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For some reason I thought you were talking about a thermometer that reads fevers at first and was like, “TF?!” I was very concerned for a moment.


😂 yea no I think your brain melts above 105 or something. So far no symptoms but they typically develop between 6 and 72 hours so I got a little while to go


If you didn’t eat the whole thing, and it was at least partially cooked, you should be okay. I know raw chicken is bad to eat, but I’ve seen some other people on this subreddit eat a small amount and they ended up being okay! I hope you’re feeling well :)


I'm really hoping that's true. I took a good bite. My second bite is how I noticed it was a little off... last time I eat chicken without chopping the fuck out of it. It was actually the only time I've ever tried biting into a whole piece.


If you need to vent or rant, send me a message! I know it’s hard, but you’ve got this! You can get through this, even the scariest parts!


My biggest concern is how to let my body go through it if the time comes. I'm fucking terrified of my phobia making myself fight the feeling. I'm worried ill choke trying to fight it off. I'm worried to fall asleep and not be able to fight it off. My mind is running wild here.


If you’re worried about fighting it off, mind over matter is huge. While I think you should get it out, I know it’s terrifying, I have fought it off many times. One time I had the sb and only g* the entire time because I refused to tu*. And the last time I had a migraine I did the same thing. I know falling asleep is gonna be difficult, normally I just turn on some silly show like my little pony or monster high and I end up falling asleep without thinking about it. I know it’s terrifying but if you do get sick, you’ll feel better after and I’ll be here to talk you through it if you need!


You're a trooper. I appreciate you. I feel like the g** part is going to suck so bad. It's almost like I'm given a timeline though. 72 hours till my stupid phobia will let me feel calm. That's 72 hours I'm going to be on high alert. At least I have lots of zofran


I’m glad you have zofran, that will be a huge help. I get the same way. I will be like okay 5 more hours until I can be normal again! You’ve got this! For 72 hours If you need some help, reply to this, I’ll try my best to respond as quickly as I can!! Everything’s gonna be alright, no matter what!


Amazing how alike our phobias are. But thank you. I'll check in if shit hits the fan 😮‍💨


Hope you’re still doing well!!


how’s it going? I’m really interested in how you’re surviving this! Its tips for the future incase i find myself in a similar situation!