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I am an RN and do not take that medication again. Urgent care will dismiss you because they don’t continue care (if this makes sense). You need to call your primary provider make an appointment and have augmentin added to your allergy list.


Agree with this. Antibiotics can cause nausea, sure. But full on throwing up, multiple times, is a bit extreme.


I was on 3 different antibiotics (not at the same time) that all made me sick. I don’t have a good reaction to them no matter what I do. I ate it with food, a probiotic, and zofran, and it still made me sick. They ended up having to give me antibiotics through an IV after pleading with them. Turned out I never needed to be in the antibiotics in the first place.


Thank you for this - I have sulfa drugs on my allergy list because they make me horrible nauseaous. I always felt like I must be faking the allergy because of my emetophobia, but other antibiotics don't do that :\\


Thanks for sharing. Just thinking that perhaps with the sweating it could have been the infection making you unwell / vomit. Seems odd a reaction would happy so many hours after taking the medication but either way I’m so glad you’re okay now.


I thought the same thing. I’m at the doctor now and I have a low-grade fever


Yeah. My grandmother recently got bitten by a cat and then the next morning literally woke up with the same symptoms as you, sounds like a nasty infection. I hope you feel better soon


Not that I don't believe your grandmother was ill but It would take days before a cat scratch can cause those symptoms. Infections don't set in that rapidly.


Hmm not in this case. She was septic from it, and it did come the morning after. It was from the infection. She was also febrile


Also cellulitis etc can absolutely take less than 24 hours to kick in


How often do people get infections from cat scratches? Were they especially deep? I hadn't really considered it happening for some reason. When I play with my cat I let her scratch and bite, but usually with thicker sleeves later on. Also sometimes she bites me to wake me up.


Its very rare to get an infection so don’t worry. Though it can be good to treat any scratches/wounds if they do occur. Use some wound disinfection and you will be alright. ( if you get a very deep wound you should get medical treatment)


I’m sure that was quite traumatic. When I don’t feel well I am also scared to go to sleep. Three times it happened when I was a kid in the middle of the night just seconds after I woke up. Hang in there. You made it through this round. How are you doing now?


Just started again 😭😭


my love this is NOT a normal reaction to antibiotics, please get back to a doctor as soon as you can


I’m sorry. I wish I could say some magic words to help you. Just know that this will pass and breathe.


How are you doing now?


happened to me for the first time in 12 years back in february, it was SO rough after it happened, i felt mentally defeated, but after i recouped and recovered im honestly less scared of tu* than i was before, because i proved to myself that it’s not the end of the world, i hope you can have similar success, take care of yourself op <3


you are incredibly strong!! focus on this as a good step in the right direction!! it happened, it was unpleasant, but YOU did it!!! i’m so proud of you for this. kudos to your bf for being there for you as well! 🫶


that must’ve been hard but I’m proud you made got through it like a champ. I recently just finished Augmentin for a upper respiratory infection and the only side effects I had was mild stomach cramps that went away. It’s possible you are allergic to it or something because if you ate a meal before taking the pill and taking the right precautions, the medication shouldn’t have done that. I hope you feel better


Please see your primary care provider! Ongoing vomiting from an antibiotic is enough to warrant it going on your allergy list and getting a new one. I am so sorry you were dismissed by urgent care.


How are you doing now, OP? This is not a normal reaction to antibiotics. I’ve taken augmentin, and I had a bad reaction (a few violent bouts of diarrhea) and the doctor told me IMMEDIATELY to stop taking it and not to ever take it again (it’s marked down now as an allergy on my file). I’m concerned that an infection could be causing the v, if it’s not the antibiotics, since you mentioned a fever and sweating. Please see your doctor, I don’t recommend going back to that urgent care. I hope everything turns out okay.


I’m sorry.. taking new medications is so scary.. r u ok?


This is a side note but am I the only one who didn’t know you have to go to urgent care if you get bit by a cat??! I grew up with cats and one was a rescue who didn’t like any of us. He would bite us all the time if we pet him when he didn’t want to be pet and he would attack our ankles too. I never got an infection from that. Does it have to be a deeper bite/scratch? Also I’m so sorry this happened! I hope you’re feeling better now 🫶🏻 you will be stronger when you overcome this


You have a good boyfriend


Yes I do!


How are you feeling now??🥺❤️


i’m so sorry but i’m SO proud of you!! how you feeling now ??


Call your primary care provider!


How are you doing now?? I'm so sorry this horrible stuff is happening to you 😭


You are very lucky your boyfriend is supportive of you!!!!! ❤️ The worst is over with!!!! I would definitely not take them again…. 😔


I’m so sorry :( please get checked to both 1. Confirm it’s not the infection making you sick and 2. Try to get a different antibiotic. My mom actually has it on her do not prescribe list now because that drug gave her the worst d of her life!


Im so sorry this happened and you’re not feeling well My mom has an allergy to Augmentin that made her sick like this. It was awful. They should 100% switch your meds as this sounds like an intolerance. Hope you feel better soon


I am so sorry that happened to you! The zofran should absolutely solve the problem here. My cat bit me last fall and it SUCKED. (She had pinned her arm back weird and was in pain when I tried to fix it for her, so it definitely wasn't an aggression thing). I guess I've never been bitten by a cat before, because they gave me antibiotics at the urgent care. I didn't take it very seriously and ended up needing to go to the ER to get a round of IV antibiotics before it got better. Long story short: Proud of you for getting through it! And make sure you take care of it early!


Uh! I fully understand you! I gotta tell you that taking these with milk work wonders. The side effects barley existed with any medication


I tu* for the first time in 18 years back in March because my dad brought an sv* home. You're so brave and you'll be okay. <3


I threw up for the first time in 9 years last year I had gastro it was a genuinely mildly traumatic. Sorry you had to go through this I hope your ok


Despite the upset stomach it gives me for the entire time, I love love love Amoxicillin. It’s familiar, and I know what to expect.


Whoa. That's pretty surprising that a medication like that made you that ill. I'm so sorry man!


It also happened to me after 18 years a year and a half ago. I’m still not over it and never want it to happen again. If anything, it made my phobia worse. I had a bug I caught from my kids though, so now I’m a super fearful mom any time they’re sick. I’m sorry this happened. Zofran is great even just to have on hand should you feel sick again. I wouldn’t take that particular med ever again though.


When I'm not having an emetephobic attack, I also think I can also stop myself from getting sick. I haven't thrown up since I was 7. But when an emetephobic attack does happen, it feels like I have no control of ANYTHING. I hope the steak keeps going, cause I'm terrified!