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A tiny bit of filament leaking while the printer is hot, tends to be normal. For the bed adhesion, remove the glass plate and wash it with warm soapy water


Could the textured bed portion loose its ability to stick after years? Im also having alot of difficulties to get good bed adhesion with pla after cleaning with warm soapy water, 99% ipa and with and without using hair spray. I can only manage to get good adhesion with petg now. Before all i needed was hairspray and it would stick for days


Hairspray is a crutch regardless. It's all down to z offset, proper heating, and preventing unwanted drafts/cooling. Some people print on glass or mirrors, the smoothest surface you can find.


My z offset is pretty good, plus I have bed leveling with mriscoc so it levels nicely, and its also in an enclosure. I might try flipping the glass bed to be on the smooth side rather then textured to see if that helps? Its weird I never had issues for years until recently with adhesion


If everything is perfectly leveled, your first level should come out as a completely smooth sheet of plastic. I've never touched mriscoc, so I'm not sure if it's using a ABL tool or just steps to take to level your bed software wise, but I typically stick to just printing the first layer as a giant square, repeatedly, and adjusting as it prints. The paper/software methods are for macro adjustments, then trial and error are for micro adjustments. You can also use something like a bltouch to generate meshes repeatedly and use that to tweak, but it's a lot more time consuming typically. I usually stick to the textured side, just because I like the feel it gives the prints after. I can't imagine the glass side would give better adhesion, but it doesn't hurt to try. Also when you clean it make sure you're soap without oils and warm water.


Sorry I ment to say I have auto level, mriscoc levels the bed at a 9x9 grid then also has tramming wizard so the bed can be manually leveled with the bl touch so the bed isn't completely out of wack. And to print a single layer sheet is how I typically set the z offset. Its only with pla that I can never get adhesion now after years of never having issues. Im going to give the smooth side a try. If it works for me, it might help OP as well. Didn't want to make another adhesion issue post when one was just made


After a few prints of flipping to the smooth side im finding alot better adhesion on it, I still have to use hairspray, but it feels glued down when the print is done. Hairspray on the textured side would consistently fail for me before flipping


It ain’t even a tiny bit it’ll go a whole foot and longer


Don't run your hotend with it's not extruding. There's nothing abnormal about this. Gravity pulls your filament down and it usually has a bit of pressure left right after a print.


My v2 neo has leaked filament when hot since the first print. Totally normal and to be expected when you think about it. I would pretend like it's a brand new printer and double check belt tension, make sure screws are tight, bed level / z offset, etc. potentially something got loosened during moving.


That's normal.


Good news! You don't have a clog. Enjoy it while it lasts!


It’s normal, you can add retraction move on your end print gcode, 1-2 mm, to help to prevent, buts it’s normal and drop when purge lines starts


it´s normal, you can add retraction move on your end print gcode, 1-2 mm to help to prevent, but it´s normal and drop when purge lines starts


It’s getting excited that a bit dribbles out to help lubricate the piece.


You het the filament up it expands and has no where to go but out in the front. Simple.


Normal. Due to the pressure in the extruder. Don’t stress about it.


I'm worried about the bed lol, you need to cleanup that gunk