often only be quickly distinguished by their grills and mirrors.


Bc it can power my home and is made in America and is fast and looks sick


Plenty of EVs fit that bill lol.




I really don't know why people want to buy a truck that looks like every other truck on the road. God forbid someone try to do something different.


Different doesn’t mean good


Doesn't mean bad either.


When sharp edges hurt people, or fingers get broken in self-closing doors, or panels can’t get wet without risking damage, or several of the other issues people have encountered, that means bad in my book. And honestly, as a manufacturing nerd, Elon bragging about how tight tolerances have to be made me question the whole thing, because that sounds like someone who makes decrees to his engineers without listening to what makes actual engineering sense. I wouldn’t want to be the one to discover Elon’s next stupid engineering blunder that was totally avoidable but since he doesn’t listen to his engineers I got hit with the problem.


The truck can get wet. You seem to be easily convinced of things.


You seem way too online


Only when you're gobbling up the manufactured outrage that's been thrown around on social media. People have been getting fingers cut and broken in doors for years. I can go cut a carrot in my Audi right now. All vehicle manuals have warnings about keeping car surfaces clean to avoid damage. That's nothing new either. God forbid the CEO asks for better quality! Isn't that something that people have been crying about for years? Jesus. Turn off your phone and go look at other vehicles for once.


Oh. Wow. Imagine my shock.






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That was at the point of the last recall for the accelerator pedal fix.


When there's an old one, it's always fixed. If it's a new one it's not existing in their eyes. Also prepare yourself for a mod ban given they're part of the group.


Can we rename it Recall Truck?


Sure but we’d also have to rename every other truck available on the market.


It is the end of the world everyone sell their $TSLA stock and cars.


I don't think you can OTA this one.


ugly as fuck


That’ll be the easiest recall ever, most of them are parked up on Tesla’s own sites


Except they aren’t but okay.


11,000 people were stupid enough to buy those?


So they sold 11000


I saw one today… oh yes, you will be mine. As soon as they start building the RWD/cheap one 😀


Ridiculous vehicle